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Business Information Systems Staff Listing
Dr Eoin Whelan
Contact Details
Business Info Systems Group
J.E Cairnes School Of Business
& Economics Room 361
University of Galway
E: eoin.whelan@universityofgalway.ie

Research Interests
Research Projects
Project | Start Date | End Date | |
RADBOUD JOINT PhD | 04-SEP-17 | 03-SEP-21 | |
Investigating the link between Enterprise Social Media, Individual Capabilites and Information Overload | 01-NOV-15 | 01-JUN-18 | |
Contract Researchers
Researcher Name | Project | Role | Funding Body | |
Dr. Najmul Islam | Overload | Research on IRC New Horizons projects which examines communication overload in the workplace. |
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2024) | 'Examining the impact of mobile gambling harm minimisation features: a dualistic model of passion perspective'
Whelan, E; Morvannou, A; Ma, X; James, R; Clohessy, T; Turel, O. (2024) 'Examining the impact of mobile gambling harm minimisation features: a dualistic model of passion perspective'. European Journal Of Information Systems, [Details] |
(2024) | 'Does Self-View Mode Generate more Video Conferencing Fatigue in Women than Men? An Experiment using EEG Signals'
Xu, J; Whelan, E; O'Brien; O'Hora, D. (2024) 'Does Self-View Mode Generate more Video Conferencing Fatigue in Women than Men? An Experiment using EEG Signals'. Cyberpsychology Behavior And Social Networking, [Details] |
(2024) | 'Beyond Lazy; External Locus of Control as an Alternative Explanation for the Privacy Paradox'
Whelan, E; Lang, M; Butler, M. (2024) 'Beyond Lazy; External Locus of Control as an Alternative Explanation for the Privacy Paradox'. Internet Research, [Details] |
(2024) | 'Personal use of smartphones in the workplace and work-life conflict: A natural quasi-experiment'
Whelan, E; Turel, O. (2024) 'Personal use of smartphones in the workplace and work-life conflict: A natural quasi-experiment'. Internet Research, [Details] |
(2023) | 'Examining technostress and its impact on worker well-being in the digital gig economy'
Umair, A; Conboy, K; Whelan, E. (2023) 'Examining technostress and its impact on worker well-being in the digital gig economy'. Internet Research, 33 (7):206-242 [DOI] [Details] |
(2022) | '`You're still on mute'. A study of video conferencing fatigue during the COVID-19 pandemic from a technostress perspective'
Tuah Anh, L.E; Whelan, E; Umair, A (2022) '`You're still on mute'. A study of video conferencing fatigue during the COVID-19 pandemic from a technostress perspective'. Behaviour & Information Technology, https://doi.org/10.1080/0144929X.2022.2095304 [Details] |
(2022) | 'The effect of advice network connectedness on problem-solving competence among software developers'
Matthew O Ajimati; Eoin Whelan; Rick Aalbers; Lorraine Morgan; Hans van Kranenburg (2022) 'The effect of advice network connectedness on problem-solving competence among software developers'. Journal Of Systems And Software, 194 (111489) [Details] |
(2022) | 'How Technostress and Self-Control of Social Networking Sites affect Academic Achievement and Wellbeing'
Whelan, E.; Golden, W.; Tarafdar, M. (2022) 'How Technostress and Self-Control of Social Networking Sites affect Academic Achievement and Wellbeing'. Internet Research, [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2021) | 'A Casino in my Pocket: Gratifications Associated with Obsessive and Harmonious Passion for Mobile Gambling'
Whelan, E; Laato, S; Islam, N; BillIeux, J (2021) 'A Casino in my Pocket: Gratifications Associated with Obsessive and Harmonious Passion for Mobile Gambling'. Plos One , 16 (2) [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2021) | 'Does Multitasking Computer Self-Efficacy Mitigate the Impact of Social Media Affordances on Overload and Fatigue among Professionals'
Islam, Najmul A.K.M, Whelan, Eoin, Brooks, Stoney. (2021) 'Does Multitasking Computer Self-Efficacy Mitigate the Impact of Social Media Affordances on Overload and Fatigue among Professionals'. Information Technology & People, ABS3 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2021) | 'Implementing Digitally Enabled Collaborative Innovation: A Case Study of Online and Offline Interaction in the German Automotive Industry'
Aalbers, R; Whelan, E. (2021) 'Implementing Digitally Enabled Collaborative Innovation: A Case Study of Online and Offline Interaction in the German Automotive Industry'. Creativity and Innovation Management, 30 :368-383 [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2021) | 'Applying a Multiplex Network Perspective to Understand Performance in Software Development'
Ajimati, M; Whelan, E; Aalbers, R; Kraneburg, H.L van; Morgan, L (2021) 'Applying a Multiplex Network Perspective to Understand Performance in Software Development'. International Journal of Business Information Systems, [Details] |
(2020) | 'What drives unverified information sharing and cyberchondria during the COVID-19 pandemic?'
Laato, S; Islam, A.K.M.N; Islam, M.N; Whelan, E (2020) 'What drives unverified information sharing and cyberchondria during the COVID-19 pandemic?'. European Journal Of Information Systems, 29 (3) [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Does Passion for Physical Activity Spillover into Performance at Work? Examining the Direct and Indirect Effects of Passion and Life Satisfaction on Organizational Performance and Innovativeness'
Clohessy, T; Whelan, E; Paradis, K (2020) 'Does Passion for Physical Activity Spillover into Performance at Work? Examining the Direct and Indirect Effects of Passion and Life Satisfaction on Organizational Performance and Innovativeness'. International Journal Of Sport And Exercise Psychology, [Scimago Q2 ranked journal] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2020) | 'How the social dimension of fitness apps can enhance and undermine wellbeing: A dual model of passion perspective'
Whelan, Eoin; Clohessy, Trevor (2020) 'How the social dimension of fitness apps can enhance and undermine wellbeing: A dual model of passion perspective'. Information Technology & People, 34 (1) [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Is boredom proness related to social media overload and fatigue? A stress-strain-outcome approach'
Whelan, Eoin; Islam, A.K.M Najmul; Brooks, Stoney (2020) 'Is boredom proness related to social media overload and fatigue? A stress-strain-outcome approach'. Internet Research, 30 (3):869-887 [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Applying the SOBC Paradigm to Explain how Social Media Overload Affects Academic Performance'
Whelan, E; Islam, A.K.M.N; Brooks, S (2020) 'Applying the SOBC Paradigm to Explain how Social Media Overload Affects Academic Performance'. Computers And Education, 143 [Scimago Q1 ranked journal] (103692) [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2018) | 'Enterprise Personal Analytics: The Next Frontier in Individual Information Systems Research'
Clohessy, T., Acton, T., Whelan, E. and Golden, W. (2018) 'Enterprise Personal Analytics: The Next Frontier in Individual Information Systems Research'. Journal of Foundations and Trends in Information Systems, 2 (4):296-387 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2018) | 'How Emotion-Sensing Technology Can Reshape the Workplace'
Whelan, E; McDuff, D, Gleasure, R, Vom Brocke, J (2018) 'How Emotion-Sensing Technology Can Reshape the Workplace'. Sloan Management Review, Spring (2018) [Details] |
(2017) | 'The Real Story Behind Big Data'
Conboy, K; Whelan, E; Morris, S (2017) 'The Real Story Behind Big Data'. Ivey Business Journal, Nov/Dec [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2016) | 'Expanding the horizons of digital social networks: Mixing big trace datasets with qualitative approaches'
Whelan, E,Teigland, R,Vaast, E,Butler, B (2016) 'Expanding the horizons of digital social networks: Mixing big trace datasets with qualitative approaches'. Information and Organization, 26 :1-12 [ABS3] [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2016) | 'The perils of democratic decision making'
Aalbers, R; Whelan, E; Parise, S; Vaille, C (2016) 'The perils of democratic decision making'. Ivey Business Journal, Jan/Feb [Details] |
(2015) | 'How IT and the Rest of the Business Can Innovate Together'
Whelan, E,Anderson, J,van den Hooff, B,Donnellan, B (2015) 'How IT and the Rest of the Business Can Innovate Together'. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems, 36 :261-300 [ABS2] [Details] |
(2015) | 'Twitter users generate better ideas'
Parise, S., Whelan, E. and Todd, S. (2015) 'Twitter users generate better ideas'. Sloan Management Review, 54 (6):21-5 [FT50 journal] [Details] |
(2014) | 'A Systematic Analysis of the Role of IS in Open Innovation'
Whelan, E. Conboy, K., Crowston, K., Morgan L., and Rossi, M. (2014) 'A Systematic Analysis of the Role of IS in Open Innovation'. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15 [Top basket IS journal] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Service Science: Exploring Complex Agile Service Networks through Organisational Network Analysis'
Carroll, N,Richardson, I,Whelan, E,Wang X,Ali, N,Ramos I,Vidgen, R (2013) 'Service Science: Exploring Complex Agile Service Networks through Organisational Network Analysis'. Agile And Lean Service-Oriented Development: Foundations, Theory, And Practice, :156-172 [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Digitising the R&D social network; Revisiting the technological gatekeeper'
Eoin Whelan, Willie Golden, Brian Donnellan (2013) 'Digitising the R&D social network; Revisiting the technological gatekeeper'. Information Systems Journal, 23 :197-218 [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Transactive memory systems as a collective filter for mitigating information overload in digitally enabled organizational groups'
Whelan, E,Teigland, R (2013) 'Transactive memory systems as a collective filter for mitigating information overload in digitally enabled organizational groups'. Information and Organization, 23 :177-197 [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Interpreting Digital Enabled Social Networks'
Whelan, E., R. Teigland, E. Vaast, and B. Butler (2013) 'Interpreting Digital Enabled Social Networks'. Information Systems Journal, 23 (6):471-474 [Details] |
(2013) | 'Changing the Introductory IS Course to Improve Future Enrollments: An Irish Perspective'
Whelan, E. and Firth, D. (2013) 'Changing the Introductory IS Course to Improve Future Enrollments: An Irish Perspective'. Journal Of Information Systems Education, 23 (4) [Details] |
(2012) | 'Service Science: An Actor Network Approach'
Carroll, N., I. Richardson and E. Whelan (2012) 'Service Science: An Actor Network Approach'. International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation, 4 (3):50-65 [Details] |
(2011) | 'It’s who you know not what you know: A social network analysis approach to talent management'
Eoin Whelan (2011) 'It’s who you know not what you know: A social network analysis approach to talent management'. European Journal Of International Management, 5 (5):484-500 [Details] |
(2011) | 'Creating employee networks that deliver open innovation'
Eoin Whelan, Sal. Parise, Jasper De Valk, Rick Aalbers (2011) 'Creating employee networks that deliver open innovation'. Sloan Management Review, Fall (53/1):37-44 [FT50] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Integrating talent and knowledge management: Where are the benefits?'
Eoin Whelan, Marian Carcary (2011) 'Integrating talent and knowledge management: Where are the benefits?'. Journal Of Knowledge Management, 15 (4):675-687 [Details] |
(2010) | 'How Internet technologies impact information flows in R&D'
Whelan, E,Teigland, R,Donnellan, B,Golden, W (2010) 'How Internet technologies impact information flows in R&D'. R & D Management, 40 :400-413 [ABS3] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Talent management in knowledge intensive settings'
Eoin Whelan, David G. Collings, Brian Donnellan (2010) 'Talent management in knowledge intensive settings'. Journal Of Knowledge Management, 14 (3):486-405 [Details] |
(2007) | 'Exploring knowledge exchange in electronic networks of practice'
Eoin Whelan (2007) 'Exploring knowledge exchange in electronic networks of practice'. Journal Of Information Technology, 22 :5-13 [Details] |
(2002) | 'A study of the total life cycle costs of an e-commerce investment'
Whelan, E., McGrath, F. (2002) 'A study of the total life cycle costs of an e-commerce investment'. Evaluation and program planning, 25 (2):191-196 [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2011) | Knowledge Diffusion in R&D. Examining the Interplay Between Online and Offline Social Networks.
Eoin Whelan (2011) Knowledge Diffusion in R&D. Examining the Interplay Between Online and Offline Social Networks. Germany: Lambert Publishing. [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2011) | 'Business process management'
Noel Carroll, Eoin Whelan, Ita Richardson (2011) 'Business process management' In: Service Research Challenges and Solutions for Future Internet. Germany: Springer. [Details] |
(2009) | 'Knowledge diffusion in contemporary R&D groups: Re-examining the role of the technological gatekeeper'
Whelan, Eoin; Donnellan, Brian; Golden Willie (2009) 'Knowledge diffusion in contemporary R&D groups: Re-examining the role of the technological gatekeeper' In: The Annals of Information Systems, Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning. USA: Springer. [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2018) | How to Create Public Value Through Open Data Driven Co-Creation: A Survey of the Literature
Callinan, C,Scott, M,Ojo, A,Whelan, E,Kankanhalli, A,Ojo, A,Soares, D (2018) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ELECTRONIC GOVERNANCE (ICEGOV2018) How to Create Public Value Through Open Data Driven Co-Creation: A Survey of the Literature , pp.363-370 [DOI] [Details] |
(2019) | Neuro Information Systems Retreat
Whelan, E (2019) Does a social media abstinence really reduce stress? A research-in-progress study using salivary biomarkers Neuro Information Systems Retreat [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2017) | Thirty eighth International Conference on Information Systems
Clohessy, T, Callinan, C, Acton, T, Whelan, E, & Scott, M (2017) An analysis of the 2016 American presidential nominees' tweets: A magical realism perspective Thirty eighth International Conference on Information Systems Seoul, [Details] |
(2017) | America Conference on Information Systems
Whelan, E., Islam, N., Brooks, S. (2017) Cognitive Control and Social Media Overload America Conference on Information Systems [Details] |
(2017) | eBled 2017
Callinan, C., Scott, M., Whelan, E., and Ojo, A (2017) A Co-Creation Based Model For Engaging Citizen Open Data Use eBled 2017 [Details] |
(2015) | Academy of Management
Wilheim, M., Aalbers, R. and Whelan, E (2015) The complementing roles of online and offline channels for open innovation Academy of Management [Details] |
(2014) | Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems
Whelan, E. and Conboy K (2014) Understanding the role of advice networks in software development Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems Tel Aviv, [Details] |
(2011) | Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems
Whelan E. and R. Teigland (2011) Managing information overload; examining the role of the human filter Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems Helsinki, [Details] |
(2011) | Proceedings of the Open Innovation Symposium
Whelan, E. and R. Aalbers (2011) Who are the people who can deliver open innovation? Proceedings of the Open Innovation Symposium [Details] |
(2011) | Proceedings of EURAM 2011
• Costello, G., K. Conboy, W. Golden and E. Whelan (2011) Toward an innovation based view of the firm Proceedings of EURAM 2011 [Details] |
(2010) | Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Information Networks
Whelan, E. (2010) Digitizing the R&D social network: re-visiting the technological gatekeeper Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Information Networks [Details] |
(2009) | Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems
Whelan, E, B. Donnellan and R. Teigland (2009) Web enabled boundary spanners and their role in the knowledge flow network Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems [Details] |
(2008) | Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems
Whelan, E., M. Ahonen, and B. Donnellan (2008) Knowledge diffusion in R&D groups; the impact of Internet technologies Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems Galway, [Details] |
(2007) | Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management
Whelan, E. (2007) Knowledge integration and the role of technological gatekeepers Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management [Details] |
(2007) | A study of the impact of ICT on technological gatekeepers: A research in progress
Whelan, E,Soliman, KS (2007) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT IN THE NETWORKED ECONOMY: ISSUES & SOLUTIONS A study of the impact of ICT on technological gatekeepers: A research in progress , pp.241-245 [Details] |
(2007) | Examining the antecedents to innovation in electronic networks of practice
Whelan, E,Donnellan, B,Costello, G,CamarinhaMatos, LM,Afsarmanesh, H,Novais, P,Analide, C (2007) Establishing the Foundation of Collaborative Networks Examining the antecedents to innovation in electronic networks of practice , pp.353-360 [Details] |
(2007) | Knowledge integration and the role of technological gatekeepers
Whelan, E,Remenyi, D,Martins, B (2007) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, VOL 1 AND 2 Knowledge integration and the role of technological gatekeepers , pp.1100-1106 [Details] |
(2006) | Knowledge exchange in electronic networks of practice: Toward a conceptual framework
Whelan, E,Donnellan, B,Larsen, TJ,Levine, L,DeGross, JI (2006) Transfer and Diffusion of Information Technology for Organizational Resilience Knowledge exchange in electronic networks of practice: Toward a conceptual framework , pp.21-31 [Details] |
(2006) | Innovation management in a Multi-national Corporation's subsidiary of Ireland's evolving knowledge economy
Costello, GJ,Donnellan, B,Ginn, ML,Rochford, C,Whelan, E,Xu, S,Reimer, U,Karagiannis, D (2006) PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, PROCEEDINGS Innovation management in a Multi-national Corporation's subsidiary of Ireland's evolving knowledge economy [Details] |
Other Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2010) | 'Applying social network analysis to discover service innovation within agile service networks'
Noel Carroll, Eoin Whelan, Ita Richardson (2010) 'Applying social network analysis to discover service innovation within agile service networks' Journal of Service Science, 2 (2) :225-244. [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2011) | 14th Irish Academy of Management Conference,
McHugh, O., Whelan, E. (2011) Technology and Management Track Chair. [Track Chair ], 14th Irish Academy of Management Conference, National College of Ireland, Dublin , 31-AUG-11 - 02-SEP-11. [Details] |
(2010) | 13th Irish Academy of Management Conference,
McHugh,O., Whelan E. (2010) Technology and Management Track Chair. [Track Chair ], 13th Irish Academy of Management Conference, Cork Institute of Technology , 01-SEP-10 - 03-SEP-10. [Details] |
Editorship of Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2014) | The Role of Information Systems in Enabling Open Innovation.
Whelan, E,Conboy, K,Crowston, K,Morgan, L,Rossi, M (2014) The Role of Information Systems in Enabling Open Innovation. Editorship of Journals [Details] |
(2013) | Interpreting Digitally Enabled Social Networks.
Whelan, E., R. Teigland, E. Vaast, and B. Butler (2013) Interpreting Digitally Enabled Social Networks. Information Systems Journal Editorship of Journals [Details] |
Honours and Awards
Year | Title | Awarding Body | |
2013 | Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize | MIT Sloan Management Review |
Professional Associations
Association | Function | From / To | |
Association of Information Systems | A professional organization whose purpose is to serve as the premier global organization for academicians specializing in Information Systems. | / |
Committee | Function | From / To | |
Exam Security Commitee | Representative of the College of Business, Public Policy, and Law | / | |
Learning Analytics Advisory Panel on Teaching, Learning & Effective Interventions | Advisor | / |
Employer | Position | From / To | |
NUI Galway | Lecturer, Business Information Systems | 01-JAN-12 / | |
University of Limerick | Lecturer, Business Information Management | 01-SEP-08 / 30-JUN-11 | |
NUI Maynooth | Researcher/Lecturer at the Innovation Value Institute | 01-JUL-11 / 31-DEC-11 |
Year | Institution | Qualification | Subject | |
2010 | NUI Galway | PhD | Knowledge diffusion in R&D groups: A study of the impact of Web technologies | |
2002 | University of Limerick | MASTERS DEGREE (LEVEL 9) | e-Commerce investment evaluation and total cost of ownership | |
2007 | NUI Galway | Diploma | Managing IT for Business Value | |
2000 | University of Limerick | BACHELOR OF COMMERCE | Accountancy and Finance |
Journal | Role | |
Information Systems Journal | Series Editor | |
Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Series Editor | |
Information and Organization | Editor | |
Information Technology & People | Editor |
Teaching Interests
Modules Taught
Term/Year | Module Title | Module Code | Subject / Desc | |
Semester 1 2015/16 | Decision Theory and Analysis | MS5104 | ||
Semester 2 2015/16 | Information Security and Privacy | MS810 | ||
Semester 2 2015/16 | Business Information Management | MS121 | ||
Semester 1 2015/16 | Business Information Systems | MS115 | ||
Semester 1 2015/16 | Business Intelligence and Analytics | MS414 | ||
Semester 2 2015/16 | Decision Modelling & Analytics | MS222 |
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