Students standing at a stall outside

Room booking information for students

Procedures & Rules

The following procedures and rules relating to booking of rooms by Clubs and Societies must be adhered to:

  1. Each Club/Society should nominate one person to reserve/confirm rooms with Buildings & Estates.
  2. Notification of the multitude of events to Buildings & Estates Maintenance staff (Security etc.) requires adequate notice of events. In this administration task, one week minimum notice of all events is required. Bookings at short notice run the risk of unavailability of rooms together with difficulties in notification of all staff concerned in the servicing of the rooms which could impede upon the event.
  3. A room is not secured until the application has been accepted and location confirmed by Buildings & Estates. This is usually done as speedily as possible once the application is made. Advertising of a venue must await the outcome of each application. 
  4. When a room is confirmed by Buildings & Estates, the following conditions/regulations must be complied with: 
  • Overcrowding in a room is prohibited. 
  • It is strictly forbidden to lock or obstruct any exit or emergency exit leading to or from any assembly room or hall. 
  • In accordance with the Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2002 and the Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Act 2004, smoking is prohibited in all University buildings. More information on the University Smoking Restriction Policy.
  • Consumption of Food/Beverages is forbidden in all Lecture Theatres/Classrooms. 
  • Chairs, tables and other furniture in the room shall not be abused or moved between rooms. 
  • Each event must be conducted in an orderly and responsible fashion. 
  • At the conclusion of an event, the room must be left in a neat and orderly condition for morning lectures. The blackboard should be cleaned, lights extinguished and the door pulled closed.
  • In accordance with the Fire Services Act 1981, event organisers must ensure that fire prevention requirements are complied with and that those attending are informed of the NUI, Galway fire procedures at the outset.
  • In accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and associated regulations, event organisers must ensure the safety of all arrangements e.g. that any electrical equipment used is safe.
  • Any problems or defects noticed at the venue must be reported directly to Buildings & Estates.

Other conditions may be added as the need arises and depending on the nature of the event.