recent publications from the Alliance :

(2017)   'Cohort Randomised Controlled Trial of a Multifaceted Podiatry Intervention for the Prevention of Falls in Older People (The REFROM Trial)' 

Cockayne S. Adamson, J. Clarke, A. Corbacho, B. Fairhurst, C. Green, L. Hewitt, CE. Hicks, K. Keenan, AM, Lamb, SE. McIntosh, C. Menz, HB. Redmond, AC. Richardson, Z. Rodgers, S. Vernon, W. Watson, J. Torgerson, D. Plos One, 12 (1). [Link]

 (2017)   'Antimicrobial Management of Diabetic Foot Infection' 

Rasalam, R. McIntosh, C. O' Loughlin, A. (2017) 'Antimicrobial Management of Diabetic Foot Infection'. Diabetes And Primary Care,2 (1):25-29 [Link

(2017)  'An Optimised patient information sheet did not significantly increase recruitment or retention in a falls prevention study: an embedded randomised recruitment trial' 

Cockayne. S. Fairhurst, C. Adamson, J. Hewitt, C. Hull, R. Hicks, K. Keenan AM. Lamb, SE. Green, L. McIntosh, C. Menz, HB, Redmond AC. Rodgers S. Torgerson, DJ. Vernon, W. Watson, J. Knapp, P. Rick, J. Bower, P. Eldridge, S. Madurasinghe VW. Grammy, J. [Link]

(2017)  'Enhanced thermal image of wound tissue for better clinical decision making'

Keenan, E., Gethin, G., Watterson, D., Flynn, L., O'Connor, G. Physiol Meas. 2017 Jun;38(6):1104-1115 [Link]

(2017)  'Investigating the management of diabetes in nursing homes using a mixed methods approach’

Hurley L, O’Donnell M, O’Caoimh R, Dinneen SF. Diabetes Research & Clinical Practice, 127 :156-162. [Link]

(2017)  'Is diabetes self-management education still the Cinderella of diabetes care?' 

Hurley L, O’Donnell M, O’Hara MC, Carey ME, Willaing I, Daly H, Dinneen SF.  Patient Education And Counseling. [Link]

 (2016)  'Complementary and alternative therapies for management of odor in malignant fun gating wounds: a critical review'

Gethin, G, Macintosh, C, Probst, S. Dovepress Volume 2016:3 Pages 51—57. [Link]

 (2016)   'Diabetic charcot neuroarthropathy: prevalence, demographics and outcome in a regional referral centre'

O’Loughlin, A., Kellegher,E., McCusker,C., Canavan,R. Feb 2017,Irish Journal of Medical Science [Link]

(2016)   'Antimicrobial Management of Diabetic Foot Infection' 

McIntosh, C. O' Loughlin, A. 2016,The Diabetic Foot Journal, 19 (3) [Link

 (2016)   'Characterization of Patients with Diabetic Foot Disease Presenting to an Irish Podiatry Centre: Profiling Suitability for Entry to a Clinical Trial of Advanced Wound Therapeutics' 

 Mahon AM. MacGilchrist C. McIntosh C & O’Brien T. 2016,Irish Journal of Medical Science[Link]

 (2016)   'Peripheral tactile sensory perception of older adults improved using subsensory electrical noise stimulation' 

Breen, PP,Serrador, JM,O'Tuathail, C,Quinlan, LR,McIntosh, C,OLaighin, G.  Medical Engineering & Physics, 38:822-825. [Link]

 (2016)   'Implementation of blinded outcome assessment in the Effective Verruca Treatments trial (EverT) - lessons learned' 

 Cockayne, S,Hewitt, C,Hashmi, F,Hicks, K,Concannon, M,McIntosh, C,Thomas, K,Hall, J,Watson, J,Torgerson, D,Watt. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research.[Link]

 (2016)   'Complementary and alternative therapies for management of door in malignant fun gating wounds: a critical review' 

Gethin, G. McIntosh, C. Probst, S. Chronic Wound Care Management and Research, 3:51-57 [Link]

(2016)    'Scaffold and scaffold-free self-assembled systems in regenerative medicine.'

Thomas D, Gaspar D, Sorushanova A, Milcovich G, Spanoudes K, Mullen AM, O'Brien T, Pandit A, Zeugolis DI. Biotechnol Bioeng.2016 Jun;113(6):1155-63 [Link]

(2016)   'The Promise of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetic Kidney Disease.'

Griffin TP, Martin WP, Islam N, O'Brien T, Griffin MD. Curr Diab Rep. 2016 May;16(5):42. [Link]

(2016)  'A systematic review of interventions to improve outcomes for young adults with Type 1 diabetes'

O’Hara MC, Hynes L, O’Donnell M, Nery N, Byrne M, Heller SR, Dinneen SF and for the Irish Type 1 Diabetes Young Adult Study Group. Diabetic Medicine. [Link]

(2016)  'The impact of sharing personalised clinical information with people with type 2 diabetes prior to their consultation: A pilot randomised controlled trial.’

O’Donnell M, Alvarez-Iglesias A, McGuire BE, Dinneen SF.  Patient Education And Counseling, 99 (4):591-599. [Link]

(2016)  'In-hospital metabolic regulation in patients with a diabetic foot ulcer: is it worthwhile?’

Egan AM, Dinneen SF. Diabetes-Metabolism Research And Reviews, 32 (Suppl 1):297-302. [Link]