Prof. Caroline McIntosh

Chair of the Discipline of Podiatric Medicine,NUI Galway

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.


Caroline McIntosh is Chair of the Discipline of Podiatric Medicine at NUI Galway.  Prior to this role Caroline was a senior lecturer at the University of Huddersfield, UK, and before that she was employed as a senior podiatrist for an NHS Trust in North Yorkshire, UK.

Caroline has a specialist interest in tissue viability and diabetic foot disease and she holds an honorary contract as a Diabetes Specialist Podiatrist in University College Hospital Galway.

Caroline has published a number of peer-reviewed papers in the field of tissue viability, particularly on the diabetic foot, and has presented at national and international conferences. Caroline has co-edited the text “Lower Extremity Wounds”, and undertook her PhD in the need to build and disseminate evidence-based wound care.

Caroline has acted as co-applicant and Principal Investigator (PI) for a number of clinical trials including two randomised controlled trials of topical therapies for wounds. Prof. McIntosh was PI for a large multi-centre randomised controlled trial in conjunction with York’s Trials Unit (The EverT Study- Effective Verrucae Treatments). She was a co-applicant on a successful grant for Health Technology Appraisal funding for a randomised trial of a multifaceted podiatry intervention for falls prevention. Prof. McIntosh was also a co-applicant for Health Research Board funding for a study entitled “Improving Sensory Function of Participants with Diabetes using Imperceptible Electrical Noise Stimulation”.

Caroline has particular research interests in clinical trials of novel interventions and health technologies for lower extremity wounds.  

Caroline was Chairperson of the Western Branch of the Wound Management Association of Ireland (WMAI) from 2009-2015 and President of WMAI from 2013-2015. She also holds a position as the professional representative for the podiatry profession on the council of CORU- regulating Health and Social Care Professions Council, sits on the Research and Development Committee and the Professoriate of the College of Podiatry, London, UK.


Research Publications