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The alliance was borne out of the need to bring together the expertise in research, education and clinical practice in NUI Galway, Saolta and among private healthcare partners into one unit that will strive to further develop and expand wound care in Ireland and Internationally.

NUI Galway has a long tradition in wound related research through for example; tissue engineering, microbiology, biomechanics, stem cell therapies, health service research, medical devices, practice development and programme offering at MSc and PhD level. It is timely therefore to unite this expertise and strive to improve the lives of people impacted by wounds and champion evidence based innovative care.

Key Objectives

The Alliance will conduct high quality, collaborative, translational and clinical research informed by key stakeholders. It will foster innovation and inspire people to create solutions which will help to enhance graduate education and future employability.

The Alliance will aim to be an international leader in the field of wound care, with the hope of informing national and international policy and practice. It is our vision to create economic and social prosperity by turning ideas, innovations and technologies into reality. It will do this through strategic collaborations and enterprise, develop technological solutions to wound prevention and management.

The Alliance will build on five key pillars:

New Horizons - Emerging technologies and innovation

Patient orientated

Health systems/services/economics and policy

Patient and society impact (psychosocial, develop community engagement platform)
