ARDEN Project Team

Meet the ARDEN Project Team

Dr Marie Coggins

Dr Marie CogginsDr Marie Coggins  

Lecturer Exposure Science
Physics, School of Natural Sciences
Arts/Science Building
University of Galway
T: (091) 495056

Dr Marie Coggins, is a lecturer in Exposure Science in Physics, School of Natural Sciences, UNiversity of Galway and a member of the Health from Environment group at the Ryan Institute, University of Galway.  She has worked in industry and academia, managing numerous research projects related to the measurement of human exposure to physical, chemical and biological pollutants in a range of microenvironments. Previous research has involved the measurement of exposures to glyphosate and flame retardants among the Irish population using Human Biomonitoring. Further details on her research profile can be obtained at: Dr Marie Coggins Profile

She is currently Academic Director of the University of Galway MSc & HDip Occupational and Environmental Health & Safety programmes in the College of Science and Engineering.

Dr Nina Wemken

Postdoctoral Researcher: Dr Nina Wemken

‌Dr Nina Wemken,Dr Nina Wemken
Postdoctoral Researcher,
Physics, School of Natural Sciences,
Arts/Science Building,
University of Galway.
T: (091) 493437
M: (085) 2822294

Dr Nina Wemken is the post-doctoral researcher workming on the ARDEN projec. She will be carrying out the pollutant monitoring in homes. She works in Exposure Science in Physics, School of Natural Sciences and is also a member of the University of Galway Centre for Climate and Air Pollution Studies (C-CAPS) and the Ryan Institute's Centre for One Health. She has a BSc in Forensic Science and Analysis and an MSc in Toxicology from University of Galway. During her PhD she worked on human exposure to Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the Irish population on the ELEVATE project.

Dr Miriam Byrne

Dr Miriam ByrneProject PartnerDr Miriam Byrne (University of Galway)

Dr. Miriam Byrne has a long-recognised reputation for contributing at an international level to indoor air pollution research. She has held the Presidency of The Aerosol Society of the UK and Ireland.

Hilary Cowie

Project Partner: Hilary Cowie (Institute of Occupational Medicine)

Hilary is a consultant for the Arden project and will be providing the Arden project team with statistical support. Hilary is the Head of Statistics and Toxicology at the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Edinburgh. Her work has been concerned with the investigation of exposure-response relationships.

Dr Hala Hassan

Postdoctoral Researcher: Dr Hala Hassan

Dr Hala Hassan,
Postdoctoral Researcher,
Physics (Office: PHY234), School of Natural Sciences,
Arts/Science Building,
University of Galway.
T: (091) 493596
M: (087) 7110172