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Biden vs Trump Part II:
The Campaign and the Consequences

We are delighted to invite you to join us for an online discussion, moderated by University of Galway lecturer, Larry Donnelly. Larry will be joined by an impressive panel who will discuss the campaign and possible consequences in this pivotal election year.

Larry Donnelly – Law lecturer, University of Galway
Carole Coleman –  Journalist and Reporter, RTÉ News
John Feehery – Partner at EFB Advocacy
Marion McKeone – US Correspondent, Sunday Business Post

Monday, April 8th 6pm GMT / 1pm EST / 12pm CST / 10am PST 

To join us for this event, please register below:

Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly

Larry Donnelly is a Boston born and educated attorney who has lived and worked in Ireland since 2001. He is a Lecturer and Director of Clinical Legal Education in the School of Law at the University of Galway. Active in politics and local government in his native Massachusetts, Larry is a regular media commentator on politics, current affairs and law in Ireland and the United States. He is a political columnist with TheJournal.ie, The Irish Post and BostonIrish.com and has been a featured analyst on RTÉ’s US presidential election coverage in every election since 2008.

Carole Coleman
Carole Coleman

Carole Coleman is an experienced national and international journalist and has reported extensively for television from the US and elsewhere. She currently works on RTÉ radio’s News At One and also lectures in journalism at University of Galway. She has authored three books - Alleluia America! An Irish Journalist in Bush Country and The Battle for the White House ... and the Soul of America. Most recently she has written News From Under a Coat Stand - a Covid-19 diary.

John Feehery
John Feehery

John Feehery is a Partner of EFB Advocacy, a boutique lobbying firm.  He served in the House Republican Leadership for 15 years (from 1989 to 2005) and for the last 15 years, he has been a trusted advisor to CEO’s, trade associations, corporations and small businesses on how to effectively navigate the Washington swamp.  When he was in Congress, he was consistently named one of the most powerful staff Members by Roll Call, and now that he is in the private sector, he has been consistently ranked as one of the top lobbyists by The Hill newspaper.

He is a frequent commentator on the political landscape, widely quoted around the country and was a regular guest on MSNBC’s Hardball, and Real Time with Bill Maher. He is also a columnist for Substack and his blog The Feehery Theory, is widely seen, heard and read on Capitol Hill and beyond.  He published his first children’s book, The Reluctant Ballerina, and his book The Honest Contrarian is a personal history of Washington DC over the last three decades.

Feehery managed the communications operation for Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert for six and a half years.  Before that stint, Feehery served as the Communications Director for Majority Whip Tom DeLay for three years.  Feehery started his career with House Minority Leader Robert Michel, where he served as a research analyst and speechwriter.

When he left the Hill, Feehery went to the Motion Picture Association of America, where he served as Executive Vice President for Government and Public Affairs.  He later worked at Quinn Gillespie Public Affairs, where he served as President of the Communications Practice.

A double graduate from Marquette University, with both a BA and MA in history, Feehery was named the Young Alumni of the Year for Marquette’s School of Arts and Sciences in 2003. Feehery was recently appointed by the Trump Administration to be the alternate observer to the International Fund for Ireland.  He is a board member of the Flax Trust, he serves on the Editorial Board of the Ripon Society Magazine and the board of the National Republican Club.  He married Kerry Fennelly Feehery in Killarney, Ireland in 2003, and they have one son, Jack, and one daughter, Molly Kathleen.

Marion McKeone
Marion McKeone

Marion McKeone, has worked as a barrister, broadcaster, documentary maker, and foreign correspondent. She's covered major events from 9/11 to the 2016 US election campaign. She is former US Editor for the Sunday Business Post and the Sunday Tribune. Her work has been featured in outlets like the Guardian, New York Times, and US News and World Report. McKeone also co-hosts a regular US segment with Cal Thomas on Matt Cooper's The Last Word on Today FM.