As an NUI Galway student, you have access to lots of free IT so be sure to make use of it!

As well as being able to access the many software applications on all of the PCs on campus, students can download and install Microsoft Office 365 desktop applications on up to five devices at no additional cost. The package includes:

  • Outlook
  • Word
  • PowerPoint
  • Publisher
  • Access
  • Excel
  • OneNote
  • OneDrive

If you navigate to the Office 365 webpage linked above, and then click on any of the icons for the applications listed, you can access descriptions and training resources for each application.

NUI Galway students can access additional free or discount software for use on their own devices. You can also consult a list of all software available to students with details of licence restrictions.  

You can get mobile versions of many software applications, and many students like to use their smartphones for study purposes – but a word of caution! Some content may not display correctly on your phone and there have been instances where students have lost marks because they missed certain information when using their phone for study purposes. Be particularly careful if studying mathematical subjects – it may be hard to spot some mathematical notation on a smartphone. If at all possible, you may be better off keeping your phone for fun and personal use as far as possible, and your laptop or PC for university-related activities. This can also help you to keep a clear boundary between study and leisure time.

For some tips and tricks on using Microsoft (MS) Word, Excel and PowerPoint – three very widely used applications – click on the ‘Tools and Technologies’ tab on this helpful library guide.  You can use Word to create documents (useful for essays, reports, notes, etc.), Excel to create spreadsheets (useful for working with numerical data, generating graphs, etc.) and PowerPoint to create slideshows (for presentations).

It is also well worth spending time learning to make use of citation management software – this will save you many hours of work in the long run. This library guide includes a list of and links to such software. 

Typing Resources

Touch-typing is a very useful keyboard skill that can increase your productivity, reduce fatigue, and also reduce the risk of conditions such as repetitive strain injury, tendinitis and bursitis. The ability to type swiftly and accurately is a skill that many employers value highly. While lots of students get by with ‘hunt and peck’ or ‘two finger’ typing, it is not possible to reach very high typing speeds using these methods. Learning to type does require time and effort, but it is well worth making this investment.

There are a number of free online typing resources that you may like to explore: