Information Technology

Information technology (IT) and digital skills or digital literacy refer to a wide-ranging set of skills relating to digital technology, including computers and computer applications, tablets and smartphones, websites and other online platforms, and much, much more. IT and digital skills are not just about knowing how to use certain tools or technologies, but learning to harness them to enhance your learning and your success as a student.

To get started with IT at University of Galway, take a look at these Quick Start Guides. They cover a lot of the basics, including your Campus Account, Canvas, WIFI, printing, storage and support. 

Key IT and digital skills for University include, but are not limited to:

  • Proficiency in key applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint (and, depending on your course and the technology that you prefer to use, many other alternative or more specialised applications)
  • Touch-typing skills (see our links to  typing resources in IT for free)
  • Ability to navigate University of Galway’s IT systems and processes, including Canvas and Microsoft Office 365, PC suites and printers, and various software packages (see IT for Free for more information)
  • Use of technology to conduct academic research
  • Mastery of educational technology, including citation and reference management software
  • Building a digital profile, partly with an eye to your career after University
  • For some courses, programming and coding skills
  • Knowing where to get help with IT issues

Even if you feel that your IT and digital skills are very good, they can probably be improved or developed to serve you better as a student. Also, technological change occurs so rapidly that almost everyone can benefit from continuously up-skilling in this area. Click on the boxes below for more. 

A number of Irish higher education institutions (including NUI Galway) collaborated together on a major IT and digital skills project called All Aboard. They have produced a ‘metro map’ that maps out key IT and digital tools, technologies, and uses in a higher education setting. Take a look at this as a first step to reflecting on your own IT and digital skills. You can also take a digital confidence assessment on the All Aboard website.

The All Aboard project has also produced a series of online lessons and resources (with badges on successful completion) on a range of IT/digital skills-related topics – these are well worth exploring.  Topics include blogs, screencasts, smartphones, digital images, and much more.

The Library has produced useful tutorials and guides on digital literacy  to help you to upskill in this area.

For University of Galway IT information and support, see the Information Solutions and Services website. 

Supported by the Student Project Fund