Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Tá sé fógartha ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe go bhfuil Monica Crump ceaptha mar Leabharlannaí na hOllscoile. Is í Monica Crump an 12ú Leabharlannaí ó bunaíodh an Ollscoil in 1845. Ceapadh Monica agus forbairt shuntasach ar bun ar an Leabharlann agus an tIonad nua Foghlama, i gcroílár an champais. Beidh spás nua ardteicneolaíochta anseo do mhic léinn, don taighde agus don fhoireann, áit a gcuirfear béim ar fhoghlaim lena mbaineann comhoibriú níos fearr, foghlaim atá níos dírithe ar chuidiú teicneolaíochta agus foghlaim atá níos cruthaithí agus déanfar sin ar fad a chumasú. Sa spás nua chomh maith beidh rochtain ar leabhair, ar fhaisnéis agus ar thacaíocht d’aistear foghlama na mac léinn. Seo mar a labhair Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh: "Ba mhaith liom tréaslú le Monica Crump agus gach rath a ghuí uirthi ina ról mar Leabharlannaí na hOllscoile, go háirithe ós rud é go mbeidh ról ríthábhachtach aici i gceann de na tionscadail is tábhachtaí agus is spreagúla ó bunaíodh an Ollscoil – an Leabharlann agus Ionad nua Foghlama. “Tá an leabharlann mar chuid lárnach de shaol na hollscoile agus is áit lárnach í don phobal foghlaimeoirí agus lucht taighde. D’oibrigh mise le Monica roimhe seo, lena n-áirítear mar chomhbhall d’Údarás na hOllscoile, agus is comhghleacaí dearfach, cuiditheach í atá tiomanta d’fheabhas a chur ar an ollscoil seo ar mhaithe le leas an phobail. Táim ag tnúth le bheith ag obair le Monica Crump agus a foireann agus muid ag comhlíonadh gach atá leagtha amach againn maidir le háis nua a chruthú, atá dílis dár luachanna mar atá oscailteacht, barr feabhais, meas, inbhuanaitheacht, agus braistint muintearais, ní atá thar a bheith tábhachtach dúinn go léir. “Is í Monica an duine is déanaí de líon mór Leabharlannaithe iomráiteacha Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Ba mhaith liom freisin aitheantas a thabhairt do thiomantas an Leabharlannaí roimpi atá ar scor anois, John Cox. Is minic a léirítear ár gcuid oibre san Ollscoil san oidhreacht a fhágaimid agus na deiseanna a chruthaímid do dhaoine eile a thagann inár ndiaidh, agus tá an-chreidiúint ag dul do John as an mbunchloch a leag sé síos ar mhaithe leo siúd a thagann anseo le foghlaim, le taighde agus le teagasc a dhéanamh.” Tá níos mó ná 500,000 imleabhar sa Leabharlann chomh maith le leabharlann dhigiteach chuimsitheach, lena n-áirítear rochtain ar níos mó ná milliún ríomhleabhar agus 230,000 irisleabhar leictreonach. Tá bailiúchán fairsing de bheagnach 450 cartlann ag an Leabharlann chomh maith lena n-áirítear iad siúd de chuid Mháire Mhic Róibín, Chonradh na Gaeilge agus John McGahern. I measc an obair is nuaí a rinneadh tá digitiú ar Bhailiúchán litreacha eisimirceach Kerby A Miller agus forbairt Chúinne na Cruthaitheachta sa Leabharlann atá aitheanta go hidirnáisiúnta. Dúirt Leabharlannaí na hOllscoile, Monica Crump: “Is mór an onóir é a bheith roghnaithe mar an chéad Leabharlannaí Ollscoile eile in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, mar a rinne an oiread sin leabharlannaithe iontacha anseo romham. Tá foireann den scoth ag an Leabharlann ag iarraidh a chinntiú go gcuirfimid na hacmhainní faisnéise, na tacaíochtaí, na spásanna agus an t-infreastruchtúr is fearr ar fáil a chuireann ar chumas ár mic léinn, ár dtaighdeoirí agus ár bhfoireann acadúil barr feabhais a bhaint amach ina gcuid staidéir, teagaisc agus taighde.  “Beidh sé mar phribhléid agam foireann na Leabharlainne a threorú uaidh seo amach i bhfianaise fhorbairt na Leabharlainne agus an Ionaid nua Foghlama. Táim ag súil lena chinntiú go mbainfimid leas as na deiseanna a chuireann an foirgneamh nua ar fáil chun ár spásanna, ár seirbhísí agus ár dtacaíochtaí a athrú ó bhonn chun teagasc agus foghlaim an 21ú hAois a léiriú. Táimid ag pointe tábhachtach freisin maidir le hathrú na foilsitheoireachta scolártha, rud a fhágfaidh go mbeidh rochtain oscailte ag cách ar aschuir an taighde. Is é an chloch is mó ar ár bpaidrín, an tacaíocht agus an treoir a sholáthar a chabhróidh le pobal na hOllscoile aistriú chuig an múnla seo de thaighde oscailte. Tagann Monica Crump i gcomharbacht ar John Cox a chuaigh ar scor in 2023 tar éis 15 bliana mar Leabharlannaí Ollscoile. Tá taithí 30 bliain ag Monica Crump ag obair san ardoideachas, mar leabharlannaí agus mar thaighdeoir agus tá spéis ar leith aici i saol na cumarsáide agus na foilsitheoireachta scolártha atá de shíor ag athrú, chomh maith le hailíniú agus forbairt foirne chun spriocanna agus tacaíocht straitéiseach institiúideach a sheachadadh agus tacú le riachtanais úsáideoirí atá ag teacht chun cinn. Ba é Séamas Ó hArgadáin an chéad Leabharlannaí a bhí san Ollscoil, agus is staraí agus ársaitheoir iomráiteach a bhí ann, ó 1845-1855. Ina dhiaidh sin bhí John Richardson (1855-1877); D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson (1877-1902); Valentine Steinberger (1902-1916); John Howley (1917-1935); Michael J. Fahy (1936-1960); Christopher Townley (1960-1982); Alf Mac Lochlainn (1982-1987); Patricia O’Connell (1987-1991); Marie Reddan (1991-2008). Tógadh Leabharlann reatha Ollscoil na Gaillimhe in 1973 agus tá sí i gcroílár Áras Uí Argadáin i lár an Champais Theas. Rinneadh an athfhorbairt mhór is déanaí ar an Leabharlann in 1999. Tá cead pleanála faighte ag an Leabharlann agus tIonad Foghlama ón samhradh seo caite don láithreán cois abhann in aice le Bóthar na Drioglainne, le taobh Ionad Spóirt na hOllscoile. Foirgneamh spreagúil, nua, inbhuanaithe, nua-aimseartha, aitheanta atá beartaithe agus beidh an leabharlann nua lonnaithe ann.  RKD Architects a dhear an foirgneamh. Beidh idir ceithre stór agus sé stór ann le spás staidéir, lena n-áirítear limistéir chiúine, aonair agus chomhoibríocha; cúinne na cruthaitheachta agus ionad scoláireachta digití a chumasaíonn cruthaitheacht dhigiteach; bailiúcháin leabhar agus irisleabhar na Leabharlainne, stórálfar go leor díobh seo in Bookbot nó i gcóras stórála ard-dlúis, uathoibrithe; spásanna le haghaidh taispeántas, imeachtaí agus teagaisc; limistéar fáilte a chuideoidh le rannpháirtíocht phobail; deasc chabhrach; agus spásanna ar mhaithe le folláine na mac léinn lena n-áirítear spásanna céadfacha, caifé agus spásanna scíthe agus faoin aer. Críoch 

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

University of Galway has announced the appointment of Monica Crump as University Librarian. Ms Crump becomes the 12th Librarian in the University’s history dating back to 1845. Her appointment is being made as plans get underway for the new, landmark Library and Learning Commons development at the heart of the campus, which will offer a high-tech space for students, for research and for staff, with a focus on enabling learning that is more collaborative, more technology-enhanced and more creative, as well as providing access to books, information and support for students on their learning journey. President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “I would like to congratulate Monica Crump and wish her every success in the role as our University Librarian, especially as she will play such a crucial part in one of the most important and exciting projects since the establishment of our University – the new Library and Learning Commons. “Libraries are central to the life of any university, in the heart of our community of learners and researchers. Having worked with her heretofore, including as a fellow member of Údarás na hOllscoile, I know her to be a positive, constructive colleague dedicated to the betterment of our university for the public good. I look forward to working with Monica Crump and her team as we fulfil our ambition of creating a new facility, true to our values of openness, excellence, respect, sustainability, and a sense of belonging that is so important to us all. “Monica is the most recent of a long-line of illustrious University Librarians at University of Galway. I would also like to acknowledge the dedication of most recent Librarian, now retired, John Cox. Our work in the University is often reflected in the legacy that we leave and the opportunities that we create for others who follow in our footsteps and John takes great credit for the foundations which he laid for the benefit of those who come here to learn, to research and to teach.” The Library contains more than 500,000 volumes in addition to a comprehensive digital library, including access to more than 1 million e-books and 230,000 electronic journal titles. It is also home to an extensive collection of almost 450 archives including those of Mary Robinson, Conradh na Gaeilge, and John McGahern. Recent innovations include the digitisation of the Kerby A Miller Collection of emigrant letters and the development of an internationally recognised Library Makerspace. University Librarian Monica Crump said: “It is truly an honour to be selected as the next University Librarian of the University of Galway, following in the footsteps of so many great librarians. The Library has an excellent team committed to ensuring we provide the highest standard information resources, supports, spaces and infrastructure that enable our students, researchers and academic staff achieve excellence in their studies, teaching and research.  “It will be a privilege to lead our Library team into the exciting future ahead with the development of the new Library and Learning Commons. I look forward to ensuring we realise the opportunities the new building provides to transform our spaces, services and supports to reflect 21st Century teaching and learning. We are also at an important pivot point in the transformation of scholarly publishing, which will see the outputs of research openly accessible to all. Our focus will be to provide the infrastructure, support and guidance that will help the University community navigate the transition to this open research future.” Monica Crump succeeds John Cox who retired in 2023 after 15 years as University Librarian. Ms Crump has 30 years’ experience working in higher education, as a librarian and a researcher and has particular interests in the ever-evolving world of scholarly communications and publishing, as well as the alignment and development of teams to deliver institutional strategic goals and support evolving user needs. The list of librarians in the history of the University began with James Hardiman, a noted historian and antiquarian, who held the post from 1845-1855. Others to follow in his footsteps were John Richardson (1855-1877); D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson (1877-1902); Valentine Steinberger (1902-1916); John Howley (1917-1935); Michael J. Fahy (1936-1960); Christopher Townley (1960-1982); Alf MacLochlainn (1982-1987); Patricia O’Connell (1987-1991); Marie Reddan (1991-2008). University of Galway’s current Library was constructed in 1973 and sits at the heart of the Hardiman Building in the centre of the South Campus. The most recent major redevelopment in the Library took place in 1999. Planning permission for the Library and Learning Commons was confirmed in summer 2023 for the riverside site off Distillery Road, next to the University’s Sports Centre. It will be an exciting new, sustainable, modern, iconic building - home to a library of the future.  The building was designed by RKD Architects. It will range in height from four to six storeys with study space, including quiet, individual and collaborative areas; a makerspace and digital scholarship centre enabling digital creativity; the Library’s book and journal collections, many of which will be stored in a Bookbot or high-density, automated storage system; spaces for exhibitions, events and teaching; a welcome zone enabling community engagement; a helpdesk; and spaces for student wellbeing including low-sensory study spaces, a café and relaxation and outdoor spaces. Ends 

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Researchers urge clear climate policy in the interests of just transition for farmers Land use scenarios identify need for more forests and wetlands and fewer cows and sheep Lack of consensus on how to account for powerful greenhouse gases from agriculture is impeding policy development for net zero climate targets to ensure a just transition for farmers, the authors of a new scientific study have said. Many countries have signed up to net zero climate targets by 2050 - less than 26 years from now – which means no longer adding to the total amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in a bid to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. What this means for one of the main contributing emissions, carbon dioxide (CO2), is very clear, the study led by researchers at University of Galway notes. However, the team say their findings raise concerns over significant gaps in how countries should tackle powerful greenhouse gases which are intrinsically linked with farming - nitrous oxide (N2O), often considered a forgotten greenhouse gas, and methane. In the study, published in Nature Communications, Earth & Environment, the researchers analysed 3,000 scenarios of agricultural activities and land uses in Ireland out to the year 2100, using 10 definitions of net zero while also accounting for future emissions reductions via farm management and new technology. In order to meet targets using any of the definitions of net zero, the analysis found: Transformation of Ireland’s agriculture and land sector is required, involving ambitious tree planting and wetland restoration. The increased biodiversity is needed alongside technical abatement measures such as low emission slurry spreading and anaerobic digestion of manures. Land use scenarios that achieved net zero had larger areas of rewetted peat soils, more than double the current area of forestry, and substantially lower meat and/or milk outputs relative to 2021.   Maintaining milk production close to 2021 levels would require a reduction of up to 97% in suckler-beef output. Net zero definitions requiring the least dramatic changes in agriculture and land use include those focussed only on carbon dioxide – meaning no targets for nitrous oxide and methane - or those based on an alternative accounting approach (“GWP*”) that attributes a “cooling” effect to a reduction in methane emissions. Net zero definitions requiring the most dramatic transformations - eg the largest reductions in milk and beef output - were those based on the long-term offset of cumulative emissions between 2050 and 2100 and those based on Irish methane emissions being capped based on a per-capita “fair share” of “allowable” global methane emissions.   Colm Duffy, Research Fellow at University of Galway and co-lead author, said: “Our study shows just how much the national interpretation of net zero could shape Ireland's future landscape, with implications for the environment, the economy and rural communities. Choices that may seem difficult now will only become more difficult with delay - clarity is urgently needed to plan a just transition”. David Styles, Associate Professor at University of Galway and study coordinator, said: “For carbon dioxide, net zero represents a clear, absolute target that is invaluable for strategic decision making. Including nitrous oxide and methane emissions from agriculture in national climate targets is crucial, but lacks consensus and involves contentious value judgements. Some targets may be perceived as unfair to Ireland, given that they either don’t take into account the distinct warming effect of methane through time, or they disregard Ireland’s outsize contribution to global milk and beef production. Other targets may be perceived as unfair by other countries because they allow Ireland to maintain disproportionately high emissions of methane (and nitrous oxide).”    George Bishop, Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Galway and co-lead author, concluded: “Actions like planting forests take time to deliver benefits. Delaying decisions due to fuzzy net zero goals makes the challenge harder, but also risks missing out on economic opportunities that can support a just transition. A clear vision for a net zero agriculture and land sector is desperately needed to inform strategic decision making by farmers and other stakeholders. This vision must be founded upon a robust and internationally-defendable definition of net zero.” The question of net zero and how to define strategic policy to achieve the targets has profound implications and the “what, where, and how” of future sustainable food production, peatland management and tree planting – actions that farmers will be expected to deliver. The issue is acute for Ireland, where more than 40% of greenhouse gas emissions originate from farming and land use, largely in the form of methane and nitrous oxide. The researchers also noted that policy on net zero should not just be about 2050. Some definitions consider the long-term warming impact out to the year 2100, which is vital to ensure that achieving net zero can be sustained beyond mid-century. Ends

Monday, 25 March 2024

University of Galway has marked a year of sporting success and heroes at our 39th annual Sports Awards.  The awards allow the university and sports community to come together to celebrate the triumphs and endeavours of athletes, sports clubs and coaches. Among the winners were athlete Fiona Everard, golfer Liam Nolan and the University’s Women’s Soccer. Fiona Everard who won the 2023 Irish National Cross Country Championships in Kilkenny, finishing 37 seconds clear of the field, in a race run in extreme muddy conditions. She has since gone on to represent Ireland at the 2023 European Cross Country Championships and was selected for the 2024 World Athletics Cross Country Championships. In golf, Liam Nolan started off 2023 by winning the South American Amateur Open, following it up with the Brabazon Trophy in May last year and competing in the Walker Cup. The Women’s Soccer team has gone from strength to strength in the last year, making every the final of every competition they entered and the A-Team winning the University Premier League, which came on the back of wining the Premier Cup last year. Therese Kinnevey and coach Billy Clery both earned individual awards for their success on the field. A special awards ceremony was held at the University to recognise all University of Galway athletes and Clubs and their successes. The University presented awards recognising sporting performance, leadership and participation, as well as those that contribute to the running and development of the University of Galway Sports Clubs.  The University Honours Awards celebrate remarkable final year individuals who have made an outstanding and sustained contribution to sport; shown an impeccable example of sportsmanship and a high level of performance and achievement; been an excellent ambassador within the University and student sport; and competed at a regional level or above.   University of Galway is now home to 40 active sports clubs, which are student-led and organised, with more than 6,000 students participating in sport and activity daily at the University.   University of Galway’s Dean of Students, Professor Ciara Meehan, said: “Congratulations to each of the awardees and a special word of thanks to all those who promote our University values of respect, openness and excellence through our Clubs. “Our annual sports awards reflect not only the excellence of our students in terms of preparation, performance and competing, but also the contribution they make, and their clubs make to our campus life and the importance of openness and participation in sport and exercise for the wellbeing of all our community.” University of Galway Director of High Performance Feargal O’Callaghan, said: “Our Sports Awards are a celebration and recognition of endeavour and achievement of our students and their coaches in many sporting codes and at varsity, national and international level. “Everyone involved in our Clubs brings honour and often glory, and also enjoyment, in no small amount, to University of Galway. “Many of the awardees will with certainty go on to achieve greatness in their chosen sport but for us in the Sports Unit, it is an honour and a pleasure to work with them and to get to know such talented individuals and to support all those involved in Clubs. We look forward to bright futures for all of our athletes and take this opportunity of the awards to recognise all those who brought us success and those who competed at their best.” 2024 Sports Award Winners University Honours Rian de Bairead (Bushypark, Co. Galway) Sailing Liam Nolan (Barna, Co. Galway) Golf Therese Kinnevey (Rosscahill, Co. Galway) Women’s Soccer Sports People of the Year Fiona Everard (Enniskeane, Co. Cork) Athletics Peter McGlynn (Mallow, Co. Cork) Volleyball  Individual Performance of the Year Robert McDonnell (Galway City) Athletics Team of the Year Women’s Soccer Club Club Captain of the Year Award Tianming Yao (Galway City) Table Tennis Club of the Year Sailing Club Coach of the Year Billy Clery (Furbo, Co. Galway) Women’s Soccer   Most Improved Club Award Table Tennis Best Event of the Year Award Kayak Intervarsity 2024 Unsung Hero Award Leah Smith (Belturbet, Co. Cavan) Swimming SU Club Captains’ Choice Awards Sarah Hontz (Galway City) Lacrosse Conor Moran (Galway City) Windsurfing Ends

Monday, 25 March 2024

University of Galway is to open its doors to Transition Year students with a unique, first-hand experience on how healthcare professionals are trained at its state-of-the-art Simulation Facility. The University’s College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences is putting on the special Taste of Healthcare Programme on Saturday, April 6th for students interested in a career in healthcare. Students will be given access to an immersive, interactive programme, giving them insight and experience into the world of inter-professional healthcare team and how they work together using the most advanced education and training techniques to ensure students are exceptionally well prepared for clinical practice when they graduate. Specially simulated medical procedures and scenarios will be demonstrated, such as endoscopy, childbirth and medical emergencies, giving students a glimpse into the diverse opportunities available at University of Galway and a real sense of the healthcare student experience. Professor Martin O’Donnell, Dean of the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at University of Galway said: "We are thrilled to offer this immersive experience to transition year students interested in pursuing careers in healthcare. This programme provides a unique opportunity for participants to gain hands-on experience and insight into the rewarding field of healthcare, while also experiencing the dynamic collaboration of multi-disciplinary teams, mirroring real-life healthcare environments." The event will showcase a wide range of skill sets across multiple disciplines including Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery, Occupational Therapy, Podiatric Medicine, and Speech and Language Therapy. Prospective students interested in participating in the Taste of Healthcare Programme can find more information and register at Ends

Friday, 22 March 2024

Lero and University of Galway project to recruit 19 top researchers Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre for Software, today launched a €3.5 million postdoctoral fellowship programme which will recruit 19 world-class researchers to universities across Ireland. The ROSETTA (Responsible Time and Tech in an Accelerated Digitised World) programme is funded by Lero, University of Galway’s J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics and the European Commission's Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND scheme. Details of the project were announced at the Regional Business Summit 2024 held in Galway.  Led by Professor Kieran Conboy of Lero and University of Galway, this ambitious project will explore the relationship between technology and time.  "Businesses, policy makers and regulators often highlight the great work they are doing in relation to responsible technology, and the term is used so much and so loosely it has lost a lot of its meaning. The ROSETTA fellows will have the freedom to challenge current assumptions around responsible technology, really scrutinise to what extent these ‘responsible’ efforts are real and to what extent they are effective. Through their work with Lero and their international industry placements they will improve the development and use of technology as well as directly inform new policy and regulation of responsible technology at national and European level,” explained Prof. Conboy, Principal Investigator of ROSETTA.  The prestigious programme will see 19 ROSETTA fellows provided with the highest quality research environment and a training programme where they will critically examine the development, use and regulation of technology from a time perspective across all aspects of life from children, people with disabilities, people in the workplace, to healthcare and social inclusion for older people.  Dr Siobhan Roche, Director of Science for the Economy at Science Foundation Ireland welcomed the announcement, saying: “SFI is highly focused on developing the best research talent to deliver tangible benefits today and into the future. In this important joint European project, the Lero SFI Research Centre will support collaboration in this cutting-edge domain, leading in the development of vital digital expertise. I congratulate the fellows, who will no doubt glean high value from their industry placements, with the potential to inform evidence-based policy making.”  According to Lero Director, Professor Lionel Briand, the ROSETTA programme will further augment Ireland’s international software research reputation. “The ROSETTA programme is an excellent example of Lero’s commitment to developing the tech leaders of the future who will not only examine software and digital technologies but also interrogate their impact on society. Ireland has the opportunity to become a world leader in regulation of technology and the work being done by Prof. Conboy and his Lero colleagues in the ROSETTA programme will be a cornerstone of that,” Professor Briand commented. ROSETTA will be coordinated by University of Galway in collaboration with four other Irish universities; University College Cork, University College Dublin, University of Limerick and Trinity College Dublin. ROSETTA fellows will have the opportunity to undertake secondments at one of 20 associated partners spanning Europe and the United States.  “Digital responsibility is one of J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics areas of research excellence and distinctiveness. The ROSETTA funding award is testament to the extensive digitalisation expertise of the leadership team here at University of Galway, and across the project research partners,” said Professor Alma McCarthy, Dean, J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, University of Galway ROSETTA fellows will complete a secondment at one of 20 Associated partners across Europe and the US. Fellows will be recruited from the fields of business, law, computer science, medicine, biomedical engineering, education, psychology, software engineering, information systems, human-computer interaction and business.  Ends

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

The annual Regional Business Summit for the west of Ireland is being hosted by University of Galway for the second year in a row, with a focus on addressing business challenges in the region.  The event is organised by J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, in collaboration with Galway Chamber, itag - the technology community in the western region, and Data 2 Sustain. The Summit will provide research-informed insights and practical advice on how businesses can be more innovative and how to respond to current and future challenges. This year’s summit will focus on digitalisation at speed and responsible technology; scaling a business with lessons from indigenous companies and multinationals; and sustainable finance.  Regional Business Summit - Accelerating Business: Tech, Scale and Finance takes place at University of Galway on Friday, March 22, from 9am to 1.30pm, with around 250 business leaders are expected to attend. Speaking ahead of the event, Professor Alma McCarthy, Dean, J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, said: "Regional Business Summit 2024 brings together cutting-edge research-informed insights from J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics’ academics and thought business leaders to discuss key issues facing businesses and organisations in the region. This year’s themes are informed by the needs of our external community and aligned with our School’s areas of research excellence." Kenny Deery , CEO, Galway Chamber, said: “The Regional Business Summit is a wonderful showcase of the ambition, talent and capacity across the region to deliver products and services globally. It also reinforces the need for us to collaborate more across organisations to amplify our efforts and collective success.” Caroline Cawley, CEO itag, said: ‘’itag members are enthusiastic about engaging with leading businesses at this year’s Regional Business Summit. This event presents an invaluable chance for our communities to come together and explore significant topics impacting businesses and organisations, especially in an era marked by rapid innovation and unfolding possibilities." Mike Conroy, Director, Data2Sustain European Digital Innovation Hub, said: “As a recently established consortium of the regions Universities along with all its development and business support agencies, focused on advancing data-driven innovation and enterprise Digitalization, the Regional Business Summit provides a key leadership forum for stakeholders and leaders to come together to ensure our work has broad cross sectoral reach and impact.” For more information or to register visit Ends 

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

University of Galway has been announced as a partner of the new, national ALTITUDE Project to promote inclusive educational opportunities at third level.   Funded by the Higher Education Authority, ALTITUDE – the National Charter for Universal Design in Tertiary Education, marks the start of a national conversation about how the sector can embed a universal design approach to providing education.  The project is an extensive cross sectoral collaboration involving six national agencies, 15 higher education institutions and six Education and Training Board representatives.  Launched today at the at the AHEAD Panorama Conference, the ALTITUDE Project will support higher education and ETBs to move towards systemically embedding university design with the aim of fostering student success for all.  The ALTITUDE Charter recommends key strategic enablers for institutions in order to support the sustainable implementation of universal design and proposes collaborative action to work towards goals under 4 key pillars of our institutions:  Learning, Teaching & Assessment;  Supports, Services & Social Engagement;   The Physical Environment;   The Digital Environment  President of University of Galway Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh said: “A long-standing flagship action of our values-led University strategy is to adopt the principles of universal design in our working and learning environment to make it inclusive of, and accessible to, all in our diverse community. We do this through our Universal Design and Accessibility policy, action plan and working group. I commend this cross sectoral effort, of which we are a leading partner, to develop the ALTITUDE Charter as a unified national approach to promoting accessible and inclusive practices in higher and further education. At University of Galway, we look forward to sharing universal design practice with colleagues across the sector.”  The ALTITUDE Project is funded under the Programme for Access to Higher Education – PATH 4, which is managed by the HEA and is a two-phase programme supporting inclusive, universally designed higher education environments and course provision for students with intellectual disabilities.  For more information, or to download the Charter and Technical Report, click here or watch the ALTITUDE introductory video here.  Ends 

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Tá an clár imeachta do Sheachtain Frithchiníochais Nelson Mandela na bliana seo fógartha ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Is é Zak Moradi, ar iománaí agus údar Coirdíneach-Éireannach é a scríobh Life Begins in Leitrim, a sheol an clár imeachtaí a mairfidh go dtí Dé Luain, an 25 Márta agus atá á reáchtáil ag an am céanna leis an Lá Idirnáisiúnta chun Idirdhealú Ciníoch a Dhíothú a cheiliúrtar gach bliain an 21 Márta.  I measc bhuaicphointí an chláir, fógrófar céad Scoláireacht Sár-Lúthchleasaí Tom Molineaux do mhic léinn ar de bhunadh mionlaigh eitnigh iad mar chuimhneachán ar an sclábhaí a bhain úsáid as an dornálaíocht chun a shaoirse a bhaint amach, agus atá curtha i nGaillimh. Déantar comóradh sa chlár chomh maith ar an 21 bliain atá caite ón uair a bhronn Ollscoil na Gaillimhe dochtúireacht oinigh ar Nelson Mandela in 2003. Déanfaidh Ambasadóir na hAfraice Theas chun na hÉireann, Mabet van Rensburg, an lá stairiúil sin a chomóradh tríd an aitheasc tosaigh a thabhairt san Ollscoil Dé hAoine, an 22 Márta. Beidh plé painéil ina dhiaidh sin dar teideal 'An Caidreamh idir Ollscoil na Gaillimhe agus an Afraic Theas a Láidriú'. Seo mar a labhair Mabet van Rensburg roimh a cuairt: "Mar go bhfuilimid ag ceiliúradh Nelson Mandela agus a throid i gcoinne an chiníochais an tseachtain seo, is am tráthúil é tarraingt ar an méid a dúirt sé féin.  Dúirt Madiba tráth gurb é “an t-oideachas an uirlis is cumhachtaí dá bhfuil ann chun an domhan a athrú”. Cothaíonn an t-oideachas muinín, agus as an muinín tagann dóchas agus, ar deireadh, síolraítear an tsíocháin ón dóchas. Maireann tionchar ollscoileanna ar feadh na síoraíochta, agus ní féidir a rá cá háit a dtiocfaidh deireadh lena dtionchar. Déantar an t-aos óg a chumasú trí naisc a bhunú idir institiúidí, cosúil le hOllscoil na Gaillimhe, agus an toradh air go dtagann feabhas ar an saol agus ar phobail, agus go n-imrítear éifeacht dhearfach ar an domhan mór.” Déanfaidh an Ollscoil céad Scoláireacht Sár-Lúthchleasaí Tom Molineaux do mhic léinn ar de bhunadh mionlaigh eitnigh iad a sheoladh. Rugadh Tom Molineaux ina sclábhaí in 1785 agus bhain sé úsáid as an dornálaíocht chun a shaoirse a bhaint amach. Bhí clú agus cáil air go hidirnáisiúnta mar fhear mór spóirt sular cailleadh é, agus é beo bocht, i nGaillimh in 1818. Beidh taispeántas faoi shaol Tom oscailte don phobal i rith na seachtaine i bPlás Leabharlann Uí Argadáin agus beidh an  chéad taispeáint phoiblí de chlár faisnéise TG4, Tom Molineaux - Crossing The Black Atlantic, ar siúl in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe Dé hAoine ón 2.30-4.30 in The View, Áras na Mac Léinn. I measc na gcainteoirí clúiteacha i rith na seachtaine, tá an Dr Mads Gilbert a thabharfaidh léacht ar ‘Health Apartheid in Palestine’ an 19 Márta, agus Francesca Albanese agus Maha Abdallah a dhéanfaidh plé Dé hAoine, an 22 Márta ar an staid reatha in Gaza agus ar impleachtaí an cháis dlí cinedhíothaithe atá tionscanta ag an Afraic Theas sa Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Idirnáisiúnta. Beidh roinnt imeachtaí á reáchtáil ar an gcampas i rith na seachtaine, agus áirítear leo ceardlanna, taispeántais, ceolchoirmeacha beo, oiliúint comhionannas ciníocha, seisiúin idirghníomhacha, seimineáir agus plé painéil. Dúirt an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe: "Seasaimid san Ollscoil an tseachtain seo leo siúd ar fad a chreideann i gcomhionannas agus tugann sé deis dúinn gníomhú ar luachanna na hOllscoile, mar atá meas, oscailteacht, barr feabhais agus inbhuanaitheacht, trí chomhionannas ciníocha agus frithchiníochas a chur chun cinn. Tá cúlchríoch éagsúil ag Gaillimh, agus is maith ann í. Ceiliúradh é seo ar an éagsúlacht sin agus tarraingíonn sé aird ar an ngá atá ann le ceannaireacht chun muid a threorú i dtreo sochaí chuimsitheach inar féidir le gach duine maireachtáil faoi shaoirse agus saor ó leithcheal agus naimhdeas."  Dúirt an Dr Helen Maher, an Leas-Uachtarán Comhionannais, Éagsúlachta agus Cuimsithe, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe: "Tarraingeoidh an clár imeachtaí éagsúla atá á reáchtáil againn i rith an dara Seachtain Frithchiníochais Nelson Mandela aird ar shaincheisteanna agus ar imeachtaí éagsúla a dhéanann difear do ghrúpaí eitneacha mionlaigh in Éirinn agus ar fud an domhain.  Áirítear leis tionscnaimh atá á stiúradh ag mic léinn agus ag comhaltaí foirne agus dearadh iad le bheith idir mhachnamhach agus idirghníomhach, agus muid ag súil go n-éascóidh siad plé, foghlaim agus rannpháirtíocht ar raon leathan saincheisteanna a bhaineann le cine, eitneachas agus frithchiníochas." I measc bhuaicphointí na seachtaine tá: Ceolchoirm leis an gCumann Ceolfhoirne – Dé Céadaoin, an 20 Márta ag 1pm, The Cube, Áras na Mac Léinn Seimineár faoi Stát na hÉireann agus Iarratasóirí LGBT+ ar Chosaint Idirnáisiúnta – Déardaoin, an 21 Márta ag 2pm in Áras na Mac Léinn Ceardlann ar Phobail a Nascadh: Pobail na Gaillimhe i gcoinne an Chiníochais agus an Leithcheala – Déardaoin, an 21 Márta ag 3.30pm in Áras na Mac Léinn Léacht Ionad na hÉireann do Chearta an Duine: Impleachtaí an Cháis Dlí Cinedhíothaithe atá Tionscanta ag an Afraic Theas sa Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Idirnáisiúnta – Dé hAoine, an 22 Márta ón 6.15-8.10pm san Áras Bitheolaíochta Daonna Walk the Talk Galway: Siúlóid an Daingin – Dé Sathairn, an 23 Márta ag 12pm, ag tosú ag Halla an Chladaigh agus ag críochnú ag Áras Oirbsean ar an gcampas. Holi – Ceiliúradh na nDathanna – Dé Domhnaigh, an 24 Márta ón 12-4pm ar Fhaiche an Choláiste Chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil nó chun an clár imeachtaí iomlán a fheiceáil, téigh chuig Críoch

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

University of Galway has unveiled the programme of events for this year’s Nelson Mandela Anti-Racism Week. Launched today by Zak Moradi, a Kurdish-Irish hurler and author of Life Begins in Leitrim, the week-long programme runs until Monday March 25th and coincides with International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, observed each year on March 21st.  The highlights include the inaugural Tom Molineaux Elite Athlete Scholarship for ethnic minority students in honour of the slave who boxed his way to freedom and is buried in Galway.  The programme also commemorates the 21st anniversary of Nelson Mandela being awarded an honorary doctorate by University of Galway in 2003.  Marking the historic day, South African Ambassador to Ireland, Mabet van Rensburg, will deliver a keynote address at the University on Friday March 22nd, which will be followed by a panel discussion entitled Strengthening Relations Between University of Galway and South Africa. Speaking ahead of her visit, Ms van Rensburg said: “As this week is about celebrating Nelson Mandela and his fight against racism, it seems appropriate to quote him.  Madiba famously said; “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Ultimately education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope and eventually hope breeds peace. Universities affect eternity and we can never tell where their influence will stop. By forming linkages between institutions, such as the University of Galway, our youth will be capacitated resulting in improving lives and leaving communities and the world better than it was found.” The University will launch the inaugural Tom Molineaux Elite Athlete Scholarship for ethnic minority students. Born into slavery in 1785, Tom Molineaux boxed his way into freedom from slavery and became an international sports star before he died destitute in Galway in 1918. An exhibition detailing Tom’s life will be open to the public during the week in the Hardiman Library Plaza, and, on Friday from 2.30-4.30pm in The View, Áras na Mac Léinn, the University will host its first public screening of the TG4 documentary Tom Molineaux - Crossing The Black Atlantic. Distinguished speakers during the week include Dr Mads Gilbert who will deliver a lecture on on ‘Health Apartheid in Palestine’ on 19 March, and Francesca Albanese and Maha Abdallah who will discuss the situation in Gaza and the ‘Implications of South Africa’s Genocide Case at the International Court of Justice’ on Friday March 22nd. During the week the campus will host a number of events including workshops, exhibitions, live music concerts, race equality training, interactive sessions, seminars and panel discussions. Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, University of Galway President, said: “The week allows our University to be with the voices of all those who believe in equality and to act on our University’s values of respect, openness, excellence and sustainability, through the advancement of race equality and anti-racism. Galway has a diverse hinterland and is all the better for it. This is a celebration of that diversity and the need for leadership towards an inclusive society where every individual can exist freely without fear of discrimination or hostility.” Dr Helen Maher, Vice-President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at University of Galway, said: “The diverse programme of events during our second Nelson Mandela Anti-Racism Week promotes various issues and events that affect the lives of ethnic minority groups in Ireland and across the globe. It includes both student and staff led initiatives and are designed to be deliberative and interactive, facilitating discussion, learning and engagement on a wide range of issues relevant to race, ethnicity and anti-racism.” Highlights during the week include: Concert with the Orchestra Society – Wednesday March 20th at 1pm in The Cube, Áras na Mac Léinn The Irish State and LGBT+ International Protection Applicants Seminar – Thursday March 21st at 2pm in Áras na Mac Léinn Connecting Communities Workshop: Galway Communities Against Racism and Discrimination – Thursday March 21st at 3.30pm in Áras na Mac Léinn Irish Centre for Human Rights lecture: Implications of South Africa’s Genocide Case at the International Court of Justice – Friday March 22nd from 6.15-8.10pm in the Human Biology Building Walk the Talk Galway: The Dangan Walk – Saturday March 23rd at 12pm starting at Claddagh Hall and finishing at the Orbsen Building on campus.  Holi – Celebration of Colours – Sunday March 24th from 12-4pm on the College Green For more information or to view the full programme of events visit  Ends

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Research funded by The Michael J. Fox Foundation uses hydrogel to improve therapy   Foundation awards grant support for further development of hydrogel following results    Neuroscientists at University of Galway have made an exciting discovery that could revolutionise stem cell-based brain repair therapy for Parkinson’s disease.  Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative condition in which brain cells slowly degenerate and die leading to a progressive deterioration in a person’s ability to control movement. It is estimated that there are 8.5 million people living with the condition worldwide, and 12,000 people in Ireland alone.  Brain repair for Parkinson’s involves replacing the dead cells by transplanting healthy brain cells back into the brain. With recent advancements in regenerative medicine and stem cell technology, “induced stem cells” can now be used as a source of healthy cells.  Induced stem cells are reprogrammed from adult cells, such as skin cells, and can be converted in the laboratory into the appropriate type of brain cell required for repairing the Parkinson’s brain.   However, these skin cells-turned brain cells need to be transplanted into the brain at a very early stage in their conversion, and the vast majority of the cells do not continue to convert -once in the brain - into the mature cells that are required for the therapy to work.   In work funded by The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF) and Science Foundation Ireland, published this week in the Journal of Neural Engineering, the team in the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at University of Galway have shown that transplanting the immature cells in a collagen hydrogel dramatically improves both their survival and maturation in the brain.   Commenting on the research finding, the lead neuroscientist on the project, Professor Eilís Dowd, said: “Our hydrogel nurtures, supports and protects the cells after they are transplanted into the brain, and this dramatically improves their maturation and reparative ability. Ultimately, we hope that continued development of this promising gel will lead to a significant improvement in brain repair approaches for people living with Parkinson’s.” The Michael J. Fox Foundation awarded $300,000 to continue the development of the hydrogel. The new research aims to understand how the immune system in the brain reacts when cells are transplanted alone versus when they are transplanted in combination with the hydrogel. The research will continue to be led by Professor Dowd, in collaboration with colleagues from CÚRAM - the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Medical Devices based at University of Galway, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Melbourne. Professor Dowd’s ongoing research in this field is featured in the short documentary Feats of Modest Valour which won the coveted Scientist Award at the Imagine Science Film Festival in New York, as well as the Professional Documentary Award at the Raw Science Festival in California.  Ends

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Two University of Galway researchers have received funding through Science Foundation Ireland’s Public Service Fellowship programme Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris T.D. announced funding for a total 14 research awards representing a total grant funding in excess of €1.25 million. The novel programme offers academic researchers the unique opportunity to be temporarily seconded to Government departments and agencies and work on specific collaborative research projects. The fellowships help to foster innovation and provide an evidence base for policy, through close collaboration and engagement within the public sector and academic research community. Dr Kristin Anderson, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, will be on secondment with the Food Safety Authority of Ireland on the project ‘The application of behavioural science to influence food safety compliance’, which aims to utilise behavioural science to provide insight in focus areas such as the food hygiene rating scheme, food safety culture, and regulatory enforcement. Heike Vornhagen, Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics, received a Fellowship award for her project ‘Dashboard Design for HSE Quality Improvement Reports.’ The Fellowship will enable her to work with the Health Service Executive for two years and focuses on developing visualisations and data dashboards to support decision-making. Making the announcement, Minister Harris, said: “I am delighted that this funding through the SFI Public Service Fellowship Programme spans 11 Government departments and agencies. Research plays a significant role in helping Government and Public Sector address national and global challenges, including climate change, health and well-being, food security, transport and digital transformation. “This targeted immersion and integration of research expertise in our public service represents a win-win partnership for participating researchers and government entities alike, and fully aligns with departmental efforts to strengthen connectivity between the sectors.” Professor Jim Livesey, Vice-President for Research and Innovation at University of Galway, said: “Congratulations to Kristin and Heike on being awarded SFI Public Service Fellowship funding. The Fellowship programme allows the awardees and industry to benefit from each other’s invaluable knowledge and expertise, and enhance collaboration of the research community with public bodies.” Ends

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

University of Galway has announced a new MBA Scholarship in honour of the late entrepreneur Colm Feeney.  The scholarship was launched at a special event on campus attended by family, friends and the business community, which also paid tribute to Mr Feeney’s memory and legacy in the west of Ireland. The Colm Feeney MBA Scholarship will support high-calibre applicants to join the MBA programme at the University’s J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics. As part of this annual scholarship, the scholars will have the opportunity of dedicated one-to-one mentorship throughout their studies from a leader in business.  Colm Feeney established SSL Logistics, now Rhenus Logistics, in Galway in 2000, which has grown to a leading business with 125 employees.  Mr Feeney also dedicated time and energy to helping other small business owners in Galway through mentorship, and it is in this spirit of giving back to the regional business community that his wife, Rosaleen and the Feeney family have established this new MBA scholarship in partnership with University of Galway. One aim of the Colm Feeney MBA Scholarship is to help small businesses and social organisations grow and thrive, and with that applicants working in organisations with fewer than 100 employees will be given priority. The Feeney family said: “As a family, we wish to honour Colm's legacy in a way that represents his positive energy, his ability to instill confidence and self-belief in others and his willingness to share his knowledge. The extent of his reach continues to inspire us. We feel this particular MBA Scholarship reflects these qualities and will provide excellent opportunities for the successful candidates.” Professor Kate Kenny, MBA Programme Director at J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics stated: “The generosity of the Feeney family to support MBA students in small businesses, community and voluntary sector organisation is very welcome. The spirit of the Colm Feeney scholarship ties in with our mission at the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics: an explicit focus on business for the public good.” Ends

Monday, 11 March 2024

Professor Fidelma Dunne becomes the first Irish person to receive Norbert Freinkel Award from American Diabetes Association   Leading diabetes researcher and Acting Director of the Institute for Clinical Trials at University of Galway, Professor Fidelma Dunne, has been recognised by the largest global diabetes research and educational organisation in the world, the American Diabetes Association. Professor Dunne is being honoured for outstanding scientific achievement in the understanding and treatment of diabetes and pregnancy and lifelong dedication to advancing both clinical practice and clinical research in the field. Professor Dunne said: “I am deeply honoured to receive the Norbert Freinkel Award from the American Diabetes Association. This recognition is a testament to the collaborative efforts of the research team at the University of Galway and the Institute for Clinical Trials and the broader Irish diabetes and endocrinology clinical and research community. “It reflects not only my own dedication to advancing knowledge and treatment in the critical intersection of diabetes and pregnancy, but also the patients involved in the trial who place their trust in our team and our clinical research.” Professor Dunne is Professor of Medicine at University of Galway and Consultant Endocrinologist at Saolta University Health Care Group and becomes the first Irish person to be recognised with the Norbert Freinkel Award from the American Diabetes Association. The award recognises the value and impact of Professor Dunne’s research into gestational diabetes and healthcare for pregnant women and mothers, as well as a lifetime of contributions, both clinical and research, to the field of diabetes and pregnancy. This work culminated in the EMERGE trial published in JAMA: the Journal of American Medical Association, in 2023, which has alleviated concerns over metformin drug use for mothers with diabetes and their babies. President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh said: “Professor Fidelma Dunne’s ground-breaking work in the field of diabetes and pregnancy positions her work here in Galway in an international setting and has significantly contributed to the global understanding of this complex condition. Her leadership and achievements reflect the excellence and commitment to research and clinical advancement at University of Galway.” As part of the award, Professor Dunne will deliver the Award Lecture at the American Diabetes Association’s Scientific Sessions in Florida in June. Ends

Monday, 11 March 2024

UNESCO Chair in Child and Family Studies Professor Pat Dolan honoured with Maria Grzegorzewska University Medal   University of Galway Professor Pat Dolan is to be awarded the Medal of the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw for life-long achievements in the field of children’s rights. The honour is being bestowed as part of celebrations to mark the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair at the university – named in memory of the Polish-Jewish paediatrician, educator, author and children’s rights advocate who is believed to have perished in a Nazi death camp with almost 200 children from his orphanage. Professor Dolan was awarded the UNESCO Chair in Children, Youth and Civic Engagement in 2008. As co-founder, with Professor John Canavan, of the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre in 2007, and former Director of the Institute for Lifecourse and Society, Professor Dolan’s extensive body of work is highly relevant to the lived lives of children, youth and families in particular those experiencing social exclusion, adversity and mental health challenges. He has pioneered youth research by placing young people at the heart of his work and also by promoting a fresh outlook on the importance of empathy in education.  For more than 10 years, Professor Dolan has worked with Oscar-winning actor Cillian Murphy, who has won this year’s Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of the eponymous father of the atomic bomb in the movie Oppenheimer. Professor Dolan and Cillian Murphy work together thanks to a shared interest in the role of empathy and social and emotional learning in building young people’s capacity to foster social connectedness. In 2022, Cillian Murphy and Professor Dolan co-edited IONBHÁ: The Empathy Book For Ireland in association with Gillian Browne of University of Galway and Mark Brennan, Pennsylvania State University in the US. The publication featured a range of well-known figures and people from all walks of life sharing their personal reflections on empathy. University of Galway President, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “Professor Pat Dolan has made a strong and sustained contribution to children’s rights through his work as UNESCO Chair in Children, Youth and Civic Engagement and his associated work in teaching and research over a long career. He has pioneered new approaches to research, and new attitudes towards working with and for young people. He epitomises the spirit of our outlook at University of Galway, where we are committed to being here for our students and to serve the public good. The focus of Professor Dolan’s work and his track record of teaching, research and engagement, in addition to his support for other UNESCO Chairs around the world, is testament to a life-long commitment to the well-being of children and young people. I am delighted to see that he is being recognised with such a poignant honour from the Maria Grzegorzewska University.” Cillian Murphy, Patron of the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre at University of Galway, said: “I have spoken about the role empathy can play and it being the most important tool an actor can have. It is thanks to my association with the UNESCO centre at University of Galway that I can see the fundamental value of affording all young people the opportunity to learn the place and value of empathy.”  Professor Anna Odrowaz-Coates, Chairholder of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair and Vice-rector at the Maria Grzegorzewska University, said: “Professor Pat Dolan has an impressive track record of researching and promoting empathy in education. His work has a significant impact on promoting human rights in practice and on the well-being of children, youths and entire communities. We are delighted to be able to recognise his work as we mark the 20th anniversary of our own University’s UNESCO Chair which is named after the inspirational Janusz Korczak.” Professor Dolan will be formally honoured with the Medal of the Maria Grzegorzewska University at a special ceremony in June. The event will take place alongside the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre’s international conference, Promoting Equality through Family Support, on June 13th and 14th.      Ends

Friday, 8 March 2024

US-based historian Kerby A. Miller’s donated collection made available to the public    University of Galway has launched Imirce, a digital repository of thousands of Irish emigrant letters and memoirs dating from the late 1600s through to the mid-20th century.    Featuring correspondence and other documents sent from North America, the collection offers an unparalleled insight into the personal reflections and lives of people as they wrote home to family and friends in Ireland.     The Imirce project has enabled the creation of an online, publicly accessible archive of the Kerby A. Miller Collection - a unique record of personal correspondence from the Irish diaspora in the US.   The archive includes approximately 7,000 letters, running to more than 150,000 documents, along with other important historical papers. It was collected over five decades of research by Kerby A. Miller, Emeritus Professor of History at University of Missouri and Honorary Professor of History at University of Galway, who donated the material to the University of Galway Library.    The letters and documents provide valuable insights into universal themes and individual perspectives influenced by class, religion, gender and political circumstances. The collection is especially rich in the post-famine period from 1850-1950.     Following the creation of the digital repository, University of Galway Library is actively seeking contributions of other emigrant letters, in particular those written in Irish in North America, and letters and memoirs produced in any language by emigrants from the Gaeltacht.     Details about how to contribute to the collection are available at    Samples and messages from letters, in the words as they written in the original author’s hand, are being shared as part of the launch:   “We have too many loved ones in the Cemetery here to leave them … We have been here a long time - and it is home to us now.” - Jane Crowe, writing to her brother in Roscommon in 1959.    “... old people are very little thought of in this country, not even There own families have any regard for them when they become played out from age and my own is no Exception as I could not get 1 penny from any of mine but what I can earn myself...” - ditch-digger Patrick McKeown, writing home in 1904.    “Ah Nora, It makes my very heart break when I think right of home … oh Nora I hate to think of it because I do be that homesick and lonely.” - Galway women writing home in 1921.    “I do not care any thing at all about gone home.” “I was born in old Ireland but I am quite happy sometimes I never think I was in old Ireland at all. I never (even) think of it ... for I do not entend ever to see it.” - Thomas McCann, writing in October 1894.     The Imirce digital repository was developed by an interdisciplinary team, led by Professor Daniel Carey (School of English, Media and Creative Arts), Cillian Joy (University of Galway Library) and Professor Breandán Mac Suibhne (Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge), with the archival work managed by Digital Archivist Marie-Louise Rouget.    Professor Breandán Mac Suibhne, Director of the Acadamh and historian at University of Galway, said: “Letter-writing was long the primary means of communication between Irish emigrants to North America and family and friends at home. The Imirce database allows researchers - amateur and professional - to access an extraordinary collection of emigrant letters and memoirs assembled over half a century by historian Kerby A. Miller and it provides a repository in which people can share copies of letters in their possession. Imirce is at once an important resource for scholars and a potent connection, across time, between the descendants of emigrants to North America and the people and places around Ireland that their forebears left behind."    Daniel Carey, Professor of English at University of Galway, said: “As an Irish American whose relations left Ireland for America during the Famine, I find this collection a profound record of the experience of emigrants, recorded in their own voices. The challenges of settling in a new country come to life in these letters, through reflections on ordinary events and major upheavals. We see how they kept their relationships going across great distances and reported home on how they were faring in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and so many cities and towns across the continent.”    Cillian Joy, Head of Open and Digital Research, University of Galway Library, said: “This is an exciting moment for the University of Galway Library as we launch this important digital resource to the public. In the spirit of open access, we invite scholars of Irish and North American history and members of the public alike to explore the material and the stories they tell.”    The University has released an initial tranche of material from the Imirce project, with more letters and memoirs to be published over the rest of the year.    The Imirce digital repository project was supported with funding from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and the University of Galway Strategic Fund.    The Kerby A. Miller Collection  Professor Miller donated his vast research collection related to Irish emigration to North America and Irish diaspora identities to the University of Galway Library in 2021.     From the early 1970s, when researching his landmark Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus to North America (Oxford, 1985), Miller transcribed writings by emigrants from Ireland to North America held in libraries and archives. Furthermore, looking beyond those repositories, he placed notices in Irish national and local newspapers asking people to send him treasured correspondence, which he and research assistants then copied, transcribed and returned.     Following the publication of Emigrants and Exiles, Miller continued to collect such material. The result is a vast collection of transcripts of the writings of craftsmen, especially weavers and spinners, miners, domestic servants, farmers, and canal, railroad, mill and construction workers.     The collection also includes transcripts of correspondence collected by historian Arnold Schrier when working on his Ireland and the American Migration, 1850–1900 (Minneapolis, 1958).     Ends 

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Tá Gradaim Aitheantais Speisialta Gaeilge bronnta ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ar dhaltaí ar éirigh leo pas le gradam a bhaint amach i scrúduithe ardleibhéil Gaeilge na Sraithe Sóisearaí.   D’fhreastail thart ar 140 dalta ó 40 scoil i nDún na nGall, Co. an Chláir, Co. Mhaigh Eo, Co. Liatroma, Co. Shligigh, Co. Ros Comáin agus Co. na Gaillimhe ar ócáid speisialta a reáchtáladh san Ollscoil chun aitheantas a thabhairt do na héachtaí atá bainte amach acu agus iad a cheiliúradh. Áirítear na daltaí i measc an 3.1% de dhaltaí ar fud na tíre ar éirigh leo pas le gradam a bhaint amach sa pháipéar ardleibhéil T2 Gaeilge go náisiúnta, nó an 4% de na daltaí a bhain pas le gradam amach sa pháipéar ardleibhéil T1 Gaeilge sa tSraith Shóisearach in 2023 trí scór idir 90% agus 100% a bhaint amach. Chuir Uachtarán Ionaid agus Meabhránaí Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Pól Ó Dochartaigh fáilte chroíúil roimh na daltaí agus a dteaghlaigh chuig an gcampas, agus rinne sé comhghairdeas leis na príomhoidí agus leis na múinteoirí, agus é ag tabhairt aitheantais dóibh as an dea-obair atá ar bun acu féin sna scoileanna. “Mar chuid dár dtiomantas campas dátheangach a chothú agus don ról ceannaireachta atá againn san ardoideachas agus i dtaighde na Gaeilge a chur chun cinn, tá an-áthas orainn na gradaim seo a bhronnadh anseo inniu. Tugann na gradaim seo aitheantas do dhaltaí a bhfuil éachtaí déanta acu agus pas le gradam bainte amach acu i scrúduithe na Sraithe Sóisearaí. Den dara bliain as a chéile, déanaimid ceiliúradh ar na sár-éachtaí sin, agus muid ag cur béim ar thábhacht na Gaeilge ní hamháin in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ach freisin i réimse an oideachais trí chéile agus i measc na bpobal atá tiomanta don Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn mar theanga bheo bhríomhar.”   Aithnítear an tábhacht a bhaineann lena chinntiú go mbeidh pobail bhisiúla Ghaeilge sa Ghaeltacht agus taobh amuigh den Ghaeltacht i gcéad straitéis Ghaeilge na hOllscoile, Straitéis na Gaeilge 2021-2025, a seoladh i mí Iúil 2021.   Tugadh aitheantas do na pobail sin ag an ócáid seo den chéad uair in 2023 agus arís in 2024 agus an Ollscoil ag déanamh cúraim don ról a chuir sí roimpi sa Straitéis, ó thaobh ceannasaíocht a thabhairt don ardoideachas i nGaeilge agus meas a léiriú ar lucht labhartha na Gaeilge. Críoch 

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Students who achieved a distinction in their higher level Irish Junior Cycle examination have been presented with a Special Irish Recognition Award from University of Galway.  Some 140 students from 40 schools in Donegal, Clare, Mayo, Leitrim, Sligo, Roscommon and Galway attended a special event at the University to recognise and celebrate their achievements. The students are among the 3.1% of students across the country who achieved a distinction in the higher level T2 Irish paper, or the 4% of students who achieved a distinction in the higher level T1 paper in the 2023 Junior Cycle examinations by scoring between 90% and 100%. University of Galway Deputy President and Registrar, Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh, welcomed the students and their families to campus and congratulated the teachers and principals while recognising the hard work being done in the schools. “As part of our commitment to fostering and nurturing a bilingual campus environment and advancing our leadership role in higher education and research in the Irish language we are thrilled to present these awards. These accolades honour students who have excelled and achieved distinction in their Junior Cycle examinations. For the second consecutive year, we celebrate their outstanding accomplishments, underscoring the significance of the Irish language not only within University of Galway but also in the broader educational landscape and among communities dedicated to promoting Irish as a vibrant, living language.”   The importance of thriving Irish-speaking communities in the Gaeltacht and beyond is recognised in the University’s first Irish language strategy, A Strategy for the Irish Language 2021-2025, which was launched in July 2021.  The communities were recognised at the inaugural event in 2023 and again in 2024 this year with the University fulfilling its role in leading higher education in the Irish language and showing Irish speakers respect, as is set out in the Strategy. Ends 

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

An international team of astronomers has shed new light on the fascinating and complex process of planet formation.   Using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT) in Chile, researchers captured stunning images of more than 80 young stars and discs of dust and gas where planets are forming.     The data has been published today in three papers in Astronomy & Astrophysics.   The research represents one of the largest surveys ever of planet-forming discs, providing astronomers with a wealth of data and a treasure trove of imagery and unique insights to help unpick the mysteries of planet formation in different regions of our galaxy.   Dr Christian Ginski, lecturer at the University of Galway and lead author of one of three new papers published, said: "This is really a shift in our field of study. We’ve gone from the intense study of individual star systems to this huge overview of entire star-forming regions.   “We know there is a very diverse population of planets out there. Now we know there is a very diverse population of planetary nurseries. Our images help us to try and connect these two, and this will eventually tell us how different kinds of planets are forming. Once we know that we can begin to figure out how often we get something like our own solar system that has the conditions for life to emerge.”    The team studied 86 stars across three different star-forming regions of the Milky Way galaxy: Taurus and Chamaeleon I, both around 600 light-years from Earth, and Orion, a gas-rich cloud about 1,300 light-years from us that is known to be the birthplace of several stars more massive than our Sun.   The collection of new images showcases the extraordinary diversity of planet-forming discs in just three, relatively small, regions of our galaxy.    Dr Ginski describes the imagery captured: “We could call these planetary nurseries - huge discs of gas and dust surrounding young stars. And in terms of the universe, these are in our backyard, as they are only 600-1,300 light years away. Our own Galaxy, the Milky Way, is roughly 80 times as extended. Some of these discs show huge spiral arms, presumably driven by the intricate ballet of orbiting planets.”   The observations were gathered by a large international team, with scientists from more than 10 countries.    To date more than 5,000 planets have been discovered orbiting stars other than our Sun, often within systems markedly different from our own solar system. To understand where and how this diversity arises, astronomers must observe the dust- and gas-rich discs that envelop young stars - the very cradles of planet formation. These are best found in huge gas clouds where the stars themselves are forming.   Dr Ginski added: “We are looking at these young birth places of planets because we want to understand why we are finding so many planetary systems around distant stars that are extremely diverse in their architecture and, mostly, very different from our solar system. To find that answer we turn to the earliest phase of planet formation.”    The international research team was able to glean several key insights from the imagery and dataset.   In Orion they found that stars in groups of two or more were less likely to have large planet-forming discs. This is a significant result given that, unlike our Sun, most stars in our galaxy have companions.    As well as this, some of the discs in this region have an asymmetric appearance, suggesting the possibility of massive planets embedded within them, which could be causing the discs to warp and become misaligned.   Across all three star forming regions some imagery shows beautiful structures. Others appear smooth. Others are still interacting with the surrounding birth-cloud of their central star.    In terms of the extraordinary diversity of the planet-formation, some of them are very extended - more than 100 times the distance between the Earth and Sun. In relative terms, some are tiny - maybe 20-30 times the distance between the Earth and Sun, which would be roughly be the orbit of Neptune, the outermost planet in our solar system.   While planet-forming discs can extend for distances hundreds of times greater than the distance between Earth and the Sun, their location several hundreds of light-years from us makes them appear as tiny pinpricks in the night sky.    To observe the discs, the team employed the sophisticated Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch instrument (SPHERE) mounted on ESO’s VLT.   SPHERE’s state-of-the-art extreme adaptive optics system corrects for the turbulent effects of Earth’s atmosphere, yielding crisp images of the discs. This meant the team were able to image discs around stars with masses as low as half the mass of the Sun, which are typically too faint for most other instruments available today.   Additional data for the survey were obtained using the VLT’s X-shooter instrument, which allowed astronomers to determine how young and how massive the stars are.    The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), in which ESO is a partner, on the other hand, helped the team understand more about the amount of dust surrounding some of the stars.   Dr Ginski added: “The extreme technological advancement in telescopes and instruments over the last decade was really a key factor allowing us to carry out this research. It is amazing that Irish astronomers, as members of ESO, have access to some of the largest telescopes on Earth.”    As technology advances, the team hopes to delve even deeper into the heart of planet-forming systems. The large 39-metre mirror of ESO’s forthcoming Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), for example, will enable the team to study the innermost regions around young stars, where rocky planets like our own might be forming. The University of Galway is directly contributing to the instrumentation of what will be the biggest telescope on the planet, allowing our astronomers privileged access once it is completed.    Dr Ginski added: “Once we have the ELT, we will revisit some of the most remarkable systems we have now found in our studies and peer into the regions where future habitable planets will be forming. This will bring us one step closer to understand how life emerges in the Universe.”   Ends  

Monday, 4 March 2024

University of Galway is inviting prospective students, parents, guidance counsellors and teachers to campus for the upcoming spring undergraduate open day. The open day, which takes place on Saturday, March 9, from 9am to 3pm, is a perfect opportunity for Leaving Certificate, Fifth Year and Transition Year students to gain valuable insights into the courses to study and the future careers that await them after graduation. With special interactive events, the open day offers hands-on experiences of some of the most innovative teaching and learning facilities.  The University offers more than 60 internationally recognised undergraduate degree courses in areas such as Medicine, Nursing, Health Sciences, Arts, Science, Engineering, Business, Law and Hotel Management, and more than nine out of 10 of courses offer students a work placement and/or study abroad opportunity, ensuring graduates are workplace ready, and much sought after by employers at home and abroad.  The open day is spread across five exhibition zones and the schedule includes a large programme of talks with more than 60 course, subject, career and student support talks on offer.  A special feature of this open day will be exclusive access to some of the University’s most innovative teaching and learning facilities and hands-on experiences including: Future medical students and their parents will not want to miss the interactive tour of new world-class healthcare simulation facilities located in the Clinical Science Institute Building. The tour commences at 9:45am and the meeting point is outside the Red Zone. Registration is required at Stand 2 in the Red Zone in advance. The School of Law’s Moot Court will be open to visitors with five tours taking place on the day. The Moot Court is designed to replicate the experience of a real court hearing for our students. Places can be booked at the Law Stand in the Orange Zone on the day. The College of Science and Engineering are offering interactive zones for future students to explore pathways and courses from 9am to 3pm in the Green Zone (Engineering) and Purple Zone (Science and Computer Science). Visitors interested in physics can tour the physics laboratory teaching facilities at 12pm or 2pm. Places can be booked from 10am at the Physics Stand in the Purple Zone. Visitors are invited to join a Drama Masterclass, a practical drama workshop that gives a taste of the University’s degree in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies. Places for the masterclass can be booked on the day at the Drama stand in the Orange Zone. There will also be two guided tours of the O’Donoghue Centre at 11:30am and 2pm. The meeting point is in the foyer of the O’Donoghue Centre in the blue zone. For a full campus experience, join one of our three guided campus tours. They leave from inside the Quadrangle building. Tours last approximately 1 hour and are hosted by our Student Ambassadors. The open day schedule includes a series of information that will help students and parents prepare for college life with talks on Student Life, Sport, and Study Abroad.  The Access Centre will host sessions on alternative pathways, mature student supports and the QQI/FETAC/PLC entry route.  Parents are invited to attend a Parents’ Talk taking place on at 11:30am with advice and guidance on how parents can support the progression to third level.   Sarah Geraghty, Director of Student Recruitment and Outreach, highlighted the importance of providing students with opportunities to explore the campus and think about their future studies: “The aim of our open day is to give students a taste of college life and hopefully a sense of great possibility for their future university studies. University of Galway is ranked in the top 2% of universities globally and in the top 100 in Europe, in addition to being ranked 34th in the world and number one university in Ireland by the THE Impact Rankings for its efforts in progressing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Our lecturers, staff and students are looking forward to meeting future students to help them navigate their way through the many diverse and exciting study and career pathways that await them.”  Advance registration is required, with further information and the full programme available at, or by emailing  Ends

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