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March 2016 Registration Now Open for NUI Galway’s Spring Undergraduate Open Day
Registration Now Open for NUI Galway’s Spring Undergraduate Open Day
Register in advance for a chance to win a GoPro Camera
NUI Galway’s annual Spring Undergraduate Open Day will be held on Saturday, 16 April from 10am to 3pm. The Open Day is an opportunity for students and parents to experience first-hand all that NUI Galway has to offer.
There is a packed programme of events lined up for the day including subject talks, taster sessions, hands-on science workshops and interactive sessions with IT systems and robotics. There will be over 80 subject-specific stands in the main exhibition area in the Bailey Allen Hall, where lecturers and current students will be available to answer questions on courses, CAO points, employability, and career progression routes.
The ‘Parents Programme’ will provide parents with information on important issues such as fees and funding, careers, accommodation, career destinations and the range of support services for students.
Highlight talks throughout the day will include:
- Scholarship schemes including Creative Arts Performance Points, CAO Sports Performance Points, Sports Scholarships and Excellence Scholarships
- The new Bachelor of Commerce (Global Experience)
- The new BA Children’s Studies
- Arts – the new BA Joint Honours
- Shannon College of Hotel Management – International Hotel Management
- Career talks – “Where are the jobs? What are my employment prospects after University?”
Students registering in advance to attend the Open Day are invited to enter a competition using the hashtag #experiencenuigalway on any social media outlet indicating why they should win a GoPro camera to capture their NUI Galway Open Day experience. The winner will be given a special GoPro tutorial and invited to record their visit to the campus.
Niamh Connolly, Marketing Officer at NUI Galway, said: “Attending Open Day is the perfect opportunity to get a real feel for university life at NUI Galway, talk to lecturers and current students, and get all the information you need to make that important decision. We are encouraging anyone with an interest in studying at NUI Galway to come along as the Open Day is a unique opportunity to experience what the University has to offer and decide whether NUI Galway feels right for you.”
Tours of the campus will feature the state-of-the-art sports complex and gym, the Engineering Building and tours of student accommodation. Guided walking tours of the main campus and campus accommodation will also take place throughout the afternoon.
To plan your visit advance, receive an Open Day programme, and be in with a chance of winning a GoPro camera, visit www.nuigalway.ie/opendays or visit@nuigalway.ie.
Cláraigh anois do Lá Oscailte Fochéime an Earraigh in OÉ Gaillimh
Cláraigh roimh ré agus beidh deis agat Ceamara GoPro a bhuachan
Dé Máirt, 29 Márta 2016: Beidh Lá Oscailte Fochéime an Earraigh ar siúl in OÉ Gaillimh Dé Sathairn, an 16 Aibreán ó 10am go 3pm. Is deis atá sa Lá Oscailte do mhic léinn agus do thuismitheoirí taithí phearsanta a fháil ar gach a bhfuil ar tairiscint in OÉ Gaillimh.
Tá clár lán le himeachtaí eagraithe don lá lena n-áirítear cainteanna faoi na hábhair, seisiúin eolais, ceardlanna eolaíochta praiticiúla agus seisiúin idirghníomhacha le córais IT agus róbataic. Beidh os cionn 80 seastán a bhaineann le hábhair ar leith sa phríomh-halla taispeántais i Halla Bailey Allen, áit a mbeidh léachtóirí agus mic léinn reatha ar fáil chun ceisteanna a fhreagairt ar chúrsaí, pointí CAO, infhostaitheacht, agus dul chun cinn gairme.
Cuirfidh ‘Clár na dTuismitheoirí’ eolas ar fáil do thuismitheoirí ar cheisteanna tábhachtacha cosúil le táillí agus maoiniú, gairmeacha, lóistín, poist agus an réimse seirbhísí tacaíochta atá ar fáil do mhic léinn.
I measc na gcainteanna spéisiúla a bheidh ar siúl ar an lá tá:
- Scéimeanna scoláireachta lena n-áirítear Pointí Breise do na hEalaíona Cruthaitheacha, Pointí Breise CAO do Spórt, Scoláireachtaí Spóirt agus Scoláireachtaí Sárchaighdeáin
- An Baitsiléir nua le Tráchtáil (Eispéireas Domhanda)
- An BA nua le Staidéar Leanaí
- Na Dána – an BA nua Comhonóracha
- Coláiste Ósta na Sionna – Bainistíocht Idirnáisiúnta Óstáin
- Cainteanna faoi ghairmeacha – “Where are the jobs? What are my employment prospects after University?”
Tá deis ag mic léinn a chláraíonn roimh an Lá Oscailte iarratas a dhéanamh ar chomórtas tríd an haischlib #experiencenuigalway a úsáid ar aon cheann de na meáin shóisialta agus a rá cén fáth ar cheart dóibh ceamara GoPro a bhuachan chun a gcuid féin de Lá Oscailte OÉ Gaillimh a chur i bhfoirm grianghraf. Cuirfear rang teagaisc speisialta GoPro ar fáil don bhuaiteoir agus tabharfar cuireadh dó/di a c(h)uairt ar an gcampas a thaifeadadh.
Dúirt Niamh Connolly, Oifigeach Margaíochta in OÉ Gaillimh: “Is deis iontach atá sa Lá Oscailte tuiscint mhaith a fháil ar shaol na hollscoile in OÉ Gaillimh, labhairt le léachtóirí agus le mic léinn reatha, agus an t-eolas ar fad a theastaíonn uait a fháil chun an cinneadh tábhachtach sin a dhéanamh. Molaimid do dhuine ar bith ar spéis leo staidéar in OÉ Gaillimh teacht chuig an Lá Oscailte mar gur deis ar leith atá ann eolas a chur ar a bhfuil ar fáil san Ollscoil agus a fháil amach duit féin an bhfeileann OÉ Gaillimh duitse.”
Ar thurais den champas, taispeánfar an t-ionad spóirt le giomnáisiam den scoth, an Foirgneamh Innealtóireachta agus lóistín na mac léinn. Tabharfar na cuairteoirí ar shiúl na gcos freisin tráthnóna timpeall an phríomhchampais agus thart ar lóistín na mac léinn.
D’fhonn do chuairt a phleanáil roimh ré, clár den Lá Oscailte a fháil, agus a bheith sa mhála mór chun ceamara GoPro a bhuachan, tabhair cuairt ar www.nuigalway.ie/opendays or visit@nuigalway.ie.
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