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July 2016 Galway Designated European Capital of Culture for 2020
Galway Designated European Capital of Culture for 2020
NUI Galway offers heartiest congratulations to the Galway 2020 team following the announcement this afternoon that Galway has been designated the European Capital of Culture for 2020.
Our congratulations to City Manager Brendan McGrath along with his dedicated staff and all involved with to the Galway 2020 bid, the volunteers and general public for their overwhelming engagement with the bid process especially in recent months when a united front was visible from all communities across the city and county.
This is a massive win today for Galway, one that will see lasting and transformative benefits for years to come, and one that has seen over 18 months of sheer hard work for all involved. Their success with this bid is reflective of the commitment shown on this journey to securing the European City of Culture title. This has made the University, the city, the county and the province proud, extremely proud.
As a major supporter and contributor to many of the projects, NUI Galway is delighted to offer its further commitment with this phenomenal Galway 2020 success.
Comhghairdeas ó chroí le foireann Gaillimh2020
Dr Jim Browne, President of NUI Galway
Príomhchathair Chultúir na hEorpa 2020
Tréaslaíonn Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh ó chroí le foireann Gaillimh 2020 agus an fógra déanta tráthnóna inniu gurb í Gaillimh atá le bheith ina Príomhchathair Chultúir na hEorpa sa bhliain 2020. Déanaimid comhghairdeas leis an mBainisteoir Cathrach Brendan McGrath agus leis an bhfoireann dhúthrachtach a bhí ag obair in éineacht leis ar an iarratas, leis na hoibrithe deonacha agus leis an bpobal trí chéile as a rannpháirtíocht ghníomhach sa phróiseas, go mór mór le cúpla mí anuas nuair ba léir go raibh pobail uile an chontae agus na cathrach aontaithe agus ar a ndícheall.
Is iontach an gaisce é seo ag Gaillimh inniu agus cuirfear athrú suntasach chun feabhais ar an áit ar feadh na mblianta amach romhainn dá bharr. Is toradh iontach é ar an obair chéadach a rinne daoine go leor le 18 mí anuas. Is breá an léiriú ar an díograis agus an obair éachtach a rinne siad é scéala an lae inniu go bhfuil an stádas mar Phríomhchathair Chultúir na hEorpa bainte amach ag Gaillimh. Tá bród as cuimse ar an Ollscoil, ar an gcathair, ar an gcontae agus ar an gcúige.
Agus tacaíocht mhór tugtha aici go dtí seo do thionscadail iomadúla an fheachtais seo, is mór ag Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh tuilleadh cabhrach fós a thabhairt amach anseo do Ghaillimh 2020.
Comhghairdeas ó chroí le foireann Gaillimh 2020
An Dr Jim Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh
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