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May 2013 WHO Partnership Working Meeting and Health Promotion Conference at University of Galway
WHO Partnership Working Meeting and Health Promotion Conference at University of Galway
On Tuesday, 28 May, the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion Research at University of Galway will host a Partnership Working Meeting with the WHO Regional Office for Europe.
This meeting will focus on WHO priorities and collaborative actions in the field of Health Promotion including; the Health 2020 European health policy framework for action across governments and society to improve health and wellbeing of populations and reduce health inequalities; and the implementation of the European Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2012-2016.
The event will be addressed by leading Health Promotion experts from: WHO Regional Office for Europe; EuroHealthNet; International Union for Health Promotion and Education; the Department of Health, Health Service Executive; and the Public Health Institute in Ireland. Presentations will be given by the directors of WHO Collaborating Centres in Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Switzerland, and the UK.
The Health 2020 policy responds to the changing context for population health in Europe and the growing health inequities within and between countries. “WHO is committed to strengthening efforts for improving the health of citizens and the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in the European region. Within the Health 2020 policy framework, specific actions are identified to which Member States, WHO and partners can commit themselves over the coming years”: says Dr Gauden Galea, Director of Noncommunicable Diseases and Health Promotion at WHO Europe, who will address the meeting.
Professor Margaret Barry, Head of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion Research at University of Galway, said: “This Partnership Working Meeting provides an important opportunity for WHO Collaborating Centres to provide the necessary research to support the implementation of new policy frameworks for promoting health and wellbeing in the European region.”
OnWednesday, 29 May,University of Galway will also host the 17th Annual Health Promotion conference,entitled Health in All Policies: Strengthening Multisectoral Health Promotion in an Irish Context. Speakers will include:
- Dr Erio Ziglio, Head of the European Office for Investment for Health and Development, WHO Regional Office for Europe
WHO European Strategy Health 2020
- Dr Stephanie O Keeffe, Director of the Health and Wellbeing Programme, Department of Health, Ireland
New Framework for Improved Health and Wellbeing
- Margaret Whitehead, Professor of Public Health at the University of Liverpool, England
Paddling Upstream? Obstacles and opportunities for tackling inequalities in health
“The conference provides an opportunity to discuss global, national and local approaches for promoting health and wellbeing across different sectors”, said Dr Michal Molcho, Health Promotion at University of Galway and Chair of this year’s conference.
For more information visit www.nuigalway.ie/hprc.