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November 2012 Cartlann Ilmheáin Éamoin de Buitléar le Bronnadh ar OÉ Gaillimh
Cartlann Ilmheáin Éamoin de Buitléar le Bronnadh ar OÉ Gaillimh
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Éamoin de Buitléar
Déanfaidh an fear scannáin agus fiadhúlra, Éamon de Buitléar, a chartlann phearsanta a bhronnadh ar Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh, inniú, Dé Céadaoin, 28 Samhain, 2012. Tá breis is trí scór bliain d’ábhar ilmheáin sa chartlann seo, ar léargas é ar spéiseanna pearsanta agus proifisiúnta Éamoin de Buitléar.
Cuimsítear sa chartlann:
- Scannáin fhaisnéise Éamoin ó chuaigh sé leis an scannánaíocht;
- Bunábhar fíor-shuntasach a bhaineann le stair na craoltóireachta agus na scannánaíochta in Éirinn;
- Buntaifeadtaí agus ábhar eisceachtúil a bhaineann le Seán Ó Riada, Ceoltóirí Chualann agus Ceoltóirí Laighean a thugann léargas luachmhar ar athréimniú an cheoil dúchais san fhichiú haois;
- Taifid fhuaime agus físe a thugann léargas tábhachtach ar stair na timpeallachta agus na tuaithe in Éirinn;
- Ábhar cultúrtha mórshuntais i measc pháipéir theaghlaigh mhuintir de Buitléar, lámhscríbhinní agus bunchóip de Fhoclóir na nÉan, a réitigh an Coirnéal Éamon de Buitléar, iar aide-de-camp Dhubhghlas de hÍde, an chéad Uachtarán ar Éirinn.
Dúirt Éamon de Buitléar agus an togra á sheoladh aige: “Saothar saoil atá sa chartlann seo. Is mór i gceist agam an timpeallacht, an teanga agus an ceol dúchais agus tá ríméad orm go bhfáilteofar roimh an mbailiúchán ina iomláine in OÉ Gaillimh. Tá sé fíor-thábhachtach go mbeadh teacht ag daoine óga agus pobal na Gaeltachta ar an mbailiúchán seo go furasta agus go saoráideach, i nGaeltacht Chonamara go háirithe.”
Mhol Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr Jim Browne, an bronnadh flaithiúil seo ar an Ollscoil ó lámh Éamoin: “Bronnadh thar a bheith gnaíúil é seo ó dhuine de cheannródaithe móra na craoltóireachta in Éirinn. Is cás le hÉamon gnéithe éagsúla dár n-oidhreacht – idir cheol, chultúr agus nádúr – agus rinne sé saibhriú ar shaol na tíre gan trácht ar a chartlann phearsanta. Bainfidh an Ollscoil lánearraíocht as an acmhainn luachmhar seo de bharr an luí atá againn leis an nGaeilge agus le staidéar na físe.”
Cuirfidh OÉ Gaillimh tús le mórthogra le go ndéanfaí digitiú agus clárú ar an gcnuasach seo a bhfuil tábhacht náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta leis. Cuirfidh an togra ar chumas scoláirí, taighdeoirí, mic léinn agus pobal na Gaeltachta teacht ar an ábhar. Bainfidh OÉ Gaillimh leas ar leith as ábhar na cartlainne i bhfianaise obair na hOllscoile le Taisclann Dhigiteach na hÉireann. Fágfaidh seo go mbeidh ábhar na cartlainne ar fáil taobh istigh de chreatlach bhonneagair a éascóidh rochtain scolártha agus rannpháirteachas pobail. Oibreoidh an Ollscoil i gcomhar le páirtnéirí ar nós Cartlanna RTÉ le go bhforbrófaí an dea-chleachtas agus prótacail chomhchoitianta maidir le rochtain phoiblí agus caomhnú na hoidhreachta náisiúnta clos-amhairc.
Déanfaidh OÉ Gaillimh an chartlann a dhigitiú, a chlárú, a chaomhnú agus rochtain ar an gcartlann a chur ar fáil trí pháirtnéireacht idir Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge agus Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Ardagáin. Déanfar próiseáil ar ábhair scannáin, fístéipe, téip fuaime agus páipéar mar chuid den togra. Gné eisceachtúil den togra an comhthéacsú atá déanta ag Éamon de Buitléar féin ar an mbailiúchán. Tá suas le 20 uair a chloig de thaifeadtaí fuaime déanta ag Éamon le taighdeoir an togra, Micheál Holmes, agus cur síos déanta aige ar réimsí éagsúla dá shaol oibre.
Cuirfidh Cartlann Éamoin de Buitléar go mór le bailiúcháin eile i Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Ardagáin, leithéidí togra digitithe Amharclann na Mainistreach agus páipéir Bhrendan Duddy, Thomas Kilroy agus John McGahern. Beidh taispeántas i Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Ardagáin i ndiaidh sheoladh an togra Dé Céadaoin 28 Samhain a thabharfaidh léargas ar earraí tábhachtacha ón mbailiúchán agus éagsúlacht an chnuasaigh trí chéile.
Beidh teacht ar an gcartlann dhigiteach in Áras Taighde nua na nDán, na nDaonnachtaí agus na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta, a osclófar díreach taobh le Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Ardagáin ar phríomhchampas OÉ Gaillimh i 2013 agus in Ionaid Ghaeltachta na hOllscoile, i gCarna agus ar an gCeathrú Rua mar a ndéantar BA agus MA sa Chumarsáid a mhúineadh trí mheán na Gaeilge.
Tabharfar faoi Dhigitiú an Tionscadail i Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Ardagáin agus in Ionad na hOllscoile i gCarna mar a bhfuil tograí taighde ilmheáin eile á riaradh ag Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, leithéidí www.joeheaney.org, Cartlann Raidió na Gaeltachta, Cartlann Joe Burke agus iTunesU de chuid COGG, togra acmhainní digiteacha don seomra ranga bunscoile.
Éamon de Buitléar to Present His Unique Multi-Media Archive Collection to NUI Galway
Today, Wednesday, 28 November, 2012, renowned film-maker and environmentalist Éamon de Buitléar will officially present his exceptional personal archive to NUI Galway. This multi-media archive collection spans some sixty years of creativity and reflects a broad range of Éamon de Buitléar’s professional and personal concerns.
The archive contains:
- Éamon’s documentary film output over the course of his career;
- Key materials relating to the history of broadcasting & film production in Ireland;
- Original recordings and unique insights into the revival of Irish traditional music in the twentieth century with material relating to Seán Ó Riada, Ceoltóirí Chualann and Ceoltóirí Laighean;
- Visual and audio records of interest in terms of historical environmental studies;
- Culturally significant material within the de Buitléar family papers including manuscripts and A Dictionary of Irish Bird Names, compiled by An Coirnéal Éamon de Buitléar, former aide-de-camp to Dubhghlas de hÍde, the first President of Ireland.
Launching the project, Éamon de Buitléar said: “The collection contains my life’s work. The environment, the Irish language and our native music have been cornerstones of my work and I am happy that the archive as a whole will find a home in NUI Galway. It is important that the collection will be available and accessible, particularly to young people and also to the Gaeltacht community in Conamara.”
President of NUI Galway, Dr Jim Browne paid tribute to Éamon’s generous donation to the University: “This is a magnificent gesture by one of the pioneers of Irish broadcasting. Éamon’s constant concern for various aspects of our heritage – natural, cultural and musical – has enriched not only his personal archive but national life. We will use our institutional strengths in visual studies and the Irish language to fully exploit and conserve this rich resource.”
NUI Galway, will begin a major project to catalogue and to digitise this collection of national and international significance to facilitate access to scholars, researchers, students and the Gaeltacht community. Playing a key role in the Digital Repository of Ireland, the University is uniquely positioned to exploit the archive material and place it in a framework which will facilitate scholarly access and public engagement while working with partners such as RTÉ Archives to develop common protocols and best practice in the conservation of and public access to the national audio-visual heritage.
Work on this multi-media project will be carried out by NUI Galway’s James Hardiman Library and Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge and will process materials on film, video, audio tape and paper. A unique aspect of the collection is the contextualisation which has been provided by Éamon de Buitléar himself in the form of 20 hours of audio recordings describing the various facets of his work to project researcher, Micheál Holmes.
The Éamon de Buitléar Archive will complement existing and newly acquired collections in the James Hardiman Library such as the project to digitise the Abbey Theatre archive and the acquisition of the papers of Brendan Duddy, Thomas Kilroy and John McGahern. Following the launch on Wednesday, 28 November, an exhibition will be staged in the James Hardiman Library in NUI Galway which will highlight the diversity of Éamon de Buitléar’s work and display key items from the collection.
The collection will be accessible in the new Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Building which will open at the heart of the NUI Galway campus in 2013 and at the University’s Gaeltacht centres in Carna and at An Cheathrú Rua where BA and MA programmes in Communications are taught through the medium of Irish.
The Project Digitisation will take place in the James Hardiman Library and in the University’s centre in Carna where Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge have already managed multi-media research projects such as www.joeheaney.org, Cartlann Raidió na Gaeltachta, The Joe Burke Archive and, most recently, iTunes U COGG, a project to develop digital classroom resources for primary schools.
Keywords: Press.
Author: Marketing and Communications Office, NUI Galway
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