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June 2012 Part-Time Diploma in Irish Music Studies at NUI Galway
Part-Time Diploma in Irish Music Studies at NUI Galway
Monday, 25 June 2012
NUI Galway is taking applications for the redesigned Diploma in Irish Music Studies. The programme will give an interdisciplinary introduction to the ways in which Irish traditional music, song and dance have contributed to the creation of identity amongst Irish communities on the island of Ireland and beyond.
The Diploma in Irish Music Studies will give students an opportunity to explore Irish music and dance in a classroom environment. Topics studied will include: transmission of Irish traditional music; diaspora and Irish music, song and dance; negotiating identity through Irish traditional music; and Irish traditional music and commodification, which examines the production and consumption of Irish music and how something that is perceived to be 'old' and 'traditional' functions successfully in the 21st century.
Dr Louis de Paor, Director of the Centre for Irish Studies at NUI Galway, said: “The practical element of this diploma offers numerous benefits to participants. We provide unrivalled access to contemporary sean-nós practitioners and the chance to engage and learn from both their performance and educational methods. This course enables participants to draw on the wellspring of traditional culture in Connemara, a rich resource on the doorstep of NUI Galway.”
The Diploma in Irish Music Studies also includes a practical element, offering participants the opportunity to engage with ‘masters’ of the sean-nós singing and dancing tradition, in a workshop environment. In conjunction with the Sean-nós Performer-in-Residence Scheme and Comhrá Ceoil at the Centre for Irish Studies, this practical element reflects the wider commitment of the University to Irish traditional music, song and dance.
The course runs on a part-time basis over two years, taking place one night a week. It begins in September 2012 and the deadline for registration is Friday, 13 July.
Further information can be found at www.nuigalway.ie/adulteducation or contact Samantha Williams in the Centre for Irish Studies at 091 492051 or samantha.williams@nuigalway.ie
Dioplóma Páirtaimseartha i Staidéar Cheol na hÉireann ar siúl in OÉ Gaillimh
Tá OÉ Gaillimh ag glacadh le hiarratais ar an Dioplóma athdheartha i Staidéar Ceoil na hÉireann. Cuirfear tús idirdhisciplíneach leis an gclár le cur síos ar na bealaí ar chuir ceol, amhránaíocht agus damhsa traidisiúnta na hÉireann le féiniúlacht mhuintir na hÉireann ar oileán na hÉireann agus thar lear.
Gheobhaidh mic léinn ar an Diploma in Irish Music Studies an deis staidéar a dhéanamh ar cheol agus ar dhamhsa na hÉireann sa seomra ranga. I measc na dtopaicí a bheidh ar bun beidh: ceol traidisiúnta na hÉireann á sheinm; an diaspóra agus ceol na hÉireann, amhránaíocht agus damhsa; féiniúlacht a aimsiú trí cheol traidisiúnta na hÉireann; agus ceol traidisiúnta na hÉireann agus tráchtearrú, anseo scrúdaítear léiriú agus úsáid cheol na hÉireann agus an chaoi a bhfeidhmíonn ní atá ‘sean' agus ‘traidisiúnta' chomh maith sin san 21ú haois.
Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Dr Louis de Paor, Stiúrthóir Ionad an Léinn Éireannaigh in OÉ Gaillimh: “Ó tharla go bhfuil an dioplóma seo praiticiúil is iomaí leas atá le baint ag na rannpháirtithe as. Bíonn fáil éasca ar lucht comhaimseartha sean-nóis agus bíonn an deis ag na mic léinn páirt a ghlacadh ina gceird agus foghlaim ó na modhanna oideachais. Ar an gcúrsa seo beidh na mic léinn in ann tarraingt as tobar an chultúir thraidisiúnta i gConamara, ar leic an dorais ag OÉ Gaillimh.”
Tá gné phraiticiúil ag an Diploma in Irish Music Studies chomh maith. Faigheann na mic léinn an deis ceardlanna a dhéanamh le ‘máistrí’ an damhsa agus na hamhránaíochta ar an sean-nós. I gcomhar le Scéim an Cheoltóra/Damhsóra Chónaithigh ar an Sean-nós agus le Comhrá Ceoil in Ionad an Léinn Éireannaigh, léiríonn an ghné phraiticiúil seo tiomantas na hOllscoile don cheol, don amhránaíocht agus don damhsa traidisiúnta.
Cúrsa páirtaimseartha é seo a mhaireann dhá bhliain, agus bíonn sé ar siúl oíche amháin sa tseachtain. Cuirfear tús leis an gcúrsa i Meán Fómhair 2012 agus is é an spriocdháta le clárú Dé hAoine, an 13 Iúil.
Tá eolas breise le fáil ar www.nuigalway.ie/adulteducation nó téigh i dteagmháil le Samantha Williams in Ionad an Léinn Éireannaigh ag 091 492051 nó samantha.williams@nuigalway.ie
Keywords: Press.
Author: Marketing and Communications Office, NUI Galway
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