NUI Galway Announce Unique Postgraduate Scholarships

Pictured at the announcement by NUI Galway at their annual Postgraduate Open Day that 100 Postgraduate Scholarships will be on offer for 2012 is (l -r) NUI Galway President, Dr Jim Browne with Ruth Storan from the Ballymoneen Road, Galway City and Daiva Petrauskaite from Tuam, Co. Galway.
Feb 02 2012 Posted: 10:19 GMT

        100 new Postgraduate Scholarships for full-time Taught Masters 2012

NUI Galway has announced details of a new scholarships scheme for postgraduate students. In total, 100 new scholarships will be awarded at €2,000 per student. The announcement follows recent cuts to maintenance grants for postgraduate students in Budget 2011.

The new initiative is open to postgraduate students, applying for a fulltime Taught Masters programme due to commence in autumn 2012. Scholarships will be awarded to students accepted on a fulltime taught masters and who fulfill the criteria as outlined by the University.

Details of the new Postgraduate Scholarships include:

  • 100 scholarships at €2,000 per student
  • For students who have been accepted on to full-time Taught Masters programmes in 2012/13 
  • Who have a First Class Honours undergraduate degree 
  • And who were in receipt of a Local Authority Higher Education Grant for their undergraduate degree**

Students who were admitted to their undergraduate degree programme via an NUI Galway Access Programme or through the HEAR Scheme are also eligible to apply***
There are some limitations on who will qualify for possible selection, for example, students who have previously taken a postgraduate programme for which they had a Local Authority Higher Education grant or similar awards will not be eligible for the scholarship. Interested students should visit the NUI Galway website for further detail about the scholarships and for information about the general postgraduate student application process:

Speaking at the announcement, which was made yesterday at the Postgraduate Open Day on campus, Dr Jim Browne, President of NUI Galway, said: “The new scholarships were developed in direct response to the recent cuts in maintenance funding for postgraduate students. We know that more and more students are looking to postgraduate study as a means of enhancing their skills and their employability, but financial constraints are a big problem. We believe that these scholarships will enable more of the brightest and most committed students to progress to postgraduate study.”

Postgraduate students make up a significant part of the student population at NUI Galway, with almost 4,000 students (taught and research) across all schools and disciplines.

For more information on postgraduate programmes and scholarships at NUI Galway visit or phone 091 492844 or email



                        Fógraíonn OÉ Gaillimh Scoláireachtaí Nua Iarchéime

100 Scoláireacht nua Iarchéime do Chláir lánaimseartha Mháistreachta Mhúinte 2012

D’fhógair OÉ Gaillimh sonraí faoi scéim nua scoláireachtaí do mhic léinn iarchéime. Bronnfar 100 scoláireacht nua san iomlán ar luach €2,000 an ceann. Tagann an fógra seo sna sála ar na ciorruithe ar dheontais chothabhála do mhic léinn iarchéime a tugadh isteach i gCáinaisnéis 2011.*

Tá an tionscnamh nua oscailte do mhic léinn iarchéime atá ag déanamh iarratais ar chlár lánaimseartha Máistreachta Múinte a bheidh ag tosú i bhfómhar 2012. Bronnfar scoláireachtaí ar mhic léinn a nglacfar leo ar mháistreachtaí múinte lánaimseartha agus a chomhlíonann critéir atá leagtha amach ag an Ollscoil.

Seo a leanas sonraí na Scoláireachtaí nua Iarchéime:

  • 100 scoláireacht ag €2,000 an mac léinn
  • Do mhic léinn ar glacadh leo ar chláir lánaimseartha Mháistreachta Mhúinte in 2012/13 
  • Agus a bhfuil bunchéim Céadonóracha acu 
  • Agus a bhí ag fáil Deontas Ard-Oideachais ó Údarás Áitiúil dá mbunchéim** 
  • Tá mic léinn a tháinig isteach ar chlár bunchéime trí Chlár Rochtana OÉ Gaillimh nó tríd an Scéim HEAR i dteideal iarratas a dhéanamh chomh maith***

Tá srianta áirithe i gceist maidir leo siúd a bheidh incháilithe le hiarratas a dhéanamh, mar shampla, ní bheidh mic léinn a bhfuil clár iarchéime déanta cheana acu agus a fuair deontas Ard-Oideachais ó Údarás Áitiúil nó gradaim chosúla incháilithe don scoláireacht. Ba cheart do mhic léinn a bhfuil spéis acu anseo cuairt a thabhairt ar láithreán gréasáin OÉ Gaillimh chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoi scoláireachtaí agus chun eolas ginearálta a fháil faoin bpróiseas iarratais do mhic léinn iarchéime:

Ag labhairt dó faoin bhfógra, a rinneadh inné ag an Lá Oscailte Iarchéime ar an gcampas, dúirt an Dr Jim Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh: “Forbraíodh na scoláireachtaí nua mar fhreagra díreach ar na ciorruithe a rinneadh le déanaí ar mhaoiniú cothabhála do mhic léinn iarchéime. Tá a fhios againn go bhfuil níos mó mic léinn ag díriú ar staidéar iarchéime d’fhonn cur lena gcuid scileanna agus chun a n-infhostaitheacht a fheabhsú, ach tá srianta airgid ag cothú fadhbanna móra. Creidimid go dtabharfaidh na scoláireachtaí seo deis do níos mó de na mic léinn is cliste agus is tiomanta dul ar aghaidh chuig staidéar iarchéime.”

Is mic léinn iarchéime iad cuid mhór de phobal OÉ Gaillimh; tá beagnach 4,000 mac léinn (ar chláir mhúinte agus thaighde) sna scoileanna agus sna disciplíní ar fad.

Chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil ar chláir agus ar scoláireachtaí iarchéime in OÉ Gaillimh téigh chuig  nó glaoigh ar 091 492844 nó seol rphost chuig


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