New Walkway to Link Campus with the City

Jun 09 2009 Posted: 00:00 IST
(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway's longstanding commitment to developing the integration of the campus with the City of Galway and the River Corrib is set to take a significant step forward. The University will shortly begin working with Galway City Council on a new Government-funded, €1.5 million project to develop a Green Way from the Salmon Weir Bridge and around the Fisheries Field area, to include a new bridge across the Eglinton Canal. This pedestrian bridge will allow easy access to the main campus, and the extensive walkways along the river, from the existing City Centre Green Ways. The new walkway will provide an exciting new link between the main campus, Earls Island and the City, and will open up the University s attractive river walks to the public. Work is expected to begin on the new bridge in Autumn 2009 and it is due for completion in 2010. "The new walkway is just one of a number of exciting building developments on campus at the moment", said NUI President, Dr James J. Browne.
Cosan Nua ina Nasc idir an Campas agus Cathair na Gaillimhe
(View in English) Tá dul chun cinn á dhéanamh maidir leis an ngealltanas atá tugtha le fada ag OÉ Gaillimh ceangal a dhéanamh idir an campas agus Cathair agus Abhainn na Gaillimhe. Is gearr go dtosóidh an Ollscoil ag obair le Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe ar thionscadal €1.5 milliún, a bheidh á mhaoiniú ag an Rialtas, chun Bealach Glas a fhorbairt ó Dhroichead na mBradán agus thart ar an nGort Iascaigh, agus a mbeidh droichead nua thar Chanál Eglinton i gceist leis. Leis an droichead coisithe seo beidh fáil go héasca ag daoine ar an bpríomhchampas, agus ar na cosáin cois abhann, ó na Bealaí Glasa i lár na Cathrach. Cuirfidh an cosán nua nasc úr iontach ar fáil idir an príomhchampas, Oileán Iarla agus Cathair na Gaillimhe agus beidh fáil ag an bpobal ar shiúlóidí mealltacha cois abhann na hOllscoile.Meastar go dtosóidh an obair ar an droichead nua i bhfómhar na bliana 2009 agus go gcríochnófar é in 2010. "Níl sa chosán nua ach ceann de na forbairtí tógála iontacha atá ar bun ar an gcampas i láthair na huaire", deir Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr James J. Browne.


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