Special Maths Exam at NUI Galway Offers Leaving Cert Students Second Chance

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

(Leagan Gaeilge) With just one week to go to the Leaving Cert results, the College of Engineering and Informatics at NUI Galway has announced details of its annual Special Entrance Maths Examination. The exam, which will take place on Wednesday, 19 August, is aimed at students who achieve the points for undergraduate Engineering Degree courses at NUI Galway but do not have the maths requirement. For more than 20 years, NUI Galway has provided this special entrance exam to help applicants who did not achieve the required grade C3 or better in Higher Level Mathematics. Those who took Lower Level Maths in the Leaving Cert may also apply for the exam. Students who pass this examination will be deemed to have satisfied the maths requirement and providing they have the necessary points, will receive an additional CAO offer at Round 2. This year, in a new initiative, NUI Galway will hold an intensive preparatory course for applicants intending to sit the exam. The free course will run from Thursday, 13 August to Tuesday, 18 August. As well as preparing students for the special examination, lecturers will demonstrate the significant relevance of mathematics across the engineering programmes and will highlight the applicability of mathematics to some illustrative engineering examples. Professor Padraic O'Donoghue, Dean of Engineering and Informatics at NUI Galway, says: "Mathematics is central to the teaching of Engineering. Every year we have prospective students who have an aptitude for maths, but on the day of the Leaving Cert did not have a good exam. These are the students we are targeting with our Special Entrance Maths Examination, to provide a second chance for them to prove their capabilities in this important subject". NUI Galway has seen soaring demand for its Engineering programmes, in particular for new courses such as Energy Systems Engineering, which is designed in response to a growing demand for professional engineers to work in the energy sector. There is also demand for Engineering Innovation, which aims to create a new type of electronic engineer with skills in innovation and entrepreneurship essential to delivering the Smart Economy . "Ireland's 'Smart Economy' will require graduates of a very high calibre. This exam, allows quality students who have scored well on points a second chance. Over the years we have seen some high-calibre students study here with us, graduate and go to have very successful careers because this special exam provided that opportunity. This exam is in keeping with NUI Galway s policy of providing additional entry opportunities to students", added Professor Padraic O'Donoghue. Applications for the Special Maths Examination will be accepted at the admissions office reception desk up to 9am the morning of exam. Those interested in the revision maths course and the examination should visit http://www.nuigalway.ie/engineering/specialmaths.html
Tugann Scrúdú Speisialta Matamaitice in OÉ Gaillimh an Dara Seans do Mhic Léinn na hArdteistiméireachta
(View in English) Beidh torthaí na hArdteistiméireachta amuigh faoi cheann seachtaine, agus tá Coláiste na hInnealtóireachta agus na hIonformaitice in OÉ Gaillimh i ndiaidh an Scrúdú Speisialta Iontrála Matamaitice a fhógairt arís i mbliana. Beidh an scrúdú ar siúl Dé Céadaoin, an 19 Lúnasa, agus tá sé dírithe ar mhic léinn a fhaigheann na pointí chun cúrsa céime san Innealtóireacht a dhéanamh in OÉ Gaillimh ach nach bhfuil an riachtanas matamaitice acu. Le breis agus scór bliain anuas, tá an scrúdú speisialta iontrála seo á reáchtáil ag OÉ Gaillimh chun cabhrú le hiarratasóirí nach bhfuil grád C3 nó níos airde bainte amach acu sa pháipéar Ardleibhéil Matamaitice. Féadfaidh siad siúd a rinne an páipéar Gnáthleibhéil Matamaitice san Ardteistiméireacht an scrúdú a dhéanamh chomh maith. Má fhaigheann mac léinn pas sa scrúdú seo beidh an riachtanas matamaitice sásaithe aige/aici agus gheobhaidh sé/sí tairiscint eile ón CAO i mBabhta 2 má bhíonn na pointí riachtanacha aige/aici. I mbliana, den chéad uair, beidh dianchúrsa ullmhúcháin ar siúl in OÉ Gaillimh dóibh siúd ar mian leo an scrúdú a dhéanamh. Beidh an cúrsa saor in aisce ar siúl idir Déardaoin, an 13 Lúnasa agus Dé Máirt, an 18 Lúnasa. Chomh maith le mic léinn a ullmhú don scrúdú speisialta, léireoidh léachtóirí an tábhacht a bhaineann le matamaitic i gcláir innealtóireachta agus an úsáid is féidir a bhaint as matamaitic i samplaí innealtóireachta. Dúirt an tOllamh Padraic O'Donoghue, Déan na hInnealtóireachta agus na hIonformaitice in OÉ Gaillimh: "Tá Matamaitic lárnach i dteagasc na hInnealtóireachta. Gach bliain, ní éiríonn chomh maith sin ar an lá le mic léinn Ardteistiméireachta, cé go bhfuil luí acu leis an matamaitic. Táimid ag díriú ar na mic léinn sin leis an Scrúdú Speisialta Iontrála Matamaitice, chun an dara seans a thabhairt dóibh a gcumas a léiriú san ábhar tábhachtach seo". Tá éileamh as cuimse ar chláir Innealtóireachta OÉ Gaillimh, go háirithe ar chúrsaí nua cosúil le hInnealtóireacht Córas Fuinnimh, a cuireadh ar fáil le freastal ar an méadú ar an éileamh atá ar innealtóirí gairmiúla le hoibriú in earnáil an fhuinnimh. Tá éileamh chomh maith ar Nuálaíocht Innealtóireachta, cúrsa a chuirfidh cineál nua innealtóirí leictreonacha ar fáil a mbeidh scileanna nuálaíochta agus fiontraíochta acu, scileanna atá riachtanach chun an 'Geilleagar Glic' a chothú. "Teastóidh céimithe den scoth chun Geilleagar Glic na hÉireann a bhaint amach. Tugann an scrúdú seo an dara seans do mhic léinn den scoth a bhfuil na pointí faighte acu. In imeacht na mblianta bhí mic léinn ar ardchaighdeán linn, agus d'éirigh leo poist mhaithe a bhaint amach de bhrí gur thug an scrúdú speisialta seo an deis sin dóibh. Tagann an scrúdú seo le polasaí OÉ Gaillimh deiseanna breise a thabhairt do mhic léinn áit a fháil ar chúrsaí" a dúirt an tOllamh Padraic O'Donoghue. Glacfar le hiarratais ar an Scrúdú Speisialta Matamaitice san Oifig Iontrála go dtí 9am maidin an scrúdaithe. Tá eolas breise maidir leis an dianchúrsa matamaitice le fáil ar http://www.nuigalway.ie/engineering/specialmaths.html


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