Registrar Jim Browne Elected MRIA

Mar 16 2005 Posted: 00:00 GMT
Today (16th March) the Royal Irish Academy elected Professor Jim Browne as a Member of the Royal Irish Academy. Election to membership of the Academy is the highest academic honour in Ireland. Those elected are entitled to use the designation MRIA (Member of the Royal Irish Academy) after their name. The Royal Irish Academy is an all-Ireland, independent, academic body that promotes study and excellence in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences. It is the principal learned society in Ireland and has approximately 412 Members elected in recognition of their academic achievement.

Professor Jim Browne is Registrar and Deputy President of the National University of Ireland, Galway. A chartered engineer he holds Bachelor and Master s degrees from NUI Galway and Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees from the University of Manchester. His research focuses on the modelling, analysis and design of advanced manufacturing systems. He has been particularly active on industrially based research, supported by the EU Framework Programme, national and industrial sources. He has published over 200 papers, 11 books, three in second editions, one translated into French, one into Chinese. He is a Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering.

For further information, please contact Pauric Dempsey, RIA. 087-6386651



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