Natural World


If you would like to make direct with any academic listed below, or if you need advice on an expert for a specific topic/news story please ask us at  

- Dr Michel Dugon 

Venomous animals, such as spiders, scorpions, snakes, centipedes, venomous bites or stings and associated symptoms and bugs with impact on human health. Dr Dugon has written for The Conversation

- Professor Colin Lawton 

Mammal ecology (including Irish and non-Irish species), squirrels, conservation biology and management, biodiversity, invasive species, citizen science

- Professor Grace McCormack 

Native Irish honeybee (including impact of imports, adaptation to our unique climate and environments), evolutionary biology and taxonomy, using DNA to explore relationships between organisms

- Dr John Murray 

Evolution of life on Earth, fossils and palaeontology, mass extinctions, human evolution, limestone, karst and caves in Ireland, and use of media in education and learning


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