Business and Economics


If you would like to make direct with any academic listed below, or if you need advice on an expert for a specific topic/news story please ask us at  

- Professor Alan Ahearne (seconded to Government of Ireland)

Economy, central banks, interest rates, budgetary policy, housing markets, ports and shipping economics

- Dr Patrick Collins 

Economic geography, economics of culture, foreign direct ionvestors in Ireland, the creative economy. Dr Collins has also contributed to The Conversation

- Dr Orla Lenihan  

Corporate governance, finance and sustainability 

- Dr Sheila Malone  

Sustainable consumption and production, tourism, community well-being, place marketing, branding, consumption of blue (seascapes) and green spaces for health and well-being, and sustainability and cities 

- Dr Thomas McDermott 

Economics of climate change, climate impacts and adaptation, for example issues related to extreme weather events and how these interact with economic development, housing markets, planning and spatial development

- Dr Gerard Turley 

Local government budgets, financial accounts, financial performance, local government reforms, spending, local property tax, and commercial rates


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