Dr Alexander Stingl


Contact Details

Senior Lecturer
E: Alexander.Stingl@nuigalway.ie


Alex is a sociological researcher, academic teacher, and author who is fond of crossing disciplinary boundaries with a research focus on Bioeconomy and Digital Culture and their intersections in the current Global Political Economy. He is a highly qualified expert in transition studies, environmental humanities, and the sociologies of science, culture, and organization with 12+ years of international experience since his doctorate in sociology following inter-disciplinary graduate and undergraduate studies. He serves as Senior Lecturer and Director of Postgraduate Studies for the School of Political Science and Sociology at the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG). He has numerous times been awarded highly competitive funding and academic honors internationally, including funding and fellowships from the Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF), Fondation Maison des sciences de l¿homme (FMSH), German Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF), or the European Commission Marie Sk¿odowska Curie COFUND (WIRL COFUND at University of Warwick), among others. He has organized several international scientific meetings and workshop events. He taught at Leuphana University Lüneburg and became a veteran academic teacher having almost 40 courses in the past decade. He is the editor of a book series ('Decolonial options for the social sciences', Lexington/Rowman), co-edited two special issues, published 4 single-authored books, co-authored another, and published ca. 50 short forms (papers, chapters, encyclopedia entries); more publications, including three book manuscripts and an edited book on higher education, research, and artisanal activism after COVID-19, are currently in progress or under review. He served as peer-reviewer and selection panelist for journals, academic book publishers, European Union¿s Horizon Europe -funded fellowship programs, at Russell Group institutes of higher education in the UK, and acclaimed research funders.

Research Interests

General Research Area

Anthropocene, the Bioeconomy & Digital Culture in the Global Political Economy 

Subfields by Discipline

Sociological Theory and the Sociological Imagination, Environmental Sociology, Sociology of Law and Justice, Sociology of Cognition and the Body, Sociology of Culture and Economy Sociology of Digital Culture, Critical Theory, History of Sociology, , Transnational and Postcolonial Sociology

Science, Technology, and Society Studies (STS)
Ecosystem Services, the Bioeconomy, and Scientific Indicators of the Anthropocene and Climate Change, Human/non-human relations, Humanities & Social & Neuroscience, Digital Divide(s), Postcolonial/Feminist Sociology of Science, Sociology of Sex, Gender, Sexualities, Digitalization of Health and Illness, Digitalization of Childhood

IR and Political Philosophy/Theory
Transnational Governance, Transnational Law, Global Digital Divide, Green Development Financing, Lex Extractiva, Anthropocene and IR, Global Welfare State, Climate Justice, IR & non-human agents, Global Health & Equity, International Economic/Environmental Law (IEL 1 & 2), Blue Economy and the Law of the Seas, Theories of Justice

History of Science and Technology
History of 'Nature', its Scientific Indicators, and Property Law, History of the Euromodern Life Sciences (since 1700), Legitimacy of the Digital Age, Science Fiction, Science& Society, History of Neuroscience, Medical imaging Technologies, History of Attention as a Pathology, Roots of Social Sciences in Biology and Medicine

Research Excellence in Science Funding , Higher Education, Systems Theory, Digitalisation of Health & Care Systems and Organizations

/Methods (Primary)
Critical Realism, Structural Realism, Discourse Analysis, the Archive, Ethnography, Symbolic Interactionism, Situational Analysis, Sequence Analysis and Case Reconstruction (Objective Hermeneutics), Image Analysis, Qualitative Interviews, Narrative Interviews, Biographic Interviews, Historical Archival Methods, Metaphorology, Text Analysis, Semantic Qualifying Analysis, Mixed Methods (training in multivariate and cluster analysis, SYMLOG)

Original Methodologies/Theories and 
Methods in Development/Dissemination
Infrastructural Genealogy, Semantic Agency Theory (SAT), Semantic Intensity Qualifying(SIQ)