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History and Philosophy
Emeritus Professor Dáibhí Ó Cróinín

Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2016) | 'Letters of Kuno Meyer to Douglas Hyde, 1896–1919'
Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí (2016) 'Letters of Kuno Meyer to Douglas Hyde, 1896–1919'. Studia Hibernica, 42 :1-64 [ARAN Link] [Details] |
'134 articles in the Artemis Verlag's LEXIKON DES MITTELALTERS (München 1977-99)'
O Croinin, D. '134 articles in the Artemis Verlag's LEXIKON DES MITTELALTERS (München 1977-99)'. [Details] |
(2015) | 'Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland'
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín & Elva Johnston (2015) 'Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland'. Peritia, 26 [Details] |
(2013) | 'Helen Waddell & Maude Clarke: Irishwomen, friends and scholars'
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (2013) 'Helen Waddell & Maude Clarke: Irishwomen, friends and scholars'. Oenach Reviews, 5 (1):24-31 [Details] |
'The Irish as mediators of antique culture on the continent', in P. Butzer & D. Lohrmann (eds)'
O Croinin, D. 'The Irish as mediators of antique culture on the continent', in P. Butzer & D. Lohrmann (eds)'. [Details] |
(2015) | 'James F. Kenney on Early Irish History as a Field of Research by American Students'
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (2015) 'James F. Kenney on Early Irish History as a Field of Research by American Students'. Eolas: The Journal Of The American Society Of Irish Medieval Studies, 8 :123-134 [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2004) | 'The Old Irish and Old English glosses in Echternach manuscripts (with an appendix on Old Breton glosses)', in M.C. Ferrari, Jean Schroeder & Henri Trauffler (eds), Die Abtei Echternach, 698-1998 (Luxembourg 1999) 85-101'
O Croinin, D. (2004) 'The Old Irish and Old English glosses in Echternach manuscripts (with an appendix on Old Breton glosses)', in M.C. Ferrari, Jean Schroeder & Henri Trauffler (eds), Die Abtei Echternach, 698-1998 (Luxembourg 1999) 85-101'. [Details] |
(2003) | 'Early Irish History and Chronology. Four Courts Press (Dublin 2003). Xi + 228 pp'
O Croinin, D. (2003) 'Early Irish History and Chronology. Four Courts Press (Dublin 2003). Xi + 228 pp'. :xi-228 [Details] |
(2002) | 'A new Old Irish gloss in a Munich manuscript'
O Croinin, D (2002) 'A new Old Irish gloss in a Munich manuscript'. Eigse-A Journal Of Irish Studies, 33 :75-76 [Details] |
(1999) | ''Le-Cois-a-Cheile-a-Doirtear-na-hEigse!' - Oral tradition in Gaelic'
O Croinin, D (1999) ''Le-Cois-a-Cheile-a-Doirtear-na-hEigse!' - Oral tradition in Gaelic'. Eigse-A Journal Of Irish Studies, 31 :36-36 [Details] |
(1998) | 'Lebar Buide Meic Murchada', in T. Barnard, D. Ó Cróinín, K. Simms (eds), 'A Miracle of Learning': Studies in manuscripts and Irish learning. Essays in honour of William O'Sullivan. Ashgate (Aldershot 1998) 40-51'
O Croinin, D. (1998) 'Lebar Buide Meic Murchada', in T. Barnard, D. Ó Cróinín, K. Simms (eds), 'A Miracle of Learning': Studies in manuscripts and Irish learning. Essays in honour of William O'Sullivan. Ashgate (Aldershot 1998) 40-51'. [Details] |
(1997) | 'Columbanus, the computistical writings', in Michael Lapidge (ed), Columbanus: the Latin writings. Studies in Celtic History (Woodbridge 1997) 264-70'
O Croinin, D. (1997) 'Columbanus, the computistical writings', in Michael Lapidge (ed), Columbanus: the Latin writings. Studies in Celtic History (Woodbridge 1997) 264-70'. [Details] |
(1996) | 'Bernhard Bischoff (1906-91): a memoir', Peritia 10 (1996) 123-35'
O Croinin, D. (1996) 'Bernhard Bischoff (1906-91): a memoir', Peritia 10 (1996) 123-35'. [Details] |
(1995) | 'A monster in the Indian Ocean', Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 49/1 (1995) 1-11 (with Jacqueline Borsje)'
O Croinin, D. (1995) 'A monster in the Indian Ocean', Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 49/1 (1995) 1-11 (with Jacqueline Borsje)'. [Details] |
(1994) | 'The Salaberga Psalter', in Cormac Bourke (ed), From the Isles of the North: Early Medieval Art in Ireland and Britain. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Insular Art ... Belfast 1994 (Belfast 1996) 127-35'
O Croinin, D. (1994) 'The Salaberga Psalter', in Cormac Bourke (ed), From the Isles of the North: Early Medieval Art in Ireland and Britain. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Insular Art ... Belfast 1994 (Belfast 1996) 127-35'. [Details] |
(1990) | 'The Irish missions', in Fabbri Bompani (ed), THE CELTS. Exhibition Catalogue for Palazzo Grassi Venice (Milan 1990) 659-62'
O Croinin, D. (1990) 'The Irish missions', in Fabbri Bompani (ed), THE CELTS. Exhibition Catalogue for Palazzo Grassi Venice (Milan 1990) 659-62'. [Details] |
(1990) | 'The lost Irish 84-year Easter table rediscovered'~ Peritia 6-7 (1987-8) [1990] 227-42 [with D. McCarthy]'
O Croinin, D. (1990) 'The lost Irish 84-year Easter table rediscovered'~ Peritia 6-7 (1987-8) [1990] 227-42 [with D. McCarthy]'. [Details] |
(1990) | 'Review of E.A. Thompson, WHO WAS SAINT PATRICK?, in Peritia 6-7 (1987-8) [1990] 336-37'
O Croinin, D. (1990) 'Review of E.A. Thompson, WHO WAS SAINT PATRICK?, in Peritia 6-7 (1987-8) [1990] 336-37'. [Details] |
(1990) | 'Cead pleanála á lorg ag file', Celtica 24 (1990) [= Festschrift Brian Ó Cuív] 456-60'
O Croinin, D. (1990) 'Cead pleanála á lorg ag file', Celtica 24 (1990) [= Festschrift Brian Ó Cuív] 456-60'. [Details] |
(1989) | 'Early Echternach fragments with Old Irish glosses', in G. Kiesel & J. Schroeder (eds), WILLIBRORD, APOSTEL DER NIEDERLANDE, GRÜNDER DER ABTEI ECHTERNACH (Echternach 1989) 135-43'
O Croinin, D. (1989) 'Early Echternach fragments with Old Irish glosses', in G. Kiesel & J. Schroeder (eds), WILLIBRORD, APOSTEL DER NIEDERLANDE, GRÜNDER DER ABTEI ECHTERNACH (Echternach 1989) 135-43'. [Details] |
(1989) | 'Cummianus Longus and the iconography of Christ and the Apostles in early Irish literature', in D. Ó Corráin (eds), SAGES, SAINTS AND STORYTELLERS. CELTIC STUDIES IN HONOUR OF JAMES CARNEY (Maynooth 1989) 268-79'
O Croinin, D. (1989) 'Cummianus Longus and the iconography of Christ and the Apostles in early Irish literature', in D. Ó Corráin (eds), SAGES, SAINTS AND STORYTELLERS. CELTIC STUDIES IN HONOUR OF JAMES CARNEY (Maynooth 1989) 268-79'. [Details] |
(1989) | 'The date, provenance, and earliest use of the writings of Virgilius Maro Grammaticus', in G.Bernt (eds), TRADITION UND WERTUNG. FESTSCHRIFT FÜR FRANZ BRUNHÖLZL (Sigmaringen 1989) 13-22'
O Croinin, D. (1989) 'The date, provenance, and earliest use of the writings of Virgilius Maro Grammaticus', in G.Bernt (eds), TRADITION UND WERTUNG. FESTSCHRIFT FÜR FRANZ BRUNHÖLZL (Sigmaringen 1989) 13-22'. [Details] |
(1989) | 'Zur Frühzeit der irischen Mission in Europa', in J. Erichsen (ed), KILIAN, MÖNCH AUS IRLAND, ALLER FRANKEN PATRON. Exhibition Catalogue (München 1989) 49-56'
O Croinin, D. (1989) 'Zur Frühzeit der irischen Mission in Europa', in J. Erichsen (ed), KILIAN, MÖNCH AUS IRLAND, ALLER FRANKEN PATRON. Exhibition Catalogue (München 1989) 49-56'. [Details] |
(1989) | 'Is the Augsburg Gospel codex a Northumbrian manuscript?', in G. Bonner (eds), SAINT CUTHBERT, HIS CULT AND HIS COMMUNITY TO AD 1200 (Woodbridge 1989) 189-201'
O Croinin, D. (1989) 'Is the Augsburg Gospel codex a Northumbrian manuscript?', in G. Bonner (eds), SAINT CUTHBERT, HIS CULT AND HIS COMMUNITY TO AD 1200 (Woodbridge 1989) 189-201'. [Details] |
(1989) | 'Historical introduction to S. Youngs (ed), THE WORK OF ANGELS. TREASURES OF INSULAR METALWORK C. AD 600 TO C. AD 900. British Museum Exhibition Catalogue (London 1990)'
O Croinin, D. (1989) 'Historical introduction to S. Youngs (ed), THE WORK OF ANGELS. TREASURES OF INSULAR METALWORK C. AD 600 TO C. AD 900. British Museum Exhibition Catalogue (London 1990)'. [Details] |
(1989) | 'Würzburg Universitätsbibl., M.p.th.f. 61 and Hiberno-Latin exegesis in the VIIIth century', in A. Lehner & W. Berschin (eds), LATEINISCHE KULTUR IM VIII. JAHRHUNDERT. Traube Gedenkschrift (St Ottilien 1989) 209-16'
O Croinin, D. (1989) 'Würzburg Universitätsbibl., M.p.th.f. 61 and Hiberno-Latin exegesis in the VIIIth century', in A. Lehner & W. Berschin (eds), LATEINISCHE KULTUR IM VIII. JAHRHUNDERT. Traube Gedenkschrift (St Ottilien 1989) 209-16'. [Details] |
(1987) | 'Merovingian politics and Insular calligraphy: the historical background to the Book of Durrow and related manuscripts', in M. Ryan (ed), IRELAND AND INSULAR ART A.D. 500-1200 (Dublin 1987) 40-43'
O Croinin, D. (1987) 'Merovingian politics and Insular calligraphy: the historical background to the Book of Durrow and related manuscripts', in M. Ryan (ed), IRELAND AND INSULAR ART A.D. 500-1200 (Dublin 1987) 40-43'. [Details] |
(1985) | 'Section on computistical texts in the Royal Irish Academy BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CELTIC LATIN LITERATURE 400-1200 (Dublin 1985)'
O Croinin, D. (1985) 'Section on computistical texts in the Royal Irish Academy BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CELTIC LATIN LITERATURE 400-1200 (Dublin 1985)'. [Details] |
(1985) | 'New heresy for old — Pelagianism in Ireland and the papal letter of 640'~ Speculum 60/3 (1985) 505-516'
O Croinin, D. (1985) 'New heresy for old — Pelagianism in Ireland and the papal letter of 640'~ Speculum 60/3 (1985) 505-516'. [Details] |
(1984) | 'A poet in penitential mood', Celtica 16 (1984) 169-174. [An edition of two 16th-c. Irish and Latin autograph poems, with facsimile of the manuscript]'
O Croinin, D. (1984) 'A poet in penitential mood', Celtica 16 (1984) 169-174. [An edition of two 16th-c. Irish and Latin autograph poems, with facsimile of the manuscript]'. 16 :169-174 [Details] |
(1984) | 'Review of S. Keynes & M. Lapidge, ALFRED THE GREAT (Harmondsworth 1983), in Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 7 (1984) 121-122'
O Croinin, D. (1984) 'Review of S. Keynes & M. Lapidge, ALFRED THE GREAT (Harmondsworth 1983), in Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 7 (1984) 121-122'. (7):121-122 [Details] |
(1984) | 'Rath Melsigi, Willibrord, and the earliest Echternach manuscripts', Peritia 3 (1984) 17-49'
O Croinin, D. (1984) 'Rath Melsigi, Willibrord, and the earliest Echternach manuscripts', Peritia 3 (1984) 17-49'. (3):17-49 [Details] |
(1983) | 'The Irish provenance of Bede's computus', Peritia 2 (1983) 229-247'
O Croinin, D. (1983) 'The Irish provenance of Bede's computus', Peritia 2 (1983) 229-247'. :229-247 [Details] |
(1983) | 'A fragment of Irish annals', Peritia 2 (1983) 58'
O Croinin, D. (1983) 'A fragment of Irish annals', Peritia 2 (1983) 58'. (58) [Details] |
(1983) | 'Sticks and stones', Peritia 2 (1983) 257-260'
O Croinin, D. (1983) 'Sticks and stones', Peritia 2 (1983) 257-260'. (2):257-260 [Details] |
(1983) | 'Early Irish annals from Easter tables: a case re-stated', Peritia 2 (1983) 74-86'
O Croinin, D. (1983) 'Early Irish annals from Easter tables: a case re-stated', Peritia 2 (1983) 74-86'. (2):74-86 [Details] |
(1982) | 'Hiberno-Latin calcenterus', Peritia 1 (1982)'
O Croinin, D. (1982) 'Hiberno-Latin calcenterus', Peritia 1 (1982)'. :296-297 [Details] |
(1982) | 'A seventh-century Irish computus from the circle of Cummianus', Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 82 C 11 (1982) 405-430'
O Croinin, D. (1982) 'A seventh-century Irish computus from the circle of Cummianus', Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 82 C 11 (1982) 405-430'. (11):405-430 [Details] |
(1982) | 'EARLY IRELAND. Sussex Educational Tapes (Sussex 1982) [with Charles Doherty, UCD]'
O Croinin, D. (1982) 'EARLY IRELAND. Sussex Educational Tapes (Sussex 1982) [with Charles Doherty, UCD]'. [Details] |
(1982) | 'New light on Palladius', Peritia 5 (1986) 276-283'
O Croinin, D. (1982) 'New light on Palladius', Peritia 5 (1986) 276-283'. [Details] |
(1982) | 'Mo-Sinu maccu Min and the computus at Bangor', Peritia 1 (1982) 281-295'
O Croinin, D. (1982) 'Mo-Sinu maccu Min and the computus at Bangor', Peritia 1 (1982) 281-295'. (1):281-295 [Details] |
(1982) | 'Na mainistreacha agus an léann', in M. McNamara (eag.), AN LÉANN EAGLASTA IN ÉIRINN A.D. 1000-1200 (Baile Átha Cliath 1982) 19-30'
O Croinin, D. (1982) 'Na mainistreacha agus an léann', in M. McNamara (eag.), AN LÉANN EAGLASTA IN ÉIRINN A.D. 1000-1200 (Baile Átha Cliath 1982) 19-30'. :19-30 [Details] |
(1982) | 'Pride and Prejudice' [Review-article of T.J. Brown (eds), THE DURHAM GOSPELS, Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile 20 (Copenhagen 1981)], in Peritia 1 (1982) 352-362'
O Croinin, D. (1982) 'Pride and Prejudice' [Review-article of T.J. Brown (eds), THE DURHAM GOSPELS, Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile 20 (Copenhagen 1981)], in Peritia 1 (1982) 352-362'. (1):352-362 [Details] |
(1981) | 'The oldest Irish names for the days of the week?', Ériu 32 (1981) 95-114'
O Croinin, D. (1981) 'The oldest Irish names for the days of the week?', Ériu 32 (1981) 95-114'. (32):95-114 [Details] |
(1975) | 'Myles na gCopaleen agus an Ghaeilge', Nua Aois 5 (1975) 43-47 [A discussion of the Irish writings of Flann O'Brien aka Myles na gCopaleen]'
O Croinin, D. (1975) 'Myles na gCopaleen agus an Ghaeilge', Nua Aois 5 (1975) 43-47 [A discussion of the Irish writings of Flann O'Brien aka Myles na gCopaleen]'. (5):43-47 [Details] |
(1975) | 'A poem to Toirdhealbhach Luinneach Ó Néill', Éigse 16 (1975-6) 50-66 [An edition, with historical introd., translation, and commentary, of a poem in Classical Modern Irish]'
O Croinin, D. (1975) 'A poem to Toirdhealbhach Luinneach Ó Néill', Éigse 16 (1975-6) 50-66 [An edition, with historical introd., translation, and commentary, of a poem in Classical Modern Irish]'. (16):50-66 [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2011) | Whitley Stokes (1830-1909): the lost Celtic notebooks rediscovered.
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (2011) Whitley Stokes (1830-1909): the lost Celtic notebooks rediscovered. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] |
(2011) | The Easter Controversy of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages.
Werner Bergmann; Luciana Cuppo; Brigitte Englisch; Leofranc Holford-Strevens; David Howlett; Daniel Mc Carthy; Alden Mosshammer; Masako Ohashi; James T. Palmer; David A.E. Pelteret; (2011) The Easter Controversy of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Turnhout (Belgium): Brepols. [Details] |
(2010) | Computus and its Context in the Latin West, AD300-1200.
Brigitte Englisch; David Howlett; Eric Graff; Leofranc Holford-Strevens; Max Lekbowicz; Daniel Mc Carthy; Dáibhí Ó Cróinín; Masako Ohashi; Kerstin Springsfeld; Immo Warntjes (2010) Computus and its Context in the Latin West, AD300-1200. Turnhout (Belgium): Brepols. [Details] |
(2007) | The Kings Depart: The Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon Royal Exile in the 6th & 7th Centuries. Quiggin Pamphlets on the Sources of Gaelic History 8.
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (2007) The Kings Depart: The Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon Royal Exile in the 6th & 7th Centuries. Quiggin Pamphlets on the Sources of Gaelic History 8. Cambridge: Cambridge University. [Details] |
(2005) | A New History of Ireland, vol. 1: Prehistoric and Early Ireland.
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (2005) A New History of Ireland, vol. 1: Prehistoric and Early Ireland. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details] |
(2004) | The First Century of Anglo-Irish relations, AD 600-700.
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (2004) The First Century of Anglo-Irish relations, AD 600-700. Dublin: National University of Ireland. [Details] |
(2003) | Eachtra Phinocchio.
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, Pádraig Ó Buachalla, Carlo Collodi [ + Seán Ua Súilleabháin] (2003) Eachtra Phinocchio. Baile Mhúirne (Co. Cork): Coiste Litríochta Mhúsgraí. [Details] |
(2000) | THE SONGS OF ELIZABETH CRONIN, IRISH TRADITIONAL SINGER. The first complete collection of songs, in Irish and English, by a traditional singer, with 2-CD set of original field recordings.
O Croinin, D. (2000) THE SONGS OF ELIZABETH CRONIN, IRISH TRADITIONAL SINGER. The first complete collection of songs, in Irish and English, by a traditional singer, with 2-CD set of original field recordings. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] |
(1995) | EARLY MEDIEVAL IRELAND, 400-1200. Longman History of Ireland. This is the first volume in a new 6-volume series on Irish history to be published by Longman.
O Croinin, D. (1995) EARLY MEDIEVAL IRELAND, 400-1200. Longman History of Ireland. This is the first volume in a new 6-volume series on Irish history to be published by Longman. London/New York [Details] |
(1994) | Psalterium Salabergae. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz - MS. Hamilt. 553. Codices Illuminati Medii Aevi colour microfiche.
O Croinin, D. (1994) Psalterium Salabergae. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz - MS. Hamilt. 553. Codices Illuminati Medii Aevi colour microfiche. München [Details] |
(1994) | An Cúigiú Díochlaonadh.
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (1994) An Cúigiú Díochlaonadh. Indreabhán (Co na Gaillimhe): Cló Iar-Chonnachta. [Details] |
O Croinin, D. (1990) LATIN PALEOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITY AND THE MIDDLE AGES = English translation [with David Ganz] of Bernhard Bischoff, PALÄOGRAPHIE DES RÖMISCHEN ALTERTUMS UND DES LATEINISCHEN MITTELALTERS. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Details] |
(1988) | CUMMIAN'S LETTER 'DE CONTROUERSIA PASCHALI', TOGETHER WITH A RELATED IRISH COMPUTISTICAL TRACT 'DE RATIONE CONPUTANDI' [part 1 jointly with Maura Walsh]. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Texts & Studies 86 (Toronto 1988).
O Croinin, D. (1988) CUMMIAN'S LETTER 'DE CONTROUERSIA PASCHALI', TOGETHER WITH A RELATED IRISH COMPUTISTICAL TRACT 'DE RATIONE CONPUTANDI' [part 1 jointly with Maura Walsh]. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Texts & Studies 86 (Toronto 1988). [Details] |
(1983) | THE IRISH SEX AETATES MUNDI. Edition, with introduction, translation, notes & commentary, of an important Middle Irish biblical-historical tract.
O Croinin, D. (1983) THE IRISH SEX AETATES MUNDI. Edition, with introduction, translation, notes & commentary, of an important Middle Irish biblical-historical tract. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2017) | 'A New Manuscript Fragment of the Old French Romance Meliacin'
Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí, Houdebert, Aurélie (2017) 'A New Manuscript Fragment of the Old French Romance Meliacin' In: Felici curiositate. Studies in Latin Literature and Textual Criticism from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century. In Honour of Rita Beyers. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2015) | 'The history of an Irish book'
Dáibhí Ó Croinín (2015) 'The history of an Irish book' In: Clerics, kings and Vikings. Essays in honor of Donnchadh Ó Corráin. :217-233 Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] |
(2013) | 'Dán Áráis'
Dáibhí Ó Croinín (2013) 'Dán Áráis' In: Princes, Prelates and Poets in Medieval Ireland. :552-560 Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] |
(2010) | 'The Continuity of Irish Computistical Tradition'
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (2010) 'The Continuity of Irish Computistical Tradition' In: Computus and its Cultural Contextin the Latin West, AD 300-1200. :324-347 Turnhout (Belgium): Brepols. [Details] |
(2008) | '‘Dionysius Exiguus in the Classroom’, in J.W. Dauben, S. Kirschner, A. Kühne, P. Kunitzsch & R. Lorch (eds), Mathematics Celestial and Terrestrial. Festschrift für Menso Folkerts zum 65. Geburtstag. Acta Historica Leopoldina (Halle, Saale 2008) 253-74'
O Croinin, D. (2008) '‘Dionysius Exiguus in the Classroom’, in J.W. Dauben, S. Kirschner, A. Kühne, P. Kunitzsch & R. Lorch (eds), Mathematics Celestial and Terrestrial. Festschrift für Menso Folkerts zum 65. Geburtstag. Acta Historica Leopoldina (Halle, Saale 2008) 253-74' In: -. :253-274 -: -. [Details] |
(2005) | 'Index'
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (2005) 'Index' In: A New History of Ireland, vol. 1:Prehistoric & Early Ireland. :1148-1219 Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details] |
(2005) | 'Hiberno-Latin Literature to 1169'
Daibhí Ó Cróinín (2005) 'Hiberno-Latin Literature to 1169' In: A New History of Ireland, vol. 1: Prehistoric & Early Ireland. :371-404 Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details] |
(2005) | 'Ireland, 400-800'
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (2005) 'Ireland, 400-800' In: A New History of Ireland, vol. 1: Prehistoric & Early Ireland. :182-234 Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details] |
(2005) | 'Bibliography'
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín & Peter Harbison (2005) 'Bibliography' In: A New History of Ireland, vol. 1: Prehistoric & Early Ireland. :996-1147 Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details] |
(2005) | 'The reception of Johann Kaspar Zeuss's 'Grammatica Celtica' in Ireland and Britain, and on the Continent: some new evidence'
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (2005) 'The reception of Johann Kaspar Zeuss's 'Grammatica Celtica' in Ireland and Britain, and on the Continent: some new evidence' In: Recht — Wirtschaft — Kultur. Herausforderungen an Staat und Gesellschaft im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Festschrift für Hans Hablitzel zum 60. Geburtstag. :83-93 Berlin: Dunker & Humblot. [Details] |
(2005) | '‘A tale of two Rules: Benedict and Columbanus’, in Martin Browne & Colmán Ó Clabaigh, OSB (eds), The Irish Benedictines. A history. Columba Press (Dublin 2005) 11-24'
O Croinin, D. (2005) '‘A tale of two Rules: Benedict and Columbanus’, in Martin Browne & Colmán Ó Clabaigh, OSB (eds), The Irish Benedictines. A history. Columba Press (Dublin 2005) 11-24' In: -. :11-24 -: -. [Details] |
(2001) | '‘The Earliest Old Irish glosses’, in Rolf Bergmann, Elvira Glaser & Claudine Moulin-Fankhänel (eds), Mittelalterliche volkssprachige Glossen (Heidelberg 2001) 7-31'
O Croinin, D. (2001) '‘The Earliest Old Irish glosses’, in Rolf Bergmann, Elvira Glaser & Claudine Moulin-Fankhänel (eds), Mittelalterliche volkssprachige Glossen (Heidelberg 2001) 7-31' In: -. :7-31 -: -. [Details] |
(2001) | '‘Ireland c. 1000’, in Pietoslaw Urbanczyk (ed), Europe around the year 1000. Institute of Archaeology & Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw 2001) 289-306'
O Croinin, D. (2001) '‘Ireland c. 1000’, in Pietoslaw Urbanczyk (ed), Europe around the year 1000. Institute of Archaeology & Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw 2001) 289-306' In: -. :289-306 -: -. [Details] |
(2001) | '‘Saint Patrick’Chapter 2 in A.J. Hughes & William Nolan (eds),Armagh, history and society (Dublin 2001) 43-62'
O Croinin, D. (2001) '‘Saint Patrick’Chapter 2 in A.J. Hughes & William Nolan (eds),Armagh, history and society (Dublin 2001) 43-62' In: -. :43-62 -: -. [Details] |
(2001) | '‘A New Seventh-Century Irish Commentary on Genesis’, Sacris Erudiri 40 (2001) 231-65'
O Croinin, D. (2001) '‘A New Seventh-Century Irish Commentary on Genesis’, Sacris Erudiri 40 (2001) 231-65' In: -. :231-265 -: -. [Details] |
(2000) | '‘Three weddings and a funeral: rewriting Irish political history in the tenth century’, in Alfred P. Smyth (ed), Seanchas. Studies in Early & medieval Irish archaeology, history & literature in honour of Francis J. Byrne. Four Courts Press (Dublin 2000) 212-24'
O Croinin, D. (2000) '‘Three weddings and a funeral: rewriting Irish political history in the tenth century’, in Alfred P. Smyth (ed), Seanchas. Studies in Early & medieval Irish archaeology, history & literature in honour of Francis J. Byrne. Four Courts Press (Dublin 2000) 212-24' In: -. :212-224 -: -. [Details] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
(2000) | Ireland and her neighbours in the seventh century.
O Cronin, D (2000) Ireland and her neighbours in the seventh century. Book Review [Details] |
(1999) | The correspondence of Myles Dillon, 1922-1925: Irish German relations and Celtic studies.
O Cronin, D (1999) The correspondence of Myles Dillon, 1922-1925: Irish German relations and Celtic studies. Book Review [Details] |
(1999) | Two abbots.
O Croinin, D (1999) Two abbots. Book Review [Details] |
Other Item
Year | Publication | |
Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Royal Irish Academy/Irish Biblical Ass./Brepols Scriptores Celtigenae (CCSL) series.
O Croinin, D. Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Royal Irish Academy/Irish Biblical Ass./Brepols Scriptores Celtigenae (CCSL) series. Other Item [Details] |
Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Royal Irish Academy DICTIONARY OF MEDIEVAL LATIN FROM INSULAR CELTIC SOURCES.
O Croinin, D. Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Royal Irish Academy DICTIONARY OF MEDIEVAL LATIN FROM INSULAR CELTIC SOURCES. Other Item [Details] |
(2008) | Currently editing the Proceedings of the 1st & 2nd International Conferences on the Science of Computus, held in Galway in 2006 & 2008.
O Croinin, D. (2008) Currently editing the Proceedings of the 1st & 2nd International Conferences on the Science of Computus, held in Galway in 2006 & 2008. Other Item [Details] |
(2006) | Section-Editor of the Gill & Macmillan Encyclopaedia of Ireland (Dublin 2006).
O Croinin, D. (2006) Section-Editor of the Gill & Macmillan Encyclopaedia of Ireland (Dublin 2006). Other Item [Details] |
(1998) | Co-Editor (with T.C. Barnard & K. Simms) of 'A Miracle of Learning': Studies in manuscripts and Irish learning. Essays in honour of William O'Sullivan. Ashgate (Aldershot 1998). .
O Croinin, D. (1998) Co-Editor (with T.C. Barnard & K. Simms) of 'A Miracle of Learning': Studies in manuscripts and Irish learning. Essays in honour of William O'Sullivan. Ashgate (Aldershot 1998). . Other Item [Details] |
(1994) | General Editor of the Echternach Series in CODICES ILLUMINATI MEDII AEVI, published by Edition Helga Lengenfelder, München. These are colour microfiche facsimiles, with introductions and commentary, of important Insular decorated . manuscripts. Vol. 1 (CIMA 9) appeared in 1988,and Vol. 30 appeared in 1994 [See Publications].
O Croinin, D. (1994) General Editor of the Echternach Series in CODICES ILLUMINATI MEDII AEVI, published by Edition Helga Lengenfelder, München. These are colour microfiche facsimiles, with introductions and commentary, of important Insular decorated . manuscripts. Vol. 1 (CIMA 9) appeared in 1988,and Vol. 30 appeared in 1994 [See Publications]. Other Item [Details] |
(1988) | I was sole Editor of the Royal Irish Academy's, NEW HISTORY OF IRELAND, Vol. 1 (Oxford 2005)).
O Croinin, D. (1988) I was sole Editor of the Royal Irish Academy's, NEW HISTORY OF IRELAND, Vol. 1 (Oxford 2005)). Other Item [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
Reviews of the following books in the Belfast Linen Hall Review : J.R. Walsh & T. Bradley, A HISTORY OF THE IRISH CHURCH, 400-700 AD (Dublin 1991); — Seán Ó Lúing, KUNO MEYER, 1858-1919 (Dublin 1991); — Risteárd Ó Glaisne, DÚBHGLAS DE HÍDE (1860-1949) (Baile Átha Cliath 1991); — Janet & Gareth Dunleavy, DOUGLAS HYDE: A MAKER OF MODERN IRELAND (Berkeley 1991); — Harold Mytum, THE ORIGINS OF EARLY CHRISTIAN IRELAND (London 1992); — Louis Gougaud, CHRISTIANITY IN CELTIC LANDS (repr. Dublin 1992); — John Ryan, IRISH MONASTICISM (repr. Dublin 1992); — Liam de Paor, SAINT PATRICK'S WORLD (Dublin 1993); — Hugh Shields, NARRATIVE SINGING IN IRELAND (Dublin 1993).
O Croinin, D. Reviews of the following books in the Belfast Linen Hall Review : J.R. Walsh & T. Bradley, A HISTORY OF THE IRISH CHURCH, 400-700 AD (Dublin 1991); — Seán Ó Lúing, KUNO MEYER, 1858-1919 (Dublin 1991); — Risteárd Ó Glaisne, DÚBHGLAS DE HÍDE (1860-1949) (Baile Átha Cliath 1991); — Janet & Gareth Dunleavy, DOUGLAS HYDE: A MAKER OF MODERN IRELAND (Berkeley 1991); — Harold Mytum, THE ORIGINS OF EARLY CHRISTIAN IRELAND (London 1992); — Louis Gougaud, CHRISTIANITY IN CELTIC LANDS (repr. Dublin 1992); — John Ryan, IRISH MONASTICISM (repr. Dublin 1992); — Liam de Paor, SAINT PATRICK'S WORLD (Dublin 1993); — Hugh Shields, NARRATIVE SINGING IN IRELAND (Dublin 1993). Reviews [Details] |
Reviews of C.W. Jones, Bede, the schools and the computus (Aldershot 1994) + Wesley M. Stevens, Cycles of time and scientific learning in medieval Europe (Aldershot 1995), in Peritia 12 (1998) 420-21, 422; review of Michael Herren, Latin letters in early christian Ireland (Aldershot 1996), in Peritia 12 (1998) 422-24; reviews of Joachim Lerchenmueller, 'Keltischer Sprengstoff': eine wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Studie über die deutsche Keltologie von 1900 bis 1945 (Tübingen 1997) + Sabine Heinz (ed.), Die deutsche Keltologie und ihre Berliner Gelehrten bis 1945 (Frankfurt a.M. 1999) + Joachim Fischer & John Dillon (eds), The correspondence of Myles Dillon (Dublin 1998) + Horst Fuhrmann, 'Sind eben alles Menschen gewesen'. Gelehrtenleben im 19. und 20. Jarhhundert dargestellt am Beispiel der Monumenta Germaniae Historica (München 1996), in Peritia 12 (1998) 424-30.
O Croinin, D. Reviews of C.W. Jones, Bede, the schools and the computus (Aldershot 1994) + Wesley M. Stevens, Cycles of time and scientific learning in medieval Europe (Aldershot 1995), in Peritia 12 (1998) 420-21, 422; review of Michael Herren, Latin letters in early christian Ireland (Aldershot 1996), in Peritia 12 (1998) 422-24; reviews of Joachim Lerchenmueller, 'Keltischer Sprengstoff': eine wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Studie über die deutsche Keltologie von 1900 bis 1945 (Tübingen 1997) + Sabine Heinz (ed.), Die deutsche Keltologie und ihre Berliner Gelehrten bis 1945 (Frankfurt a.M. 1999) + Joachim Fischer & John Dillon (eds), The correspondence of Myles Dillon (Dublin 1998) + Horst Fuhrmann, 'Sind eben alles Menschen gewesen'. Gelehrtenleben im 19. und 20. Jarhhundert dargestellt am Beispiel der Monumenta Germaniae Historica (München 1996), in Peritia 12 (1998) 424-30. Reviews [Details] |
(2007) | Review of Michael Cahill, The first Mark commentary. OUP (Oxford 1998), in The Medieval Review 99.21.04.
O Croinin, D. (2007) Review of Michael Cahill, The first Mark commentary. OUP (Oxford 1998), in The Medieval Review 99.21.04. Reviews [Details] |
(2007) | Review of Richard Sharpe, A handlist of Latin writers of Great Britain and Ireland before 1540. Brepols (Turnhout 1997), in The Medieval Review, 98.01.07 [online review-journal].
O Croinin, D. (2007) Review of Richard Sharpe, A handlist of Latin writers of Great Britain and Ireland before 1540. Brepols (Turnhout 1997), in The Medieval Review, 98.01.07 [online review-journal]. Reviews [Details] |
(1999) | Bernhard Bischoff (20.XII.1906 - 17.IX.1991)', in Thomas O'Loughlin (ed), The scriptures in early medieval Ireland. Instrumenta Patristica 31 (Turnhout 1999) 205-15.
O Croinin, D. (1999) Bernhard Bischoff (20.XII.1906 - 17.IX.1991)', in Thomas O'Loughlin (ed), The scriptures in early medieval Ireland. Instrumenta Patristica 31 (Turnhout 1999) 205-15. Reviews [Details] |
(1998) | Review of Michele Camillo Ferrari, Sancti Willibrordi venerantes memoriam. Echternacher Schreiber und Schriftsteller von den Angelsachsen bis Johann Bertels. Publications de CLUDEM (Luxembourg 1994), in Journal of Medieval Latin 8 (1998) 221-23.
O Croinin, D. (1998) Review of Michele Camillo Ferrari, Sancti Willibrordi venerantes memoriam. Echternacher Schreiber und Schriftsteller von den Angelsachsen bis Johann Bertels. Publications de CLUDEM (Luxembourg 1994), in Journal of Medieval Latin 8 (1998) 221-23. Reviews [Details] |
(1998) | Review of Marina Smyth, Understanding the universe in seventh-century Ireland, Studies in Celtic History (Woodbridge 1996), in English Historical Review 113, No. 451 (Apr. 1998) 397-98.
O Croinin, D. (1998) Review of Marina Smyth, Understanding the universe in seventh-century Ireland, Studies in Celtic History (Woodbridge 1996), in English Historical Review 113, No. 451 (Apr. 1998) 397-98. Reviews [Details] |
(1998) | Review of Vivien Law, Wisdom, authority and grammar in the seventh century. Decoding Virgilius Maro Grammaticus. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge 1995), in Journal of Medieval Latin 8 (1998) 231-34.
O Croinin, D. (1998) Review of Vivien Law, Wisdom, authority and grammar in the seventh century. Decoding Virgilius Maro Grammaticus. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge 1995), in Journal of Medieval Latin 8 (1998) 231-34. Reviews [Details] |
(1998) | Review of Charles Thomas, 'And Shall These Mute Stones Speak?' Post-Roman inscriptions in Western Britain (Cardiff 1994), in North Munster Antiquarian Jnl 36 (1995 [1998]) 61-65.
O Croinin, D. (1998) Review of Charles Thomas, 'And Shall These Mute Stones Speak?' Post-Roman inscriptions in Western Britain (Cardiff 1994), in North Munster Antiquarian Jnl 36 (1995 [1998]) 61-65. Reviews [Details] |
(1997) | Review of Michael Gorman (transl), [Bernhard Bischoff], Manuscripts and libraries in the age of Charlemagne (Cambridge 1994), in Peritia 11 (1997) 416-18.
O Croinin, D. (1997) Review of Michael Gorman (transl), [Bernhard Bischoff], Manuscripts and libraries in the age of Charlemagne (Cambridge 1994), in Peritia 11 (1997) 416-18. Reviews [Details] |
(1997) | Review of Thomas Owen Clancy & Gilbert Márkus, Iona: the earliest poetry of a Celtic monastery (Edinburgh 1995), in Peritia 11 (1997) 422-25.
O Croinin, D. (1997) Review of Thomas Owen Clancy & Gilbert Márkus, Iona: the earliest poetry of a Celtic monastery (Edinburgh 1995), in Peritia 11 (1997) 422-25. Reviews [Details] |
(1996) | Review of Otto Prinz, Die Kosmographie des Aethicus, Monumenta Germaniae Historica (München 1993), in Francia 23/1 (1996) 263-65.
O Croinin, D. (1996) Review of Otto Prinz, Die Kosmographie des Aethicus, Monumenta Germaniae Historica (München 1993), in Francia 23/1 (1996) 263-65. Reviews [Details] |
(1995) | Review of Nancy Netzer, Cultural interplay in the eighth century: the Trier Gospels and the making of a scriptorium at Echternach (Cambridge 1994), in Peritia 9 (1995) 421-24.
O Croinin, D. (1995) Review of Nancy Netzer, Cultural interplay in the eighth century: the Trier Gospels and the making of a scriptorium at Echternach (Cambridge 1994), in Peritia 9 (1995) 421-24. Reviews [Details] |
(1994) | Review of J. Bately (eds), A PALAEOGRAPHER'S VIEW: SELECTED PAPERS OF JULIAN BROWN (London 1993), Early Medieval Europe 3/1 (1994) 73-75.
O Croinin, D. (1994) Review of J. Bately (eds), A PALAEOGRAPHER'S VIEW: SELECTED PAPERS OF JULIAN BROWN (London 1993), Early Medieval Europe 3/1 (1994) 73-75. Reviews [Details] |
(1987) | Review of Heinz Löwe (ed), DIE IREN UND EUROPA IM FRÜHEREN MITTELALTER, 2 vols (Stuttgart 1982), in Peritia 5 (1986) 445-452.
O Croinin, D. (1987) Review of Heinz Löwe (ed), DIE IREN UND EUROPA IM FRÜHEREN MITTELALTER, 2 vols (Stuttgart 1982), in Peritia 5 (1986) 445-452. Reviews [Details] |
(1986) | Review of P. Ó Riain (ed), CORPUS GENEALOGIARUM SANCTORUM HIBERNIAE (Dublin 1985), in Jnl Cork Hist. & Arch. Soc. 91 (1986) 127-129.
O Croinin, D. (1986) Review of P. Ó Riain (ed), CORPUS GENEALOGIARUM SANCTORUM HIBERNIAE (Dublin 1985), in Jnl Cork Hist. & Arch. Soc. 91 (1986) 127-129. Reviews [Details] |
(1985) | Review of A.P. Smyth, WARLORDS AND HOLY MEN: SCOTLAND AD 80-1000 (London 1984), in Irish Hist. Stud. 24 No. 96 (Nov.1985) 357-359.
O Croinin, D. (1985) Review of A.P. Smyth, WARLORDS AND HOLY MEN: SCOTLAND AD 80-1000 (London 1984), in Irish Hist. Stud. 24 No. 96 (Nov.1985) 357-359. Reviews [Details] |
(1985) | Review of E.A. Thompson, WHO WAS SAINT PATRICK? (Woodbridge 1985), in Britannia 18 (1987) 379-381.
O Croinin, D. (1985) Review of E.A. Thompson, WHO WAS SAINT PATRICK? (Woodbridge 1985), in Britannia 18 (1987) 379-381. Reviews [Details] |
(1985) | Review of P.K. Ford (ed), CELTIC FOLKLORE AND CHRISTIANITY: ESSAYS FOR W.W. HEIST (Santa Barbara 1983), in Irish Historical Studies 24 No. 95 (May 1985) 396-399.
O Croinin, D. (1985) Review of P.K. Ford (ed), CELTIC FOLKLORE AND CHRISTIANITY: ESSAYS FOR W.W. HEIST (Santa Barbara 1983), in Irish Historical Studies 24 No. 95 (May 1985) 396-399. Reviews [Details] |
(1985) | Léirmheas ar P. de Brún (eag.), FOLIA GADELICA, in Irisleabhar Chumann Staire is Ársaíochta Chorcaí 90 Uimh. 249 (1985) 201-202.
O Croinin, D. (1985) Léirmheas ar P. de Brún (eag.), FOLIA GADELICA, in Irisleabhar Chumann Staire is Ársaíochta Chorcaí 90 Uimh. 249 (1985) 201-202. Reviews [Details] |
(1985) | Review of R.P.C. Hanson, THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF THE HISTORICAL ST PATRICK (New York 1983), in Irish Hist. Stud. 24 No. 95 (May 1985) 398-399.
O Croinin, D. (1985) Review of R.P.C. Hanson, THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF THE HISTORICAL ST PATRICK (New York 1983), in Irish Hist. Stud. 24 No. 95 (May 1985) 398-399. Reviews [Details] |
(1984) | Review of M. Curran, THE ANTIPHONARY OF BANGOR (Dublin 1984), in Irish Hist. Stud. 24 No.96 (Nov.1985) 530-531.
O Croinin, D. (1984) Review of M. Curran, THE ANTIPHONARY OF BANGOR (Dublin 1984), in Irish Hist. Stud. 24 No.96 (Nov.1985) 530-531. Reviews [Details] |
(1984) | Review [with G. Ó Tuathaigh] of P. de Brún (eds), FOLIA GADELICA: ESSAYS FOR R.A. BREATNACH (Cork 1983), in Peritia 3 (1984) 585-589.
O Croinin, D. (1984) Review [with G. Ó Tuathaigh] of P. de Brún (eds), FOLIA GADELICA: ESSAYS FOR R.A. BREATNACH (Cork 1983), in Peritia 3 (1984) 585-589. Reviews [Details] |
(1983) | Donatus. Finit Amen', [Review of Louis Holtz, DONAT ET LA TRADITION DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT GRAMMATICAL (Paris 1982)], in Peritia 2 (1983) 307-311.
O Croinin, D. (1983) Donatus. Finit Amen', [Review of Louis Holtz, DONAT ET LA TRADITION DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT GRAMMATICAL (Paris 1982)], in Peritia 2 (1983) 307-311. Reviews [Details] |
(1982) | Review of M. Herren (ed), INSULAR LATIN STUDIES: PAPERS ON LATIN TEXTS AND MANUSCRIPTS OF THE BRITISH ISLES: 550-1066 (Toronto 1979), in Peritia 1 (1982) 404-409.
O Croinin, D. (1982) Review of M. Herren (ed), INSULAR LATIN STUDIES: PAPERS ON LATIN TEXTS AND MANUSCRIPTS OF THE BRITISH ISLES: 550-1066 (Toronto 1979), in Peritia 1 (1982) 404-409. Reviews [Details] |
(1982) | Review of Vivien Law, THE INSULAR LATIN GRAMMARIANS (Woodbridge 1982), in Studia Hibernica 22/23 (1982-3) 149-156.
O Croinin, D. (1982) Review of Vivien Law, THE INSULAR LATIN GRAMMARIANS (Woodbridge 1982), in Studia Hibernica 22/23 (1982-3) 149-156. Reviews [Details] |
(1980) | Review of Joan Radner (ed), FRAGMENTARY ANNALS OF IRELAND (Dublin 1978), in Éigse 18 (1980) 143-145.
O Croinin, D. (1980) Review of Joan Radner (ed), FRAGMENTARY ANNALS OF IRELAND (Dublin 1978), in Éigse 18 (1980) 143-145. Reviews [Details] |
(1978) | Review of Basil Iske, THE GREEN COCKATRICE (Dublin 1978), in Éigse 17 (1978-9) 577-578.
O Croinin, D. (1978) Review of Basil Iske, THE GREEN COCKATRICE (Dublin 1978), in Éigse 17 (1978-9) 577-578. Reviews [Details] |
(1975) | Review-article of M. McNamara, THE APOCRYPHA IN THE IRISH CHURCH (Dublin 1975), in Éigse 16 (1975-6) 348-365.
O Croinin, D. (1975) Review-article of M. McNamara, THE APOCRYPHA IN THE IRISH CHURCH (Dublin 1975), in Éigse 16 (1975-6) 348-365. Reviews [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2007) | Lecture on ‘Medieval Irish monuments: digital imaging in recovering the past’, Roundstone Colloquium (Nov. 2007).
O Croinin, D. (2007) Lecture on ‘Medieval Irish monuments: digital imaging in recovering the past’, Roundstone Colloquium (Nov. 2007). Workshops [Details] |
(2007) | Lecture on ‘The Dresden Codex Boernerianus & the 9th-c. Irish project to produce a Greek bible text’, in The Early Irish Church & the Intellectual Tradition, Clonmacnois (Oct. 2007).
O Croinin, D. (2007) Lecture on ‘The Dresden Codex Boernerianus & the 9th-c. Irish project to produce a Greek bible text’, in The Early Irish Church & the Intellectual Tradition, Clonmacnois (Oct. 2007). Workshops [Details] |
(2007) | Lecture on ‘The newly-discovered Whitley Stokes collection in the Albertina University Library in Leipzig’, 13th Internat. Congress of Celtic Studies, Bonn (July 2007).
O Croinin, D. (2007) Lecture on ‘The newly-discovered Whitley Stokes collection in the Albertina University Library in Leipzig’, 13th Internat. Congress of Celtic Studies, Bonn (July 2007). Workshops [Details] |
(2007) | Lecture on ‘Columbanus & his teachers’, in Columbanus & the roots of Christian Europe, Rome (Dec. 2007).
O Croinin, D. (2007) Lecture on ‘Columbanus & his teachers’, in Columbanus & the roots of Christian Europe, Rome (Dec. 2007). Workshops [Details] |
(2007) | ‘The Kings Depart: the prosopography of Anglo-Saxon royal exile in the 6th & 7th centuries’. Quiggin Memorial Lecture, Cambridge University (March 2007).
O Croinin, D. (2007) ‘The Kings Depart: the prosopography of Anglo-Saxon royal exile in the 6th & 7th centuries’. Quiggin Memorial Lecture, Cambridge University (March 2007). Workshops [Details] |
(2006) | D.A. Binchy Memorial Lecture, Burren Law School, Ballyvaughan (May 2006).
O Croinin, D. (2006) D.A. Binchy Memorial Lecture, Burren Law School, Ballyvaughan (May 2006). Workshops [Details] |
(2006) | Lecture on ‘Monasteries of the 8th century’, Macregol Conference at Birr (Sept. 2006).
O Croinin, D. (2006) Lecture on ‘Monasteries of the 8th century’, Macregol Conference at Birr (Sept. 2006). Workshops [Details] |
(2005) | Lecture on ‘The application of laser tomography in the analysis of early medieval sculpture & iconography in Inishowen’, 5th Internat. Conf. on Insular Art, Trinity College Dublin (Aug. 2005).
O Croinin, D. (2005) Lecture on ‘The application of laser tomography in the analysis of early medieval sculpture & iconography in Inishowen’, 5th Internat. Conf. on Insular Art, Trinity College Dublin (Aug. 2005). Workshops [Details] |
(2005) | Lecture on ‘The lost Ratisbon MS. of the Vita I. Brigidae’, in Lives & Afterlives, UCD (Apr. 2005).
O Croinin, D. (2005) Lecture on ‘The lost Ratisbon MS. of the Vita I. Brigidae’, in Lives & Afterlives, UCD (Apr. 2005). Workshops [Details] |
(2004) | Lecture on ‘Gli Eruditi Irlandesi Erranti / The Irish Wandering ,Scholars’, European Science Research Institute, Ispra (June 2004).
O Croinin, D. (2004) Lecture on ‘Gli Eruditi Irlandesi Erranti / The Irish Wandering ,Scholars’, European Science Research Institute, Ispra (June 2004). Workshops [Details] |
(2004) | The First Century of Anglo-Irish Relations. The O’Donnell Lecture 2003. National University of Ireland (Dublin 2004).
O Croinin, D. (2004) The First Century of Anglo-Irish Relations. The O’Donnell Lecture 2003. National University of Ireland (Dublin 2004). Workshops [Details] |
(2004) | Lecture on ‘Adomnán and Bede’, in Adomnán of Iona / Adhamnán Iae Colloquium, NUI Galway (Dec. 2004).
O Croinin, D. (2004) Lecture on ‘Adomnán and Bede’, in Adomnán of Iona / Adhamnán Iae Colloquium, NUI Galway (Dec. 2004). Workshops [Details] |
(2004) | The first century of Anglo-Irish relations, AD 600-700. The O’Donnell Lecture 2003. NUI Galway (Dec. 2003).
O Croinin, D. (2004) The first century of Anglo-Irish relations, AD 600-700. The O’Donnell Lecture 2003. NUI Galway (Dec. 2003). Workshops [Details] |
(2000) | Lecture on 'The earliest Old Irish Glosses', at the University of Zürich (June 2000).
O Croinin, D. (2000) Lecture on 'The earliest Old Irish Glosses', at the University of Zürich (June 2000). Workshops [Details] |
(1996) | Lecture at the VI. Colloquium des Freiburger Sonderforschungsbereich 321 Projekt A 5 — Neue Methoden der Epenforschung, Freiburg i. Br. (July 1996).
O Croinin, D. (1996) Lecture at the VI. Colloquium des Freiburger Sonderforschungsbereich 321 Projekt A 5 — Neue Methoden der Epenforschung, Freiburg i. Br. (July 1996). Workshops [Details] |
(1995) | Lecture on 'Computer-aided image enhancement and the decipherment of medieval Insular inscriptions on stone',at the 10th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Edinburgh (July 1995).
O Croinin, D. (1995) Lecture on 'Computer-aided image enhancement and the decipherment of medieval Insular inscriptions on stone',at the 10th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Edinburgh (July 1995). Workshops [Details] |
(1994) | Lecture on ‘Irish Regnal Succession’, Harvard University, Dept of Celtic Languages & Literatures (Jan. 1994).
O Croinin, D. (1994) Lecture on ‘Irish Regnal Succession’, Harvard University, Dept of Celtic Languages & Literatures (Jan. 1994). Workshops [Details] |
(1994) | Lecture on ‘The Songs of Elizabeth Cronin’, Harvard University, Cttee on Degrees in Folklore & Mythology (Jan. 1994).
O Croinin, D. (1994) Lecture on ‘The Songs of Elizabeth Cronin’, Harvard University, Cttee on Degrees in Folklore & Mythology (Jan. 1994). Workshops [Details] |
(1994) | I gave the prestigious Carroll Lecture at Oxford University, (Apr. 1994). .
O Croinin, D. (1994) I gave the prestigious Carroll Lecture at Oxford University, (Apr. 1994). . Workshops [Details] |
(1993) | Lecture on 'Eoin Mac Néill' at Éigse na nGlinntí,Glenarm, Co. Antrim (May 1993).
O Croinin, D. (1993) Lecture on 'Eoin Mac Néill' at Éigse na nGlinntí,Glenarm, Co. Antrim (May 1993). Workshops [Details] |
(1991) | Conference on Science in Western & Eastern Civilization in Carolingian Times, Aachen (Sept.1991).
O Croinin, D. (1991) Conference on Science in Western & Eastern Civilization in Carolingian Times, Aachen (Sept.1991). Workshops [Details] |
(1988) | Guest Lecturer, Dept of Classics, University of Ottawa (Oct. 1988).
O Croinin, D. (1988) Guest Lecturer, Dept of Classics, University of Ottawa (Oct. 1988). Workshops [Details] |
(1988) | Guest Lecturer, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Sept. 1988).
O Croinin, D. (1988) Guest Lecturer, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Sept. 1988). Workshops [Details] |
(1987) | Bede Centenary Conference, University of Durham (July 1987).
O Croinin, D. (1987) Bede Centenary Conference, University of Durham (July 1987). Workshops [Details] |
(1986) | Conference on 'The knowledge of Greek in the West in the Early Middle Ages', York University, Toronto (Nov. 1986).
O Croinin, D. (1986) Conference on 'The knowledge of Greek in the West in the Early Middle Ages', York University, Toronto (Nov. 1986). Workshops [Details] |
(1985) | Royal Irish Academy conference, 'Ireland & Insular Art, AD 500-1200', Cork (Nov. 1985) .
O Croinin, D. (1985) Royal Irish Academy conference, 'Ireland & Insular Art, AD 500-1200', Cork (Nov. 1985) . Workshops [Details] |
(1984) | Lecture on 'Douglas Hyde and Irish Ireland' at the AGM, Canadian Association of Irish Studies (CAIS),Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto (Feb. 1984) .
O Croinin, D. (1984) Lecture on 'Douglas Hyde and Irish Ireland' at the AGM, Canadian Association of Irish Studies (CAIS),Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto (Feb. 1984) . Workshops [Details] |
(1983) | 7th International Congress of Celtic Studies (Oxford,July 1983).
O Croinin, D. (1983) 7th International Congress of Celtic Studies (Oxford,July 1983). Workshops [Details] |
(1982) | Medieval & Renaissance Guild of the Universities of Winnipeg & Manitoba (Winnipeg, Nov. 1982).
O Croinin, D. (1982) Medieval & Renaissance Guild of the Universities of Winnipeg & Manitoba (Winnipeg, Nov. 1982). Workshops [Details] |
(1982) | Joint meeting of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies and the University of Toronto Centre for Medieval Studies (Toronto, Oct. 1982) .
O Croinin, D. (1982) Joint meeting of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies and the University of Toronto Centre for Medieval Studies (Toronto, Oct. 1982) . Workshops [Details] |
(1979) | 6th International Congress of Celtic Studies (Galway,July 1979) .
O Croinin, D. (1979) 6th International Congress of Celtic Studies (Galway,July 1979) . Workshops [Details] |