
The family is the primary social structure for the development and well-being of the new generation, as recently reinforced by the Covid-19 crisis, and parenting is a challenging task that requires support. Formal family support initiatives have been implemented across Europe to support parenting functions, with a large variability in provision both inter- and intra-country. There is need to integrate the implementation of family support evidence-based practices, proven to be effective models of professional practices, in systems of support provision across Europe.

To contribute to this challenge, QA[4]EuroFam will implement a quality assurance protocol in family support services in the participating countries through a self-directed assessment process to identify their strengths and challenges followed by an improvement plan. The implementation of a quality assurance protocol will produce an evidence-based and culturally-informed novel model for professional practice that requires the innovative articulation of the current evidence on quality standards for family support provision and evaluation with the complexity of the day-to-day professional practice.

For more information regarding this project, click here.

Our Aim

The aim of the Quality Assurance Implementation Protocol for Family Support Services in Europe project is to enhance family support services across Europe by implementing a quality assurance protocol through a self-assessment and improvement process. This protocol aims to integrate evidence-based practices into support systems, fostering a collaborative learning environment among participating countries. By creating an open-access, ICT-based platform for sharing experiences and lessons learned, the project seeks to drive evidence-informed decision-making and ensure high-quality family support provision.

PI & Team

  • Prof. John Canavan
  • Dr. Carmel Devaney


  • University of Seville
  • University of Malaga
  • Union University (Belgrade)
  • University of Belgrade
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of Algarve
  • University of Porto


Building on the work of Eurofament Prof. John Canavan & Dr. Carmel Devaney are part of newly established project funded through a COST Innovators Grant (IG18123) working on quality assurance protocols for family support practice and services in Europe (QA[4] EuroFam). Entitled ‘A quality assurance implementation protocol for family support services in Europe. An evidence-based and culturally informed model for professional practice, this project commenced in November 2023, and has members from 25 countries and 10 European entities.