
The ILAS was established in 2014 and now comprises of nine centres and units who are focused on research that positively affects people’s lives. Apart from our interest in Human Flourishing, Wellbeing and Intergenerational Connections, we are also interested in research that focuses on Civic Participation.  Importantly we want to advance people’s lives in Ireland and internationally who face issues with older life, living with disability, children, youth and parents who are vulnerable in social and other contexts. 

The research at the Institute is underpinned by academic staff and researchers who are keen the work we do makes a difference.  We aim at building on human capacity as opposed to seeing people as having problems. Research being produced here apart from its academic quality will be strongly focused on influencing policy and practice in real and tangible ways. Our research is inclusive of people’s voices that we are interested in working with. These include people who live with disability, older people who are vulnerable in society and children, youth and parents who are in need of support both from the state and community and wider civic communities.

There are nine many constituent ILAS centres and units, representing different disciplines, a diverse range of methodologies and different populations of interest. These include: