New Report Published by the UCFRC on Lone Parents and Activation

lone parents

Funded by the Irish Research Council's research project grants, Department of Social Protection Research Innovation Award (SPRIA), this report by Dr. Michelle Millar and Dr. Rosemary Crosse of the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre University of Galway investigates best practice and innovative approaches to the labour market activation of lone parents internationally. It examines policies, programmes and practices which enable lone parents to engage in employment which will lead to adequate living standards and improved well-being for them and their children. 

The evidence in this report is grounded in its application to the Irish context, by giving due consideration to the profile of Irish lone parents and the barriers to paid employment they experience, as well as the relevance and applicability of such approaches to the Irish policy landscape. The report includes a number of recommendations to assist in the successful Labour Market Activation of Lone Parents in Ireland, including the need for a package of supports which is seen as the most effective way to assist lone parents into sustainable employment and ensure income levels that are sufficient to lift lone parents and their children out of poverty. Such supports encompass; pre-employment supports, employment supports, financial supports and childcare.

Read the full report here: Lone Parents & Activation