Community Living for Europe:  Building on the Promise of European Structural and Investment Funds into the Future

Date: 1st December 2016

The European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) regulations represent a significant step towards realising the rights of millions of Europe’s most marginalised and disadvantaged citizens by ensuring access to community based living for all and ending the practice of institutionalisation. Experiences from the national and local level however evidence a relatively low impact of the ESIF regulations to support community living for all.

A roundtable in the European Parliament on 1st December, hosted by Mairead McGuinness, Vice President of the European Parliament and organised in partnership with the Community Living for Europe initiative, will share good practices from across the European Union and highlight areas for future improvement especially with a view to informing discussions about the content of the Regulations for the next programming period.

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3rd Annual Frontiers in Healthcare Conference

Date: 10th November 2016

The Health Economics and Policy Analysis Centre (HEPAC) hosted its 3rd Annual Frontiers in Healthcare Conference on Thursday, November 10th 2016. The conference, which was organized in conjunction with Novartis Ireland, brought together an exciting group of academics, industry professionals and clinicians to debate and discuss a significant issue in healthcare. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Real World Evidence: its use and potential in improving healthcare decision-making’.

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Irish Pilot of Carnegie Foundation’s Community Engagement Classification

Date: 1st November 2016

The Irish Pilot of Carnegie Foundation’s Community Engagement Classification was conceived in 2013 by the CKI’s Lorraine McIlrath in partnership with Prof. John Saltmarsh at University of Massachusetts and Dr. Elaine Ward at Merrimack College Boston and was subsequently funded by the Talloires Network and the Ireland funds with support also offered by the two Universities. This project marked the first time that a national pilot of this highly respected measurement tool was to take place with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning offering full support. Following an introductory workshop on the project process to all institutions of higher education in Ireland and invite to institution Presidents, 12 joined forces and created a critical friendship group to support the pilot and discussions therein. A significant part of the pilot is a research dimension in that the process may allow for the development of a national measurement tool that could be created and adopted to allow higher education institutions in Ireland measure community and civic engagement.

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International Conference on Old-Age Social Exclusion at ILAS

Date: 28th October 2016

Social exclusion of older people is a direct barrier to Europe’s social and economic development. That was the message from an international conference on ‘Old-Age Social Exclusion’ hosted on the 28th of October by the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology (ICSG) in ILAS. The international conference was also the opening event of a four-year innovative collaboration between researchers and policy stakeholders across Europe, entitled Reducing Old-Age Exclusion in Europe, or ROSEnet and chaired by ICSG’s Kieran Walsh.

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Project FairTax at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU

Date: 25th October 2016

On October 25th, 2016, Project FairTax hosted an open research seminar on “Fair and Sustainable Taxation in the EU” at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU in Brussels. The seminar, which was moderated by Dr. Emer Mulligan, ICSG, NUIG attracted an audience of over 100 participants from EU institutions, stakeholder organisations, lobby-groups, universities, and others with an interest in future tax issues in Europe. Challenging questions were raised during the seminar, shaping, in part the future direction of Project FairTax.

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Launch of the 3-Cities Findings by Min. Katherine Zappone at the ILAS

Date: 30th September 2016

Revealing insights into the inclusion of city dwelling children, older people and people with disabilities, the 3-Cities Neighbourhood Report Series was launched by Min. Katherine Zappone T.D. on the 30th of September at ILAS. The launch was a part of a national conference that brought together speakers from local authority and public health agencies.

Click Here To Read More Shortlisted for National THINKTECH Award

Date: 29th September 2016

An online volunteering resource developed by Lorraine Tansey has been shortlisted for THINKTECH, a €1 million project to grow ideas for a better Ireland., which connects students and community groups, charities, schools, hospitals, public bodies and NGOs across Ireland, was co-founded by Salthill native Lorraine Tansey. In total, 11 finalists will compete for access to an award fund of up to €750,000 in grants as well as support and mentoring to further develop their social innovations.

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VOICES Project Holds Seminar on Criminal Responsibility and the CRPD

Date: 23rd September 2016

On the 22nd and 23rd of September, the VOICES project held the first of their thematic workshops on criminal responsibility in the Institute for Lifecourse and Society. The first day of the workshop was a private day where the storytellers and respondents who have chosen this theme worked together with international experts in the area and a creative writing facilitator to develop their pieces for the final edited collection.

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New Report Published by the UNCFRC on Lone Parents and Activation

Date: 1st September 2016

Funded by the Irish Research Council's research project grants, Department of Social Protection Research Innovation Award (SPRIA), this report by Dr. Michelle Millar and Dr. Rosemary Crosse of the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre (UNCFRC) investigates best practice and innovative approaches to the labour market activation of lone parents internationally. It examines policies, programmes and practices which enable lone parents to engage in employment which will lead to adequate living standards and improved well-being for them and their children.

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Speech & Language Therapy Joins ILAS

Date: 1st September 2016

The speech and language therapy team is delighted to join ILAS. We are excited about developing new collaborations, enhancing existing ones, and we believe that our research themes are closely aligned with ILAS. We have been in University of Galway since 2003 and will be celebrating the 10 year anniversary of our first graduates in 2017! In 2016, we launched two new MSc programmes (MSc in Childhood Speech, Language, and Communication Needs and an MSc in Advanced Healthcare Practice and Research).

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