
The aim of the UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre is working to improve the lives of children, youth and families through research, education and policy impact.

How we fit with ILAS?

Established in 2007, the UCFRC works to create the conditions for excellent policies, services and practices that improve the lives of children, youth and families through research, education and service development. Our core focus on is on the wellbeing and rights of children, young people and their families. Expertise across a team of experienced researchers spans relevant domains including child protection and welfare, children in care, family support, rights, youth agency and development. Research undertaken is strongly connected to applied work for children and families and is relevant to a diverse range of stakeholders including service users, policymakers, politicians, service managers and front-line staff. The importance of ecological approaches to working across the life course is fundamental to understanding the life transitions, diversity of home, community and educational spaces occupied by children, youth and families. The UCFRC’s commitment to engaged research and the adoption of methodologies that emphasise voice and participation of marginalised people and communities reflects a core objective of enabling equity across the life course.



Prof. John Canavan   |   UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre

John Canavan is the Director of the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre at the School of Political Science and Sociology. His main research interests are Family Support, Evaluation Theory, and connecting research, policy and practice. He has had the privilege of working for many years with practitioners, service managers and policy makers in the children and families’ field, and is passionate about the role of research in improving children’s lives. He teaches at undergraduate, MA and Ph.D. levels in the School of Political Science and Sociology.


Website:            UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre

Phone:               +353 91 492711


