
The aim of the PPI Ignite Network is to to bring about a culture change in how health and social care research is conducted, focusing on public and patient involvement in research, whereby the people or communities likely to be impacted by research findings are involved in all stages of the research cycle.

How we fit with ILAS?

Funded by the HRB and IRC with co-funding from seven Universities including University of Galway, The strategic focuses of ILAS align closely with the PPI Ignite Network. Our support for and recognition of public voice in decision-making is fundamental to all our work.  We strive to building capacity for meaningful involvement by creating collaborative partnerships and delivering training and education designed with input from people with lived experience. We are committed to create participatory spaces for this co-learning. Our training and education allows researchers to reflect on their own practice and encourage those unfamiliar with PPI to adopt new approaches. The adoption of PPI in Irish research will help to improve the health and well being of our communities by prioritising the voices of the public and patients as co-producers of knowledge, leading to more inclusive health and social care service design.



Sean Dineen   |   PPI Ignite Network

Sean Dinneen is the leader of the PPI Ignite Network, having previously led the PPI Ignite team at University of Galway (2018-2021), where University of Galway was a key innovator in bring the public into the heart of research from ideation to the delivery of results. Prof. Dinneen has a strong track record in delivering patient-centred approaches to care delivery and has embedded a PPI ethos within his own research. Professor Dinneen is Professor of Diabetic Medicine at University of Galway and a consultant endocrinologist at Galway University Hospitals and is currently National Diabetes Lead in Ireland. Sean graduated from UCC Medical School and completed his postgraduate training in Ireland and a residency at the Mayo Clinic in the US.


Website:            PPI Ignite Network

Phone:               +353 91 495743


