Aim & Mission

The aim of the Health Economics and Policy Analysis Centre (HEPAC) is to develop, apply and teach methods for the economic analysis of Health, Health Policy, and Health Care.

How We Fit With ILAS?

HEPAC seeks to conduct research that informs policy and practice through the generation of evidence on value and preferences for health, health technologies, health care, and social care interventions that target individuals, their families and friends, across the life course. Evidence on value is generated from the application of economic evaluation methods and is relevant for informing resource allocation and access decisions by policy makers and practitioners in health and social care systems. Evidence on preferences is generated from the application of preference-based methods and is relevant in the context of the need to appropriately identify, measure and value of the impact of illness, intervention, or policy on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and friends, and society. Key considerations across all strands of HEPAC’s research agenda are those of equity and equity of access, which aligns directly with ILAS’ strategic focus and agenda.



Prof. Paddy Gillespie   |   Health Economics and Policy Analysis Centre

Paddy Gillespie is Professor of Health Economics and Director of the Health Economics & Policy Analysis Centre (HEPAC) at the J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics and the Institute for Lifecourse and Society (ILAS). He was Head of Economics from 2019 to 2022, and he is currently the School's Associate Head of Research. His research activity is focused on the application of the techniques of health economic evaluation and health technology assessment to inform health policy and healthcare practice. He is a research affiliate at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI). He is health economics lead for the Primary Care Clinical Trials Network Ireland (HRB PCCTNI), Evidence Synthesis Ireland (ESI), and the Diabetes Collaborative Clinical Trial Network Ireland (HRB DCCTNI).


Website:            Health Economics & Policy Analysis Centre

Phone:               +353 91 495636

