At the Institute for Clinical Trials, our strength lies in the rich collaborative ecosystem within our own university. We work closely with a wide range of University centers and individual researchers who are leaders in their respective fields. These internal partnerships enhance our collective ability to conduct groundbreaking clinical research and foster innovation across disciplines. 


Our existing University of Galway partners include: 

  • CÚRAM – SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices 
  • HRB Clinical Research Facility Galway (CRFG) 
  • Galway Neuroscience Centre 
  • Centre for Pain Research 
  • Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) 
  • Health Promotion Research Centre 
  • Insight Centre for Data Analytics 

By collaborating with these esteemed centers and individual experts, we leverage a wealth of knowledge and resources that drive the success of clinical trials and research initiatives. Together, we are committed to advancing clinical science and improving patient care. 


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