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All 2011
Winners of the new NUI Galway Societies Bursary Announced

Friday, 18 March 2011
The winners of the newly launched UCG Spirit of 78/80 Socs Bursary were announced at a special ceremony at NUI Galway this week. The NUI Galway Societies Office, in conjunction with the Graduates of 1978 – 1980 awarded bursaries, each worth €1,000, in six different categories. Funding for five of the prizes are provided by NUI Galway graduates from the class of 1978 – 1980 with the Societies Office at NUI Galway funding the sixth prize. The bursaries are a project which fosters cooperation and vision from the past and present to promote student creativity and empowerment within NUI Galway. The bursaries aim to aid the students to pursue their field of interest. The recipients of the bursaries were: Soloist Category: Isaac Burke from Castlebar, Co. Mayo. Groups Category: Orna Ní Bhroin from Foxrock, Dublin and Diarmuid Scahill from Coolough Road, Galway. Performance Category: Dave Rock from Kinvara, Galway Civic Engagement/Charity Volunteering: Julie D lima from Tirellan Heights, Galway. Audience Choice: Adam Guinane from Limerick City; Borja Catellan-Valladolid, Spain; Joe Junker from Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare, James Frawley from Mervue, Galway; and Meaghan LaGrandeur from Ottawa, Canada. Judges Choice: Joint winners: Aron Hegarty from Inniscaragh, Co. Cork and Teresa Brennan from Barrow House, Co. Laois. Speaking after the final Riona Hughes, Societies Officer at NUI Galway, said "The evening was a huge success with an amazing array of talent. We are delighted that the NUI Galway Alumni are supporting and helping to nurture our future artists and activists." To find out more about the Societies Bursary visit www.socs.nuigalway.ie. For more information on the Graduates of 1978-1980 visit http://www.ucggrads7879ers.blogspot.com -Ends-
>> Read full story about Winners of the new NUI Galway Societies Bursary Announced
NUI Galway to Hold Information Evening in Kildare

Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Secondary school students interested in NUI Galway are invited to an information evening in Naas on Thursday, 24 March. Parents and guardians are also particularly welcome to the event which runs from 7 to 9pm in the Conference Centre of the Osprey Hotel. The evening will begin with short talks about NUI Galway and some of the 60 courses it offers. Afterward, current students and NUI Galway staff will be on hand at information stands to answer any individual questions visitors may have. One of the student ambassadors on the night will be Emmet Creighton from Cellbridge, Co. Kildare. According to the second year Law student: "In Galway, the lecturers are as interesting as they are educational and every effort is made to provide each student with the necessary tools to excel in their careers. With NUI Galway's comprehensive and up to date law library, insightful tutorials and plenty of extracurricular activities, my degree has been thoroughly enjoyable." The ever-increasing popularity of NUI Galway is in part due to a whole suite of innovative new programmes, developed in response to the changing needs of the employment market, including an Energy Engineering degree and a Maths and Education degree aimed at training Maths teachers. "Our own students tell us our lecturers are inspirational and challenge them to achieve their full potential. The student experience in Galway is second to none, and we want to bring a taste of that to Kildare, while also providing all the practical information on accommodation, CAO points, fees, scholarships and courses", says Caroline Loughnane, Director of Marketing and Communications at NUI Galway. The University recently developed a popular four-year Arts degree called BA Connect, which allows specialisation in certain areas and a year of placement in Ireland or abroad. There are eight to choose from, including Human Rights, Creative Writing, and Theatre and Performance, all areas where NUI Galway leads the field. NUI Galway is Ireland's leading university for Biomedical Science, so students have access to top researchers and the very latest facilities. As the University is at the heart of the medical device industry hub in Galway, graduates have excellent opportunities for ongoing employment in the field. Caroline Loughnane continued: "With so many courses on offer, this event in Naas is a perfect opportunity to meet current students and our lecturers to see what degree might be the right fit." To find out more about the information evening in Kildare, contact NUI Galway's Schools Liaison Office, Siobhán Dorman, Schools Liaison Office on 086 042 1591 or siobhan.dorman@nuigalway.ie. -Ends-
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NUI Galway to Hold Information Evening in Dublin

Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Secondary school students interested in NUI Galway are invited to an information evening in Dublin on Thursday, 31 March. Parents and guardians are also particularly welcome to the event which runs from 7 to 9pm in the Stillorgan Park Hotel. The evening will begin with short talks about NUI Galway and some of the 60 courses it offers. Afterward, current students and NUI Galway staff will be on hand at information stands to answer any individual questions visitors may have. Conor Mahon from Killiney in Dublin, who is studying Science at NUI Galway, will be there on the night to answer questions: "I'm the third generation in my family to come to NUI Galway from Dublin. The experience of moving away from home has been great, the staff and students are helpful and friendly and I ve made lots of new friends". The ever-increasing popularity of NUI Galway is in part due to a whole suite of innovative new programmes, developed in response to the changing needs of the employment market, including an Energy Engineering degree and a Maths and Education degree aimed at training Maths teachers. "NUI Galway has a great deal to offer. Our own students tell us our lecturers are inspirational and challenge them to achieve their full potential. The student experience in Galway is second to none, and we want to bring a taste of that to Dublin, while also providing all the practical information on accommodation, CAO points, fees, scholarships and courses", says Caroline Loughnane, Director of Marketing and Communications at NUI Galway. The University recently developed a popular four-year Arts degree called BA Connect, which allows specialisation in certain areas and a year of placement in Ireland or abroad. There are eight to choose from, including Human Rights, Creative Writing, and Theatre and Performance, all areas where NUI Galway leads the field. NUI Galway is Ireland's leading university for Biomedical Science, so students have access to top researchers and the very latest facilities. As the University is at the heart of the medical device industry hub in Galway, graduates have excellent opportunities for ongoing employment in the field. Caroline Loughnane continued: "With so many courses on offer, this event in Stillorgan is a perfect opportunity to meet current students and our lecturers to see what degree might be the right fit." To find out more about the information evening in Dublin, contact NUI Galway's Schools Liaison Office, Siobhán Dorman, Schools Liaison Office on 086 042 1591 or siobhan.dorman@nuigalway.ie. -Ends-
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Spring Open Day a Must for Students and Families

Tuesday, 15 March 2011
To get a taste of university life at NUI Galway, all CAO applicants are invited to the campus on Saturday, 2 April. The annual Spring Open Day is tailored toward Leaving Certificate and mature students who are interested in studying at NUI Galway. Parents, guardians and families are also invited to the campus to sample life at University. Running from 10am to 3pm, the Spring Open Day is expected to attract over 3,000 visitors. Taster sessions will run throughout the day, designed to give a real insight into studying at NUI Galway, with hands-on interactive Science Experience workshops also taking place. Tours of the campus will feature the state-of the-art sports complex and gym, and a glimpse of the brand new Engineering Building which opens in September. Tours of student accommodation will also be available to visitors on the day. Popular highlights for parents will be the talks, 'Focus on Your Career' and 'A Parent's Guide to University'. With plenty to see and do, free parking, refreshment booths and even entertainment for younger children, the event turns into a fun family day out. This year, all counties in Ireland will be represented by a team of 'student ambassadors', answering questions on specific courses and all aspects of university life. Lecturers and support staff will also be available at 80 stands to deal with any queries about degrees, accommodation, finances and much more. "We hold the Spring Open Day at the weekend, so that parents and guardians, as well as prospective students can attend. It's an opportunity to ask questions about courses of interest and to get a feel for the campus. Spring Open Day has proved invaluable to many students and it's a great opportunity for those considering their options before the CAO change of mind deadline of 1 July", said Caroline Loughnane, Director of Marketing and Communications at NUI Galway. With some 60 degree programmes, NUI Galway offers a wide range of traditional courses but also a whole suite of innovative new courses. These have been developed in response to the changing needs of the employment market, and include an Energy Engineering degree and a Maths and Education degree. NUI Galway's popular four-year Arts degree, BA CONNECT, allows students to specialise in certain areas and includes a year of placement in Ireland or abroad. There are eight programmes to choose from, including Human Rights, Creative Writing, and Theatre and Performance, all areas where NUI Galway is leading the way. The traditional Commerce degree now offers a new module where business and community leaders directly mentor students, developing a creative and innovative approach to business and providing a taste of the business world. NUI Galway is Ireland's leading university for Biomedical Science, so students have access to top researchers and the very latest facilities. As the University is at the heart of the medical device industry hub in Galway, graduates have excellent opportunities for ongoing employment in the field. At present, NUI Galway is the only Irish university offering a denominated degree in marine science, which includes time on board national training vessels in the third year of study. Visitors can book a place at the Spring Open Day and receive a programme in advance by logging on to www.nuigalway.ie/opendays, calling 091 494145 or emailing visit@nuigalway.ie. -Ends-
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NUI Galway Host Photographic Exhibition to Celebrate Student Volunteering

Tuesday, 15 March 2011
NUI Galway will host a photographic exhibition entitled We Volunteer! to celebrate and recognise student volunteering across Ireland from 28 March to 1 April. Third-level institutions from north and south have come together to develop the exhibition in celebration of the European Year of Volunteering 2011 and to recognise the tremendous contribution which student volunteers make to the lives of their communities. The steering group for the exhibition consists of NUI Galway, UL, LIT, DIT, TCD and DCU. We Volunteer! will provide an opportunity to showcase the wealth and diversity of volunteering and community organisations across Ireland. The exhibition will also highlight the myriad of benefits students experience from volunteering and inspire more people to volunteer. The exhibition is travelling around Ireland to college campuses and internationally during the European Year. The exhibition showcases the work of student volunteers from twenty Higher Education Institutions across Ireland with diverse organisations ranging from the Christina Noble Foundation in Vietnam, to Chrysalis Community Drug Project in Dublin, from the Galway Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, to community enterprise in Belfast, from peer mentoring programmes in Limerick and Cork, to Karate coaching in Newry. Speaking about the exhibition, Lorraine Tansey, Student Volunteer Coordinator at NUI Galway, said: "This collaborative exhibition is a great opportunity to visually demonstrate how volunteers get involved, make a commitment and bring about change as well as making an impact in Galway and beyond." The exhibition will be the main feature of this year's ALIVE Certificate Ceremony, which will see 1,000 NUI Galway students receive Certificates from the President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne, for their volunteering with Childline, Youth Work Ireland, Foróige, and Positive Mental Health, to mention a few. Nicola Brassil, NUI Galway student volunteer with the GSPCA and Clare Youth Service, features in the exhibition and said: "I learned that people of all ages can come up with very real and useful ways by which to make their community and country a better place." Members of the public are welcome to visit the We Volunteer! exhibition in the Foyer, Áras na Mac Léinn, NUI Galway. For more information on the exhibition visit www.wevolunteer.ie. -emds-
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