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Nursing and Midwifery
Ms Anne Fallon
Contact Details
T: 00353 91 495601
E: anne.fallon@nuigalway.ie

Research Interests
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | 'Public health nurses' experiences of supporting women to breastfeed in community settings in Ireland'
Dunne S, Fallon A (2020) 'Public health nurses' experiences of supporting women to breastfeed in community settings in Ireland'. Journal of Health Visiting, 8 (6):240-246 [Details] |
(2020) | 'Unknown breastfeeding rates among Traveller women in Ireland: a systems failure to collect, record and report'
Fallon, A (2020) 'Unknown breastfeeding rates among Traveller women in Ireland: a systems failure to collect, record and report'. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, 189 :967-968 [DOI] [Details] |
(2019) | 'Supporting Women From the Travelling Community in Ireland to Breastfeed: Overcoming the Challenges of High-risk Screening for Classical Galactosaemia'
Fallon A, Biesty L, van der Putten D, Millar S, Meaney T, Moroney S. (2019) 'Supporting Women From the Travelling Community in Ireland to Breastfeed: Overcoming the Challenges of High-risk Screening for Classical Galactosaemia'. Journal Of Human Lactation, 35 (4):813-817 [Details] |
(2018) | 'The Applicability of Blended Learning to Postgraduate Learning in Post-Anaesthetic Nursing care'
Sheeran V, Fallon A (2018) 'The Applicability of Blended Learning to Postgraduate Learning in Post-Anaesthetic Nursing care'. Irish Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing, 8 (1):23-28 [Details] |
(2018) | 'Revisiting task orientated care: Oral histories of former student nurses in Ireland (1960–2001)'
Fallon, A., Ui Chiardha T., Meaney T., Van der Putten D., Brennan M., Ui Chionna J., Bradley S., McNicholas M. & Smyth S. (2018) 'Revisiting task orientated care: Oral histories of former student nurses in Ireland (1960–2001)'. Nurse Education In Practice, 29 :48-52 [Details] |
(2017) | 'The experiences of being a registered nurse prescriber within an acute service setting'
Lennon R, Fallon A (2017) 'The experiences of being a registered nurse prescriber within an acute service setting'. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 00 [Details] |
(2016) | 'Neonatal Thermoregulation in Operating Theatre and Post Anaesthetic Care Unit following Caesarean Delivery'
Fallon A, Coohill M (2016) 'Neonatal Thermoregulation in Operating Theatre and Post Anaesthetic Care Unit following Caesarean Delivery'. Irish Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing, [Details] |
(2016) | 'Baby-led compared with scheduled (or mixed) breastfeeding for successful breastfeeding'
Fallon A, Van der Putten D, Dring C, Moylett EH, Fealy G, Devane D (2016) 'Baby-led compared with scheduled (or mixed) breastfeeding for successful breastfeeding'. Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), (9) [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'Breastfeeding practices that support women with diabetes to breastfeed'
Fallon A, Dunne F (2015) 'Breastfeeding practices that support women with diabetes to breastfeed'. Diabetes Research & Clinical Practice, 110 :10-15 [Details] |
(2014) | 'Developments in Neonatal Care and Nursing Responses'
P Healy, A Fallon (2014) 'Developments in Neonatal Care and Nursing Responses'. British Journal Of Nursing, 23 (1):21-24 [Details] |
(2014) | 'Baby-led compared with scheduled (or mixed) breastfeeding for successful breastfeeding'
Fallon A, Van der Putten D, Dring C, Moylett EH, Fealy G, Devane D. (2014) 'Baby-led compared with scheduled (or mixed) breastfeeding for successful breastfeeding'. Cochrane Database Of Systematic Reviews, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD009067 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Complementary and alternative therapies for shortening labour (Protocol)'
Van der Putten D, Fallon A, Devane D, Cullinane F, Doherty L (2012) 'Complementary and alternative therapies for shortening labour (Protocol)'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Art. No.: CD009626. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009626 (2) [Details] |
(2012) | 'Oxygen Therapy in Neonatal care'
Fallon A (2012) 'Oxygen Therapy in Neonatal care'. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 18 (6):198-200 [Details] |
(2011) | 'Baby-led versus scheduled breastfeeding for healthy newborns (Protocol) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Art No: CD009067'
Fallon,A.,Engel, C.,Devane, D.,Dring, C.,Moylett, E.H.,Fealy, G. (2011) 'Baby-led versus scheduled breastfeeding for healthy newborns (Protocol) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Art No: CD009067'. Cochrane Database Of Systematic Reviews Art. No.: Cd009067, (4) [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Women’s experience of control in labour and childbirth'
O'Hare, J.,Fallon, A. (2011) 'Women’s experience of control in labour and childbirth'. British Journal of Midwifery, 19 (2):350-355 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Midwifery basics: understanding research (6) Research Ethics'
Healy, P.,Fallon, A. (2010) 'Midwifery basics: understanding research (6) Research Ethics'. The Practising Midwife, 13 (4):34-37 [Details] |
(2009) | 'Infections in pregnancy'
Fallon, A.,Engel, C.,Boyle, N. (2009) 'Infections in pregnancy'. The Practising Midwife, 12 (4):27-42 [Details] |
(2008) | 'Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy The Practising Midwife'
Fallon, A.,Engel, C. (2008) 'Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy The Practising Midwife'. The Practising Midwife, 11 (9):32-37 [Details] |
(2007) | 'Clinical practice evaluation of atosiban in preterm labour management in six European countries'
Fallon, A.,Fallon, U.B. (2007) 'Clinical practice evaluation of atosiban in preterm labour management in six European countries'. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 114 (8) [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2017) | 'Congenital Anomalies'
Fallon A, Houghton C (2017) 'Congenital Anomalies' In: Physiology in Childbearing. Oxford: Elsevier. [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | ALCI Conference 2020 Online,
Fallon, A (2020) Supporting Traveller Women to Breastfeed. [Invited Lecture], ALCI Conference 2020 Online, Online , 26-SEP-20. [Details] |
(2017) | 'Hyperlactation': Physicians' attitudes and directions on continued breastfeeding, 1890-1925,
Fallon A (2017) St Luke's Symposium, Heritage Day, Shortlisted Kirkpatrick History of Medicine Research Award, RCPI. [Oral Presentation], 'Hyperlactation': Physicians' attitudes and directions on continued breastfeeding, 1890-1925, RCPI Dublin , 19-OCT-17. [Details] |
(2016) | WHO Guideline Developmeent Group Meeting,
A Fallon on behalf of the review team (2016) Fallon A, Van der Putten D, Dring C, Moylett EH, Fealy G, Devane D. Baby-led compared with scheduled (or mixed) breastfeeding for successful breastfeeding. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD009067. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009067.pub2. [Invited Oral Presentation], WHO Guideline Developmeent Group Meeting, Florence, Italy , 07-NOV-16 - 11-NOV-16. [Details] |
(2016) | National Seminar for Women with Diabetes,
Fallon A (2016) Focus on Breastfeeding. [Workshop chair], National Seminar for Women with Diabetes, Croi Heart and Stroke Centre, Galway , 09-APR-16. [Details] |
(2013) | 4th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference,
Fallon, A., Ui Chiardha, T., Meaney, M., Van Der Putten, D., Brennan, M., Smyth, S., & Ui Chionna, J. (2013) An Oral History of Nursing Education in Galway, (1953-2010). [Oral Presentation], 4th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Paper presented at 4th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, National University of Ireland Galway, 15th -16th April 2013 , 15-APR-13 - 16-APR-13. [Details] |
(2011) | ‘Supporting breastfeeding in Ireland; What do women want? Gort Breastfeeding Support Group,
Fallon A (2011) Where is the mother in baby-led breastfeeding?. [Invited Oral Presentation], ‘Supporting breastfeeding in Ireland; What do women want? Gort Breastfeeding Support Group, Lady Gregory Hotel, Gort, Co Galway , 06-OCT-11 - 06-OCT-11. [Details] |
(2011) | 3rd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference,
O’Hare J, Fallon A. (2011) Women’s experience of control in labour and childbirth. [Oral Presentation], 3rd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway , 04-APR-11 - 05-APR-11. [Details] |
(2007) | 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery,,
Fallon A (2007) The Affective Domain of Learning is an Effective Domain of Learning. [Oral Presentation], 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery,, Trinity College, Dublin , 07-NOV-07. [Details] |
(2007) | 26th International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference,
Fallon A (2007) Enhancing a Quantitative Methodology with a Feminist Perspective. [Oral Presentation], 26th International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland , 22-FEB-07. [Details] |
Conference Poster
Year | Publication | |
(2018) | First Moments. Poster presented at: NMBI National Midwifery Conference -100 Years of Midwifery Regulation and Development of Midwifery in Ireland. Clayton Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, 22nd Novemver 2018.
O'Hara M, Fallon A, Healy P, Fitzgerald D (2018) First Moments. Poster presented at: NMBI National Midwifery Conference -100 Years of Midwifery Regulation and Development of Midwifery in Ireland. Clayton Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, 22nd Novemver 2018. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2017) | Maternal and infant separation: The role of hospital practices in Ireland, 1905-1960; Poster Presented at the Catherine McCauley School of Nursing and Midwifery, Research Conference, University College Cork, 23 Nov 2017.
Fallon A (2017) Maternal and infant separation: The role of hospital practices in Ireland, 1905-1960; Poster Presented at the Catherine McCauley School of Nursing and Midwifery, Research Conference, University College Cork, 23 Nov 2017. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2016) | Gastroenteritis, a persistent cause of infant mortality in Ireland, 1900-45. Poster presented at the Irish Perinatal Society, 1916-2016 Making the New Island of Ireland, Historic North-South Spring Conference, at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda, 25th -26th February 2016.
Fallon A (2016) Gastroenteritis, a persistent cause of infant mortality in Ireland, 1900-45. Poster presented at the Irish Perinatal Society, 1916-2016 Making the New Island of Ireland, Historic North-South Spring Conference, at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda, 25th -26th February 2016. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2011) | High Dependency Maternity Care Module. Poster presented at Ireland’s Joint Midwifery Conference. ‘Making it right when things go wrong’ Irish Nurses and Midwives organization/Royal College of Midwives, Slieve Russell Hotel, Co. Cavan, 13th October 2011.
Mooney B, Devane D, Fallon A, Folan M, O ‘Hara M, van der Putten D, Millar S, Canny S, Coohill M. (2011) High Dependency Maternity Care Module. Poster presented at Ireland’s Joint Midwifery Conference. ‘Making it right when things go wrong’ Irish Nurses and Midwives organization/Royal College of Midwives, Slieve Russell Hotel, Co. Cavan, 13th October 2011. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2009) | Language we use – words that hurt. Poster presented at Ireland’s Annual Joint Midwifery Conference, ‘Midwives, women and birth – exploring the possibilities’ INMO/ RCM. Slieve Russell Hotel, Cavan.
Engel,C.,Van der Putten, D.,Fallon, A.,Brennan, M. (2009) Language we use – words that hurt. Poster presented at Ireland’s Annual Joint Midwifery Conference, ‘Midwives, women and birth – exploring the possibilities’ INMO/ RCM. Slieve Russell Hotel, Cavan. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2009) | Using oral history to explore student midwives’ learning experiences in Galway 1953-2008. Poster Presented at 2nd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Fallon,A.,Van der Putten, D.,MacNeela, P.,Fealy, G. (2009) Using oral history to explore student midwives’ learning experiences in Galway 1953-2008. Poster Presented at 2nd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2008) | Breastfeeding and Maternal Health. Poster presented at Catherine McCauley School of Nursing and Midwifery, 8th Annual Research Conference. University College Cork.
Fallon,A. (2008) Breastfeeding and Maternal Health. Poster presented at Catherine McCauley School of Nursing and Midwifery, 8th Annual Research Conference. University College Cork. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2008) | Language we use Words that hurt. Poster presented the Sharing Best Practice Conference ‘Making the paradigm shift’. Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Western Region.
Brennan, M.,Engel, C.,Van der Putten, D.,Fallon, A. (2008) Language we use Words that hurt. Poster presented the Sharing Best Practice Conference ‘Making the paradigm shift’. Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Western Region. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2007) | Midwife Led Care Questions asked Lessons learned. Poster presented at Ireland’s Annual Joint Midwifery Conference, Irish Nursing Organisation/ Royal College of Midwives. Armagh Winning Poster – Ireland’s Annual Midwifery Conference.
Fallon, A.,Engel, C.,Van der Putten, D.,Brennan, M. (2007) Midwife Led Care Questions asked Lessons learned. Poster presented at Ireland’s Annual Joint Midwifery Conference, Irish Nursing Organisation/ Royal College of Midwives. Armagh Winning Poster – Ireland’s Annual Midwifery Conference. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2007) | Midwife Led Care . Poster presented the Sharing Best Practice Conference. Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Western Region.
Van der Putten,D.,Fallon, A.,Engel, C.,Brennan, M. (2007) Midwife Led Care . Poster presented the Sharing Best Practice Conference. Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Western Region. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2007) | An Assessment of Student Midwives’ Attitudes to Breastfeeding support using The Theory of Reasoned Action . Poster presented at The Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference. 4th Annual Conference of the Division of Health Psychology, Psychological Society of Ireland. National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
Fallon, A. (2007) An Assessment of Student Midwives’ Attitudes to Breastfeeding support using The Theory of Reasoned Action . Poster presented at The Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference. 4th Annual Conference of the Division of Health Psychology, Psychological Society of Ireland. National University of Ireland, Maynooth. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2006) | The Implications of Maternity Care Funding for Women and Midwives. Poster presented at Ireland’s Annual Joint Midwifery Conference, Irish Nursing Organisation / Royal College of Midwives, Carrick-on-Shannon.
Engel,C.,Fallon, A.,Van der Putten, D. (2006) The Implications of Maternity Care Funding for Women and Midwives. Poster presented at Ireland’s Annual Joint Midwifery Conference, Irish Nursing Organisation / Royal College of Midwives, Carrick-on-Shannon. Conference Poster [Details] |
Committee | Function | From / To | |
National Group with NMBI, to develop National Student Midwife Competency Assessment Tool (2016-present) | Member | / | |
BFHI UHG (2016-present) | Member | / | |
Historical Society School of Nursing and Midwifery | Member | / | |
Multidisciplinary Maternity, Neonatal and Gynaecology Clinical Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Pathways, Saolta Group Committee (2006-2014; 2016-2019) | Member | / | |
National Severe Maternal Morbidity Group (NPEC) (2016 to present) | Member | / |
Community Engagement
Title | Type | From / To | |
Outreach | Established and facilitate a breastfeeding support group with a community partner at Westside Library Galway (2013 to present). Details available from: https://www2.hse.ie/services/breastfeeding-support-search/?county=Galway | 10-OCT-13 / | |
Other | QI project. Member of the team at UHG who undertook a Quality Initiative (QI) project to prevent hypothermia among newborn infants admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, following caesarean delivery. The project ‘Keep me warm I’m just born’ won the Midwifery Led category at the Irish Healthcare Centre Awards in 2019. | / | |
Teaching (e.g. Service learning / comunity based learning) | Link Lecturer to Maternity Department University Hospital Galway (2006-present) | / | |
Outreach | Breastfeeding support at NUIG (2017 to present). Monthly gatherings for staff, students and the local community. Details available from: https://www2.hse.ie/services/breastfeeding-support-search/?county=Galway | / |
Other Activities
Description | |
Editor of Irish Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing (2016-2019) |
Peer Reviewer: Journal Obstetrics Gynaecology and Neonatal Nursing |
IBCLC (2009-2019) |
External Examiner for Higher Diploma in Midwifery programme, and module on Acutely ill woman in maternity care (2016-2020) |
Teaching Interests
Modules Taught
Term/Year | Module Title | Module Code | Subject / Desc | |
Year 1 BMS | Communication and Interpersonal Skills | NU1114 | Bachelor Midwifery Science | |
Year 1 HDM | Care of the Well Neonate | NU6555/ NU7555 | Higher Diploma in MIdwifery | |
Year 2 BMS | Care of the Well Newborn | NU2210 | Bachelor Midwifery Science | |
Year 1 PG PHN | Child Health, Surveillance, Welfare and Protection | NU885 | PG Public Health Nursing | |
Year 4 BMS | Leading and Developing Practice | NU405 | Bachelor Midwifery Science | |
Year 2 BMS | Infant Nutrition | NU2211 | Bachelor Midwifery Science | |
Year 2 HDM | Woman with Complications in Childbirth 1 | NU6558/ NU7558 | Higher Diploma in Midwifery | |
Year 2 BMS | Supporting Women Experiencing Normal Chidbirth | NU2208 | Bachelor Midwifery Science | |
Year 3 BMS | Women with Complex Needs during Childbirth 1 | NU3113 | Bachelor Midwifery Science | |
Year 3 BMS | Women with Complex Needs during Childbirth 2 | NU3115 | Bachelor Midwifery Science | |
Year 3 BMS | The Neonate Requiring Special Care | NU207 | Bachelor Midwifery Science | |
Year 1 HDM | Normal Midwifery Care 1 | NU6554/ NU7554 | Higher Diploma in MIdwifery | |
Year 1 HDM | Normal Midwifery Care 2 | NU6557/ NU7557 | Higher Diploma in MIdwifery | |
Year 2 HDM | Woman with Complications in Childbirth 2 | NU6561/ NU7561 | Higher Diploma in Midwifery | |
Year 2 HDM | The Neonate Requiring Specialised Care | NU6562/ NU7562 | Higher Diploma in MIdwifery | |
Year 1 PG PHN | Child and Maternal Health | NU585 | PG Public Health Nursing | |
Year 1 PG | High Dependency Maternity Care | NU568 | Professional Credit Award Module |