A Trusted and Interoperable Mobility as a Service Ecosystem for Ireland (MaaS4IRL)

Project Status: Live Project

A Trusted and Interoperable Mobility as a Service Ecosystem for Ireland (MaaS4IRL)

Principle Investigator: Edward Curry

SEAI National Energy Research, Development & Demonstration (RD&D) Programme 2023

Start Date:  1st January, 2024
Finish Date:  31st December, 2024

Aim & Objectives:

MaaS4IRL aims to identify best practices for setting up the necessary data-sharing infrastructure and governance systems to facilitate innovations such as Mobility as a Service (MaaS). The objectives of MaaS4IRL are:

  • Review international MaaS ecosystems, mobility data spaces, and governance systems for mobility in international context.
  • Engage with stakeholders to review Ireland's current transport landscape, identifying key transport data holders and exploring the opportunities and challenges associated with various data-sharing models.
  • Investigate all potential data sources needed for MaaS and evaluate options for creating a repository to house the necessary data points.
  • Provide recommendations on the most optimal approaches to enable MaaS in Ireland, considering business, user experience, technology, and policy perspectives, while identifying potential barriers to implementation.
  • Identify the highest priority Data Sharing areas for sustainable mobility in Ireland