Project Status: Live Project

Principal Investigator: John Breslin
EU Programme: EU, INTERREG Atlantic Area
Project Budget:  €3,19M
Start Date:  01/09/2023
Finish Date:  31/08//2026
Project Website:  

Aim & Objectives:

ADT4Blue aims to develop and implement action business ideas for the blue economy. They plan to use Advanced Digital Technologies (ADT) like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and the Internet of Things.

The main goal is to speed up the process of going digital and being sustainable in the blue economy by getting more people to use ADT and improving the skills of the people involved. The partners in different areas will identify challenges, and the group will bring together students, alumni, and new entrepreneurs to form teams. Special training programs will teach different roles like business, solutions architects, and developers, focusing on data-value chains and European Dataspaces.

ADT4Blue plans to get different regions to work together and learn from each other to make the blue economy more digital. Partners also plan to support businesses across regions and generations, making the areas more attractive and innovative.



Associate Partners: