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NUI Galway Book Takes Pulse of the Ocean

Wednesday, 29 November 2006
29 November 2006: On 05 December, the first Irish book to catalogue a particular species of microscopic plant, known as phytoplankton, will be launched by The Martin Ryan Institute, NUI Galway. Microscopic phytoplankton are essential to maintaining life in the oceans, producing over 99% of organic matter in the seas, and this new book focuses on one of the more conspicuous types, Ceratium. The authors claim that cataloging, researching and monitoring numbers of such micro-organisms is like "taking the pulse" of the oceans and will act as a first warning system for changes to ocean currents brought on by climate change. 'The Dinoflagellate Genus Ceratium in Irish Shelf Seas', by Dr. Robin Raine, NUI Galway, and Dr. Georgina McDermott, Environmental Protection Agency, will be launched by Mícheál Ó Cinnéide of the Irish Marine Institute on Tuesday, at 4.30pm, in the Martin Ryan Institute. The book summarises research carried out over the past seven years on the distribution in Irish Shelf Seas of phytoplankton. This is highly relevant as the changes in ocean circulation which have been forecast if global warming continues to increase would first be observed in changes in the composition of the plankton. For example, the distribution of the more exotic, tropical species which are found around the southwest of Ireland, where warm oceanic waters from the south bathe the Irish coastline, would change with a shift in the pattern of ocean currents. According to Dr. Robin Raine, "A changing climate will modify ocean circulation and hence the distribution of phytoplankton. Cataloging the distribution of phytoplankton around Ireland is like taking the pulse of the oceans. As long as the different species remain in constant numbers in specific areas, this means that the ocean currents are not yet changing. We must remain alert however; any change in the numbers of these organisms could mean that we are but a few years away from more cataclysmic climate changes". The book profiles an individual marine phytoplankton, the dinoflagellate genus Ceratium, and provides guidance on the identification and distribution of 22 species of this conspicuous genus. It contains useful figures and photographs which will be of interest to students and academics working in this area. -ends-
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Mairéad Ní Nuadháin ainmnithe do Ghradam Alumni ag OÉ Gaillimh

Wednesday, 29 November 2006
28 Samhain 2006: Tá Mairéad Ní Nuadháin, Eagarthóir um Choimisiúnú, Cláir Ghaeilge, Oideachasúla agus Ilchultúir, RTÉ, ainmnithe do Dhuais Hewlett Packard don Ghaeilge, mar chuid de Ghradaim bhliantúla Alumni Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh. I bhfómhar 2000, ceapadh Mairéad ina heagarthóir um choimisiúnú ar chláir Ghaeilge agus oideachasúla agus ilchultúir, RTÉ. Roimhe sin, bhunaigh sí Léargas agus bhí sí ina léiritheoir sraithe ar an tsraith faisnéise Gaeilge sin, a ainmníodh in 2000 do Dhuais IFTA (Irish Film and Television Academy) sa chatagóir 'Gnéchlár is Fearr'. Tá cláir shiamsaíochta agus cláir faisnéise eile léirithe aici chomh maith. Mar chuid dá cúram cláir a sholáthar gach bliain do TG4, tá sraitheanna ar nós "An Tuath Nua," "Bean an Tí," "Bia 's Bóthar," "Ardán" agus go leor clár eile curtha ar fáil aici. Chomh maith le cláir RTÉ do TG4 a bhainistiú, lena n-áirítear cúrsaí reatha, cláir spóirt, cláir irise agus cláir do leanaí, bhí baint aici freisin, le cláir ilchultúir agus oideachais le gairid, mar shampla "Turas Teanga," "Families in Trouble," "Mono", "Scannal", "Who's Afraid of Islam?" agus "No Place Like Home." Is as Bealach an Doirín, Co. Ros Comáin í ó thús agus bhí cónaí uirthi tar éis na hollscoile i nGaillimh, áit a raibh sí ina comhalta de lucht bunaithe an Druid Theatre agus ina haisteoir leis an Taibhdhearc. Nuair a bhí sí in OÉ Gaillimh (Coláiste na hOllscoile, Gaillimh ag an am), bhí sí ar dhuine de na chéad reachtairí mná ar an gCumann Liteartha agus Díospóireachta (Lit and Deb). Is i mBaile Átha Cliath atá sí bunaithe anois ach choinnigh sí an ceangal a bhí aici leis na healaíona i nGaillimh, trína ballraíocht ar Bhord Macnas, agus tá sí ina ball freisin de Bhord Feidhmiúcháin an Celtic Film and Television Company. Na Buaiteoirí eile atá ann i mbliana: Duais AIB don Litríocht, don Chumarsáid agus do na hEalaíona: Seán O'Rourke, Iriseoir agus Craoltóir le RTÉ; Duais Bhanc na hÉireann don Ghnó agus don Tráchtáil: Irial Finan: Uachtarán ar Coca Cola, Infheistíochtaí Buidéalaithe; Duais Hewlett Packard don Ghaeilge: Mairéad Ní Nuadháin, Eagarthóir um Choimisiúnú, Cláir Ghaeilge, Oideachasúla agus Ilchultúr, RTÉ; Duais Medtronic don Chúram Sláinte agus an Eolaíocht Mhíochaine: An tOllamh Patrick Gullane, Ardotairinealaraingeolaí (Máinlia Cinn agus Muiníl), Ollscoil Toronto; Duais OÉ Gaillimh don Dlí, an tSeirbhís Phoiblí agus an Rialtas: Brian O'Donnell, Duine de bhunaitheoirí Aturnaetha Brian O'Donnell & Partners; Duais Seavite don Eolaíocht Dúlra: An Dr Reg Shaw, Stiúrthóir Bainistíochta ar Champas BioPharma Wyeth i mBaile Átha Cliath; agus Duais TBD don Innealtóireacht, an Teicneolaíocht Faisnéise agus an Mhatamaitic: Patrick & Thomas Coffey, Stiúrthóirí Coffey Group. Le linn don Ollamh Gerard Hurley, An Leas-Uachtarán um Thionscnaimh Straitéiseacha agus Gnóthaí Seachtracha, OÉ Gaillimh, na gradaim seo a fhógairt dúirt sé: "Gach uile bhliain, tugann OÉ Gaillimh aitheantas do alumni a bhfuil ag éirí go breá leo in earnálacha éagsúla den saol poiblí agus gairmiúil as éachtaí suntasacha a bhaint amach agus cur leis an tsochaí. Tugann na céimithe iontacha seo dea-shampla do na mic léinn atá ag freastal ar an ollscoil seo faoi láthair agus ambasadóirí den scoth atá iontu dá alma mater." Ba sa bhliain 2000 a seoladh na gradaim seo, faoi scáth an Alumni ag OÉ Gaillimh. Déanann na gradaim bhliantúla ceiliúradh ar luach an oideachais atá ar fáil ó OÉ Gaillimh agus aithníonn na gradaim foirfeacht phearsanta ag breis is 60,000 céimí ar fud an domhain. San áireamh ar liosta Iarbhuaiteoirí na nGradam tá an tUasal Mícheal D. Ó hUiginn T.D.; Pádraig Ó Céidigh, Aer Arann; Maria Mahon, Irishjobs.ie; agus Declan Kelly, Financial Dynamics. Bronnfar na gradaim ag an ochtú mórfhéasta bliantúil, Dé Sathairn, 3 Márta 2007 in Ostán an Radisson SAS, Gaillimh. -críoch- Tuilleadh eolais: Michelle Ní Chróinín, Oifigeach Preasa, OÉ Gaillimh, Fón: 091 493361, michelle.nichroinin@nuigalway.ie nó JB Terrins Uasal, Stiúrthóir Alumni, 091 495411, jb.terrinsnuigalway.ie Nóta: Tá liosta iomlán de bhuaiteoirí na nGradam Alumni go dtí seo le fáil ag: http://www.nuigalway.ie/alumni/program_alumni_award.html
>> Read full story about Mairéad Ní Nuadháin ainmnithe do Ghradam Alumni ag OÉ Gaillimh
NUI Galway announces Lady Gregory Fellowship Winners

Tuesday, 28 November 2006
28 November 2006: The winners of the 2006 Lady Gregory Research Fellowships at NUI Galway have been announced. They are Siobhán McDermott, Stephanie Egan, and Nora De Buitléir. All are doctoral students within the Faculty of Arts. The Lady Gregory Fellowships are enabled by philanthropic support and the Faculty of Arts at NUI Galway. Six Fellowships have been awarded since the establishment of these prestigious awards in 2005. Under the Lady Gregory Fellowship scheme, each student receives €20,000 per year over a period of three years. Recipients of the award include students of Archaeology, Old Irish, German, Geography and Political Science & Sociology. Over the coming years additional fellowships will be offered to a total value of €540,000 by 2009. Among the new winners, Siobhán McDermott, from Tyrone will study 'The Archaeology of Truagh, Co Monaghan'. Stephanie Egan from Castlerea, Co. Roscommon will study 'The Geographies of War and International Relations' and Nora De Buitléir from Killiney, Co. Dublin, will study 'The Theatre of the Frontier Region of Northern Italy and Southern Austria, the Sudtirol/Alto Adige'. Announcing the winners, Professor Kevin Barry, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, spoke of the value of research in the Humanities, in Languages, and in Social Sciences. Quoting recent international studies he supported the view that the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences "Lead the way in promoting understanding of the nation's history and other cultures, religions and societies, thereby helping to sustain national identity, multicultural tolerance and interaction. Furthermore, they enable the expansion of strategically important sectors of the economy, in particular the creative and cultural industries, which include heritage, galleries, museums, theatres, cinema, publishing, and other key elements of a knowledge society open to the larger world of ideas and innovation". NUI Galway will continue to support research within the humanities, languages and social sciences. High achieving graduates of any university and nationality are eligible to apply for funding under the Lady Gregory awards. ENDS Further Information contact Karen Walsh, Arts Faculty Office Tel: 091- 493958
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NUI Galway to Honour Outstanding Alumni

Monday, 27 November 2006
27 November 2006: From amongst the ranks of its illustrious graduates, NUI Galway annually awards individuals who as a result of their outstanding contribution to Irish and international life have, in a very special way, honoured their former alma mater. Reflecting the Annual Alumni Awards Programme's aim to award those who have gone on to become leaders in their profession or who have excelled in their pursuits at national and international level, this year the Programme has chosen to award: AIB Award for Literature, Communication and the Arts: Seán O'Rourke, RTÉ journalist and broadcaster; Bank of Ireland Award for Business & Commerce: Irial Finan, President of Coca Cola, Bottling Investments; Duais Hewlett Packard don Ghaeilge: Mairéad Ní Nuadháin, RTÉ Commissioning Editor for Irish language and Education Programming; Medtronic Award for Healthcare and Medical Science: Professor Patrick Gullane, Otolaryngologist (Head and Neck Surgeon)-in Chief, University of Toronto; NUI Galway Award for Law, Public Service & Government: Brian O'Donnell, Founding partner of Brian O'Donnell & Partners; Seavite Award for Natural Science: Dr. Reg Shaw, MD of Wyeth's Dublin BioPharma Campus; and TBD Award for Engineering, IT and Mathematics: Patrick & Thomas Coffey, Directors of the Coffey Group. Announcing the awardees, Professor Gerard Hurley, Vice-President for Strategic Initiatives and External Affairs, NUI Galway, said: "Each year, NUI Galway recognises outstanding alumni across many diverse spheres of public and professional life for their exceptional achievements and contribution to society. These outstanding graduates serve as an inspiration for our current students and are excellent ambassadors for their alma mater." Launched in 2000, under the aegis of the NUI Galway Alumni Association, the annual awards celebrate the life-long value of an NUI Galway education and recognise individual excellence among the more than 60,000 graduates worldwide. Former recipients include Mr. Michael D. Higgins T.D.; Pádraig Ó Céidigh, MD Aer Arann; Maria Mahon, CEO Irishjobs.ie; and Declan Kelly, CEO Financial Dynamics. The awards will be presented to the distinguished alumni at the University's annual Gala Banquet, which will take place in Galway's Radisson SAS Hotel on Saturday, 3rd March 2007. -ends- For further information please contact: Michelle Ní Chróinín/Ruth Hynes, Press Office, NUI Galway, Tel: 091 493361, michelle.nichroinin@nuigalway.ie or Mr JB Terrins, Director of Alumni Relations, 091 495411, jb.terrins@nuigalway.ie Note to editors: For a full list of former Alumni Award Winners visit http://www.nuigalway.ie/alumni/program_alumni_award.html Seán O'Rourke, AIB Award for Literature, Communication and the Arts, graduated with a BA in 1977. He is one of Ireland's leading broadcasters and a stalwart of current affairs programming. After University, he joined the Irish Press Group, as a sports reporter, feature writer and political correspondent. Since 1989, he has been a programme presenter-editor with RTÉ, working on This Week, Morning Ireland, Today Tonight, Prime Time and Family Matters. He has been presenter of the News at One on Radio Once since 1994. Mr O'Rourke also presents The Week in Politics on RTÉ. Irial Finan, Bank of Ireland Award for Business & Commerce, graduated with a BComm in 1977. In his current role as President, Bottling Investments, he is responsible for all Coca Cola Company bottling operations and equity investments worldwide. From 2000 to 2003, Mr Finan served as CEO of Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company SA, during which he managed the merger integration of Coca Cola Beverages plc and Hellenic Bottling SA and led the combined company in 26 countries. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Management Accountants, sits on the Board of Directors of Eircom Group plc., and is a Non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee for Alltracel Pharmaceuticals. Mairéad Ní Nuadháin, Duais Hewlett Packard don Ghaeilge, graduated with a BA in 1974. I bhfómhar 2000, ceapadh Mairéad ina heagarthóir um choimisiúnú ar chláir Ghaeilge agus oideachasúla RTÉ. Roimhe sin, bhunaigh sí Léargas agus bhí sí ina léiritheoir sraithe ar an tsraith faisnéise Ghaeilge sin, a ainmníodh do Dhuaiseanna IFTA (Irish Film and Television Academy) 2000 sa chatagóir 'Gnéchlár is Fearr'. Tá cláir shiamsaíochta agus cláir faisnéise eile léirithe aici chomh maith. Chomh maith le cláir RTÉ do TG4 a bhainistiú, lena n-áirítear cúrsaí reatha, cláir spóirt, cláir irise agus cláir do leanaí, bhí baint aici, freisin, le cláir ilchultúir agus oideachais le gairid, mar shampla Turas Teanga, Scannal agus Health Squad. Chuir sí tús leis an gcéad sraith ilchultúir de chuid RTÉ, is é sin Mono, atá ar an aer anois le trí shéasúr agus a bhfuil ag éirí thar barr leis. Professor Patrick Gullane, Medtronic Award for Healthcare and Medical Science, graudated with a BSc in 1970, and embarked on a career in otolaryngology - head and neck surgery. In 1989 he was appointed as Otolaryngologist-in-Chief at the University Health Network in Toronto. In 1997 he was appointed as Wharton Chair in Head and Neck Surgery, Princess Margaret Hospital, and in 2002 as Professor and Chair to the Department of Otolaryngology, University of Toronto. Dr Gullane is recognised globally as a leader in the field of head and neck surgery. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a Diplomat of the American Board of Otolaryngology and he has served as the President of the American Head and Neck Society and the President of the North American Skull Base Society, and is the current Vice-President of the Triological Society. Brian O'Donnell, NUI Galway Award for Law, Public Service & Government graduated from NUI Galway in 1974 with a BA and subsequently in 1976 with an LLB. He practiced with one of Ireland's most prestigious law firms, William Fry, where he served as managing partner from 1996 – 1999. In 1999, he set up his own practice, O'Donnell & Partners, specialising in mergers and acquisitions. During the course of his career Mr. O'Donnell has acted for Irish Life plc in its privatisation and the Doyle Hotels in their acquisition by Jurys plc. He has also acted in a number of pro bono cases, including the famous Blaise Gallagher case where a quadriplegic boy received the then largest damages ever achieved in Ireland. He is one of only a handful of Irish lawyers included in the International Who's Who of mergers and acquisitions and has been named in Global Counsel 3000 as Ireland's leading corporate and commercial lawyer. Dr. Reg Shaw, Seavite Award for Natural Science, graduated with a BSc in 1971 and subsequently with a PhD in 1974. He is currently Managing Director of the Wyeth BioPharma Campus in Dublin. Wyeth BioPharma Campus is one of the largest integrated biopharmaceutical facilities in the world. It was officially opened in Dublin in September 2005. The facility produces Wyeth's best known drugs – Enbrel, a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, and Prevenar, a vaccine for preventing pneumococcal disease in infants. The product cycle - from cell culturing in a test tube through to bulk manufacturing, packaging and distribution – is, unusually for the industry, carried out on site. This model employed by the Campus is considered a frontier-type investment. Dr Shaw is heading the project to extend the product manufacturing cycle from basic product development right through to the finished product. Patrick & Thomas Coffey, TBD Award for Engineering, IT and Mathematics, graduated in 1967 and 1969 respectively with BEngs. The Coffee Group, established by Patrick and joined by Thomas in 1974, is today one of the leading service providers in the building, civil and environmental engineering industry in Ireland and the greater London area contracted with such recognisable projects as the Galway Eastern Approach Road and the renovation of the Royal Albert Hall, London. The Coffee Group has been a stalwart supporter of NUI Galway graduates, and is well known as a nurturing ground for the University's engineering professionals and entrepreneurs. It employs students on placement, more than any other company since the initiation of the Civil Engineering placement programme, and sponsors graduate students in Civil Engineering at NUI Galway.
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eNeighbourhoods at NUI Galway

Monday, 27 November 2006
The positive impact of the Internet on communities and individuals will be the focus of a free public seminar from 9.30am-1.30pm on 28 November entitled eNeighbourhoods - Putting Communities onto the World Wide Web. Organised by NUI Galway's Digital Enterprise Research Institute, the event will be held at the IDA Business Park, Lower Dangan, and will look at how people can now use the Internet to view and talk to each other across continents at a fraction of the cost of a telephone call, create their own online communities and access affordable technologies. According to Brendan Smith, Community/Education Outreach Officer, DERI, "In the nineteen nineties, it was the mobile telephone that spawned a massive leap in connecting people. Today the Internet gives individuals with limited physical/geographical mobility a wonderful opportunity to connect with like-minded people. It can reconnect families and friends, with people using webcams and Internet phones to see and hear their loved ones in real time. Also, the Internet can also give a forum and even an identity to communities, parishes – community groups of every kind". Topics covered by the seminar, which will be opened by Lord Mayor of Galway City, Councillor Niall O Brolcháin, will include: Putting your Parish & Community onto an Online Encyclopaedia Online Community Newsletters Internet Technologies aimed at Increasing Citizens' Involvement - in the decision making process of local and national government Green Mapping of Galway City Setting up & Maintaining a Free Easy-to-manage Website for Community Groups Writing & Publishing a Novel Online Based out of NUI Galway, DERI is one of the world's leading research establishments involved in developing the next generation of the World Wide Web known as the 'Semantic Web'. Through its outreach programmes, it seeks to increase awareness of the practical benefits that the World Wide Web can offer to communities. Internet courses for a myriad of groupings include active retirement associations, business organisations, schools, parents, university students, residents and disability groups have been provided over the years. This free seminar will bring experts together to demonstrate what is on offer to the ordinary members of society. For bookings please contact Brendan Smith, DERI, NUI Galway on 087 2935106 or email Brendan.smith@deri.org -ends-
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