Aug 14 2024 Posted: 00:00 IST

CÚRAM, the SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices based at University of Galway has appointed Dr Vincent Ling to its Scientific Advisory Board which provides strategic guidance to the Centre on development and sustainability. Dr Ling is Chief Business Officer at Morphocell, a biomedical engineering start-up company developing regenerative technologies for the treatment of liver disease.

For over 30 years, Dr Ling has led successful research and business innovation groups in diverse biotechnology fields, including cell devices, protein engineering, biosimilars, stem cell differentiation, checkpoint inhibitors, and the molecular evolution of antibody scaffolds. He has held leadership positions in large, midsized, and start-up environments, creating practical biotherapeutics.

Speaking on his appointment, Dr Ling said ‘I am very much looking forward to the journey ahead with CÚRAM. What I hope to see in the years ahead is for the Centre to become a major force in the medical device industry where they can bring a new type of technology that can impact patients worldwide.’

Dr Ling recently stepped down as Senior Director within Search and Evaluation, Business Development at Takeda after directorship roles in external innovation and pharmaceutical sciences. His current interests lie in novel drug delivery technologies, including drug particles, energy guidance, and biomaterial scaffolds. In his new appointment as Chief Business Officer at Morphocell, he represents the company in the Boston BioPharma ecosystem.

Commenting on the appointment of Dr Ling, Prof Abhay Pandit, Scientific Director of CÚRAM said; ‘We have had the opportunity to get to know Dr Ling over the past two years through his role at Takeda and are delighted to welcome him onboard. We are honoured to have  him join us and will benefit hugely from the range and depth of his experience in industry and academia.’

Prior to Takeda, Dr Ling was Head of Biological Sciences, developing cell therapies for wet AMD at Neurotech.  He has held positions including Vice President at Dragonfly Sciences, managing all scientific operations and marketing functions, Director of Molecular Genetics at Adnexus (Compound Therapeutics), and other scientific roles in Discovery Research at Genetics Institute and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. 

CÚRAM’s research provides innovative solutions that enable better quality of life for patients living with chronic illnesses. Its Advisory Boards include independent figures from academia, business and the public sector who provide impartial scientific and technical guidance and ensure that the strategic vision for the Centre is constantly reviewed with appropriate international input and benchmarking. The Centre recently celebrated its 10th year of operation with the publication of a report that puts its value to the Irish economy  at €756 million over that time, delivering a 12-fold return on Government investment.


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