Flynn, N., Frost., D, O’Leary, J., and Hynes, S. (2024). Ireland’s Ocean Economy, 2024. SEMRU, University of Galway and Marine Institute,

Deely, J., Hynes, S., Cawley, M. (2024). A Survey of Marine and Coastal Recreational Tourism Providers. SEMRU, University of Galway. A Survey of Marine and Coastal Recreational Tourism Providers

Reilly, K., O’Leary, J., Hynes, S., and Clancy, K. (2023). Ireland’s Ocean Economy, 2023. SEMRU, University of Galway and Marine Institute URL:

McDermott, T.K.J. (2023) “What’s required for local areas in Ireland to predict and anticipate floods?” RTE Brainstorm, 14th November. Available here:

Norton, D., Hynes, S., Lanser, M. C., O’Leary, J., O’Donoghue, C., and Tsakiridis, A. (2022). Ireland's Ocean Economy Report 2022. SEMRU, University of Galway and Marine Institute.

Ahearne, A. & Hynes, S. (2020).Challenges and Opportunities for Ireland’s Major Ocean Economy Industries

Hynes, S., Aymelek, M., Norton, D., Tsakiridis, A. & Corless, R. (2020).  A survey of domestic coastal and marine tourism an leisure activities in Ireland, SEMRU Report Series, (ISBN: 978-1-908358-77-6)

Mc Dermott, T. (2020). How can we deal with rising sea levels and increased flood risk? RTE Brainstorm, available to download at:

Ahrens, A., Curtis, J., Dempsey, S., Devine, T.M., Gillespie, T., Grilli, G., Hynes, S., Lyons, C.R., Lunn, D.P., Lyons, S., McElvaney, J.T., Morgenroth, E., Moore, K., Murphy, M., Ní Choisdealbha, A. and Nolan, A. (2019). Research on Aspects of Ireland’s Environment, Consumer Behaviour and Health: ESRI Environment Research Programme 2016–2018, EPA Report, Research 295. Available at:

Bastardie, F., Berkenhagen, J., Bitetto, I., Callery, O., Coleman, P., D'Andrea, L., Depestele, J., Frost, H., Goldsborough, D., Hamon, K., Hoff, A., Holah, H., Lindal Jørgensen, L., Kraak, S.B.M.,  Malvarosa, L, Martínez, R., Norton, D, Orey, S., Rodmell, D., Russo, T., Schulze, T., Sulanke, E., Valanko, S. & van Denderen, D. (2019). Workshop on Tradeoffs Scenarios between the Impact on Seafloor Habitats and Provisions of catch/value (WKTRADE2). ICES Scientific Reports. 1:63. 67 pp. Eds. Bastardie, F & Depestele, J.

Hynes, S., Aymelek, M., Corless, R. & Evers, N. (2019).  A Survey of Marine and Coastal Overseas Tourism Activity in Ireland, SEMRU Report Series, ISBN: 978-1-908358-67-7

Tsakiridis, A., Aymelek, M., Norton, D., Burger, R., O’Leary, J., Corless, R. & Hynes, S. (2019). Ireland’s Ocean Economy, SEMRU Report Series, ISSN 2009-6933 Ireland's Ocean Economy Report 2019

McInerney, C., O’Connor, E., Power, B., Deane, P. & McDermott, T., (2019). EU ETS and Competitiveness of Irish Industry, EPA Report 276, available to download:

McDermott, T.K.J., I. Noy and B. Ferrarini (2019) Strengthening Disaster Resilience, thematic chapter in Asian Development Outlook 2019. Asian Development Bank.

Austen M.C., Andersen P., Armstrong C., Döring R., Hynes S., Levrel H., Oinonen S., Ressurreição A. (2019) Valuing Marine Ecosystems - Taking into account the value of ecosystem benefits in the Blue Economy, Coopman, J., Heymans, JJ., Kellett, P., Muñiz Piniella, A., French, V., Alexander, B. [Eds.] Future Science Brief 5 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 32pp. ISBN: 9789492043696 ISSN: 4920-43696 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2602732

Ring, I., Sandström, C., Acar, S., Adeishvili, M., Albert, C., Allard, C., Anker, Y., Arlettaz, R., Bela, G., ten Brink, B., Coscieme, L., Fischer, A., Fürst, C., Galil, B., Hynes, S., Kasymov, U., Marta-Pedroso, C., Mendes, A., Molau, U., Olschewski, R., Pergl, J. and Simoncini, R. Chapter 6: Options for governance and decision-making across scales and sectors. In IPBES (2018): The IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Central Asia. Rounsevell, M., Fischer, M., Torre-Marin Rando, A. and Mader, A. (eds.). Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Bonn, Germany, pp. 661-802.

Breen, B., Brewster, P., O’ Driscoll, C., Tsakiridis, A. (2018). The Implications of Brexit on the Use of the Landbridge, Dublin: Irish Maritime Development Office.

Norton, D., Hynes, S. and Boyd, J. (2018). Valuing Ireland’s Blue Ecosystem Services, SEMRU Report Series, available to download: VIBES Report

Foley, N.S., Armstrong, C.W., Hynes, S., Needham, K. and Ressurreição, A. (2018). Inventory of Ecosystem Services in Atlantic Case Study Areas. ATLAS D5.1. EU H2020 ATLAS Project.

Norton, D., Hynes, S. and Boyd, J. (2018). Valuing Ireland’s Coastal, Marine and Estuarine Ecosystem Services, EPA Report, available to download:

Leyden, K.M., Slevin, A., Grey, T., Hynes, M., Frisbaek, F. and Silke, R. (2017) 'Public and stakeholder engagement and the built environment: A review’. Current Environmental Health Reports, Available from: 

SAPEA, Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (Working Group including Stephen Hynes). (2017). Food from the oceans: how can more food and biomass be obtained from the oceans in a way that does not deprive future generations of their benefits? Berlin: SAPEA. doi:10.26356/foodfromtheoceans

Curtis, J. and Hynes, S. (2017). Demand for Water-Based Leisure Activity: the Benefits of Good Water Quality, EPA Research Report (2015-SE-DS-6), EPA Publication, Wexford.

Alistair McIlgorm, A., Hynes, S., Vega, A., Fernández-Macho, J., González, P. and Virto, J. [in cooperation with Korea Maritime Institute] (2017). Ocean Economy Report 2016: Australia, Ireland, Spain. Korea Maritime Institute Publication, ISBN 978-89-7998-140-7.

Armstrong, C.W., Foley, N.S., Needham, K., Ressurreição, A. and Vondolia, G.K. (2017). Expert Assessment of Risks to Ecosystem Services from Diverse Human Drivers in the Atlantic Deep Sea. ATLAS D5.2. EU H2020 ATLAS Project.

Vega, A.& Hynes, S. (2017). Ireland's Ocean Economy Report 2017, Irelands Ocean Economy, SEMRU Report Series, ISSN 2009-6933 (Online)

Falk-Andersson, J., Armstrong, C.W., Foley, N.S., Mikkelsen, E., Seiferf-Dahnn, I., Holen, S. and Wenting, C. (2017). Social and Economic Assessment of Ocean Acidification – The Case of Cold Water Coral. NORUT

Foley, N.S., Jackson, E., Maloney, D., Nolan, C., Tyndall, P. Curtin, R.,  and Keatinge, M. (2016). An Economic Survey to Determine the Level of Seafood Activity and Establish its Economic Importance to the Area of Ros an Mhíl. Ros an Mhíl Case Study Report. Fisheries Economics Group, Bord Iascaigh Mhara.

Vega, A., & Corless, R. (2016). Marine Training and Education Ireland_2016. SEMRU Report Series 

Grealis, E. & O’Donoghue,C. (2015). The Economic Impact of the Irish Bio-Economy: Development and Uses - Joint report issued by the Teagasc Rural Economy Development Programme and the Socio-Economic Marine Research Unit, NUI Galway

Grealis, E., Vega, A., O’Donoghue, C. Hynes, S. (2015) Economic Impact of achieving the targets of the Harvesting our Ocean Wealth Strategy, in Grealis, E. and O’Donoghue, C.  (ed.), The Economic Impact of the Bio-Economy: Development and Uses, Teagasc Publication, Dublin

Grealis, E., Hynes, S., O’Donoghue, C. Towmey, C. van Ousch, S. Vega, A. (2015) Economic Impact of achieving the targets of the Harvesting our Ocean Wealth Strategy, in  Grealis, E. and O’Donoghue, C.  (ed.), The Economic Impact of the Bio-Economy: Development and Uses , Teagasc Publication, Dublin

Brewster, P., Rooke, M. and Hynes, S. (2015). A Study of the Current and Future Skills Requirements of the Marine/Maritime Economy to 2020. Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Kildare St. Dublin."/publications/2015/title,13033,en.php   

Vega, A., Hynes, S. and O'Toole, E. (2015). Ireland’s Ocean Economy, Reference Year 2012 , SEMRU Report Series, ISSN 2009-6933 (Online)

Barry, H., Brennan, A., Campbell, V., Cronin, M., Cushen, M., Dransfeld, L., Douglas, A., Duggan, P., Forde, J., Giltrap, M., Hynes, S., Kelleher , K., Kelly, E., Kennedy, R., Lyons, K., McElhinney, G., McGovern, E., Meacle, M., Minchin, D., Nixon, E., Nolan, G., O’Boyle, S., Organo, C., Parsons, A., Robinson, A. and Saunders, G. (2013). Ireland’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive Article 19 Report: Initial Assessment, GES and Targets and Indicators, Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government Publication.,34365,en.pdf

Vega, A., Corless, R. and Hynes, S. (2013). Ireland’s Ocean Economy, Reference Year 2010, SEMRU Report Series, ISSN 2009-6933 (Online)

Norton, D., Hynes, S., Doherty, E. Buckley, C., Campbell, D. and Stithou, M. (2012). Using Benefit Transfer Techniques to Estimate the Value of achieving ’Good Ecological’ Status in Irish Water Bodies, EPA  STRIVE Report No. 94. 
Downloadable at

Collins, P., Hynes, S. and Mulligan, E. (2012). Volvo Ocean Race Finale –An Economic Impact Assessment. J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics Report, NUI Galway.

Foley, N.S., Armstrong, C.W. and Grehan, A. (2012) Cold Water Coral - Managing a Valuable Resource. Deliverable 60 under WP8, FP7 CoralFISH: Report

Foley, N.S., Armstrong, C.W., Chen, X, Kahui, V., Kaspersen, I.W., Mikkelsen, E. and Reithe, S. (2011) Report on coral-fisheries interactions - theoretical and applied bioeconomic analysis. Deliverable D35 under WP8, FP7 CoralFISH: Report

Gillespie, P. and Hynes, S. (2011). Economic Survey of the Irish coastal and off-shore fishing fleet , SEMRU Report Series No. 2.

Karyn Morrissey, Ilaria Nardello, Natasha Evers, Rebecca Corless, Stephen Hynes and Paul Ryan (2011). An Overview of the Irish Biotechnology Sector and its Position within the AA , SEMRU Report Series No. 3.

John Heavey, Joseph Gavin, Niall Henry, Adrian Ó Tuathail, Catherine Heaney, Fergal Hynes, Conor Keane, Fiona Kenny, Carol Galvin, Orla Hynes, Denise Howard, Shane O' Maille, Andrea Leyden, Colm Mc Kenna, Cormac O’Regan, Sarah Dolan, Amy Collins, Heather Nolan, Marc Healy, Barry Collins, John Regan, Kun Qian, Eoin Quinn, Justina Setkute, Niamh Gately, Conor Laffey, Pearse Walsh, Elaine Wallace and Stephen Hynes (2011). Strategic Branding for Sustainably Caught Irish Seafood , SEMRU Report Series No. 4.

Macken-Walsh, A. (2009) Barriers to Change: a Sociological Study of Rural Development in Ireland, Teagasc National Report, No. 53.ISBN 1-84170-542-X