Digital Competences


Develop new digital skills for work and for everyday living


12 weeks, part-time

Next start date

Semesters 1 & 2 2024/25


Level 9


30 Credits

Mode of Study

Blended Learning

Apply By

Aug 41, 3024, 5pm



Subsidised Fee ( ℹ )



In this Micro-credential, you will (1) learn about the Digitalisation of the Future (basic concepts & terminology) and (2) follow step-by-step videos to develop new digital skills for work and for everyday living, in line with the five Competence Areas of the EC’s Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, DigComp. 2.2 (2022).

A range of interesting topics, tips and tools are explored within each of the five competency areas as follows:

DigComp Competence Area 1: Information & Data Literacy 
Information, Misinformation, Disinformation; Email & Communication; Search Engines, Google Services; Virtual Reality; Cloud Storage Services; Spam, Scam, Deepfakes.

DigComp Competence Area 2: Communication & Collaboration
Effective Online Workplace, Meetings, Etiquette, Collaboration; Productivity & Insights; Blogging, Short Form Video; Social Media Platforms, Presence & Responsibility; File Sharing; Music, Video & Live Streaming.

DigComp Competence Area 3: Digital Content Creation
Visual Design for Document Formats; Accessibility & Inclusivity; Press, Radio, Library Services; Big Data, AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning; Design for Presentations; PDF, Scanning.

DigComp Competence Area 4: Safety
Datafication of Aspects of Life; Password Management & Authentication; Health & Public Services; Green ICT; GDPR, Cyber Safety; Payments, Cryptocurrency.

DigComp Competence Area 5: Problem Solving
Privacy, Smart Home Devices, the Internet of Things; Meaningful Graphs; QR Codes; Social Robots, Automation, Universal Basic Income; Windows Shortcuts; PCs, Peripherals, Connectivity.

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements, as entered into T4, will appear here

What you will Learn

What you will learn (additional info), entered into T4 will appear here.

Transferrable Skills

This collapsible segment may or may not appear, depending on whether anything was entered into t4

Learning Outcomes

  1. Explore an apply research-based presenting strategies to create engaging presentations.
  2. Develop advanced skills in document formatting individually and online in teams.
  3. Develop proficiency and confidence using tools to create multimedia digital objects (audio, video, interactive).
  4. Apply new skills in data analytics and data visualisation to convey meaningful problem-based solutions.
  5. Develop and practice new skills in online interaction and collaboration scenarios.
  6. Discuss and develop understanding of emerging digital technologies, for example: Information, Misinformation & Disinformation; Privacy & Safety; Artificial Intelligence (AI); Datafication of aspects of life; Virtual Reality; Social Robotics; Internet of Things; Green ICT.


  • Department-based Assessment (100%)


If you have any questions about this course, please contact:
Contact details, entered into T4, will appear here

Email: Firstname Lastname

How to Apply

When completing your application please make sure to select the following categories:

Academic level: Micro-credentials and CPD
College/Interest type: Micro-credentials/CPD Undergrad Level 7 and 8
Academic programme: Training and Education Micro-credentials – CPB5

You will need to manually enter the Module Name and Code under ‘Module Name’ on the second page of your application. Please copy the name and code below:

Digital Competences - SC3303

[Note: The following links will be hard-coded into the content type so you don't have to add them any time.
Also, notice that the clickable link text has been changed from what you supplied. This is because the clickable text used to be 'here' but that's not good for screen readers and must be avoided to improve accessibility. Obviously, none of this red text would appear on a real micro-cred page]

Learn more about our application process.

Apply here: Online Application Portal

Notes (Not part of the Content type)

  • Banner: The Micro credentials banner is designed to take a 600x300px, 96dpi photo. The sides of this photo will be truncated at wider screen widths, only showing the centre (300x300px) square. When the screen gets narrower (600px wide and smaller), this component will display the image in the background. At this point the entire image will be visible, provided the screen is wide enough for it (e.g. an iPhone 11, in portrait orientation, only has a 414px-wide screen, so 93px will be truncated from each side of the image. In landscape orientation, the 300x300px centre of the image would be shown - just like on widescreen monitors).
    So, always use images that have the subject at the centre and expect up to 150x on the left and right sides to be cropped away automatically.
  • The short description in the banner (below the course code) will be the description used when listing the microcreds on one page. You will have the option to include it on the banner too (useful if it has a short name - there won't be room for it if the microcred's name is long).

    If you do choose to show it on the banner, be aware that it will be truncated if it's too long - so preview it and then resize the window, dragging it from wide to narrow, to be sure it will work on all screen widths.

  • Applying: The Apply Now button will scroll down to, and open, the 'How to apply' accordion segment, highlighting it, temporarily, so that the important information, therein, won't be missed.
  • The content in the 'How to apply' section will be mostly entered into the CMS for each micro-cred. The only bit that will be auto-inserted by the CMS will be the 'Learn More about our Application Process' and 'Apply here: ' links at the bottom. These links open in a new tab so that the user can switch back to the micro-cred page / instructions during the application process.
  • Akari Content: Some bits of this page are auto imported from the Akari Curriculum Manager:
    1. Intro paragraph (under the banner and key fact boxes)
    2. Learning outcomes (note the similarity to your requested field: 'What you will learn'
    3. Assessments
    This information will automatically be added when you enter its internal module code into the content type: SC3303. See all akari module codes.
  • Podcast / Video Links: If their codes are provided, these links will appear as icons on the page, as requested. When you click on a link, the video/podcast will open up on the microcred page (instead of linking to the hosting service in question).
  • Spotify- to add a podcast, you'll just specify the episode ID. You can get this from the episode's web address (simply go to the University's Spotify Podcast list, click on the episode's name, and copy the ID from the address bar). E.g.
  • Video Links - When you browse to a video, you'll see its code in the web address bar. E.g. This code is what you'll paste into the CMS.
  • Downloads: There will be a main downloads folder - anything you add there will be included on all microcred pages automatically - but if you create a downloads sub-folder for any microcred, it will override that - even if it's empty (or inactive).
Video Podcast

Jane Doe |   Cupcake Enthusiast

Sesame snaps donut candy canes sweet roll caramels wafer sesame snaps gingerbread. Tart shortbread jelly-o cotton candy jujubes. Cotton candy jelly toffee jelly beans topping sesame snaps gummi bears gummies cupcake. Tart soufflé apple pie marzipan cheesecake.
in Connect with Jane