Tá roghnú cúrsa léinn ar cheann de na cinntí is tábhachtaí dá ndéanfaidh tú choíche! Féach na cúrsaí atá againn anseo agus an méid a deir mic léinn agus léachtóirí faoi na cúrsaí sin a bhfuil spéis agatsa iontu.
Saol na hOllscoile
Saol na hOllscoile
Chuile bhliain roghnaíonn os cionn 4,000 duine Ollscoil na Gaillimhe mar chéad rogha. Faigh amach faoin saol in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe anseo.
Eolas Fúinn
Eolas faoi Ollscoil na Gaillimhe
Bí ar an eolas faoin Ollscoil seo agus na fáthanna a bhfuil sí chomh speisialta sin – an stair thar a bheith spéisiúil a bhaineann leis an Ollscoil agus an nuacht is déanaí agus na hócáidí atá ar na bacáin.
Coláistí & Scoileanna
- Scoil na Tíreolaíochta, na Seandálaíochta agus Léann Éireannaigh
- Coláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí & an Dlí
- Coláiste an Leighis, an Altranais & na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte
- Coláiste na hEolaíochta agus na hInnealtóireachta
- Scoil na dTeangacha, na Litríochtaí agus na gCultúr
- Roinn na Gaeilge
- An tAcadamh
- Stair
- Idirnáisiúnta
Coláistí & Scoileanna
Tá aitheantas idirnáisiúnta bainte amach ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe mar ollscoil atá á treorú ag an taighde agus rún daingean aici teagasc den chéad scoth a chur ar fáil i réimsí éagsúla saineolais.
Nithe Fónta á gCruthú as Smaointe Úra
Tugann ár dtaighdeoirí aghaidh ar chuid de na dúshláin is práinní san 21ú Céad.
Gnó & Tionscal
Tacaíocht do Thaighde Úrnua in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe
Déanaimid deiseanna tráchtála a chuardach agus a chothú don phobal taighde in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, mar aon le comhpháirtíocht tionsclaíochta a chothú.
Alumni, Cairde & Lucht Tacaíochta
Alumni, Cairde & Lucht Tacaíochta
Tá os cionn 90,000 céimí de chuid Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ann ar fud an domhain. Déan nasc linn agus beidh teacht agat ar an gcomhphobal sin ar líne.
Rannpháirtíocht Pobail
Rannpháirtíocht sa Phobal
In Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, creidimid go n-éireoidh níos fearr leat más féidir leat an méid a fhoghlaimíonn tú a chur i bhfeidhm i do shaol féin. Is mar gheall air sin go bhfuil béim mhór ar shocrúcháin oibre nó ar thionscadail phobail i gcuid mhór dár gcúrsaí.
University of Galway launches innovative new courses for school pupils
Youth Academy expands and opens more doors for young people to experience university life and engaging learning with researchers and academics University of Galway’s Youth Academy, an outreach programme for high ability students in primary and post-primary school, is launching a new series of courses for spring 2025. The acclaimed initiative for young people offers a unique opportunity for them to explore their passions, develop new skills and experience university life with like-minded pupils. Since its inception in 2012, Youth Academy has welcomed more than 7,000 young people to the campus, inspiring them through innovative, engaging and hands-on activities, and opening their minds to future academic and career possibilities. In spring 2025, the programme will host 23 immersive courses, including 10 new courses, all of which are designed for curious and ambitious young minds, covering science, engineering, coding, languages, philosophy, art, chess and more. The 10 new courses cover cutting-edge subjects like: Biomedical Science, where students will learn about slimy biomaterials and think like a forensic scientist Creative Technologies, where art, artificial intelligence and creativity combine Coastal Engineering, where participants will learn to protect and harness our marine environment, with hands-on activities and real-world solutions These six-week courses for fourth, fifth and sixth-class primary school students and first, second and third-year post-primary school students, will be held on Saturday mornings from February 8th, delivered by expert researchers and educators who are committed to fostering a friendly, inclusive, and supportive learning environment. Parent Tom Wainwright said: “I like how Youth Academy encourages children to be comfortable making mistakes as part of the learning process and gives them a wonderful opportunity to better understand what university life involves. My son came home telling me about the friends he had made and about courses and career paths we didn’t even know existed.” Dr Enda O’Connell, Outreach Development Officer managing Youth Academy operations in the Student Recruitment and Outreach Office at University of Galway, said: “We are very excited to present such a diverse range of engaging and impactful courses to inspire young people to try out new subjects, get a taste of campus life and make new friends with similar interests.” Applications are open from Friday January 10th until Thursday January 16th at https://www.universityofgalway.ie/youthacademy/ Eligibility is based on achievement in a student’s most recent English, Maths or Irish standardised test carried out in either primary or secondary school, or on an educational psychologist’s report demonstrating high ability. Through a partnership with Merit Medical, scholarships are provided to 25% of students to attend free of charge, based on economic circumstances. Ends