Gender and Disability Justice

The Centre for Disability Law and Policy (CDLP) at University of Galway is pleased to announce the return of our International Disability Law Summer School from Monday 17th to Friday 21st of June, 2024. This year’s event will again follow a hybrid approach, enabling speakers and delegates to participate in-person or online. Our theme this year is ‘Gender and Disability Justice.’ The keynote speaker and experts with global perspectives will be announced shortly. 

At a global level, pushback against the rights of women, girls, and gender minority people are rooted in the same soil and produce the same oppressions that disabled people face, including restrictions on access to justice, legal capacity, independent living, health care, and reproductive rights, barriers to education and employment, increased risk of violence and exploitation, and marginalisation in public debate.  These experiences are amplified when individuals hold multiple marginalised identities. To address these challenges we need to create solidarity within social movements, hold decision-makers accountable and find new pathways to enforce our collective rights.

The 15th International Disability Law Summer School will explore these challenges by centering the voices of disabled activists and disability rights researchers from around the globe. We will provide space to discuss the institutional and societal changes needed to make the promises of the United Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities a reality and explore the disability justice-informed practices that offer potential for change.    

For further information and queries, please contact:

Ticket prices

Online Registration  €250

In Person Registration €385

 (Online student/unwaged) €220

 (In person student/unwaged) €360

Personal Assistant (Must accompany registered attendee) €130

To register click here: