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Living and Learning Empathy in Covid-19
Living and Learning Empathy in Covid-19: A Virtual Global Conversation
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About this Webinar Series
Ironically, even though as individuals, families, communities and countries we have ‘self-isolated’ as a result of the coronavirus, our forced disconnection may in fact lead us to be more aware of each other and connected and like never before. Across civic society we are, and will continue to be, challenged in ways heretofore unseen. Our social empathy for one another may well be the ‘vital secret sauce’ to our survival. In order to thrive, not just survive, the impact of the virus, we will need to create medical, economic and human support scaffolding to make solutions work.
As a contribution to help us understand the on-going impact of Covid-19 and ways in which we can all help respond now and, in the future, a series of 12 weekly National/International free to public virtual conversations will be held and hosted by the Institute for Lifecourse and Society (NUI Galway) and The Global Network of UNESCO Chairs for Children, Youth, and Communities in collaboration with Penn State University. Each week the virtual conversation, which will be free, globally accessible, and delivered across time zones to the public, will bring together the views of academics, policymakers and most importantly citizens directly affected by the coronavirus and living with its consequences. This will include a focus on kernel issues for children and youth, parents, older people, families, people living with a disability and communities as well as in differing cultural and international contexts. It is hoped the conversations will assist human understanding and compassion in relation to the coronavirus as well as proposed solutions for societies to connect and cope and become more resilient.
The First Living and Learning Conversation in Covid-19 took place on Thursday, April 30 2020 and the series will run weekly for 12 webinars. Each week the conversation will alternate between an Irish and International focus across differing life course and or cultural challenges. All events are free to the public who are strongly encouraged to participate, ask questions in advance, and propose topics for conversations. All conversations can be accessed live through an online platform. All conversations will provide evidence-based knowledge, experiences from people facing the pandemic, and suggestions for what all of us can do to see everyone through this crisis.
Webinar Co-Convenors: Prof Pat Dolan, NUI Galway and Prof Mark Brennan, Penn State University
Webinar 12: Thursday 16th July, 6pm (GMT+1)
Watch live on Facebook @NUIGalway Here or playback Here
Webinar: Looking Back and Moving Forward with Empathy
In this the final week of the Webinar series we focus very much on our understanding and knowledge on Empathy and why it has been and will continue to be so important in coping with COVID 19. We also reflect back on the lessons learned over the previous Webinars, what have been the common experiences across populations and in relation do differing human need. We also consider the life course factors including issues for younger and older persons and challenges and self-solutions from people living with a disability. Importantly we consider the evidence on Empathy and how it can contribute nationally and internationally to not surviving the virus but our thriving into the future.
Speakers: Ms. Kate Berardi, Empathy Fellow Penn State University, USA, Dr Charlotte Silke, Empathy Researcher UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre NUI Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, President NUI Galway, and joint convenors of the Webinar Series UNESCO Chairs Professors Dolan and Brennan.
Moderator: Acclaimed Irish Times Journalist Ms. Kitty Holland.
Webinar 10: Thursday 2nd July, 6pm (GMT+1)
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Webinar 9: Thursday 26th June, 6pm (GMT+1)
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Summary/Abstract: Empathy and Ensuring Youth Health and Well-Being during COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted countless areas and challenges where our global society has been impacted. Among the most pressing, but largely overlooked areas, have been the impacts on the well-being of children and youth. This includes the current physical, mental, and emotional challenges facing youth, but also their families and peers. This week our webinar will explore all of these, along with social historical contexts of how crises and pandemics have often left the most vulnerable – children and youth – unprotected. Most important it will present current cutting edge research as a guide for how children, youth, and families can be empowered to deal with the current and emerging challenges.
Speakers: Priya Prakash, Founder and CEO of HealthSetGo, Global Citizen Award Winner, Dr Sarah-Anne Buckley, School of History / UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre NUI Galway, Maria Kypriotou, Senior Youth Specialist Social and Human Sciences Section, UNESCO Headquarters Paris, France, Dr Óscar Prieto-Flores University of Girona, Spain, Dr Bernadine Brady UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, NUI Galway
Moderator: Co-Moderated by UNESCO Chairs Prof Pat Dolan (Ireland) and Prof Mark Brennan (USA)
Webinar 8: Thursday 18th June, 6pm (GMT+1)
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Summary/Abstract: Supporting vulnerable students during COVID-19 – a showcase of the University of Sanctuary and the ALIVE Programme
This webinar entitled ‘Supporting vulnerable students during COVID-19 – a showcase of the University of Sanctuary and the ALIVE Programme’ will outline how NUI Galway has responded to our students living in Direct Provision to ensure their safety and ongoing success in higher education. In addition it will highlight how the ALIVE Volunteer Programme has developed new measure to award and honour students who have been volunteering in community and society.
Speakers: Aidan Harte, NUI Galway, Suzanne McKane, Galway City Partnerships, Michelle Dube, NUI Galway, Lorraine Tansey, NUI Galway and Dara Kerins, NUI Galway.
Moderator: Dr. Lorraine McIlrath, Community Knowledge Initiative (CKI), NUI Galway.
Webinar 7: Thursday 11th June, 6pm (GMT+1)
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Summary/Abstract: Youth Media, Literature, and Voice in COIVD-19
The giving and receiving of empathy can take many forms and can be shared in many ways. Perhaps most visible in popular culture is young people exhibiting empathy and raising awareness of societal conditions through music, spoken word, and literature. These outlets are accessible to all peoples, regardless of their social, economic, or political settings. Historically youth have used these to make the wider world aware of the global issues we all are facing. This webinar will showcase how youth are engaging around COVID-19 to share their experiences and open up opportunities for others to positively engage in addressing the pandemic.
Speakers: Eoin Dolan, Soundsurfers, Dr Bernadine Brady, UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, Roisin Hanley & Jack Gaffey, Youth as Researchers, UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre.
Moderator: Professor Mark Brennan, UNESCO Chair, Pennsylvania State University.
Webinar 6: Thursday 4th June, 6pm (GMT+1)
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Summary/Abstract: Involving the public and the patient in shaping research during COVID-19
Increasingly, the voice of the public and of patients is influencing and shaping research, improving the relevance and quality of research, and increasing public accountability and transparency, particularly in publicly funded research. The research community is responding with speed to the COVID-19 pandemic, a pandemic that is affecting everyone in society. We will consider the challenges and opportunities of ensuring the ongoing inclusion of the public and patient voice in research during the pandemic, with contributions from the perspective of the researcher, the public, the patient and the research funder, in Ireland, the UK and Australia.
Speakers: Prof Sean Dinneen, School of Medicine, NUI Galway, Dr Avril Kennan, Health Research Charities Ireland, Deirdre McLoughlin, PPI Ignite @ NUI Galway Public Advisory Panel, Casey Donaghey, Dr Anne Cody, Health Research Board, Ireland, Anne McKenzie, Telethon Kids Institute, Western Australia, Derek Stewart, OBE, Patient Advocate, UK.
Moderator: Edel Murphy, PPI Ignite @ NUI Galway.
Webinar 5: Thursday 28th May, 6pm (GMT+1)
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Summary/Abstract: NUI Galway will present a live discussion with representatives of The Barça Foundation and the GAA to explore sport’s role as a tool for good in supporting society – with a particular emphasis on the development of life skills such as empathy and identity for young people during Covid-19. Armagh Footballer Caroline O’Hanlon and Dublin Footballer Jack McCaffrey will provide the players’ perspective in an event that will share stories of humanity and community engagement as well as exploring future connections needed to cope through sport beyond the first wave of the coronavirus crisis.
Speakers: Caroline O'Hanlon, Armagh Footballer, Jack McCaffrey, Dublin Footballer, Yolanda Antin, Partnerships Coordinator, Foundation of Football Club Barcelona, Colin Regan, GAA Community & Health Manager, Kalyn McDonough, University of Delaware, Mark Brennan, UNESCO Chair, Pennsylvania State University, Ria Ramnarine, 3-Star AIBA (International Boxing Association) Coach & Former World Boxing Champion.
Moderator: Professor Pat Dolan, UNESCO Chair, UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, NUI Galway.
Webinar 4: Thursday 21st May, 6pm (GMT+1)
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Summary/Abstract: This webinar will consider the human rights impact of COVID 19 through contributions from academics, activists and policy makers. Concerns have been raised globally about discrimination in access to healthcare, including the use of medical triage and rationing approaches which endanger the lives of disabled people. This crisis also impacts on the lives of persons with disabilities residing in congregated services or availing of community support (including personal assistance and other support services) which social distancing and self-isolation has rendered increasingly difficult or impossible to access. We will consider how the rights of persons with disabilities can be respected, protected and fulfilled during COVID, and what lessons we can all learn from disability activists which may endure beyond this pandemic.
Speakers: Catalina Devandas Aguilar, Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, James Cawley, Independent Living Movement Ireland (ILMI), Peter Kearns, Independent Living Movement Ireland (ILMI), Fiona Anderson, Independent mental health advocate, Frank Conaty, Commissioner, Irish Human Rights and Equality commission (IHREC), National Platform of Self Advocates.
Moderator: Dr. Áine Sperrin, Centre for Disability Law & Policy, NUI Galway.
Webinar 3: Thursday 14th May, 6pm (GMT+1)
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Summary/Abstract: “Ubuntu is to say, ‘My humanity is inextricably bound up in yours.” – Desmond Tutu
South Africa is known as one of the most unequal countries in the world, and with COVID-19 the country’s challenges are amplified. South African students who are part of MAD Leadership Foundation will share their stories of the challenges they face during the COVID-19 pandemic and how the spirit of Ubuntu seems to be even stronger during times like these. We will also hear how the foundation continues to support their scholars with empathy and understanding during this time.
Speakers: Helette Pieterse, Moeketsi Mashibini & Andile Nkabinde, Make a Difference Leadership Foundation, Cape Town, Alan Kerins, Humanitarian, The Inner Winner Institute, Pat Dolan, UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, NUI Galway.
Moderator: Professor Mark Brennan, UNESCO Chair, Pennsylvania State University.
Webinar 2: Thursday 5th May, 6pm (GMT+1)
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Summary/Abstract: Child Protection is everyone’s business. Equally so, family support is everyone’s business. COVID-19 has deepened the stress for some children, young people and families and created new issues and problems also. Greater understanding of these issues can lead to enhanced empathy towards those in need. The aim of the seminar is to increase public awareness of protecting children and supporting families in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic and to consider what is being done and what else can be done to ensure we minimise the risk of harms and maximise the potential for support.
Speaker: Professor Caroline McGregor, National University of Ireland, Galway, Dr Carmel Devaney, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Moderator: Professor John Canavan, UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, National University of Galway, Ireland.
Webinar 1: Thursday 30th April
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Welcome Address: Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh President, National University of Ireland, Galway & Nicholas P. Jones, Provost, The Pennsylvania State University.
Speakers: Professor Pat Dolan, UNESCO Chair, National University of Ireland, Galway, Professor Mark Brennan, UNESCO Chair, Pennsylvania State University, Dr. Dana Winters & Dr. Annie McNamara, St Vincent’s College/Fred Rogers Center, USA.
Respondents: Ms Ella Anderson, Youth Researcher, UNESCO Chair, National University of Ireland, Galway & Dr. Kyle Peck and Dr. Ann Echols, Intergenerational Leadership Institute at Penn State.
Moderator: Carl O'Brien is Education Editor of The Irish Times.
NUI Galway Research Institutes’ Covid-19 Alliance (RICA)The extent and impact of the coronavirus pandemic requires a coordinated research response across disciplines. Five research institutes at NUI Galway have formed Covid-19 Response Groups to address complex challenges in science, data analysis, business, the social sciences and humanities.