Current Programme Participants
Caitriona Geraghty
Caitriona began her healthcare career path immediately after school when she embarked upon Physiology and Health Science in Carlow IT. Whilst there, her keen personal interest in sports, fitness and health resulted in an additional qualification, the National Certificate in Exercise and Fitness.
Going on to develop specific interests in the brain, cognitive and language development, she received her BSc in Clinical Language Sciences (Speech and Language Therapy) from Leeds Beckett University and later a MSc in Language and Communication Impairment from the University of Sheffield. Caitriona's career as a Senior and Lead Speech and Language Therapist has been varied in setting and location; working with clinical teams in London, Mayo, Dublin and her native Galway. She has worked with clients from babies to young adults with a range of neurological and rare genetic conditions. Her clients have always been a source of inspiration for her in terms of her wanting to learn more about conditions and clinical presentations. While Caitriona easily adapted to new locations and settings, one thing always remained the same; her passion to understand her clients’ needs, offer the best solution(s) and ultimately creating a positive impact for clients. Studying for her Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Innovation in 2023 she learned about identifying needs of stakeholders through a 'design thinking' method. She discovered the parallels between this method and traditional clinical methods in identifying and addressing needs and how the two could complement each other. Keen to learn more, she was thrilled to apply and become accepted on the BioInnovate Fellowship Programme in Galway. She is looking forward to learning more about Stanford’s BioDesign method during her clinical immersion and being part of team who identify a high clinical need and ultimately an impactful solution. She’s also looking forward to returning to Galway for Atlantic Sea swims.