In the Implement phase, BioInnovate teams develop a thorough business plan to commercialise their innovation. This involves assessing the market potential of their innovation, freedom to operate, identifying the appropriate regulatory approval processes, and outlining a reimbursement strategy.
To support this phase, BioInnovate Participants have regular access to experienced industry mentors with expertise in the Medtech and Digital Health sector, as well as Academic mentors with access to advanced technologies and Clinical mentors to support validation of the unmet need and solution direction.
By the end of the programme, each team works to identify ta validated unmet healthcare problem, an innovative solution to address the problem and a robust business plan to implement the innovative commercial opportunity. As a world-leading training programme, one of the most significant outcomes of the BioInnovate programme, is the transformation of its Participants in innovation leaders, with a deep knowledge of the proven BioDesign process and a broad understanding of the stakeholders involved and what it takes to bring an innovation from an insight to commercialisation. , Upon completion of the programme, Participants are equipped to drive impact across a wide range of careers in health technology.