Welcome to the OPTI-SDS Project

Welcome to the Website of the OPTI-SDS project "An investigation of the OPTImum specification for Soil Depressurisation Systems (active and passive) that take account of Irish Building Practices".

The OPTI-SDS project is funded by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency and is expected to be completed by July 2019.

Project objectives

 This project aims to conduct an investigation of the optimum specification for soil depressurisation systems (active and passive) that take account of Irish Building Practices. The National Radon Control Strategy for Ireland has identified several knowledge gaps, including the optimum specifications for passive soil depressurisation systems that take account of Irish building practices. The impact of modern hardcore and stack systems on the effectiveness of the radon sump will be investigated under controlled laboratory conditions.

OPTI-SDS overview


Selected dissemination: Journal papers

Marta Fuente, Daniel Rabago, Jamie Goggins, Ismael Fuente, Carlos Sainz, Mark Foley. (2019). Radon mitigation by soil depressurisation case study: radon concentration and pressure field extension monitoring in a pilot house in Spain.pressurisationScience of the Total Environment, Vol 695: 133746. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133746

Le Chi Hung, Jamie Goggins, Conor Croxford, Mark Foley. (2019). Large-scale experimental investigation of specified granular fill materials for radon mitigation by active and passive soil depressurisation.  Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol 207: 27-36. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.05.018

 Marta Fuente, Eduardo Muñoz, Isabel Sicilia, Jamie Goggins, Le Chi Hung, Borja Frutos, Mark Foley. (2019). Investigation of gas flow through soils and granular fill materials for the optimisation of radon soil depressurisation systems.  Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol 198: 200-209. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.12.024

Marta Fuente, Daniel Rabago, Sixto Herrera, Luis Quindos, Ismael Fuente, Mark Foley, Carlos Sainz. (2018). Performance of radon monitors in a purpose-built radon chamber. Journal of Radiological Protection, Vol 38: 1111-1127 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6498/aad969 

Le Chi Hung, Jamie Goggins, Marta Fuente, Mark Foley. (2018). Investigation of sub-slab pressure field extension in specified granular fill materials incorporating a sump-based soil depressurisation system for radon mitigation.  Science of the Total Environment, Vol 637-638: 1081-1097 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.401

Le Chi Hung, Jamie Goggins, Marta Fuente, Mark Foley. (2018). Characterisation of specified granular fill materials for radon mitigation by soil depressurisation systems. Accepted for publication in Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 176: 213-227. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.04.210