Dr Seán Crosson

BA, MPhil, Ph.D.

Contact Details

Senior Lecturer
Huston Film School
University of Galway
T: Ext. 5687
E: sean.crosson@universityofgalway.ie


Dr. Seán Crosson is Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor of Film in the Huston School of Film & Digital Media, Leader of the Sport & Exercise Research Group within the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies,, and Co-Director of the BA Performance and Screen Studies SubjectHe has published (as either author, editor, or co-editor) ten books and over fifty peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters to date, and given invited lectures and keynote addresses nationally and internationally on his research including in Norway, Austria, Belgium, China, Finland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Slovenia, the UK and the U.S. In addition, he has contributed to leading international cultural events including Milwaukee Irish Fest, the Kilkenny Arts Festival and EXPO Milano 2015. He was President of the European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS) from 2013-2019 and is a member of the Irish Classification of Films Appeal Board. He is Project Leader of the Sport in European Cinema initiative, a research and education platform and database capturing the extraordinary story of how sport has featured across the history of European cinema.

Research Interests

Dr. Crosson's research interests include the relationship between film, visual media and sport; and Irish film and literature. He has authored, edited, or co-edited ten books and over fifty mostly single-authored peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters to date. Among his current research areas is an examination of the growth and significance of Irish-language cinema with several forthcoming publications on the topic. He is the Leader of the Sport & Exercise Research Group within the Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies and Co-Director of the BA Performance and Screen Studies Subject. His research projects include an examination of the representation of sport in film, the subject of a conference and several symposia held in University of Galway over the past ten years, and his award-winning monographs Sport and Film (Routledge, 2013) and Gaelic Games on Film: From silent films to Hollywood hurling, horror and the emergence of Irish cinema (Cork University Press, 2019), recipient of the Dean's Award for Research (2020). He has also uncovered important depictions of sport in film, in particular of Gaelic games, and his research has been featured in national and international media, including The Irish Times, The Irish Examiner, The Sunday Independent, El País, The Sunday Times, The Sunday Business Post, the international TV channels ITV, and ARTE and several items on TG4, RTÉ News and Off the Ball. To date he has contributed to twelve documentary projects, including a 6-part documentary series on newsreels in Ireland broadcast by TG4 in 2018, and he is currently writing and co-producing a new major TG4 series examining depictions of Gaelic games on film based on his 2019 monograph. He was also the Archive Footage consultant for the RTE documentary series The Game: The Story of Hurling (2019), acclaimed as among the greatest documentary productions ever made on the sport, which features material he has uncovered during his research. His research in this area has also resulted in contributions to several major collections, including the award-winning volume The Gaelic Athletic Association 1884-2009 and Screening Irish-America: Representing Irish-America in Film and Television. In addition, he has co-edited special numbers of the prestigious peer-reviewed journals Media History on "Sport and the Media in Ireland" (Vol. 17, Issue 2, 2011) and Sport in Society: "sport, the media and Ireland: intersections of gender, class and geography" (Vol. 27, Issue 6, 2024). He also did the research towards, and provided the liner notes for GAA Gold - All Ireland Hurling Championship Finals 1948-1959 (Irish Film Institute, 2010) and GAA Football Gold: All-Ireland Final Highlights: 1947-1959 (Irish Film Institute, 2011), best-selling DVDs which made available rarely seen footage of hurling and football all-Ireland finals in these years. He is Project Leader of the Sport in European Cinema initiative, a research and education platform and database capturing the extraordinary story of how sport has featured across the history of European cinema. 

Dr. Crosson is currently supervisor of the Marie Sk¿odowska-Curie Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (budget: ¿294, 886,08) "Trade, Trauma and Tradition: Extractive industries, cultural genocide and Indigenous resistence in the 1900s and today"

PhD research projects that he has supervised to completion include:

The role of Irish and Irish-themed media in the formation and maintenance of Irish cultural identity in Britain (primary-supervisor, 2023)

Punk Aesthetics In Cinema: The Intersections Of Punk Movements, Queer Histories And Subcultural Filmmaking (primary-supervisor, 2021)

Investigating the impact of cultural products from dominant Western countries on indigenous or minority cultures (Practice-based, primary-supervisor, 2016)
I-Ulysses: A virtual learning environment for James Joyce's Ulysses (Practice-based, primary supervisor 2015)
Living the Stories We Create: An Educational Response to Narrative in the Digital Age (2016)
Disability, deficiency and excess : a critical re-examination of the construction, production and representations of physical disability in contemporary European film (2015)
Comic-Book Movie: The Industrial and Formal Importance of the Comic Book Adaptation in Contemporary Hollywood Filmmaking. (2011)   

Dr Crosson is also on either the Graduate Research Committee or a PhD Panel Member for the following PhD research Projects

  • Framing The Irish Surf Film: Genre, Discourse, History, and Heritage Film, Subculture and Digital Media in Ireland (co-supervisor)
  • Examining the impact of professional development in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and the digitisation of learning in teaching communities across multiple higher education sites in the CUA ( Connacht Ulster Alliance) ( 2020-2025)
  • Slasher Icons: The Veroes of Fandom
  • Seeking justice and justification - a case study on ethos construction by true crime storytellers.
  • Detecting the City: Crime Film and Urban Space in Contemporary China
  • Global Genres in Theory and Practice: Action, Science Fiction, Crime and Small National Cinema.
  • Playing Devil's Advocate: Demon Possession in Contemporary American Horror

As President of the European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS) (2013-2019), Dr. Crosson also facilitated and contributed to a wide range of further research and networking projects, including the translation projects Yeats Reborn [http://www.yeatsreborn.eu/], the John Banville Translation Project [http://www.johnbanville.eu/] and the Aistriú: Crossing Territories, Languages & Artforms project [https://www.aistriu.eu/]. He was the lead author of a report on Irish Studies in Europe - Irish Studies in continental Europe today and its potential (2018) - and is also a member of the stakeholder network of the Horizon2020 supported project SHAPE-ID.

He is currently a research partner on the following funded research projects:

* The Film Corner for all. Digital innovative environments for film and media literacy (Funded by EU Creative Europe programme)
* F-Airplay: Women, Sport & Media (Funded by Sport Ireland and the Olympic Federation of Ireland)
* INTRUTHS 2: Articulations of Individual and Communal Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Irish Writing (Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science)
* Football and Visual Culture under Francoism: Discourses of Class, Gender and National Construction in Cinema, Newsreels and the Press 1939-1975 (FUCAV) (Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science)

Dr. Crosson is a member of the Management Committee of the EU COST Action "Language Plurality in Europe's Changing Media Sphere (PLURILINGMEDIA)" (CA23105) concerned with advancing collaboration and bringing coherence to the field of European media from the perspective of language plurality, encouraging involvement of scholars in related disciplines and facilitating knowledge transfer between academics and practitioners
He has also been an expert evaluator for major European funding agencies and institutions including the EC Commission, the National Science Centre (Poland), and the National University of Ireland.

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
F-Airplay: Women, Sport & Media 10-MAR-23
The Film Corner for all. Digital innovative environments for film and media literacy 01-JUL-22 30-JUN-25
TTTRAD - Trade, Trauma and Tradition: Extractive industries, cultural genocide and Indigenous resistence in the 1900s and today 01-MAR-21 28-FEB-29
INTRUTHS 2: Articulations of Individual and Communal Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Irish Writing 01-OCT-21 31-JUL-25
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship: Trade, Trauma and Tradition: Extractive industries, cultural genocide and Indigenous resistence in the 1900s and today 01-MAR-21 01-MAR-24
Football and Visual Culture under Francoism: Discourses of Class, Gender and National Construction in Cinema, Newsreels and the Press 1939-1975 (FUCAV) (Project PI: Dr. Manuel Garin, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) 23-JUN-21 31-MAY-24
Examining European Cultural Identity through Interdisciplinary Methods 04-FEB-19 31-DEC-20
Cultural Heritage and Sport in Europe (CHASE) 23-SEP-14 22-JUN-16
Film, Sport and Identity in Ireland 01-DEC-07 25-JUL-09

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Irish language film policy in Ireland'
Seán Crosson (2024) 'Irish language film policy in Ireland'. Irish Journal of Arts Management and Cultural Policy, 10 (2) [Details]
(2024) 'Introduction to the special issue¿sport, the media and Ireland: intersections of gender, class and geography'
Seán Crosson, Marcus Free, Neil O¿Boyle, Katie Liston, Niamh Kitching (2024) 'Introduction to the special issue¿sport, the media and Ireland: intersections of gender, class and geography'. Sport In Society, 27 (6) [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Going vertical: examining the rise and impact of contemporary Russian sports cinema'
Seán Crosson (2023) 'Going vertical: examining the rise and impact of contemporary Russian sports cinema'. Front. Sports Act. Living, 5 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Exposing force: the COVID-19 pandemic and women's sport in Ireland during 2020¿2021'
Seán Crosson and Maedhbh Ní Chumhaill (2023) 'Exposing force: the COVID-19 pandemic and women's sport in Ireland during 2020¿2021'. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5 (1196184):1-8 [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Issue 5.2'
Seán Crosson (Editor) (2022) 'Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Issue 5.2'. Review of Irish Studies in Europe, 5 (2):1-92 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Sport, Representation, and the Commemoration of the 1916 Rising: ‘A New Ireland Rises’?'
Seán Crosson (2018) 'Sport, Representation, and the Commemoration of the 1916 Rising: ‘A New Ireland Rises’?'. Review of Irish Studies in Europe, 2 (2):40-54 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) 'Configuring Irishness through Coaching Films: Peil (1962) and Christy Ring (1964)'
Seán Crosson (2016) 'Configuring Irishness through Coaching Films: Peil (1962) and Christy Ring (1964)'. Sports Coaching Review, 5 (1):14-28 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'From Babe Ruth to Michael Jordan: Affirming the American Dream via the Sports/Film Star'
Crosson, S. (2014) 'From Babe Ruth to Michael Jordan: Affirming the American Dream via the Sports/Film Star'. Kinema, Fall 2014 (42):79-104 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2013) 'Ar son an Naisiuin: The National Film Institute of Ireland's All-Ireland Films'
Crosson, S (2013) 'Ar son an Naisiuin: The National Film Institute of Ireland's All-Ireland Films'. Eire-Ireland, 48 (1&2):191-210 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) '‘Horror, Hurling, and Bertie: Aspects of Contemporary Irish Horror Cinema’'
Crosson, S. (2012) '‘Horror, Hurling, and Bertie: Aspects of Contemporary Irish Horror Cinema’'. Kinema, (37):65-83 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) '‘‘for the honour of old Knock-na-gow I must win’: Representing Sport in Knocknagow (1918)’'
Crosson, S. (2012) '‘‘for the honour of old Knock-na-gow I must win’: Representing Sport in Knocknagow (1918)’'. Screening the Past, (33) [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 'Sport and the Media in Ireland: an introduction (Special Number)'
Crosson, S., Dine, P. (2011) 'Sport and the Media in Ireland: an introduction (Special Number)'. Media History, 17 (2):109-116 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) '‘“Croke Park goes Plumb Crazy”: Pathé Newsreels and Gaelic Games''
Seán Crosson and Dónal McAnallen (2011) '‘“Croke Park goes Plumb Crazy”: Pathé Newsreels and Gaelic Games''. Special Issue Of Media History, On ?Representing Sport In Ireland?, 17 (2):161-176 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2008) 'They can't wipe us out, they can't lick us. We'll go on forever pa, because we're the people' - Misrepresenting death in Jim Sheridan's In America (2003)'
Crosson S. (2008) 'They can't wipe us out, they can't lick us. We'll go on forever pa, because we're the people' - Misrepresenting death in Jim Sheridan's In America (2003)'. Estudios Irlandeses-Journal of Irish Studies, 3 :65-71 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2008) '‘Traditional Music and Song and the Poetry of Thomas Kinsella’'
Sean Crosson (2008) '‘Traditional Music and Song and the Poetry of Thomas Kinsella’'. Nordic Irish Studies, 7 :71-89 [Details]
(2004) '‘Performance and Music in the Poetry of Ciaran Carson’'
Seán Crosson (2004) '‘Performance and Music in the Poetry of Ciaran Carson’'. Nordic Irish Studies, 3 (1):101-111 [Details]
(2003) '‘The Effacement of Ireland from Contemporary Irish Film’'
Sean Crosson (2003) '‘The Effacement of Ireland from Contemporary Irish Film’'. Ropes: Review Of Postgraduate Studies, (11):94-105 [Details]
(2003) '“Vanishing Point: An Examination of Some Consequences of Globalization for Contemporary Irish Film”'
Crosson, S. (2003) '“Vanishing Point: An Examination of Some Consequences of Globalization for Contemporary Irish Film”'. E-Keltoi: Journal Of Interdisciplinary Celtic Studies, 2 (1):1-23 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(1995) '‘Irish Short Films – Essential Indigenous Productions’'
Sean Crosson (1995) '‘Irish Short Films – Essential Indigenous Productions’'. Ropes: Review Of Postgraduate Studies, (4):40-43 [ARAN Link] [Details]


  Year Publication
(2019) Gaelic Games on Film: From Silent Films, to Hollywood Hurling, Horror and the Emergence of Irish Cinema.
Seán Crosson (2019) Gaelic Games on Film: From Silent Films, to Hollywood Hurling, Horror and the Emergence of Irish Cinema. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]
(2013) Sport and Film.
Seán Crosson (2013) Sport and Film. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2008) The Given Note: Traditional Music and Modern Irish Poetry.
Crosson, S. (2008) The Given Note: Traditional Music and Modern Irish Poetry. Newcastle, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [DOI] [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2025) 'Fírinní agus Bréaga i Man of Aran (1934)'
Seán Crosson (2025) 'Fírinní agus Bréaga i Man of Aran (1934)' In: Súil ar Scannánaíocht na Gaeilge. Dublin: LeabhairCOMHAR: Dublin: LeabhairCOMHAR. [Details]
(2024) '(Forthcoming) Hollywood hurling? Gaelic games on film'
Seán Crosson (2024) '(Forthcoming) Hollywood hurling? Gaelic games on film' In: The Atlas of Irish Sport. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]
(2023) 'The film of the Chamonix Winter Olympics'
Seán Crosson (2023) 'The film of the Chamonix Winter Olympics' In: Chamonix 1924: The First Winter Olympics. :166-177 -: Grenoble: Glénat and International Olympic Committee. [Details]
(2023) ''A self-interested silence': Silences Identified and Broken in Peter Lennon¿s Rocky Road to Dublin (1967)'
Seán Crosson (2023) ''A self-interested silence': Silences Identified and Broken in Peter Lennon¿s Rocky Road to Dublin (1967)' In: NARRATIVES OF THE UNSPOKEN IN CONTEMPORARY IRISH FICTION: SILENCES THAT SPEAK. :151-166 London: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN. [DOI] [Details]
(2023) ''Men Love Women, But Even More Than That, Men Love Cars¿: Motor Racing on Film''
Seán Crosson (2023) ''Men Love Women, But Even More Than That, Men Love Cars¿: Motor Racing on Film'' In: The History and Politics of Motor Racing: Lives in the Fast Lane. :443-476 London: Palgrave Macmillan. [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Gaelic Games on Film: How Cinema Chronicled the Evolving Techniques of Hurling, Gaelic Football and Hammer Throw'
Seán Crosson (2023) 'Gaelic Games on Film: How Cinema Chronicled the Evolving Techniques of Hurling, Gaelic Football and Hammer Throw' In: Sport & cinéma - La technique à l'épreuve du réel. :77-93 Limoges: PULIM: Limoges: PULIM. [Details]
(2022) 'Roundtable on Irish Documentary Cinema | Plé Comhchéime ar Scannánaíocht Faisnéise na hÉireann. Speakers: Alan Gilsenan, Gillian Marsh, Pat Collins'
Seán Crosson (2022) 'Roundtable on Irish Documentary Cinema | Plé Comhchéime ar Scannánaíocht Faisnéise na hÉireann. Speakers: Alan Gilsenan, Gillian Marsh, Pat Collins' In: Interfaces and Dialogues (Irish Studies in Europe, Volume 11). :145-160 Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. [Details]
(2022) ''Celebrate this victory in a sensible manner': Irish Media and the Restart of Gaelic games in Ireland'
Seán Crosson and Marcus Free (2022) ''Celebrate this victory in a sensible manner': Irish Media and the Restart of Gaelic games in Ireland' In: 'Restart': Sport After the Covid-19 Lockdown. University of Illinois Research Park, USA: Common Ground. [Details]
(2022) 'Sport, Film, and the Cultural Imaginary'
Seán Crosson (2022) 'Sport, Film, and the Cultural Imaginary' In: Oxford Handbook of Sport and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details]
(2021) 'European cinema and the football film: ‘Play for the people who’ve accepted you’'
Seán Crosson (2021) 'European cinema and the football film: ‘Play for the people who’ve accepted you’' In: Football and Popular Culture: Singing Out from the Stands. :87-107 London: Routledge: London: Routledge. [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) '‘ “This Too Shall Pass”: Gaelic Games, Irish Media, and the Covid-19 Lockdown in Ireland’'
Seán Crosson and Marcus Free (2021) '‘ “This Too Shall Pass”: Gaelic Games, Irish Media, and the Covid-19 Lockdown in Ireland’' In: Time Out: National Perspectives on Sport and the Covid-19 Lockdown. :297-312 Champaign, IL: Common Ground. [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) 'Sport, Film, and National Culture: An Introduction'
Seán Crosson (2021) 'Sport, Film, and National Culture: An Introduction' In: Sport, Film and National Culture. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2020) 'The Mediatisation of the GAA’s Commemoration of the 1916 Rising: “A New Ireland Rises”?'
Seán Crosson (2020) 'The Mediatisation of the GAA’s Commemoration of the 1916 Rising: “A New Ireland Rises”?' In: Sport, the Media and Ireland: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. :93-109 Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]
(2019) 'The Shore (2011): Examining the Reconciliation Narrative in Post-Troubles Cinema'
Crosson, S. (2019) 'The Shore (2011): Examining the Reconciliation Narrative in Post-Troubles Cinema' In: Legacy Of The Good Friday Agreement: Northern Irish Politics, Culture And Art After 1998. :175-188 London: Palgrave Macmillan. [DOI] [Details]
(2018) '‘“Is it another of their Rebellions?”: Gaelic games and the films of John Ford’'
Seán Crosson (2018) '‘“Is it another of their Rebellions?”: Gaelic games and the films of John Ford’' In: Beyond Ireland: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions: Essays in honour of Prof. Dr. Werner Huber, Irish Studies in Europe, Vol. 8. :67-76 Trier, Germany: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) 'Sport and Christianity in American Cinema: the beloved grew fat and kicked(Deuteronomy 32:15)'
Seán Crosson (2017) 'Sport and Christianity in American Cinema: the beloved grew fat and kicked(Deuteronomy 32:15)' In: Global Perspectives On Sports And Christianity. :225-242 London: Routledge. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) 'Configuring Irishness through coaching films: Peil (1962) and Christy Ring (1964)'
Seán Crosson (2017) 'Configuring Irishness through coaching films: Peil (1962) and Christy Ring (1964)' In: Representations of Sports Coaches in Film: Looking to Win. :14-28 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2016) 'Sport and the 1916 Rising'
Seán Crosson (2016) 'Sport and the 1916 Rising' In: Farming and Country Life 1916: History Talks presented at Teagasc Athenry, 10 & 11 June 2016. :193-200 Oak Park, Carlow: Teagasc. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) 'Sport and the Media in Ireland: An Introduction'
Seán Crosson and Philip Dine (2016) 'Sport and the Media in Ireland: An Introduction' In: Sport and Communication. :65-78 London: SAGE Publications. [Details]
Crosson, Seán (2015) '1916 AND IRISH LITERATURE, CULTURE & SOCIETY: AN INTRODUCTION' In: Towards 2016: 1916 and Irish Literature, Culture & Society (Irish Studies in Europe, Volume 6). :9-14 Trier, Germany: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. [Details]
(2014) '‘‘All this must come to an end. Through talking’: Dialogue and Troubles Cinema,’'
Seán Crosson (2014) '‘‘All this must come to an end. Through talking’: Dialogue and Troubles Cinema,’' In: The Crossings of Art: Aesthetics and Culture in Ireland. :81-96 Oxford: Peter Lang. [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) '“Filming Gaelic Games: George Fleischmann and the Emergence of a Distinctive Irish film culture post-World War II,”'
Crosson, S. (2012) '“Filming Gaelic Games: George Fleischmann and the Emergence of a Distinctive Irish film culture post-World War II,”' In: Ireland in Drama, Film, and Popular Culture: Festschrift Werner Huber. :91-100 Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. [Details]
(2011) 'Introduction'
Anne Karhio, Sean Crosson and Charles I. Armstrong (2011) 'Introduction' In: Crisis and Contemporary Poetry. :1-16 Houndsmill: Palgrave. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) '“Irish Intolerance: Exploring its Roots in Irish Cinema”'
Crosson, S. (2011) '“Irish Intolerance: Exploring its Roots in Irish Cinema”' In: Contemporary Irish Film: New Perspectives on a National Cinema. :23-36 Vienna: Braumüller. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) '“Q & A with Lenny Abrahamson and Mark O’Halloran”'
Crosson,S., Schreiber, M. (2011) '“Q & A with Lenny Abrahamson and Mark O’Halloran”' In: Contemporary Irish Film: New Perspectives on a National Cinema. :127-148 Vienna: Braumüller. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) '‘Contemporary Irish Film: An Introduction’'
Werner Huber and Sean Crosson (2011) '‘Contemporary Irish Film: An Introduction’' In: Contemporary Irish Film: New Perspectives on a National Cinema. :1-12 Vienna: New Academic Press. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) '‘The Given Note’ Traditional Music, Crisis and the Poetry of Seamus Heaney”'
Crosson, S. (2011) '‘The Given Note’ Traditional Music, Crisis and the Poetry of Seamus Heaney”' In: Crisis and Contemporary Poetry. :82-98 -: Palgrave. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) '“Exploring European Sporting Identities: History, Theory, Methodology”'
Crosson, S., Dine, P. (2010) '“Exploring European Sporting Identities: History, Theory, Methodology”' In: Sport, Representation and Evolving Identities in Europe. :1-12 Oxford: Peter Lang. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) '“Anticipating a Postnationalist Ireland: Representing Gaelic Games in Rocky Road to Dublin (1968) and Clash of the Ash (1987)”'
Crosson, S. (2010) '“Anticipating a Postnationalist Ireland: Representing Gaelic Games in Rocky Road to Dublin (1968) and Clash of the Ash (1987)”' In: Redefinitions of Irish Identity: A Postnationalist Approach. :85-102 Oxford: Peter Lang. [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) '“The ‘Sea of Orality’: An Introduction to Orality and Modern Irish Culture”'
Crosson, S. (with N. Cronin and J. Eastlake) (2009) '“The ‘Sea of Orality’: An Introduction to Orality and Modern Irish Culture”' In: Anáil an Bhéil Bheo: Orality and Modern Irish Culture. :3-14 Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) '“Gaelic Games and ‘the Movies’”'
Crosson, S. (2009) '“Gaelic Games and ‘the Movies’”' In: The Gaelic Athletic Association 1884–2009. :111-136 Dublin: Irish Academic Press. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) '“The Quiet Man…and Beyond: An Introduction”'
Crosson, S. (2009) '“The Quiet Man…and Beyond: An Introduction”' In: The Quiet Man ... and Beyond: Reflections on a Classic Film, John Ford and Ireland. :1-12 Dublin: Liffey Press. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) '‘Shillalah Swing Time’...You'll thrill each time a wild Irishman’s skull shatters’: Representing Hurling in American Cinema: 1930-1960”'
Crosson, S. (2009) '‘Shillalah Swing Time’...You'll thrill each time a wild Irishman’s skull shatters’: Representing Hurling in American Cinema: 1930-1960”' In: Screening Irish-America: Representing Irish-America in Film and Television. :148-164 Dublin: Irish Academic Press. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2007) 'Rewriting Boundaries: Traditional Irish Music and Contemporary Irish Poetry'
Seán Crosson (2007) 'Rewriting Boundaries: Traditional Irish Music and Contemporary Irish Poetry' In: Re-writing Boundaries. Critical Approaches in Irish Studies. :247-259 Barcelona: PPU. [Details]
(2005) '‘Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill: Reclaiming Women’s Voice from Song’'
Crosson, S. (2005) '‘Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill: Reclaiming Women’s Voice from Song’' In: Representing Ireland Past Present and Future. :59-68 Sunderland, United Kingdom: University of Sunderland Press. [ARAN Link] [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2018) Irish Studies in Continental Europe Today and its Potential.
Seán Crosson (2018) Irish Studies in Continental Europe Today and its Potential. European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies ivzw (EFACIS), European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies ivzw, Leuven, Belgium. [ARAN Link] [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2021) Sport, Film, and National Culture.
Seán Crosson (Ed.). (2021) Sport, Film, and National Culture Sport, Film, and National Culture. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2011) Crisis and Contemporary Poetry.
Anne Karhio, Seán Crosson, and Charles I. Armstrong (Ed.). (2011) Crisis and Contemporary Poetry Crisis and Contemporary Poetry. Basingstoke: Palgrave. [DOI] [Details]
(2011) Contemporary Irish Film: New Perspectives on a National Cinema.
Werner Huber and Sean crosson (Ed.). (2011) Contemporary Irish Film: New Perspectives on a National Cinema Contemporary Irish Film: New Perspectives on a National Cinema. Vienna: Braumuller. [Details]
(2010) Sport, Representation and Evolving Identity in Europe.
Philip Dine and Sean Crosson (Ed.). (2010) Sport, Representation and Evolving Identity in Europe Sport, Representation and Evolving Identity in Europe. Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2009) The Quiet Man ... and beyond: Reflections on a Classic Film, John Ford and Ireland.
Sean Crosson and Rod Stoneman (Ed.). (2009) The Quiet Man ... and beyond: Reflections on a Classic Film, John Ford and Ireland The Quiet Man ... and beyond: Reflections on a Classic Film, John Ford and Ireland. Dublin: Liffey Press. [Details]
(2009) Anáil an Bhéil Bheo: Orality and Modern Irish Culture.
Nessa Cronin, Seán Crosson and john Eastlake (Ed.). (2009) Anáil an Bhéil Bheo: Orality and Modern Irish Culture Anáil an Bhéil Bheo: Orality and Modern Irish Culture. Newscastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2025) II International SPRING Conference. Sports Marketing, Journalism, Communications and Sponsorship,
Seán Crosson (2025) Boxing on Film: A `Class¿ Act. [Oral Presentation], II International SPRING Conference. Sports Marketing, Journalism, Communications and Sponsorship, University of Malaga, Spain , 20-FEB-25 - 21-FEB-25. [Details]
Seán Crosson (2025) Vulnerability in Irish-language Cinema: An Cailín Ciúin (The Quiet Girl) (2022)¿. [Oral Presentation], INTERDEPENDENCY AND VULNERABILITY IN CONTEMPORARY IRISH CULTURE, Huston School of Film & Digital Media, University of Galway , 21-JAN-25 - 21-JAN-25. [Details]
(2025) III International SPRING Conference. Sports Marketing, Journalism, Communications and Sponsorship,
Seán Crosson (2025) ¿III International SPRING Conference. Sports Marketing, Journalism, Communications and Sponsorship: Current trends and perspectives¿ University of Malaga, Thursday February 20th and Friday, February 21st, 2025. [Conference Organising Committee Member], III International SPRING Conference. Sports Marketing, Journalism, Communications and Sponsorship, University of Malaga, Spain , 20-FEB-25 - 21-FEB-25. [Details]
(2025) Interdependency and vulnerability in contemporary Irish culture,
Seán Crosson (Co-Chair) (2025) This conference considered works, methodologies and ideologies which situate resistance and positive transformation in the realm of individual relationships and the communal, generating a sense of attentiveness and responsiveness towards systemic fallibilities, social frailties and universal human needs. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Interdependency and vulnerability in contemporary Irish culture, Huston School of Film & Digital Media, University of Galway , 21-JAN-25 - 21-JAN-25. [Details]
(2024) Ethics: 22nd International AEDEI Conference,
Seán Crosson (2024) Articulating Vulnerability: An Cailín Ciúin (The Quiet Girl) (2022). [Invited Oral Presentation], Ethics: 22nd International AEDEI Conference, , Department of Modern Philology and the Centre for Irish Studies ¿Alka-Éire¿, University of Alcalá, Spain, , 28-MAY-24 - 31-MAY-24. [Details]
Seán Crosson (2022) BOOTING A LEATHER FOOTBALL¿: UNDERSTANDING LOS CAMINOS OF GAELIC FOOTBALL THROUGH FILM. [Invited Lecture], LOS CAMINOS JACOBEOS E IRLANDA, Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo, Galicia, A Coruna, Galicia , 13-OCT-22 - 14-OCT-22. [Details]
(2022) NECS 2022: Epistemic Media: Archive, Atlas, Network,
Seán Crosson (2022) European Film Production. [Chaired Session], NECS 2022: Epistemic Media: Archive, Atlas, Network, Bucharest, National University of Theatre and Film , 22-JUN-22 - 26-JUN-22. [Details]
(2022) NECS 2022: Epistemic Media: Archive, Atlas, Network,
Seán Crosson (2022) Football and Cinema under Francoism: Rethinking Class, Gender and Politics in Spanish Newsreels and Fiction Films, 1939-1975. [Chaired Session], NECS 2022: Epistemic Media: Archive, Atlas, Network, Bucharest, National University of Theatre and Film , 22-JUN-22 - 26-JUN-22. [Details]
(2022) Media, Sport and Ireland Symposium 2022,
Seán Crosson and Maedhbh Ní Chumhaill (2022) `¿Exposing force¿: the Covid-19 pandemic and media coverage of women¿s sports in Ireland¿. [Oral Presentation], Media, Sport and Ireland Symposium 2022, National University Of Ireland Galway , 19-MAY-22 - 20-MAY-22. [Details]
(2022) Media, Sport and Ireland Symposium 2022,
Seán Crosson (Conference Co-Convenor) (2022) Media, Sport and Ireland Symposium 2022. [Program co-chair], Media, Sport and Ireland Symposium 2022, National University Of Ireland Galway , 19-MAY-22 - 20-MAY-22. [Details]
(2021) Physical Movement, Body Cultures and Identity in Europe (Mary I, UL),
Seán Crosson (2021) The Transnational in Contemporary European Sport Cinema: The Keeper (2018) and The Racer (2020). [Invited Oral Presentation], Physical Movement, Body Cultures and Identity in Europe (Mary I, UL), Co-organised by Sabine Egger (German Studies, MIC) and Marcus Free (Media and Communication Studies, MIC) , 01-OCT-21 - 01-OCT-21. [Details]
(2021) Sport & Cinéma La technique à l¿épreuve du réel (Université de Limoges, France),
Seán Crosson (2021) Gaelic Games on Film: How Cinema Chronicled the Evolving Techniques of Hurling and Gaelic Football. [Invited Oral Presentation], Sport & Cinéma La technique à l¿épreuve du réel (Université de Limoges, France), Université de Limoges, France , 18-NOV-21 - 19-NOV-21. [Details]
(2021) SPORT AND POLITICS RESEARCH - INTERNATIONAL NETWORK GROUP Foundation Symposium ¿ Global Issues and Sports,
Seán Crosson (2021) `Beyond Hollywood : introducing the Sport in European Cinema database¿. [Invited Oral Presentation], SPORT AND POLITICS RESEARCH - INTERNATIONAL NETWORK GROUP Foundation Symposium ¿ Global Issues and Sports, ESPOL, Université Catholique de Lille , 22-OCT-21 - 22-OCT-21. [Details]
(2021) EFACIS 2021 Conference: Interfaces and Dialogues,
Seán Crosson (Conference Oral Presentation) (2021) Foregrounding Inter-Cultural Encounters and Dialogue in European Sport Cinema: The Racer (2020). [Invited Oral Presentation], EFACIS 2021 Conference: Interfaces and Dialogues, Centre for Irish Studies, Charles University, Prague , 01-SEP-21 - 04-SEP-21. [Details]
(2021) EFACIS 2021 Conference: Interfaces and Dialogues,
Seán Crosson (Chair, Roundtable on Irish Documentary Cinema) (2021) Chair, Roundtable on Irish Documentary Cinema with directors Pat Collins, Alan Gilsenan, and Gillian Marsh. , The 2021 conference of the European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS). [Chaired Session], EFACIS 2021 Conference: Interfaces and Dialogues, Centre for Irish Studies, Charles University, Prague , 01-SEP-21 - 04-SEP-21. [Details]
(2021) 15th Sport & EU Conference, University of Rijeka, Croatia, 14-17 June 2021,
Seán Crosson (2021) Chair, 9th session: The Social Dimension of Sport: Culture, Identity and Politics. [Chaired Session], 15th Sport & EU Conference, University of Rijeka, Croatia, 14-17 June 2021, University of Rijeka, Croatia , 14-JUN-21 - 17-JUN-21. [Details]
(2021) 15th Sport & EU Conference, University of Rijeka, Croatia,
Seán Crosson & Marcus Free (2021) Gaelic Games, Irish Media and the Covid-19 Pandemic’s ‘Exposing Force’ in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 15th Sport & EU Conference, University of Rijeka, Croatia, University of Rijeka, Croatia , 13-JUN-21 - 17-JUN-21. [Details]
(2021) 19th International AEDEI Conference: Silences and Inconvenient Truths in Irish Culture and Society,
Seán Crosson (Plenary Chair) (2021) PLENARY LECTURE: MAURICE FITZPATRICK: The Northern Minority: “An Inconvenient Truth”. [Chaired Session], 19th International AEDEI Conference: Silences and Inconvenient Truths in Irish Culture and Society, University of Vigo, Spain , 27-MAY-21 - 28-MAY-21. [Details]
(2021) 19th International AEDEI Conference: Silences and Inconvenient Truths in Irish Culture and Society,
Seán Crosson (2021) 'A self-interested silence': Silences Identified and Broken in Peter Lennon’s Rocky Road to Dublin (1967). [Invited Oral Presentation], 19th International AEDEI Conference: Silences and Inconvenient Truths in Irish Culture and Society, University of Vigo, Spain , 27-MAY-21 - 28-MAY-21. [Details]
(2021) Nordic Irish Studies Network (NISN) Conference 2021: JUSTICE ON THE ISLAND,
Seán Crosson (2021) “‘A Society of Blatant Inequalities’: Identifying Injustice in Rocky Road to Dublin (Peter Lennon, 1967)”, Presentation to Nordic Irish Studies Network (NISN) Conference 2021,. [Oral Presentation], Nordic Irish Studies Network (NISN) Conference 2021: JUSTICE ON THE ISLAND, Åbo Akademi University, Finland , 06-MAY-21 - 08-MAY-21. [Details]
(2021) 17th annual Irish Screen Studies Conference,
Seán Crosson (2021) Sport in European Cinema: ‘Play for the People Who’ve Accepted You’. [Oral Presentation], 17th annual Irish Screen Studies Conference, Ulster University, Magee Campus (Derry), , 07-MAY-21 - 08-MAY-21. [Details]
Seán Crosson (Invited Paper) (2019) INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM. [Invited Oral Presentation], INCONVENIENT TRUTHS: SILENCES, SCANDALS AND SECRETS IN MODERN IRELAND, University of Vigo, Spain , 24-OCT-19 - 26-OCT-19. [Details]
(2019) Stage Irish: The Biennial Conference of the European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS),
Seán Crosson (2019) Aistriú Translation Project. [Plenary Lecture], Stage Irish: The Biennial Conference of the European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia , 28-AUG-19 - 01-SEP-19. [Details]
(2019) Annual international conference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA), EUPOP 2019,
Seán Crosson (2019) Films, Festivals, and Football: Understanding European Sport Cinema [Keynote Address]. [Keynote Address], Annual international conference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA), EUPOP 2019, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick , 16-JUL-19 - 18-JUL-19. [Details]
(2019) INMED2019 Annual Scientific Meeting: Health Professions Education: Developing the Whole Person,
Seán Crosson and Conn Holohan (2019) Film and Education For Health Professionals: ‘A Machine for Empathy’. [Invited Oral Presentation], INMED2019 Annual Scientific Meeting: Health Professions Education: Developing the Whole Person, NUI Galway , 06-FEB-19 - 06-FEB-19. [Details]
(2018) “Speaking the Unspeakable”: Approaches to Silence in Contemporary Ireland,
Seán Crosson (2018) Recognising Silences in Irish Cinema”. [Invited Oral Presentation], “Speaking the Unspeakable”: Approaches to Silence in Contemporary Ireland, UNiversity of Vigo , 21-SEP-18 - 22-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018) 2018 International PHD Seminar in Irish Studies,
Seán Crosson (2018) Rethinking the frame: A Transnational Approach to Irish Cinema. [Workshop chair], 2018 International PHD Seminar in Irish Studies, Leuven Centre for Irish Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium , 03-SEP-18 - 07-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018) Sport, Media and the Cultural Industries in Ireland,
Seán Crosson (2018) ‘“A New Ireland Rises”? The Mediatisation of the GAA’s Commemoration of 1916’. [Invited Oral Presentation], Sport, Media and the Cultural Industries in Ireland, Dublin City University , 22-MAY-18 - 22-MAY-18. [Details]
(2018) Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in Research conference: Every voice matters,
Seán Crosson and Conn Holohan (2018) Participatory video in practice. [Invited Oral Presentation], Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in Research conference: Every voice matters, NUI Galway , 25-APR-18 - 25-APR-18. [Details]
(2018) Irlanda e identidad en el Cine / Ireland and identity on Screen,
Seán Crosson (2018) Ireland on Screen: Traditions and themes in Irish Cinema. [Keynote Address], Irlanda e identidad en el Cine / Ireland and identity on Screen, Universidad de La Rioja, Spain , 19-MAR-18 - 22-MAR-18. [Details]
Seán Crosson (Chaired session) (2017) Scott Rettberg: “Practices in Combinatory Digital Poetics”. [Chaired Session], OTHER CODES / CÓID EILE – THE FIRST GALWAY DIGITAL CULTURES INITIATIVE CONFERENCE, Moore Institute, NUI Galway , 11-MAY-17 - 12-MAY-17. [Details]
(2017) Football, Politics And Popular Culture Conference, The Football Collective,
Seán Crosson (2017) ““I know it’s just football, but it’s important to us”: The British Football Film.”. [Oral Presentation], Football, Politics And Popular Culture Conference, The Football Collective, University of Limerick , 23-NOV-17 - 23-NOV-17. [Details]
(2017) 38th Conference of the Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies,
Seán Crosson (2017) “A New Ireland Rises?: Sport, Cinema, Gender and commemoration in contemporary Ireland’. [Keynote Address], 38th Conference of the Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies, University of Minho, Portugal , 27-APR-17 - 29-APR-17. [Details]
(2016) 1916, Cinema & Revolution International Conference,
Seán Crosson (2016) 1916, Cinema & Revolution International Conference. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], 1916, Cinema & Revolution International Conference, Huston School of Film & Digital Media , 25-MAY-16 - 27-MAY-16. [Details]
(2015) XIV Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference, “Discourses of Inclusion and Marginalisation: Minority, Dissident and Mainstream Irish Identities”,
Seán Crosson (2015) IRISH FILM I: Imagining New Irelands in Cinema. [Chaired Session], XIV Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference, “Discourses of Inclusion and Marginalisation: Minority, Dissident and Mainstream Irish Identities”, University of Granada , 28-MAY-15 - 30-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) BEYOND IRELAND: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions, The Tenth Conference of The European Federation Of Centres And Associations Of Irish Studies (EFACIS),,
Seán Crosson (2015) Passages between Ireland and Britain. [Chaired Session], BEYOND IRELAND: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions, The Tenth Conference of The European Federation Of Centres And Associations Of Irish Studies (EFACIS),, University of Palermo , 03-JUN-15 - 06-JUN-15. [Details]
(2015) European Cinema Research Forum, 2015, Space and Place in European Cinema,
Seán Crosson (2015) Soundscapes Panel. [Chaired Session], European Cinema Research Forum, 2015, Space and Place in European Cinema, Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway , 07-JUL-15 - 08-JUL-15. [Details]
(2015) BEYOND IRELAND: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions. The Tenth Conference of The European Federation Of Centres And Associations Of Irish Studies (EFACIS),
Seán Crosson (2015) Configuring Irishness: The Depiction of Gaelic Games in Gael Linn’s Amharc Éireann newsreel series. [Conference Paper], BEYOND IRELAND: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions. The Tenth Conference of The European Federation Of Centres And Associations Of Irish Studies (EFACIS), Palermo, Italy , 06-MAY-15 - 09-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) XIV Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference,
Seán Crosson (2015) ‘An Ache Which Notices, Knows, but Can Barely Comment’: Marginalisations and Exclusions in Post-Troubles Cinema. [Conference Paper], XIV Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference, University of Granada , 28-MAY-15 - 31-MAY-15. [Details]
(2014) Sport and Protest,
Seán Crosson (2014) Traditions and Institutions session. [Chaired Session], Sport and Protest, The Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies , 31-OCT-14 - 01-NOV-14. [Details]
(2014) XIII Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference, ‘Éire/Ireland and Dysfunction’,,
Seán Crosson (2014) Annual INternational Conference of the Spanish Association for Irish Studies. [Chaired Session], XIII Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference, ‘Éire/Ireland and Dysfunction’,, University of Deusto, Spain , 29-MAY-14 - 31-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014) XIII Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference, ‘Éire/Ireland and Dysfunction’,
Seán Crosson (2014) ‘Yet another chapter in the glorious history of hurling’: Constructing a Utopian space in Filmic Representations of Irish Sport' XIII Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference, ‘Éire/Ireland and Dysfunction’,. [Conference Paper], XIII Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference, ‘Éire/Ireland and Dysfunction’, University of Deusto , 29-MAY-14 - 31-MAY-14. [Details]
(2013) Ninth Conference of EFACIS: Towards 2016: Old and New Irelands,
Seán Crosson (2013) Director and Plenary Chair: Ninth International Irish Studies conference of the European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies, Towards 2016: Old and New Irelands. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Ninth Conference of EFACIS: Towards 2016: Old and New Irelands, NUI Galway , 05-JUN-13 - 07-JUN-13. [Details]
(2012) Opportunities In Extreme Sport Photography,
Seán Crosson (2012) The Inmarsat Film Lecture (Volvo Ocean Race). [Organising Chair], Opportunities In Extreme Sport Photography, NUI Galway , 05-JUL-12 - 05-JUL-12. [Details]
(2011) Ireland, Masculinity and Popular Culture 1990-2010,
Seán Crosson (2011) International Conference examining masculinity in popular culture in Ireland between 1990 and 2010. [Chaired Session], Ireland, Masculinity and Popular Culture 1990-2010, Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway , 23-SEP-11 - 25-SEP-11. [Details]
(2009) VIII Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference, ‘From Local Ireland to Global Ireland: the Reality Beyond’,,
Seán Crosson (2009) Annual INternational Conference of the Spanish Association for Irish STudies. [Program Committee], VIII Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference, ‘From Local Ireland to Global Ireland: the Reality Beyond’,, University of Alcalá, Spain , 28-MAY-09 - 30-MAY-09. [Details]
(2009) ‘Scéalta Scáileáin na Gaeilge: Cíoradh agus Caibidil ar léiriú na Gaeilge sa Scannánaíocht’ Symposium,
Seán Crosson (2009) A symposium examining the representation of the Irish language in film. [Organising Chair], ‘Scéalta Scáileáin na Gaeilge: Cíoradh agus Caibidil ar léiriú na Gaeilge sa Scannánaíocht’ Symposium, Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway , 27-MAR-09 - 27-MAR-09. [Details]
(2009) ‘Representing Sport: Europe, Tradition and Modernity’,
Seán Crosson (2009) Symposium examining sport in Europe. [Program co-chair], ‘Representing Sport: Europe, Tradition and Modernity’, Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI, Galway , 02-JUN-09 - 03-JUN-09. [Details]
(2008) ‘Representing Sport: Forms and Issues’ International Conference,
Seán Crosson (2008) International conference examining forms and issues in the representation of sport. [Program co-chair], ‘Representing Sport: Forms and Issues’ International Conference, Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway , 23-MAY-08 - 24-MAY-08. [Details]
(2008) ‘Representing Sport: Evolving Identities in Europe’, International Symposium,
Seán Crosson (2008) Symposium examining the role of sport in identity formation across Europe. [Program co-chair], ‘Representing Sport: Evolving Identities in Europe’, International Symposium, Huston School of Film & Digital Media , 05-DEC-08 - 06-DEC-08. [Details]
(2006) First Galway Conference of Irish Studies: Orality and Modern Irish Culture,
Seán Crosson (2006) International conference examining Orality in Modern Irish Culture. [Program co-chair], First Galway Conference of Irish Studies: Orality and Modern Irish Culture, NUI Galway , 07-JUN-06 - 10-JUN-06. [Details]
(2005) Orality, Musicality, Textuality Symposium,
Seán Crosson (2005) International Symposium examing the relationship between orality, musicality and textuality. [Program co-chair], Orality, Musicality, Textuality Symposium, Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway , 22-APR-05 - 22-APR-05. [Details]
(2005) New Perspectives on The Quiet Man International Conference,
Seán Crosson (2005) International conference examining John Ford's classic film The Quiet Man (1952). [Organising Chair], New Perspectives on The Quiet Man International Conference, Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway , 29-SEP-05 - 02-OCT-05. [Details]
(2004) International Association of Studies of Irish Literatures Conference (IASIL) Annual Conference, “Writing Ireland—Past, Present, Future,”,
Seán Crosson (2004) INternational Irish Studies Conference of IASIL. [Chaired Session], International Association of Studies of Irish Literatures Conference (IASIL) Annual Conference, “Writing Ireland—Past, Present, Future,”, NUI Galway , 20-JUL-04 - 23-JUL-04. [Details]

Audiovisual material

  Year Publication
(2021) Cois Coiribe Podcast: Women in Sports and levelling the playing fields.
Seán Crosson (Convenor and Chair) (2021) Cois Coiribe Podcast: Women in Sports and levelling the playing fields. Galway, Cois Coiribe Digital Magazine: Galway, Cois Coiribe Digital Magazine Audiovisual material [Details]
(2011) DVD Liner Notes for “GAA Gold, All Ireland Gaelic Football Final Highlights: 1948-1962”, (Dublin: Irish Film Institute, 2011).
Crosson,S. (2011) DVD Liner Notes for “GAA Gold, All Ireland Gaelic Football Final Highlights: 1948-1962”, (Dublin: Irish Film Institute, 2011). Audiovisual material [Details]
(2010) DVD Liner Notes for “GAA Gold, All Ireland Hurling Final Highlights: 1948-1959”, (Dublin: Irish Film Institute, 2010).
Crosson, S. (2010) DVD Liner Notes for “GAA Gold, All Ireland Hurling Final Highlights: 1948-1959”, (Dublin: Irish Film Institute, 2010). Audiovisual material [Details]


  Year Publication
(2004) Ceol na bhfocal: A study of the use of the Irish song tradition in the poetry of Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill. The Word, The Icon and The Ritual.
Crosson, S. (2004) Ceol na bhfocal: A study of the use of the Irish song tradition in the poetry of Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill. The Word, The Icon and The Ritual. University of Sunderland: ANET/COS [Details]


  Year Publication
(2008) “Literature in Ireland” in The Rough Guide to Ireland (Ninth Edition), edited by Paul Gray and Geoff Wallis, (London: Rough Guides Ltd., 2008).
Crosson, S. (2008) “Literature in Ireland” in The Rough Guide to Ireland (Ninth Edition), edited by Paul Gray and Geoff Wallis, (London: Rough Guides Ltd., 2008). Article [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
(2023) Review of 'Women in the Irish Film Industry' by Susan Liddy (Cork University Press, 2020).
Seán Crosson (2023) Review of 'Women in the Irish Film Industry' by Susan Liddy (Cork University Press, 2020). Belgium: Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE): Belgium: Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Book Review [DOI] [Details]
(2021) Review of Irish Film in the Twenty-First Century, by Ruth Barton.
Seán Crosson (2021) Review of Irish Film in the Twenty-First Century, by Ruth Barton. Leuven, Belgium: Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Journal: Leuven, Belgium: Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Journal Book Review [DOI] [Details]
(2018) Review of Performance, Film and Visual Arts: Cities of Memory (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).
Seán Crosson (2018) Review of Performance, Film and Visual Arts: Cities of Memory (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). RISE: RISE Book Review [DOI] [Details]
(2016) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of the Literature.
Crosson, S (2016) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Practical Theology Journal: Practical Theology Journal Book Review [DOI] [Details]
(2016) The development of sport in Donegal.
Crosson, S (2016) The development of sport in Donegal. Book Review [DOI] [Details]
(2015) The Sports Film: Games People Play.
Seán Crosson (2015) The Sports Film: Games People Play. Canada: Kinema: A Journal for Film and Audiovisual Media Book Review [Details]
(2010) Review of The GAA: A People's History in Nordic Irish Studies, Vol. 9.
Crosson, S. (2010) Review of The GAA: A People's History in Nordic Irish Studies, Vol. 9. Nordic Irish Studies: Nordic Irish Studies Book Review [Details]
(2007) “The Other Side of Ben Bulben,” (Review of Ballintrillick: In the Light of Ben Whiskin by Tom Morgan).
Crosson, S. (2007) “The Other Side of Ben Bulben,” (Review of Ballintrillick: In the Light of Ben Whiskin by Tom Morgan). The Irish Book Review: The Irish Book Review, Volume 2, No. 4 Book Review [Details]
(2005) Review of The Representations of Ireland/s: Images from Outside and from Within, Nordic Irish Studies.
Crosson, S. (2005) Review of The Representations of Ireland/s: Images from Outside and from Within, Nordic Irish Studies. Book Review [Details]

Media - Community Engagement

  Year Publication
(2024) Contributor to RTÉ 1 television Main news broadcasts (1pm, 6,01, 9pm) Thursday December 19, regarding closure of Pálás Cinema, Galway.
Seán Crosson, Contributor to RTÉ 1 television Main news broadcasts (1pm, 6,01, 9pm) Thursday December 19, regarding closure of Pálás Cinema, Galway (2024) Contributor to RTÉ 1 television Main news broadcasts (1pm, 6,01, 9pm) Thursday December 19, regarding closure of Pálás Cinema, Galway. Dublin: RTÉ: Dublin: RTÉ Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2024) Seán Crosson, Contributor to Nuacht TG4, Thursday December 19, regarding closure of Pálás Cinema, Galway.
Contributor to Nuacht TG4, Thursday December 19, regarding closure of Pálás Cinema, Galway (2024) Seán Crosson, Contributor to Nuacht TG4, Thursday December 19, regarding closure of Pálás Cinema, Galway. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2023) Covid-19 pandemic `exposed¿ gender inequalities in sport, new study reveals [report by Seán Moran of research undertaken by Seán Crosson with Maedhbh Ní Chumhaill).
Seán Crosson (Contributing Researcher to article by Seán Moran)) (2023) Covid-19 pandemic `exposed¿ gender inequalities in sport, new study reveals [report by Seán Moran of research undertaken by Seán Crosson with Maedhbh Ní Chumhaill). Dublin: Irish Times: Dublin: Irish Times Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2023) Playing through a pandemic: How the GAA was represented and viewed in the time of Covid (article author: Seán Moran).
Seán Crosson (Interview contributrion) (2023) Playing through a pandemic: How the GAA was represented and viewed in the time of Covid (article author: Seán Moran). Dublin: Irish Times: Dublin: Irish Times Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2021) Rooney: Far from perfect but an important depiction of hurling and of Ireland (Interview with Seán Crosson regarding his research concerning the film Rooney (1958) and its depiction of hurling).
Seán Moran (2021) Rooney: Far from perfect but an important depiction of hurling and of Ireland (Interview with Seán Crosson regarding his research concerning the film Rooney (1958) and its depiction of hurling). Dublin: Irish Times: Dublin: Irish Times Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2021) Interview on 26/02/2021 with Seán Crosson and Marcus Free regarding research of media coverage of impact of Covid-19 on Gaelic games in Ireland on What's the Score radio show on Limerick City Community Radio.
Seán Crosson and Marcus Free (2021) Interview on 26/02/2021 with Seán Crosson and Marcus Free regarding research of media coverage of impact of Covid-19 on Gaelic games in Ireland on What's the Score radio show on Limerick City Community Radio. Limerick: Limerick City Community Radio: Limerick City Community Radio Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2021) Studying impact of the pandemic on Gaelic games (Interview (with Seán Crosson) and profile on research by Seán Crosson and Marcus Free].
Cian O’Connell (2021) Studying impact of the pandemic on Gaelic games (Interview (with Seán Crosson) and profile on research by Seán Crosson and Marcus Free]. Galway: Galway Advertiser: Galway: Galway Advertiser Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2021) NUIG academic publishes study on impact of Covid-19 on Gaelic games (Interview by Seán Crosson with Galway Bay FM regarding collaborative research with Marcus Free on the impact of Covid-19 on Gaelic games during the first lockdown).
Seán Crosson (2021) NUIG academic publishes study on impact of Covid-19 on Gaelic games (Interview by Seán Crosson with Galway Bay FM regarding collaborative research with Marcus Free on the impact of Covid-19 on Gaelic games during the first lockdown). Galway: Galway Bay FM: Galway: Galway Bay FM Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2021) GAA’s role in national response to the Covid crisis generally a positive one (Profile of Seán Crosson and Marcus Free research re media discourse of impact of Lockdown 1 on GAA).
Seán Moran (2021) GAA’s role in national response to the Covid crisis generally a positive one (Profile of Seán Crosson and Marcus Free research re media discourse of impact of Lockdown 1 on GAA). Dublin: The Irish Times: Dublin: The Irish Times Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2021) Study commends GAA's reaction to first lockdown (Profile of Seán Crosson and Marcus Free research re media discourse of impact of Lockdown 1 on GAA).
John Fogarty (2021) Study commends GAA's reaction to first lockdown (Profile of Seán Crosson and Marcus Free research re media discourse of impact of Lockdown 1 on GAA). Cork: Irish Examiner: Cork: Irish Examiner Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2021) Coronavirus in Ireland: GAA influence strengthened by pandemic [Interview (with Seán Crosson) and profile on research by Seán Crosson and Marcus Free].
Lorna Siggins (2021) Coronavirus in Ireland: GAA influence strengthened by pandemic [Interview (with Seán Crosson) and profile on research by Seán Crosson and Marcus Free]. London: The Times: London: The Times Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2021) Film and Irish History – the fine lines between fact and fiction.
Seán Crosson (2021) Film and Irish History – the fine lines between fact and fiction. Dublin: thejournal.ie: Dublin: the journal.ie Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2020) Interview on 20/11/2020 with CRCFM102.9 regarding my journal.ie article on the film Wild Mountain Thyme.
Seán Crosson (Interview on 20/11/2020 with CRCFM102.9 regarding my journal.ie article on the film Wild Mountain Thyme) (2020) Interview on 20/11/2020 with CRCFM102.9 regarding my journal.ie article on the film Wild Mountain Thyme. Castlebar: CRCfm102.9: Castlebar: CRCfm102.9 Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2020) Interview with FlirtFM regarding launch webinar for SPORT, FILM AND NATIONAL CULTURE.
Seán Crosson (Radio interview with FlirtFM on Tuesday 17th November 2020) (2020) Interview with FlirtFM regarding launch webinar for SPORT, FILM AND NATIONAL CULTURE. Galway: Flirt FM: Galway: Flirt FM Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2020) Wild Mountain Thyme does what Hollywood has always done - sells 'Oirland' to Irish America.
Seán Crosson (2020) Wild Mountain Thyme does what Hollywood has always done - sells 'Oirland' to Irish America. Dublin: Journal.ie: Dublin: Journal.ie Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2020) How hurling conquered Hollywood (RTÉ Brainstorm Video).
Seán Crosson (2020) How hurling conquered Hollywood (RTÉ Brainstorm Video). RTÉ: Dublin: RTÉ: Dublin Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2020) The GAA on film [Interview with Dr. Seán Crosson regarding his research and publications on Gaelic games on film].
Cian O’Connell (2020) The GAA on film [Interview with Dr. Seán Crosson regarding his research and publications on Gaelic games on film]. Dublin: GAA: Dublin: GAA Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2020) New Books in Sports Interview with Seán Crosson.
Seán Crosson (Interview with "New Books in Sport" podcast regarding Gaelic Games on Film book) (2020) New Books in Sports Interview with Seán Crosson. New Books Network, United States: New Books Network, United States Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2019) Interview with Dublin based radio station Near90.3FM regarding my book GAELIC GAMES ON FILM.
Seán Crosson (2019) Interview with Dublin based radio station Near90.3FM regarding my book GAELIC GAMES ON FILM. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2019) Contributor to RTE NEWS (1pm, 6pm, 9pm) re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM.
Seán Crosson (Contributor re book GAELIC GAMES ON FILM)) (2019) Contributor to RTE NEWS (1pm, 6pm, 9pm) re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM. RTE NEWS: RTE NEWS Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2019) Contributor to Newstalk Off the Ball show re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM.
Seán Crosson (Contributor re book GAELIC GAMES ON FILM) (2019) Contributor to Newstalk Off the Ball show re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM. Newstalk Off The Ball: Newstalk Off The Ball Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2019) Contributor to Nuacht TG4 re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM.
Seán Crosson (Contributor re book GAELIC GAMES ON FILM)) (2019) Contributor to Nuacht TG4 re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM. Nuacht TG4: Nuacht TG4 Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2019) contributor to Spórt an Lae on Raidio na Gaeltachta re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM.
Seán Crosson (Contributor re book GAELIC GAMES ON FILM) (2019) contributor to Spórt an Lae on Raidio na Gaeltachta re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM. Raidio na Gaeltachta: Raidio na Gaeltachta Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2019) Contributor to Tipp Mid West Radio Morning Call re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM.
Seán Crosson (Contributor re book GAELIC GAMES ON FILM)) (2019) Contributor to Tipp Mid West Radio Morning Call re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM. Tipp Mid West Radio: Tipp Mid West Radio Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2019) Contributor to Connemara Community Radio re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM.
Seán Crosson (Contributor re book GAELIC GAMES ON FILM)) (2019) Contributor to Connemara Community Radio re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM. Connemara Community Radio: Connemara Community Radio Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2019) Contributor to Galway Bay FM Arts Show re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM.
Seán Crosson (Contributor re book GAELIC GAMES ON FILM)) (2019) Contributor to Galway Bay FM Arts Show re GAELIC GAMES ON FILM. Galway Bay FM Arts Show: Galway Bay FM Arts Show Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2019) GAELIC GAMES ON FILM featured on Galway Bay FM News.
Seán Crosson (Contributor re book GAELIC GAMES ON FILM) (2019) GAELIC GAMES ON FILM featured on Galway Bay FM News. Galway Bay FM News: Galway Bay FM News Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2016) Contributed to Nuacht TG4 regarding Teagasc Farming and Country Life 1916 event, 10 June 2016.
Seán Crosson (2016) Contributed to Nuacht TG4 regarding Teagasc Farming and Country Life 1916 event, 10 June 2016. Indreabhán, Co. na Gaillimhe: TG4 Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2014) Contributed to Nuacht TG4 regarding the auction of the bust of Tiger Colman King (f.
Seán Crosson (2014) Contributed to Nuacht TG4 regarding the auction of the bust of Tiger Colman King (f. TG4: TG4 Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2013) Contributor to ‘The Picture Show’ radio show on National radio station Newstalk regarding my book Sport and Film, Sunday April 21st, 2013.
Seán Crosson (2013) Contributor to ‘The Picture Show’ radio show on National radio station Newstalk regarding my book Sport and Film, Sunday April 21st, 2013. Newstalk Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2013) Contributed to RTÉ radio one Arts Show “Arena” regarding my book Sport and Film and the topic more generally, broadcast Wednesday May 22nd 2013.
Seán Crosson (2013) Contributed to RTÉ radio one Arts Show “Arena” regarding my book Sport and Film and the topic more generally, broadcast Wednesday May 22nd 2013. RTÉ Radio 1 Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2013) • Contributed to Galway BayFM News regarding the EFACIS 2013 conference, broadcast Tuesday May 28th 2013.
Seán Crosson (2013) • Contributed to Galway BayFM News regarding the EFACIS 2013 conference, broadcast Tuesday May 28th 2013. GalwayBayFM Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2013) Interviewed on Galway Bay Fm “Galway Talks” regarding the launch of my monograph Sport and Film, broadcast Tuesday April 30th 2013.
Seán Crosson (2013) Interviewed on Galway Bay Fm “Galway Talks” regarding the launch of my monograph Sport and Film, broadcast Tuesday April 30th 2013. GalwayBayFM Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2013) Contributed to RTÉ Morning Edition regarding the EFACIS 2013 conference, broadcast Thursday June 6th 2013.
Seán Crosson (2013) Contributed to RTÉ Morning Edition regarding the EFACIS 2013 conference, broadcast Thursday June 6th 2013. RTÉ Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2013) Contributed to Nuacht TG4 regarding the EFACIS 2013 conference, broadcast Wednesday June 5th 2013.
Seán Crosson (2013) Contributed to Nuacht TG4 regarding the EFACIS 2013 conference, broadcast Wednesday June 5th 2013. TG4 Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2011) Contributor to Newstalk (Irish national broadcaster) radio show ‘Off the ball’, concerning the DVD GAA Football Gold: All-Ireland Final Highlights: 1947-1959, Monday December 12th 2011.
Seán Crosson (2011) Contributor to Newstalk (Irish national broadcaster) radio show ‘Off the ball’, concerning the DVD GAA Football Gold: All-Ireland Final Highlights: 1947-1959, Monday December 12th 2011. Newstalk radio Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2011) Contributor to RosFm radio station, Wednesday March 23rd 2011 regarding my talk on the National Film Institute of Ireland films of gaelic games in Roscommon Arts Centre on Tuesday March 29th, 2011.
Crosson, S. (2011) Contributor to RosFm radio station, Wednesday March 23rd 2011 regarding my talk on the National Film Institute of Ireland films of gaelic games in Roscommon Arts Centre on Tuesday March 29th, 2011. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2011) Contributor to Nationwide programme on RTÉ 1 television, Wednesday November 24th 2010 regarding my research on the Gaelic Athletic Association and its depiction in film and involvement in the production of the DVD GAA Gold: All Ireland Hurling Final Highlights: 1948-1959.
Crosson, S. (2011) Contributor to Nationwide programme on RTÉ 1 television, Wednesday November 24th 2010 regarding my research on the Gaelic Athletic Association and its depiction in film and involvement in the production of the DVD GAA Gold: All Ireland Hurling Final Highlights: 1948-1959. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2011) Contributor to Newstalk radio artshow ‘The Green Room’, concerning the collection Contemporary Irish Film: New Perspectives on a National Cinema which I co-edited, Monday November 28th 2011.
Seán Crosson (2011) Contributor to Newstalk radio artshow ‘The Green Room’, concerning the collection Contemporary Irish Film: New Perspectives on a National Cinema which I co-edited, Monday November 28th 2011. Newstalk Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2010) Contributor to Fios Feasa show, Raidió na Life, on New Irish language MA in Film Studies module, Scéalta Scáileáin na Gaeilge, Tuesday, January 12, 2010.
Crosson, S. (2010) Contributor to Fios Feasa show, Raidió na Life, on New Irish language MA in Film Studies module, Scéalta Scáileáin na Gaeilge, Tuesday, January 12, 2010. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2010) Contributor to ‘The Last Word’ on Today Fm regarding short films to be featured at Kilkenny Arts Festival, Thursday August 5th, 2010.
Crosson, S. (2010) Contributor to ‘The Last Word’ on Today Fm regarding short films to be featured at Kilkenny Arts Festival, Thursday August 5th, 2010. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2010) Contributor to Beat 102-103 on short films to be featured at Kilkenny Arts Festival, on Thursday July 29, 2010.and Sunday August 8th 2010.
Crosson, S. (2010) Contributor to Beat 102-103 on short films to be featured at Kilkenny Arts Festival, on Thursday July 29, 2010.and Sunday August 8th 2010. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2010) Contributor to RTÉ Six One and Nine O’Clock News on short films to be featured at the Kilkenny Arts Festival, Monday August 2nd, 2010.
Crosson, S. (2010) Contributor to RTÉ Six One and Nine O’Clock News on short films to be featured at the Kilkenny Arts Festival, Monday August 2nd, 2010. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2009) Contributor to ‘The Lake Effect’ programme on WUWM, Milwaukee Public Radio, Wisconsin, USA, on Wednesday August 12th 2009.
Crosson, S. (2009) Contributor to ‘The Lake Effect’ programme on WUWM, Milwaukee Public Radio, Wisconsin, USA, on Wednesday August 12th 2009. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2009) Contributor to The Tubridy Show, RTÉ, Radio1, on film in the West of Ireland, Wednesday November 11th, 2009.
Crosson, S. (2009) Contributor to The Tubridy Show, RTÉ, Radio1, on film in the West of Ireland, Wednesday November 11th, 2009. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2009) Contributor to Nuacht TG4 on filmmaker John Huston on Friday October 23rd, 2009.
Crosson, S. (2009) Contributor to Nuacht TG4 on filmmaker John Huston on Friday October 23rd, 2009. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2009) Contributed to the programme entitled ‘The Colour Of Sport’ as part of the ‘Sport Matters’ series on Setanta Sports Ireland, broadcast first on Tuesday April 14 2009.
Crosson, S. (2009) Contributed to the programme entitled ‘The Colour Of Sport’ as part of the ‘Sport Matters’ series on Setanta Sports Ireland, broadcast first on Tuesday April 14 2009. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2009) Contributed to the ‘The Right Hook’ programme on Newstalk Radio, broadcast on Friday April 24th 2009.
Crosson, S. (2009) Contributed to the ‘The Right Hook’ programme on Newstalk Radio, broadcast on Friday April 24th 2009. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2009) Contributed to the ‘Off the Ball’ programme on Newstalk Radio, broadcast on Tuesday April 28th 2009.
Crosson, S. (2009) Contributed to the ‘Off the Ball’ programme on Newstalk Radio, broadcast on Tuesday April 28th 2009. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2008) Contributed to “Imeall”, the TG4 Arts Programme.
Crosson, S. (2008) Contributed to “Imeall”, the TG4 Arts Programme. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2008) Contributed to Newstalk radio programme “Culture Shock” broadcast on Saturday, August 9th 2008 on the topic of film and the GAA.
Crosson, S. (2008) Contributed to Newstalk radio programme “Culture Shock” broadcast on Saturday, August 9th 2008 on the topic of film and the GAA. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2008) Contributed to ITV Tyne Tees News, Saturday November 15th, 2008, on Irish Studies in Sunderland.
Crosson, S. (2008) Contributed to ITV Tyne Tees News, Saturday November 15th, 2008, on Irish Studies in Sunderland. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2000) Contributed to various arts and news programmes on Raidió na Life.
Crosson, S. (2000) Contributed to various arts and news programmes on Raidió na Life. Media - Community Engagement [Details]
(2000) Contributed to various news programmes on Raidió na Gaeltachta, including ‘Iris Aniar’.
Crosson, S. (2000) Contributed to various news programmes on Raidió na Gaeltachta, including ‘Iris Aniar’. Media - Community Engagement [Details]

Community Engagement Publications

  Year Publication
(2023) Public Interview in IFI with directors Patrick McGivney & Robert Higgins, and actors Danielle Galligan and Eanna Hardwicke regarding their film LAKELANDS.
Seán Crosson (Chair of Public Interview) (2023) Public Interview in IFI with directors Patrick McGivney & Robert Higgins, and actors Danielle Galligan and Eanna Hardwicke regarding their film LAKELANDS. Dublin: IFI: Dublin: IFI Community Engagement Publications [Details]
(2022) Public Interview in IFI with directors Rachael Moriarty and Peter Murphy regarding their film RÓISE & FRANK (2022).
Seán Crosson (Chair of Public Interview) (2022) Public Interview in IFI with directors Rachael Moriarty and Peter Murphy regarding their film RÓISE & FRANK (2022). Dublin: IFI: Dublin: IFI Community Engagement Publications [Details]
(2019) Recalling the Celtic Tiger edited by Brian Lucey, Eamon Maher and Eugene O'Brien.
Seán Crosson (Invited talk at Book Launch) (2019) Recalling the Celtic Tiger edited by Brian Lucey, Eamon Maher and Eugene O'Brien. Oxford: Peter lang Community Engagement Publications [Details]

Conference Paper

  Year Publication
(2023) 'Sport in European Cinema', Presentation to Irish Screen Studies Seminar 2023, Trinity College Dublin, May 11-12 2023.
Seán Crosson (2023) 'Sport in European Cinema', Presentation to Irish Screen Studies Seminar 2023, Trinity College Dublin, May 11-12 2023. Trinity College Dublin: Irish Screen Studies Seminar 2023: Trinity College Dublin: Irish Screen Studies Seminar 2023 Conference Paper [Details]
(2020) Research, Workload Management and Societal Impact.
Seán Crosson (2020) Research, Workload Management and Societal Impact. College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, NUI Galway: College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, NUI Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) ‘For the honour of Old Knock-Na-Gow I Must Win’: Representing Sport In Knocknagow (1918)”. Ireland: Arrivals And Departures. The Eighth Conference of The European Federation Of Centres And Associations Of Irish Studies (EFACIS).
Crosson,S. (2011) ‘For the honour of Old Knock-Na-Gow I Must Win’: Representing Sport In Knocknagow (1918)”. Ireland: Arrivals And Departures. The Eighth Conference of The European Federation Of Centres And Associations Of Irish Studies (EFACIS). University Of Salford, England: Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) “In search of the Irish Sports film”. Irish Literatures and Culture: New and Old Knowledges, IASIL Conference 2010, NUI Maynooth, 26 July – 30 July 2010.
Crosson, S. (2010) “In search of the Irish Sports film”. Irish Literatures and Culture: New and Old Knowledges, IASIL Conference 2010, NUI Maynooth, 26 July – 30 July 2010. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Representing the Nation through Sport: The National Film Institute’s Gaelic Games Films”. The Island and the Arts. The 7th Biennial Conference of the Nordic Irish Studies Network (NISN).
Crosson, S. (2010) Representing the Nation through Sport: The National Film Institute’s Gaelic Games Films”. The Island and the Arts. The 7th Biennial Conference of the Nordic Irish Studies Network (NISN). University of Tromsø, Norway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) “Horror, Hurling, and Bertie: Aspects of Contemporary Irish Horror cinema”. European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS) Conference, Ireland In/And Europe: Cross-Currents And Exchanges, Ireland In/And Europe: Cross-Currents And Exchanges, University Of Vienna, Austria.
Crosson, S. (2009) “Horror, Hurling, and Bertie: Aspects of Contemporary Irish Horror cinema”. European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS) Conference, Ireland In/And Europe: Cross-Currents And Exchanges, Ireland In/And Europe: Cross-Currents And Exchanges, University Of Vienna, Austria. University Of Vienna, Austria: Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) ‘‘Ireland’s Athletic Assault and Battery’: Hollywood and hurling in the 1930s.’ American Conference of Irish Studies (ACIS), ‘New Irish, Old Ireland: 'The same people living in the same place.' .
Crosson, S. (2009) ‘‘Ireland’s Athletic Assault and Battery’: Hollywood and hurling in the 1930s.’ American Conference of Irish Studies (ACIS), ‘New Irish, Old Ireland: 'The same people living in the same place.' . NUI, Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) The Sport Film and The Miracle of Bern (2003), Representing Sport: Evolving Identities in Europe International Symposium, Huston School of Film & Digital Media.
Crosson, S. (2008) The Sport Film and The Miracle of Bern (2003), Representing Sport: Evolving Identities in Europe International Symposium, Huston School of Film & Digital Media. Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) “‘The hurley is the new chainsaw’: Hurling and Horror in Contemporary Irish Cinema”, Home and Elsewhere: the Spaces of Irish Writing, IASIL 2008.
Crosson, S. (2008) “‘The hurley is the new chainsaw’: Hurling and Horror in Contemporary Irish Cinema”, Home and Elsewhere: the Spaces of Irish Writing, IASIL 2008. Oporto, Portugal: Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) “Idir na poirt is na ríleanna”: The poetry of Gearóid Mac Lochlainn, Reimagining Ireland: Sixth Annual Irish Studies Conference, University of Sunderland, Saturday November 15th, 2008.
Crosson, S. (2008) “Idir na poirt is na ríleanna”: The poetry of Gearóid Mac Lochlainn, Reimagining Ireland: Sixth Annual Irish Studies Conference, University of Sunderland, Saturday November 15th, 2008. Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) “‘The Given Note’ – Traditional Music and Song and the Poetry of Seamus Heaney”, Tenth Nordic Conference of English Studies.
Crosson, S. (2007) “‘The Given Note’ – Traditional Music and Song and the Poetry of Seamus Heaney”, Tenth Nordic Conference of English Studies. University of Bergen, Norway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Anticipating a Postnationalist Ireland: Representing Gaelic Games in Rocky Road to Dublin (1968). New Irelands Conference, BAIS, Institute of Irish Studies.
Crosson, S. (2007) Anticipating a Postnationalist Ireland: Representing Gaelic Games in Rocky Road to Dublin (1968). New Irelands Conference, BAIS, Institute of Irish Studies. University of Liverpool, UK: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) ‘Portraying the Irish at Play’: British Newsreels and Gaelic Games, 1920-39”, Sport and the Arts: Construction and Reality, XIIth International CESH Congress, Lorient.
Crosson, S., McAnallen, D. (2007) ‘Portraying the Irish at Play’: British Newsreels and Gaelic Games, 1920-39”, Sport and the Arts: Construction and Reality, XIIth International CESH Congress, Lorient. Bretagne, France: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) • ‘ “The metrical, linguistic and emotional style of the old songs”: The Gaelic Song Tradition and Performance in the Poetry of Cathal Ó Searcaigh’. Varieties Of Irishness, IASIL, University College Dublin.
Crosson, S. (2007) • ‘ “The metrical, linguistic and emotional style of the old songs”: The Gaelic Song Tradition and Performance in the Poetry of Cathal Ó Searcaigh’. Varieties Of Irishness, IASIL, University College Dublin. University College Dublin: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) The Given Note’ – Traditional Music and Song and the Poetry of Seamus Heaney.. Tenth Nordic Conference of English Studies.
Crosson, S. (2007) The Given Note’ – Traditional Music and Song and the Poetry of Seamus Heaney.. Tenth Nordic Conference of English Studies. University of Bergen, Norway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) “21st Century Research Possibilities: Examining Representations of Gaelic Games in Online Digital Archives”, Dreaming the Future New Horizons / Old Barriers in 21st Century Ireland, 6th EFACIS CONFERENCE, European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies.
Crosson, S., McAnallen,D. (2007) “21st Century Research Possibilities: Examining Representations of Gaelic Games in Online Digital Archives”, Dreaming the Future New Horizons / Old Barriers in 21st Century Ireland, 6th EFACIS CONFERENCE, European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies. University of Seville, Spain: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) “‘The Reservoir of Irish Manhood’: Representing Gaelic Games in Rocky Road to Dublin and Clash of the Ash”, New Irelands Conference, British Association for Irish Studies in conjunction with the Institute of Irish Studies and the Department of Politics.
Crosson, S. (2007) “‘The Reservoir of Irish Manhood’: Representing Gaelic Games in Rocky Road to Dublin and Clash of the Ash”, New Irelands Conference, British Association for Irish Studies in conjunction with the Institute of Irish Studies and the Department of Politics. University of Liverpool: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Portraying the Irish at Play’: British Newsreels and Gaelic Games, 1920-39.. Sport and the Arts: Construction and Reality, XIIth International CESH Congress, Lorient (Bretagne, France).
Crosson, S., McAnallen,D. (2007) Portraying the Irish at Play’: British Newsreels and Gaelic Games, 1920-39.. Sport and the Arts: Construction and Reality, XIIth International CESH Congress, Lorient (Bretagne, France). Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) • ‘“Shillalah Swing Time’...You'll thrill each time a wild Irishman's skull shatters”: Representing Gaelic Games in American Narrative Cinema’, Screening Irish-America Conference, The O’Kane School of Film at the School of Languages, Literatures and Film, University College Dublin.
Crosson, S. (2007) • ‘“Shillalah Swing Time’...You'll thrill each time a wild Irishman's skull shatters”: Representing Gaelic Games in American Narrative Cinema’, Screening Irish-America Conference, The O’Kane School of Film at the School of Languages, Literatures and Film, University College Dublin. University College Dublin: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Contemporary Irish Poetry and Traditional Music. Orality, Musicality, Textuality: A Day Symposium, Centre for Irish Studies.
Crosson, S. (2005) Contemporary Irish Poetry and Traditional Music. Orality, Musicality, Textuality: A Day Symposium, Centre for Irish Studies. NUI, Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Word and Music Studies: Towards a More Comprehensive Theoretical Framework,”. “Ireland in Theory,” New Voices in Irish Criticism Conference MIC Irish Studies Centre.
Crosson, S. (2005) Word and Music Studies: Towards a More Comprehensive Theoretical Framework,”. “Ireland in Theory,” New Voices in Irish Criticism Conference MIC Irish Studies Centre. University of Limerick: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Rewriting Boundaries: Traditional Irish Music and Contemporary Irish Poetry. Re-writing Boundaries: V International Conference Of The Spanish Association For Irish Studies.
Crosson, S. (2005) Rewriting Boundaries: Traditional Irish Music and Contemporary Irish Poetry. Re-writing Boundaries: V International Conference Of The Spanish Association For Irish Studies. Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Taragona, Spain: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) “Rewriting Boundaries: Traditional Irish Music and Contemporary Irish Poetry”, Re-writing Boundaries: V International Conference Of The Spanish Association For Irish Studies, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Taragona, Spain, 27th May 2005.
Crosson, S. (2005) “Rewriting Boundaries: Traditional Irish Music and Contemporary Irish Poetry”, Re-writing Boundaries: V International Conference Of The Spanish Association For Irish Studies, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Taragona, Spain, 27th May 2005. Conference Paper [Details]
(2004) The Performance of Irish Traditional Music and Song in Thomas Kinsella’s poetry. Writing Ireland 2004: Past, Present and Future, IASIL.
Crosson, S. (2004) The Performance of Irish Traditional Music and Song in Thomas Kinsella’s poetry. Writing Ireland 2004: Past, Present and Future, IASIL. NUI, Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2004) Performance and Music in the Poetry of Ciaran Carsonâ. Liminal Borderlands: Ireland Past Present and Future, Nordic Irish Studies Network, Dalarna.
Crosson, S. (2004) Performance and Music in the Poetry of Ciaran Carsonâ. Liminal Borderlands: Ireland Past Present and Future, Nordic Irish Studies Network, Dalarna. University College, Sweden: Conference Paper [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2004) The Importance of the Past for Contemporary Irish Cinema’s Exploration of Ireland’s changing ‘Ethnoscape.. Ireland: Space, Time, Text, An International Conference.
Crosson, S. (2004) The Importance of the Past for Contemporary Irish Cinema’s Exploration of Ireland’s changing ‘Ethnoscape.. Ireland: Space, Time, Text, An International Conference. University of Ulster, Magee Campus: Conference Paper [Details]


  Year Publication
(2023) Sport in European Cinema.
Seán Crosson (2023) Sport in European Cinema. Galway: Moore Institute, University of Galway: Galway: Moore Institute, University of Galway Database [Details]


  Year Publication
(2024) Na Lumière Gaelacha - The story of the Horgan Brothers of Youghal.
Seán Crosson (Contributing Interviewee) (2024) Na Lumière Gaelacha - The story of the Horgan Brothers of Youghal. Conamara: TG4: Conamara: TG4 Documentary [Details]
(2022) Cyril Cusack - Lár an Stáitse (Brian Reddin, 2022).
Seán Crosson (Contributing Researcher and Interviewee) (2022) Cyril Cusack - Lár an Stáitse (Brian Reddin, 2022). Galway: TG4: Galway: TG4 Documentary [Details]
(2021) Peter O'Toole: Réalta & Rógaire.
Seán Crosson (Contributing Researcher and Interviewee) (2021) Peter O'Toole: Réalta & Rógaire. Galway: TG4: Galway: TG4 Documentary [Details]
(2019) Invitation au Voyage:L’Irlande, l’autre Far West de John Ford (episode).
Seán Crosson (Contributing Interviewee) (2019) Invitation au Voyage:L’Irlande, l’autre Far West de John Ford (episode). Paris: ARTE Channel: Paris: ARTE Channel Documentary [Details]
(2018) Éire na Nuachtscannán [Ireland in the Newsreels].
Seán Crosson (Contributing Interviewee) (2018) Éire na Nuachtscannán [Ireland in the Newsreels]. TG4: TG4 Documentary [Details]
(2018) The Game: The Story of Hurling.
Seán Crosson [Archive Footage Consultant] (2018) The Game: The Story of Hurling. Crossing the Line Productions for RTÉ: Crossing the Line Productions Documentary [Details]
(2017) Clinical Trials - A Patient's Perspective.
Seán Crosson (Producer) (2017) Clinical Trials - A Patient's Perspective. BCNI and Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway: BCNI and Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway Documentary [Details]
(2016) Oíche Chaillte an tSeanchaí.
Seán Crosson (Contributing Interviewee) (2016) Oíche Chaillte an tSeanchaí. TG4: TG4 Documentary [Details]
(2016) Contributor to documentary Ar Son Na Poblachta.
Seán Crosson (2016) Contributor to documentary Ar Son Na Poblachta. Dublin: RTE Documentary [Details]
(2014) Contributor to Lámh Láidir Abú – Scéal Mhíolta Móra na hÉireann (Andrew Gallimore, 2014), documentary (screened on TG4 in January 2014) concerning the Irish Whales, Irish born athletes who enjoyed extraordinary success at the Olympics in the early 20th century.
Seán Crosson (2014) Contributor to Lámh Láidir Abú – Scéal Mhíolta Móra na hÉireann (Andrew Gallimore, 2014), documentary (screened on TG4 in January 2014) concerning the Irish Whales, Irish born athletes who enjoyed extraordinary success at the Olympics in the early 20th century. TG4 Documentary [Details]
(2011) Contributor to Muide Éire, a 4 part documentary series and feature documentary. Broadcast on TG4 January-February 2012.
Crosson, S. (2011) Contributor to Muide Éire, a 4 part documentary series and feature documentary. Broadcast on TG4 January-February 2012. Documentary [Details]
(2010) Contributor to documentary A Boatload of Wild Irishmen, broadcast on TG4, on film director Robert Flaherty. Premièred as An tÉireannach Fáin / The Wandering Irishman (2010) at the Galway Film Fleadh, 2010.
Crosson, S. (2010) Contributor to documentary A Boatload of Wild Irishmen, broadcast on TG4, on film director Robert Flaherty. Premièred as An tÉireannach Fáin / The Wandering Irishman (2010) at the Galway Film Fleadh, 2010. Documentary [Details]
(2009) January-March 2009 and November-January 2009/2010, Contributor to 10-part documentary series, “GAA@125 Bliain”, broadcast on TG4.
Crosson, S. (2009) January-March 2009 and November-January 2009/2010, Contributor to 10-part documentary series, “GAA@125 Bliain”, broadcast on TG4. Documentary [Details]

Editorship of Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Journal, Settings Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): New Voices and New Directions in Twenty-First-Century Irish Writing.
Seán Crosson (General Editor) (2024) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Journal, Settings Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): New Voices and New Directions in Twenty-First-Century Irish Writing. Leuven Belgium: EFACIS: Leuven Belgium: EFACIS Editorship of Journals [DOI] [Details]
(2024) Special Issue of Sport in Society Journal: sport, the media and Ireland: intersections of gender, class and geography.
Seán Crosson, Marcus Free, Neil O¿Boyle, Katie Liston, Niamh Kitching (2024) Special Issue of Sport in Society Journal: sport, the media and Ireland: intersections of gender, class and geography. London: Sport in Society: London: Sport in Society Editorship of Journals [DOI] [Details]
(2024) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Journal, Vol. 7 No. 1, Remapping Irish Literary and Cultural Landscapes in the Mid-Twentieth Century' (edited byYen-Chi Wu, Phyllis Boumans).
Seán Crosson (General Editor) (2024) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Journal, Vol. 7 No. 1, Remapping Irish Literary and Cultural Landscapes in the Mid-Twentieth Century' (edited byYen-Chi Wu, Phyllis Boumans). Belgium: EFACIS: Belgium: EFACIS Editorship of Journals [DOI] [Details]
(2023) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Journal, Vol. 6 No. 2, Perspectives on the Irish Border' (edited by Sandra Heinen, Sylvie Mikowski, Lance Pettitt, Katharina Rennhak).
Seán Crosson (General Editor) (2023) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Journal, Vol. 6 No. 2, Perspectives on the Irish Border' (edited by Sandra Heinen, Sylvie Mikowski, Lance Pettitt, Katharina Rennhak). Belgium: EFACIS: Belgium: EFACIS Editorship of Journals [DOI] [Details]
(2022) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Journal, Vol. 6 No. 1, Irish Sexual Liberation and Its Literatures, Part 2: A Long Time Coming (edited by Robert Brazeau and Laura Sydora).
Seán Crosson (General Editor) (2022) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Journal, Vol. 6 No. 1, Irish Sexual Liberation and Its Literatures, Part 2: A Long Time Coming (edited by Robert Brazeau and Laura Sydora). Belgium: EFACIS: Belgium: EFACIS Editorship of Journals [DOI] [Details]
(2022) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Journal, Vol. 5 No. 1, Irish Sexual Liberation and its Literature - Part 1. 'Speaking out/ when it's dangerous' (edited by Robert Brazeau and Laura Sydora).
Seán Crosson (General Editor) (2022) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Journal, Vol. 5 No. 1, Irish Sexual Liberation and its Literature - Part 1. 'Speaking out/ when it's dangerous' (edited by Robert Brazeau and Laura Sydora). Belgium: EFACIS: Belgium: EFACIS Editorship of Journals [Details]
(2021) Review of Irish Studies (RISE), Vol. 4.2: 'Wrapping Our Heads Around Copies of This Book': To Medbh McGuckian at Seventy (Edited by Daniela Theinová).
Seán Crosson (General Editor) (2021) Review of Irish Studies (RISE), Vol. 4.2: 'Wrapping Our Heads Around Copies of This Book': To Medbh McGuckian at Seventy (Edited by Daniela Theinová). Leuven, Belgium: Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE): Leuven, Belgium: Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Editorship of Journals [DOI] [Details]
(2021) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE), Volume 4.1, Staging Europe at the Gate Theatre (edited by Siobhán O'Gorman, Elaine Sisson and Ian R Walsh).
Seán Crosson (General Editor) (2021) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE), Volume 4.1, Staging Europe at the Gate Theatre (edited by Siobhán O'Gorman, Elaine Sisson and Ian R Walsh). Leuven, Belgium: Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE): Leuven, Belgium: Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Editorship of Journals [DOI] [Details]
(2020) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE), 'Home Rule in Ireland: New Perspectives in History, Culture, Art and Literature', Vol. 3, Issue 2.
Seán Crosson (Film and Visual Culture Editor) (2020) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE), 'Home Rule in Ireland: New Perspectives in History, Culture, Art and Literature', Vol. 3, Issue 2. Leuven, Belgium: Review of Irish Studies in Europe: Leuven, Belgium: Review of Irish Studies in Europe. Editorship of Journals [DOI] [Details]
(2019) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE): 'The House in Irish Culture' Vol. 3, Issue 1.
Seán Crosson (Film and Visual Culture Editor) (2019) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE): 'The House in Irish Culture' Vol. 3, Issue 1. Leuven, Belgium: Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE): Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Editorship of Journals [Details]
(2018) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE), Vol. 2, Issue. 2 Representing Revolutions in Irish Culture.
Seán Crosson, Veronica Johnson, and Rod Stoneman (2018) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE), Vol. 2, Issue. 2 Representing Revolutions in Irish Culture. Review of Irish Studies in Europe: Review of Irish Studies in Europe Editorship of Journals [DOI] [Details]
(2018) Irish Text(ile)st/issues in communities and their representation in art and literatureEditor: Hedwig Schwall.
Seán Crosson (Film and Visual Culture Editor) (2018) Irish Text(ile)st/issues in communities and their representation in art and literatureEditor: Hedwig Schwall. Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven Editorship of Journals [Details]
(2017) Memory and Trauma in Post-Agreement Northern Ireland.
Seán Crosson (Film and Visual Culture Editor) (2017) Memory and Trauma in Post-Agreement Northern Ireland. Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven Editorship of Journals [Details]
(2016) Negotiations with the Past.
Seán Crosson (Film and Visual Culture Editor) (2016) Negotiations with the Past. Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven Editorship of Journals [Details]
(2016) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE).
Seán Crosson (Film and Visual Culture Editor) (2016) Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE). Editorship of Journals [Details]
(2011) Guest co-editor of Special Issue of Media History Journal on ‘Sport and the Media in Ireland'.
Crosson, S., Dine, P. (2011) Guest co-editor of Special Issue of Media History Journal on ‘Sport and the Media in Ireland'. Editorship of Journals [Details]

Electronic Article

  Year Publication
(2019) How hurling conquered Hollywood.
Seán Crosson (2019) How hurling conquered Hollywood. RTÉ Brainstorm: RTÉ Brainstorm Electronic Article [Details]
(2016) Interview: Mary McGuckian, ‘The Price of Desire’.
Seán Crosson (2016) Interview: Mary McGuckian, ‘The Price of Desire’. Dublin: FILM IRELAND Electronic Article [Details]
(2017) Community Games.
Seán Crosson (2017) Community Games. Dublin: rte.ie: rte.ie Electronic Article [Details]

Invited Lectures

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Irish-language film policy', Invited talk as part of Audiovisual Cultural Policy in Ireland webinar hosted by Cultural Policy Observatory Ireland on October 10 2024).
Seán Crosson (2024) 'Irish-language film policy', Invited talk as part of Audiovisual Cultural Policy in Ireland webinar hosted by Cultural Policy Observatory Ireland on October 10 2024). Dublin: Cultural Policy Observatory Ireland: Dublin: Cultural Policy Observatory Ireland Invited Lectures [Details]
(2024) ' A Long way to go: Women, Sport and Media in Ireland', Keynote Address to ¿Women, sports and class: rethinking the visual archive¿ International Seminar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, March 14-15 2024.
Seán Crosson (Keynote Address) (2024) ' A Long way to go: Women, Sport and Media in Ireland', Keynote Address to ¿Women, sports and class: rethinking the visual archive¿ International Seminar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, March 14-15 2024. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra: Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra Invited Lectures [Details]
(2023) COVID-19, Irish media and the GAA.
Seán Crosson and Marcus Free (2023) COVID-19, Irish media and the GAA. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy: Dublin: Royal Irish Academy Invited Lectures [Details]
(2022) ' ¿A New Ireland Rises¿ as ¿Hope and history rhyme¿: The GAA¿s centenary commemorations of 1916 and Bloody Sunday (1920).
Seán Crosson (2022) ' ¿A New Ireland Rises¿ as ¿Hope and history rhyme¿: The GAA¿s centenary commemorations of 1916 and Bloody Sunday (1920). University of Vienna: University of Vienna Invited Lectures [Details]
(2021) Hollywood and Hurling.
Seán Crosson (2021) Hollywood and Hurling. Limerick: Mary Immaculate College (MIC) University of Limerick: Limerick: Mary Immaculate College (MIC) University of Limerick Invited Lectures [Details]
(2020) Examining Sport Cinema Beyond Hollywood: The Russian Experience.
Seán Crosson (2020) Examining Sport Cinema Beyond Hollywood: The Russian Experience. NUI Galway: MA Sports Journalism and Communication Students: NUI Galway: MA Sports Journalism and Communication Students Invited Lectures [Details]
(2020) Strategies for PhD supervision (Keynote Lecture to University of Ulster Festival of PhD Research)).
Seán Crosson (Keynote Lecture) (2020) Strategies for PhD supervision (Keynote Lecture to University of Ulster Festival of PhD Research)). Invited Lectures [Details]
(2019) “A Self-Interested Silence”: Speaking Truth to Power in Rocky Road to Dublin (1967).
Seán Crosson (invited lecture to INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM) (2019) “A Self-Interested Silence”: Speaking Truth to Power in Rocky Road to Dublin (1967). University of Vigo: University of Vigo Invited Lectures [Details]
(2019) Representing Sport in Irish Cinema.
Seán Crosson (2019) Representing Sport in Irish Cinema. Invited Lecture to Visiting Students from West Chester University, Pennsylvania State, United States: Invited Lecture to Visiting Students from West Chester University, Pennsylvania State, United States Invited Lectures [Details]
(2018) Introducing Aki Kaurismäki.
Seán Crosson (2018) Introducing Aki Kaurismäki. Irish Film Institute: Irish Film Institute Invited Lectures [Details]
(2017) ‘Finding Room (2015) in Irish cinema’.
Seán Crosson (2017) ‘Finding Room (2015) in Irish cinema’. KU Leuven: KU Leuven Invited Lectures [Details]
(2016) “In the place where young people gathered for sport, the seed of revolution spread”: Sport, Film and the 1916 Rising.
Seán Crosson (2016) “In the place where young people gathered for sport, the seed of revolution spread”: Sport, Film and the 1916 Rising. Department of English, University of Vienna: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2016) “A warlike race is ever fond of games”: Sport and the Commemoration of 1916.
Seán Crosson (2016) “A warlike race is ever fond of games”: Sport and the Commemoration of 1916. “Irish Society, History & Culture: 100 years after 1916” International Conference, Florence, Italy: European University Institute – Scuola Normale Superiore – Università di Firenze Invited Lectures [Details]
(2016) A game played on the fields of Tara and in Eamhain Mhacha … the games of the Fianna and Cúchulainn : Tradition and Authority in representations of Gaelic games.
Seán Crosson (2016) A game played on the fields of Tara and in Eamhain Mhacha … the games of the Fianna and Cúchulainn : Tradition and Authority in representations of Gaelic games. University of Lyon1: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2015) Irish Cinema: Its History and Challenges. Invited lecture presented at Irish pavilion at EXPO Milano 2015.
Seán Crosson (2015) Irish Cinema: Its History and Challenges. Invited lecture presented at Irish pavilion at EXPO Milano 2015. Milan: EXPO Milano Invited Lectures [Details]
(2014) ‘Ar son an náisiúin’: Film, Culture and Nation-Building in Twentieth-Century Ireland, Keynote Address to “International Conference on Literature, Culture and Nation-Building in Twentieth-Century Ireland”, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China.
Seán Crosson (2014) ‘Ar son an náisiúin’: Film, Culture and Nation-Building in Twentieth-Century Ireland, Keynote Address to “International Conference on Literature, Culture and Nation-Building in Twentieth-Century Ireland”, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China. Bejing: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2014) Irish Cinema: A National Cinema?.Keynote Lecture at Irish Studies in Europe Conference, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Seán Crosson (2014) Irish Cinema: A National Cinema?.Keynote Lecture at Irish Studies in Europe Conference, KU Leuven, Belgium. Leuven: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2014) Invited Lecture: 'Situating the Cinematic Sport Documentary'. Department of Media, Culture and Social Sciences, University of Stavanger, Norway, March 13th, 2014.
Seán Crosson (2014) Invited Lecture: 'Situating the Cinematic Sport Documentary'. Department of Media, Culture and Social Sciences, University of Stavanger, Norway, March 13th, 2014. Invited Lecture, Department of Media, Culture and Social Sciences, University of Stavanger, Norway: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2014) ‘The Shore: Examining the Reconciliation Narrative in Post-Troubles Cinema’, “The Legacy of 1998: Northern Irish Politics, Culture and Art after the Good Friday Agreement International Seminar”, University of Agder, Norway.
Seán Crosson (2014) ‘The Shore: Examining the Reconciliation Narrative in Post-Troubles Cinema’, “The Legacy of 1998: Northern Irish Politics, Culture and Art after the Good Friday Agreement International Seminar”, University of Agder, Norway. Norway: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2012) ‘The Music of Poetry: A Theoretical Survey’, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway.
Seán Crosson (2012) ‘The Music of Poetry: A Theoretical Survey’, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2012) ‘The Cinema and Northern Ireland’, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway.
Seán Crosson (2012) ‘The Cinema and Northern Ireland’, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2012) ‘Representing the Vietnam War in American Cinema’, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway.
Seán Crosson (2012) ‘Representing the Vietnam War in American Cinema’, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2012) “Is it another of their rebellions?”: Gaelic games and the films of John Ford. Invited Lecture, The John Ford Ireland Film Symposium, Irish Film Institute, Dublin.
Seán Crosson (2012) “Is it another of their rebellions?”: Gaelic games and the films of John Ford. Invited Lecture, The John Ford Ireland Film Symposium, Irish Film Institute, Dublin. Dublin: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2012) ‘Ireland's Athletic Assault and Battery?: Representations of Irish Sport’, Guest Lecture as part of Irish Cultural Studies Seminar series, University of Vienna.
Seán Crosson (2012) ‘Ireland's Athletic Assault and Battery?: Representations of Irish Sport’, Guest Lecture as part of Irish Cultural Studies Seminar series, University of Vienna. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2011) Representing Ireland in Cinema: Past and Present, Guest lecture given in NUI Galway to visiting group from University of Delaware.
Crosson,S. (2011) Representing Ireland in Cinema: Past and Present, Guest lecture given in NUI Galway to visiting group from University of Delaware. Cairnes Building, NUI Galway: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2011) Representing the Nation Through Sport, Talk on representation of gaelic games in film given in the Roscommon Arts Centre as part of the Humanities in the West series of lectures, sponsored by the School of Humanities, NUI Galway.
Crosson, S. (2011) Representing the Nation Through Sport, Talk on representation of gaelic games in film given in the Roscommon Arts Centre as part of the Humanities in the West series of lectures, sponsored by the School of Humanities, NUI Galway. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2011) The National Film Institute’s Gaelic Games Films, 1948-1968, invited lecture, Mater Dei Institute of Education, Dublin.
Crosson, S. (2011) The National Film Institute’s Gaelic Games Films, 1948-1968, invited lecture, Mater Dei Institute of Education, Dublin. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2010) A Boatload of Wild Irishmen (Mac Dara Ó Curraidhín, 2010), Introduction to screening of documentary on Robert Flahert, .
Crosson, S. (2010) A Boatload of Wild Irishmen (Mac Dara Ó Curraidhín, 2010), Introduction to screening of documentary on Robert Flahert, . Roundstone Community Hall: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2010) “I know it’s just football, but it’s important to us”: British Sports Cinema and the Football Film, Institute for English and American Studies, Institute for English and American Studies, University of Vienna.
Crosson, S. (2010) “I know it’s just football, but it’s important to us”: British Sports Cinema and the Football Film, Institute for English and American Studies, Institute for English and American Studies, University of Vienna. University of Vienna: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2010) “Ireland’s Athletic Assault and Battery”?: Hollywood and Hurling’, Invited Lecture, Kilkenny Arts Festival.
Crosson, S. (2010) “Ireland’s Athletic Assault and Battery”?: Hollywood and Hurling’, Invited Lecture, Kilkenny Arts Festival. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2009) “The GAA and the Movies”, The 61st UCD International Summer School.
Crosson, S. (2009) “The GAA and the Movies”, The 61st UCD International Summer School. University College, Dublin: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2009) “The Given Note: Irish Literature, Music and Song”, Coole Park Spring Programme.
Crosson, S. (2009) “The Given Note: Irish Literature, Music and Song”, Coole Park Spring Programme. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2009) “Shillalah Swing Time”: Researching Gaelic Games and Film’, Department of Media Studies, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.
Crosson, S. (2009) “Shillalah Swing Time”: Researching Gaelic Games and Film’, Department of Media Studies, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2009) “Cinema & Ireland: Exploring the Dominant Representations and their Influence”, Department of English and North American Studies, Institute of Arts and Human Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal.
Crosson, S. (2009) “Cinema & Ireland: Exploring the Dominant Representations and their Influence”, Department of English and North American Studies, Institute of Arts and Human Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. University of Minho, Braga, Portugal: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2009) ‘Rural Backwardness or a marked proclivity for violence’?: Representing Ireland in Cinema”, NUI Galway Film Seminar hosted by the NUI London Club, Irish Club, London.
Crosson, S. (2009) ‘Rural Backwardness or a marked proclivity for violence’?: Representing Ireland in Cinema”, NUI Galway Film Seminar hosted by the NUI London Club, Irish Club, London. NUI London Club, Irish Club, London: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2009) (In Irish) Gaol ársa agus saibhir: ceol, na hamhráin agus nuafhilíocht na hÉireann, [Eochairaitheasc / Keynote Address] Cumann Merriman, Scoil Gheimhridh 2009: Rachainn go Gaillimh - le filí agus le fonnadóirí.
Crosson, S. (2009) (In Irish) Gaol ársa agus saibhir: ceol, na hamhráin agus nuafhilíocht na hÉireann, [Eochairaitheasc / Keynote Address] Cumann Merriman, Scoil Gheimhridh 2009: Rachainn go Gaillimh - le filí agus le fonnadóirí. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2009) ‘Gaelic Games and ‘the Movies’, The GAA History Conference, Croke Park.
Crosson, S. (2009) ‘Gaelic Games and ‘the Movies’, The GAA History Conference, Croke Park. Croke Park: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2009) Hollywood Hurling': Gaelic Games Go to the Movies, Irish Studies Night, Institute for English and American Studies.
Crosson, S. (2009) Hollywood Hurling': Gaelic Games Go to the Movies, Irish Studies Night, Institute for English and American Studies. University of Vienna: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2008) The GAA and film, at The GAA & the Creation of Modern Ireland Symposium, Kilkenny Arts Festival.
Crosson, S. (2008) The GAA and film, at The GAA & the Creation of Modern Ireland Symposium, Kilkenny Arts Festival. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2008) “Gaels on Film: Cinematic portrayals of the GAA from Pathé to Hollywood”, Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Memorial Library & Archive, Armagh city.
Crosson, S. (2008) “Gaels on Film: Cinematic portrayals of the GAA from Pathé to Hollywood”, Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Memorial Library & Archive, Armagh city. Memorial Library & Archive, Armagh city: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2008) The Glory Days: Cavan football and Film, 1933-1952. Cavan County Museum, Ballyjamesduff.
Crosson, S. (2008) The Glory Days: Cavan football and Film, 1933-1952. Cavan County Museum, Ballyjamesduff. Cavan County Museum: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2008) “Exploring the Connection”: Irish literature and Music’ . The Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare.
Crosson, S. (2008) “Exploring the Connection”: Irish literature and Music’ . The Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare. The Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2008) (In Irish) “Man of Aran (1934) agus an Ghaeilge sna Scannáin” Dioplóma i Léann an Traidisiúin, Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim, Carna.
Crosson, S. (2008) (In Irish) “Man of Aran (1934) agus an Ghaeilge sna Scannáin” Dioplóma i Léann an Traidisiúin, Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim, Carna. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2008) ‘Charles, is it another of their rebellions?’: American Cinema, hurling and the tourist gaze”, Keynote Address, The Nordic Irish Studies Network bi-annual conference. Vaasa, Finland.
Crosson, S. (2008) ‘Charles, is it another of their rebellions?’: American Cinema, hurling and the tourist gaze”, Keynote Address, The Nordic Irish Studies Network bi-annual conference. Vaasa, Finland. Vaasa, Finland: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2008) “Hurling and Hollywood”, Lecture at the Croke Park Museum.
Crosson, S. (2008) “Hurling and Hollywood”, Lecture at the Croke Park Museum. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2007) “The development of Irish poetry and its relationship with music”.
Crosson, S. (2007) “The development of Irish poetry and its relationship with music”. The Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2007) ‘Science and Sock … Pete Smith reveals in hurling a scientific form of mass murder’: Representing Hurling in American film”, ‘Representing Sport' - Exploring the literary turn in sport history. International Centre for Sport History and Culture (ICSHC), [Invited Lecture].
Crosson,S. (2007) ‘Science and Sock … Pete Smith reveals in hurling a scientific form of mass murder’: Representing Hurling in American film”, ‘Representing Sport' - Exploring the literary turn in sport history. International Centre for Sport History and Culture (ICSHC), [Invited Lecture]. De Montfort University ? Leicester: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2007) “From Knocknagow to West Cork: Representing Gaelic Games in Film”, Keynote Address to The Third Annual Conference of Sports History Ireland, Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies, Keynote Speaker.
Crosson,S. (2007) “From Knocknagow to West Cork: Representing Gaelic Games in Film”, Keynote Address to The Third Annual Conference of Sports History Ireland, Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies, Keynote Speaker. NUI, Galway: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2006) Visiting Lecturer, Boston College Summer School.
Crosson, S. (2006) Visiting Lecturer, Boston College Summer School. NUI, Maynooth: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2006) “Irish Cinema: Themes and Questions”.
Crosson, S. (2006) “Irish Cinema: Themes and Questions”. The Burren College of Art,Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2006) Invited Lecture, Washington and Lee University Visiting Group.
Crosson, S. (2006) Invited Lecture, Washington and Lee University Visiting Group. NUI, Galway: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2005) Visiting Lecturer, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York.
Crosson, S. (2005) Visiting Lecturer, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York. Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2005) Guest Lecture, Fairfield University Visiting Group.
Crosson, S. (2005) Guest Lecture, Fairfield University Visiting Group. NUI, Galway: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2004) Visiting Lecturer, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.
Crosson, S. (2004) Visiting Lecturer, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden: Invited Lectures [Details]

Invited papers

  Year Publication
(2016) Sport and the 1916 Rising.
Seán Crosson (2016) Sport and the 1916 Rising. Teagasc Farming and Country Life 1916 Event, Mellows Campus, Athenry: Teagasc Farming and Country Life 1916 Event Invited papers [Details]
(2016) Who's that playing with Dick Rocket: Remembering Rooney (1958).
Seán Crosson (2016) Who's that playing with Dick Rocket: Remembering Rooney (1958). Irish Cinema: The National and the International Symposium for Kevin Rockett, Trinity College: Trinity College Dublin Invited papers [Details]

Invited Seminars

  Year Publication
(2021) Presentation regarding EFACIS publications (RISE journal and Irish Studies in Europe publication series) to the Global Futures of Irish Studies Roundtable Series.
Seán Crosson (2021) Presentation regarding EFACIS publications (RISE journal and Irish Studies in Europe publication series) to the Global Futures of Irish Studies Roundtable Series. Dublin: The Global Irish Diaspora Congress (UCD): Dublin: The Global Irish Diaspora Congress (UCD) Invited Seminars [Details]
(2021) ‘Going Vertical: power and influence in Russian sports cinema’, (University of Bristol).
Seán Crosson (2021) ‘Going Vertical: power and influence in Russian sports cinema’, (University of Bristol). University of Bristol: University of Bristol Invited Seminars [Details]
(2020) Introducing Participative Video (Invited seminar for participants in Older Traveller Older Homeless Project, Project Lifecourse, Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, NUI Galway).
Seán Crosson (2020) Introducing Participative Video (Invited seminar for participants in Older Traveller Older Homeless Project, Project Lifecourse, Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, NUI Galway). Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, NUI Galway: Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, NUI Galway Invited Seminars [Details]

Magazine Article

  Year Publication
(2016) 'Croke Park Goes Plumb Crazy' Gaelic Games in Pathe Newsreels 1920-1939.
Seán Crosson and Dónal McAnallen (2016) 'Croke Park Goes Plumb Crazy' Gaelic Games in Pathe Newsreels 1920-1939. Kilkenny: Cornerback Magazine: Cornerback: The Retro GAA Magazine Magazine Article [Details]

Online Multimedia

  Year Publication
(2020) The GAA Collection (Irish Film Institute) (Various Titles).
Seán Crosson (2020) The GAA Collection (Irish Film Institute) (Various Titles). Dublin: Irish Film Institute: Dublin: Irish Film Institute Online Multimedia [Details]


  Year Publication
(2021) Foscadh ¿ Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh 2021.
Seán Crosson (2021) Foscadh ¿ Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh 2021. Dublin: Film Ireland: Dublin: Film Ireland Reviews [Details]
(2021) Irish Film Review: Breaking Out.
Seán Crosson (2021) Irish Film Review: Breaking Out. Dublin: Film Ireland: Dublin: Film Ireland Reviews [Details]
(2020) Redemption of a Rogue – Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh 2020.
Seán Crosson (2020) Redemption of a Rogue – Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh 2020. Film Ireland: Dublin: Dublin: Film Ireland Reviews [Details]
(2020) Arracht – Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh 2020.
Seán Crosson (2020) Arracht – Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh 2020. Film Ireland: Dublin: Dublin: Film Ireland Reviews [Details]
(2020) Henry Glassie: Field Work – Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh 2020.
Seán Crosson (2020) Henry Glassie: Field Work – Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh 2020. Dublin: Film Ireland: Film Ireland Reviews [Details]
(2020) Breaking Ice – Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh 2020.
Seán Crosson (2020) Breaking Ice – Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh 2020. Dublin: Film Ireland: Dublin: Film Ireland Reviews [Details]
(2020) Rialto– Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh 2020.
Seán Crosson (2020) Rialto– Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh 2020. Dublin: Film Ireland: Dublin: Film Ireland Reviews [Details]
(2019) Review of Irish Film @ Galway Film Fleadh 2019: Bruno.
Seán Crosson (2019) Review of Irish Film @ Galway Film Fleadh 2019: Bruno. Film Ireland: Dublin: Film Ireland journal Reviews [Details]
(2019) Review of Irish Film @ Galway Film Fleadh 2019: Irish Talent: New Shorts 1: Documentary.
Seán Crosson (2019) Review of Irish Film @ Galway Film Fleadh 2019: Irish Talent: New Shorts 1: Documentary. Film Ireland, Dublin: Film Ireland journal Reviews [Details]
(2019) Review of Irish Film @ Galway Film Fleadh 2019: Cumar: A Galway Rhapsody.
Seán Crosson (2019) Review of Irish Film @ Galway Film Fleadh 2019: Cumar: A Galway Rhapsody. Film Ireland, Dublin: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2016) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: Sanctuary.
Seán Crosson (2016) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: Sanctuary. Film Ireland: Film Ireland journal Reviews [Details]
(2016) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: Crash and Burn.
Seán Crosson (2016) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: Crash and Burn. Film Ireland: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2016) Review of Irish film at Galway Film Fleadh: I am Belfast (Mark Cousins, 2016).
Seán Crosson (2016) Review of Irish film at Galway Film Fleadh: I am Belfast (Mark Cousins, 2016). Film Ireland: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2016) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: In View.
Seán Crosson (2016) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: In View. Film Ireland: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2015) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: A Turning Tide in the Life of Man.
Seán Crosson (2015) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: A Turning Tide in the Life of Man. Dublin: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2015) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: ‘An Náisiún’ & ‘Deoch an Dorais’.
Seán Crosson (2015) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: ‘An Náisiún’ & ‘Deoch an Dorais’. Film Ireland: Dublin: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2015) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: Shem the Penman Sings Again.
Seán Crosson (2015) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: Shem the Penman Sings Again. Dublin: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2015) Galway Film Fleadh Review: Touch the Light (Tocando la Luz).
Seán Crosson (2015) Galway Film Fleadh Review: Touch the Light (Tocando la Luz). Dublin: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2015) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: Older than Ireland (2015).
Seán Crosson (2015) Review of Irish Film at Galway Film Fleadh: Older than Ireland (2015). Dublin: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2007) “Midnight Sun: From Kiarostami to Kaurismäki”. Film Ireland, Issue 117.
Crosson, S. (2007) “Midnight Sun: From Kiarostami to Kaurismäki”. Film Ireland, Issue 117. Film Ireland: Dublin: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2007) Forget Everything Extra: Kiarostami in Finland.
Crosson, S. (2007) Forget Everything Extra: Kiarostami in Finland. Film Ireland: Dublin: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2004) “Umeå International Film Festival”, Film Ireland.
Crosson, S. (2004) “Umeå International Film Festival”, Film Ireland. Film Ireland: Dublin: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2004) “Galway Film Fleadh 2004 Report”, Film Ireland.
Crosson, S. (2004) “Galway Film Fleadh 2004 Report”, Film Ireland. Film Ireland: Dublin: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2004) “Molodist: Kiev International Film Festival”, Film Ireland.
Crosson, S. (2004) “Molodist: Kiev International Film Festival”, Film Ireland. Film Ireland: Dublin: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]
(2003) “Fine Lines: the 43rd Krakow International Film Festival”, Film Ireland.
Crosson, S. (2003) “Fine Lines: the 43rd Krakow International Film Festival”, Film Ireland. Film Ireland: Dublin: Film Ireland Journal Reviews [Details]

Review Essay

  Year Publication
(2023) Review of R. Fox, M. Cronin and B. Ó Conchubhair, Routledge International Handbook of Irish Studies.
Seán Crosson (2023) Review of R. Fox, M. Cronin and B. Ó Conchubhair, Routledge International Handbook of Irish Studies. Finland: Studia Celtica Fennica: Finnish Society for Celtic Studies, SFKS, Review Essay [DOI] [Details]
(2021) Reflections on the European Sports Film: The Racer (2020).
Seán Crosson (2021) Reflections on the European Sports Film: The Racer (2020). Spain: Estudios Irlandeses: Spain: Estudios Irlandeses Review Essay [Details]
(2019) In the Name of Peace: John Hume in America (Maurice Fitzpatrick, 2018).
Seán Crosson (2019) In the Name of Peace: John Hume in America (Maurice Fitzpatrick, 2018). Estudios Irlandeses – Journal of Irish Studies: Estudios Irlandeses – Journal of Irish Studies Review Essay [DOI] [Details]
(2018) Sport and Irish Documentary Roller Derby: Revolutions.
Crosson, S (2018) Sport and Irish Documentary Roller Derby: Revolutions. Estudios Irlandeses: Spain: Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies Review Essay [DOI] [Details]
(2017) Reimagining an Irish City: I am Belfast.
Seán Crosson (2017) Reimagining an Irish City: I am Belfast. Review Essay [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) The Making of a Western in Conamara: An Klondike (Dathai Keane 2015).
Crosson, S (2016) The Making of a Western in Conamara: An Klondike (Dathai Keane 2015). Review Essay [DOI] [Details]
(2011) Review of Na Cloigne (2010) in Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies.
Crosson, S. (2011) Review of Na Cloigne (2010) in Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies. Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies: Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies. Review Essay [Details]
(2009) Review of Hunger. Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies.
Crosson S. (2009) Review of Hunger. Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies. Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies: Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies Review Essay [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2008) From Kings to Cáca Mílis: Irish film and television as Gaeilge in 2007. Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies.
Crosson S. (2008) From Kings to Cáca Mílis: Irish film and television as Gaeilge in 2007. Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies. Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies Review Essay [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2007) Review of Six Shooter. Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies.
Crosson, S. (2007) Review of Six Shooter. Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies. Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies Review Essay [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2006) Review of Pavee Lackeen.
Crosson, S. (2006) Review of Pavee Lackeen. Spain: Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies Review Essay [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]

Research Seminar

  Year Publication
(2021) Virtual Roundtable to Launch Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) journal, Volume 4.1, Staging Europe at the Gate Theatre.
Seán Crosson (Convenor and Chair) (2021) Virtual Roundtable to Launch Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) journal, Volume 4.1, Staging Europe at the Gate Theatre. Leuven, Belgium, EFACIS: Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE): Leuven, Belgium, EFACIS: Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) Research Seminar [Details]
(2020) Sport and Covid-19.
Seán Crosson (Convenor and Chair) (2020) Sport and Covid-19. Moore Institute: NUI Galway: Moore Institute: NUI Galway Research Seminar [Details]


  Year Publication
(2023) Sport in European Cinema Platform (Presentation as part of Moore Institute's Digital Innovation & Creativity in Arts and Humanities Research Seminar.
Seán Crosson (2023) Sport in European Cinema Platform (Presentation as part of Moore Institute's Digital Innovation & Creativity in Arts and Humanities Research Seminar. Seminar [Details]


  Year Publication
(2010) From “Sports Arditism” to Consensus-Building: the Ambivalences of the Italian Sporting Press under Fascism. (Translation of chapter by Paul Dietschy in edited volume by Dine, P. & Crosson, S.).
Dietschy, P., Dine, P., Crosson, S. (2010) From “Sports Arditism” to Consensus-Building: the Ambivalences of the Italian Sporting Press under Fascism. (Translation of chapter by Paul Dietschy in edited volume by Dine, P. & Crosson, S.). Translation [Details]


  Year Publication
(2024) Invited Presentation on Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) journal at Irish Association of Professionl Historians (IAPH) Workshop, Wednesday February 28, 2024.
Seán Crosson (2024) Invited Presentation on Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) journal at Irish Association of Professionl Historians (IAPH) Workshop, Wednesday February 28, 2024. Dublin: IAPH: Dublin: IAPH Workshops [Details]
(2019) Sport, Digital Media, and European Cultural Identity.
Seán Crosson (Workshop Convenor) (2019) Sport, Digital Media, and European Cultural Identity. NUI Galway: NUI Galway Workshops [Details]


  Year Publication
(2017) Irish Studies in Europe Volume 7: Narrating Ireland in Different Genres and Media.
Seán Crosson (Series Co-Editor) (2017) Irish Studies in Europe Volume 7: Narrating Ireland in Different Genres and Media. WVT - Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier: WVT - Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier Serial [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2020 Dean's Award for Research College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, NUI Galway
2020 Longlisted for the Michel Déon Non-Fiction Prize Royal Irish Academy
2019 Nominated for SCMS Anne Friedberg Innovative Scholarship Award Society For Cinema and Media Studies
2018 Nominee, President’s Awards for Research Excellence 2018: Research Supervisor Award NUI Galway
2017 Visiting Research Fellowship, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1
2013 Recipient of School of Humanities (NUI Galway) Book Prize 2012/2013 for SPORT AND FILM (Routledge, 2013) School of Humanities, NUI Galway
2013 Visiting Professorship, University of Vienna University of Vienna
2013 President, European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS) European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS)
2010 North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) award for best collection of sport history related essays North American Society for Sport History (NASSH)
2010 Shortlisted for the Theatre Library Association Book Award. Theatre Library Association
2002 Arts Faculty Postgraduate Fellowship Award, NUI, Galway. Arts Faculty, NUI Galway

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
The Spanish Association for Irish Studies (AEDEI) Member, Scientific Committee,19th AEDEI Conference "Silence and Inconvenient Truths in Irish Culture and Society", University of Vigo, June 3-5 2020 /
CISIRL - Italian Interdepartmental Centre for Irish Studies Board Member 16-AUG-21 /
Board Member, Sport&EU academic network Board Member 03-MAY-21 /
Member of International Review Board, Keltische Forschungen (KF) Journal Member of International Review Board /
General Editor, Review of Irish Studies in Europe journal (RISE) General Editor /
Series Editor, Irish Studies in Europe Publication Series Series Editor /
Member of the International Advisory Board, Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (HJEAS) Member of the International Advisory Board, /
Member, The Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union (Sport&EU) Member /
NECS–European Network for Cinema and Media Studies Member /
Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association Member /
Member, International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL) Member /
Irish Music Rights Organisation Member /


  Committee Function From / To
Management Committee of the EU COST Action "Language Plurality in Europe's Changing Media Sphere" (PLURILINGMEDIA) (CA23105) Member 01-AUG-24 /
Organising Committee, IASIL 2025 Conference Member 06-MAY-24 /
Scientific Committee, Organising Committee, III International SPRING Conference. Sports Marketing, Journalism, Communications and Sponsorship, University of Malaga, Thursday February 20th and Friday, February 21st, 2025 Member 01-APR-24 /
School of English, Media, and Creative Arts Research Committee Chair 01-SEP-23 /
Quality Enhancement Committee (QEC) Member 01-JAN-24 /
Research Committee, School of English, Media & Creative Arts Chair 27-DEC-23 /
Research Committee, College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies Member 05-NOV-23 /
Steering Committee, Centre for Creative Technologies Member 01-SEP-22 /
Connacht GAA Strategic Partnership Management Team Member 27-MAY-22 /
CASSCS Graduate School Space Requirements Working Group Member 25-APR-22 /
SECA Infrastructure Working Group Chair 11-APR-22 /
Painéal Bhord Gaeilge OÉ Gaillimh (Irish Language Board Panel, NUI Galway) Ball (Member) 20-APR-22 /
Scientific Committee, 19th International AEDEI Conference, University of Vigo, Spain Member 12-APR-20 /
Moore Institute COVID-19 Response Group Member 23-MAR-20 /
Research Committee, School of English and Creative Arts Member 01-SEP-19 /
Returning to Research Working Group Member 12-APR-20 /
Research and Innovation Strategy Group, NUI Galway Member 04-MAR-19 /
Academic Council Standing Committee, NUI Galway Member 07-FEB-19 /
Advisory Council, British Association of Irish Studies (BAIS) Member 08-OCT-18 /
Academic Council (NUI Galway) Member 01-SEP-18 /
Academic Board, 18th International Conference of the Spanish Association of Irish Studies, University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, 29th-31st May 2019 Academic Board Member 01-AUG-18 /
College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies Research Committee Chair 01-JAN-18 /
NUI Galway Research Committee Member 01-JAN-18 /
Learning Analytics Expert Advisory Panel on Teaching, Learning & Effective Interventions Expert Advisory Panel to the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education 01-DEC-16 /
Research Committee, School of Humanities Member 10-OCT-16 / 23-AUG-19
Curriculum Committee, School of Humanities Member 01-AUG-16 /
(State Board Appointment) Classification of Films Appeal Board Member 25-NOV-15 /
Working Group: Sport, Recreation, Culture & Language, Teagasc Farming and Country Life, 1916-2016 National Event Member 22-NOV-15 /
Scientific Committee: XV Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference (26-28 May 2016), “Revolution/Evolution/Involution in Twentieth- and Twenty-first-Century Ireland”, University of Zaragoza. Member 28-SEP-15 /
Strategic Planning Committee, School of Humanities Committee Member 22-SEP-15 /
Scientific Committee Member, “IRELAND: SHARED FUTURES?”, International Conference, Centre de recherche bretonne et celtique, Université Rennes 2, 10-12 September 2015. Committee Member 01-SEP-15 /
College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies PhD Liaison Committee. Committee Member 17-NOV-14 /
Scientific Committee Member, XIV Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference ((May 28-31, 2015), "Discourses of Inclusion and Marginalisation: Minority, Dissident and Mainstream Irish Identities", University of Granada. Member 29-AUG-14 /
Scientific Committee Member, 10th EFACIS Conference, ‘BEYOND IRELAND: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions’ (June 3-6 2015), University of Palermo. Member 14-APR-14 /
Scientific Committee Member, XIII Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference (29-31 May 2014), "Éire/Ireland and Dysfunction", University of Duesto. Member 11-NOV-13 /
Scientific Committee Member, VIII Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses (AEDEI) Conference (28-30 May 2009) "From Local Ireland to Global Ireland: The Reality Beyond", University of Alcalá de Henares. Member 10-NOV-08 /
Taught Graduate Programmes Committee Committee Member 01-SEP-08 /
School of Humanities Teaching and Learning Committee Member 01-SEP-10 /


  Employer Position From / To
Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway Director of Graduate Research and Teaching 01-SEP-19 /
College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies, NUI Galway Programme Co-Director, MA Sports Journalism and Communication 01-JUL-19 /
College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies Vice-Dean (Research, Reputation, and Impact) 08-OCT-17 / 31-AUG-20
Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway Head of Discipline 01-JAN-17 / 31-DEC-17
Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway Programme Director, MA in Film Studies: Theory and Practice 01-SEP-08 /
School of Humanities, NUI Galway School Safety Coordinator 17-NOV-14 / 31-DEC-17
Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway Programme Director, MA in Screenwriting 01-SEP-11 / 31-AUG-17
University of Vienna Visiting Professor in Irish Cultural Studies 01-OCT-13 / 31-JAN-14
Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway Head of Discipline 01-JUL-09 / 31-DEC-09
Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway Coordinator, Irish Life and Culture Programme 01-SEP-02 / 01-SEP-06
Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway and Regis University, Denver, Colorado (USA) Facilitator, Irish Studies online programme 01-SEP-03 / 01-SEP-08
Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway Coordinator, Diploma in Irish Music Studies 01-SEP-06 / 01-SEP-08


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2024 University of Galway Certificate in Leading Ireland's Future Together (LIFT) Leadership
2018 NUI Galway Diploma in Academic Practice Research, Teaching and related academic and administrative practices
2015 NUI Galway Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning Teaching & Learning
2006 NUI Galway PhD IN IRISH STUDIES Irish Studies
2005 NUI Galway Diploma IN IRISH LANGUAGE Gaeilge (Irish Language)
1993 NUI Galway Bachelor of Arts English and Economics




  Client Description
Teaching Council
Expert Advisor on new Leaving Certificate Subject Drama, Film and Theatre Studies
European Commission
Expert Evaluator for the EC’s Horizon 2020 programme WIDESPREAD-05-2020: Twinning
European Commission
Expert Evaluator for the EC's Creative Europe Programme
Narodowe Centrum Nauki - NCN) (Poland) Sonata Funding Scheme
Expert Evaluator for National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki - NCN) (Poland) Sonata Funding Scheme
Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick
Member, Peer Review Group, Department of Media & Communication
Griffith College
Chair, External Review Panel: BA (Hons) in Communications and Media Production; BA in Communications; MA in Journalism and Digital Communications; MA in Public Relations and Digital Communications; MA in Digital Communications: Podcasting and Video
Universities of A Coruña (UDC),
External Examiner For Ph.D. In Advanced English Studies: Language, Literature & Culture
Griffith College
Chair, Validation Panel, BA (Hons) in Film, TV and Screen Media Production
Limerick Institute of Technology
Chair, External Programmatic Review Panel, Creative Technologies programmes at Limerick Institute of Technology
Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick
External Examiner, Masters of Arts by Research and Production
Irish Film Archive, Irish Film Institute
Consultant for production of Sport DVDs, and accompanying notes, depicting Gaelic games between 1948 and 1959 in both hurling and Gaelic Football: GAA Football Gold: All-Ireland Final Highlights: 1947-1959, (Dublin: Irish Film Institute, 2011); GAA Gold, All Ireland Hurling Final Highlights: 1948-1959, (Dublin: Irish Film Institute, 2010).
Umeå (Sweden) International Film Festival 2004
Advisor on Irish films featured in the festival.

Community Engagement

  Title Type From / To
Outreach Introducing Rocky Road to Dublin (1968) at Féile Scannán na Réabhlóide (the Gaeltacht based community film festival) and Chair of post-screening discussion 28-MAY-16 / 28-MAY-16
Outreach Introducing 'Nosferatu' (1922) 26-OCT-17 /
Outreach Irish Studies in Europe @ EXPO Milano 2015 18-OCT-15 / 18-OCT-15
Outreach Public Interview with director Mary McGuckian @ EXPO MIlano 2015 19-OCT-15 / 19-OCT-15
Other Cultural Heritage and Sport in Europe (CHASE), Presentation given to the School of Humanities Research Day, Siobhan McKenna Theatre, NUI Galway. 22-APR-15 / 22-APR-15
Outreach Introducing Irish Film @ EXPO Milano 2015 19-OCT-15 / 19-OCT-15
Outreach Laochra Chonamara – Bob Quinn: Commemorative night. panellist to a commemorative night to celebrate the work and achievements of seminal Irish filmmaker Bob Quinn. 28-NOV-14 / 28-NOV-14
Outreach An Austrian’s (Unexpected) Contribution to the Emergence of Irish Film: George Fleischmann, From Luftwaffe “Spy” to Pioneering Cinematographer 09-JAN-14 / 09-JAN-14
Outreach "I see a cinematograph going on and on”: James Joyce and the Cinema. Public Lecture, The Oslo Bloomsday Celebrations, Ibsen Museum, Oslo, Norway. 16-JUN-14 / 16-JUN-14
Outreach ‘The Irish Language, Music and the Poetry of Seamus Heaney’ 10-DEC-13 / 10-DEC-13
Other ‘Sport and Film: An American Dream?’, 20-MAY-13 / 20-MAY-13
Other ‘The Sports film, gender and Offside (2006)’, 17-JAN-13 / 17-JAN-13
Outreach ‘The Glory Day’: Cavan and Kildare on film in the 1920s and 1930s’ 28-OCT-12 / 28-OCT-12
Outreach ‘Representing the Nation Through Sport’ 29-MAR-11 / 29-MAR-11
Outreach ‘“Ireland’s Athletic Assault and Battery”?: Hollywood and Hurling’, 09-AUG-10 / 09-AUG-10
Outreach ‘Introducing A Boatload of Wild Irishmen (Mac Dara Ó Curraidhín, 2010)’, 19-NOV-10 / 19-NOV-10
Outreach ‘“Rural Backwardness or a marked proclivity for violence”?: Representing Ireland in Cinema’, 07-OCT-09 / 07-OCT-09
Outreach ‘The Given Note: Irish Literature, Music and Song’, 19-FEB-09 / 19-FEB-09
Outreach ‘Hurling and Hollywood’, 28-AUG-08 / 28-AUG-08
Outreach ‘Gaels on Film: Cinematic portrayals of the GAA from Pathé to Hollywood’, 13-JUN-08 / 13-JUN-08
Outreach ‘The Glory Days: Cavan football and Film, 1933-1952’ 19-SEP-08 / 19-SEP-08
Outreach ‘The GAA and film’ 11-AUG-08 / 11-AUG-11


  Journal Role
Communication & Sport Reviewer
Irish Studies Review Reviewer
Studia Celtica Fennica Reviewer
Review of Irish Studies in Europe Editor-in-Chief
Léann Teanga: An Reiviú Reviewer
STAPS: Revue internationale des sciences du sport et de l'éducation physique Reviewer
Estudios Irlandeses-Journal of Irish Studies Reviewer
Canadian Journal Of Irish Studies Reviewer
Sport und Gesellschaft Sport and Society Reviewer
Journal of Cold War Studies Reviewer
Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (HJEAS) Reviewer
Media History Reviewer
Keltische Forschungen (KF) Reviewer
Journal Of War & Culture Studies Reviewer
Journal of Transnational American Studies Reviewer

Teaching Interests

Dr. Crosson's teaching interests include World Cinema, Documentary, Film History, Irish Cinema, Sport Cinema, and Research Methods. He also teaches classes on adaptation, gender and cinema, and experimental film. 

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2023 Dan Dwyer PhD in Film Studies Y
2022 Temmuz Sureyya Gurbuz PhD in Film Studies Y
2017 Uinsionn Mac Dubhghaill PhD in Film Studies Y
2016 Ellen McCabe PhD in Digital Arts & Humanities
2016 Simon Colreavy Donnelly PhD in Digital Arts & Humanities Y
2015 James Casey PhD in Film Studies
2011 Liam Burke PhD in Film Studies Y

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2021/2022 Sport and Film FM6117 Overview of the history of sport on film
2019/2020 Film Studies Research Project FS316 Guiding undergrad students in the preparation of their third year projects
2019/2020 Research in Sport FM6118 Introduction to methodologies and research approaches to sport
2019/2020 Academic Researching and Writing in Film Studies FS317 Film studies; academic writing and research
2019/2020 Introduction to Visual Culture FS306 Film and Visual Studies
2019/2020 Film Theory & Production FM6110 Film Theory, History and Practice
2019/2020 Media Culture and Society EN2133 / EN2134 Media Studies, Cultural Studies
2019/2020 Film History II FM513 Film History after WW2
2019/2020 Minor Dissertation FM514 Preparing students for their final minor dissertations
2019/2020 Introduction to Film Studies 3: Alternative Forms in Cinema FS103 Overview of Film, Beyond Hollywood
2019/2020 Literature and the Social World EN1101 Introduction to Adaptation Theory
2019/2020 Screening Ireland: Ireland & the Irish in Film & Television FS201 Irish Cinema
2019/2020 Ireland on Screen FM6101 Irish Cinema
2019/2020 Video Essay FM562 Preparing students for their final Video essay projects
2016/2017 Research Methods FA310 Research methods
2016/2017 Imaginative Responses 1 FA501 Film History to WW2
2016/2017 Imaginative Responses 2 FA511 Film History after WW2
2016/2017 Realism & Cinema FS200 European Cinema and Realism
2016/2017 Developments in Film History since 1945 FM541 Film History post WWII
2015/2016 Vietnam Cinema FM518 Representing Vietnam in American and Vietnamese Cinema
2015/2016 Forms of Film FM523 Alternative Forms of Film Practice
2015/2016 Creative Documentary FA512 Overview of Documentary film history, theory and practice
2015/2016 Extended Essay/Creative Research FA517 Preparing students for their final extended essay projects
2015/2016 Scéalta Scáileáin na Gaeilge FM528 Representations of Irish language in Film and Television