Dr Marcella Horrigan Kelly




I currently work in a Joint post as a lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, NUIG and with the Nursing and Midwifery Practice Development Unit (NMPDU), Galway focused on gerontological nurse education, policy and practice. I previously coordinated the Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Public Health Nursing) from 2003 to 2019. My research interests include lifecourse, health across the lifepsan, older persons, child and youth health, wellbeing and welfare, service user voice and needs and population health . My PhD in Child and Youth research focused on teenage parents as health service users. My professional background includes clinical experience in general nursing, midwifery, health visiting (UK) and public health nursing.

Research Interests

Lifecourse health across the lifespan
Intergenerational research
Interactionist theory and research
Adolescent Health and Well Being
Service user voice and health needs,
Integrated care service provision

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2017) 'Adolescence and Parenthood: A Transitional Lifestage and an Abrupt Lifechange'
Horrigan Kelly M and Millar M. (2017) 'Adolescence and Parenthood: A Transitional Lifestage and an Abrupt Lifechange'. Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing, 24 (5):4-9 [Details]
(2019) 'Living with ureteric stents: a phenomenological study'
Kelly T. and Horrigan- Kelly M. (2019) 'Living with ureteric stents: a phenomenological study'. British Journal Of Nursing, 28 (9):29-37 [Details]
(2015) 'Public health nurses' (PHNs) experiences of their role as part of a primary care team (PCT) in Ireland'
Giltenane, M;Kelly, M;Dowling, M (2015) 'Public health nurses' (PHNs) experiences of their role as part of a primary care team (PCT) in Ireland'. Australian Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 32 :6-15 [Details]
(2018) 'The search for understanding: the role of paradigms'
Kelly, M,Dowling, M,Millar, M (2018) 'The search for understanding: the role of paradigms'. Nurse researcher, 25 :9-13 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) ''Just because I have a baby doesn't mean it's going to stop my life': a phenomenological account of being an adolescent parent'
Kelly, M,Millar, M (2019) ''Just because I have a baby doesn't mean it's going to stop my life': a phenomenological account of being an adolescent parent'. Families Relationships And Societies, 8 :285-302 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) ''Just because I have a baby doesn't mean it's going to stop my life': a phenomenological account of being an adolescent parent'
Kelly, M;Millar, M (2019) ''Just because I have a baby doesn't mean it's going to stop my life': a phenomenological account of being an adolescent parent'. Families, Relationships and Societies, 8 :285-302 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'The Search for Understanding: The Role of Paradigms'
Marcella Kelly, Maura Dowling, Michelle Millar (2018) 'The Search for Understanding: The Role of Paradigms'. Nurse Researcher, 25 (4):9-13 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Conceptualising a model to guide nursing and midwifery in the community guided by an evidence review'
Leahy-Warren, P,Mulcahy, H,Benefield, L,Bradley, C,Coffey, A,Donohoe, A,Fitzgerald, S,Frawley, T,Healy, E,Healy, M,Kelly, M,McCarthy, B,McLoughlin, K,Meagher, C,O'Connell, R,O'Mahony, A,Paul, G,Phelan, A,Stokes, D,Walsh, J,Savage, E (2017) 'Conceptualising a model to guide nursing and midwifery in the community guided by an evidence review'. BMC nursing, 16 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Exploring Adolescence and Parenthood: A Transitional Life Stage and Abrupt Life Change'
Kelly, M; and Millar, M; (2017) 'Exploring Adolescence and Parenthood: A Transitional Life Stage and Abrupt Life Change'. Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing, 3 (1):162-170 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Conceptualising a model to guide nursing and midwifery in the community guided by an evidence review'
Patricia Leahy-Warren , Helen Mulcahy , Lazelle Benefield, Colin Bradley, Alice Coffey , Ann Donohoe, Serena Fitzgerald, Tim Frawley , Elizabeth Healy, Maria Healy , Marcella Kelly , Bernard McCarthy , Kathleen McLoughlin, Catherine Meagher , Rhona O’Connell, Aoife O’Mahony, Gillian Paul, Amanda Phelan , Diarmuid Stokes , Jessica Walsh and Eileen Savage (2017) 'Conceptualising a model to guide nursing and midwifery in the community guided by an evidence review'. BMC nursing, 16 (35):1-13 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Preceptors' experiences of using a competence assessment tool to assess undergraduate nursing students'
Burke, E,Kelly, M,Byrne, E,Chiardha, TU,Mc Nicholas, M,Montgomery, A (2016) 'Preceptors' experiences of using a competence assessment tool to assess undergraduate nursing students'. Nurse Education In Practice, 17 :8-14 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Preceptors’ Experiences Of Using A Competence Assessment Tool To Assess Undergraduate Nursing Students'
Burke E., Kelly M., Byrne E., Ui Chiardha T., McNicholas M., Montgomery M. (2016) 'Preceptors’ Experiences Of Using A Competence Assessment Tool To Assess Undergraduate Nursing Students'. Nurse Education In Practice, [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Understanding the Key Tenets of Heidegger's Philosophy for Interpretive Phenomenological Research'
Horrigan-Kelly, M; Millar, M; Dowling, M (2016) 'Understanding the Key Tenets of Heidegger's Philosophy for Interpretive Phenomenological Research'. International Journal Of Qualitative Methods, 15 (1):1-8 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2015) 'Pubic Health Nurses' experiences of their role as part of a primary care team in Ireland'
Giltenane M, Kelly M, Dowling M (2015) 'Pubic Health Nurses' experiences of their role as part of a primary care team in Ireland'. Australian Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 32 (3):6-15 [Details]
(2014) 'Indicators of Student Satisfaction in Postgraduate Blended Learning Programmes: Key Messages from a Survey Study'
Hahessy S.; Burke E.; Byrne E.; Farrelly F.; Kelly M.; Mooney B.; Meskell P. (2014) 'Indicators of Student Satisfaction in Postgraduate Blended Learning Programmes: Key Messages from a Survey Study'. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 6 (3) [Details]
(2012) 'Considering the influence of context and ecology on children’s development: Messages for multidisciplinary community practice'
Kelly M., (2012) 'Considering the influence of context and ecology on children’s development: Messages for multidisciplinary community practice'. Journal Of Community Nursing, 26 (2):8-12 [Details]
(2011) 'The Experience of Being an Irish Preceptor Public Health Nurse: A Phenomenological Study'
Kelly,M, (2011) 'The Experience of Being an Irish Preceptor Public Health Nurse: A Phenomenological Study'. Journal Of Community Nursing, [Details]
(2010) 'Living with a Chronic Leg Ulcer'
Byrne, O.,Kelly, M. (2010) 'Living with a Chronic Leg Ulcer'. Journal of Community Nursing September/October, 24 (5):4-9 [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2015) 'Continence Care'
Kelly. M; Moore T. (2015) 'Continence Care' In: Nursing Case Studies on Improving Health Related Quality of Life in Older Adults. :329-340 New York: Springer Publishing Company. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2015) 5th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference: Building and Promoting Excellence in Practice. Galway: Ireland
Cooney, A., Gannon, M., Murphy, K., Casey, D., & Kelly, M. (2015) 'No man is an island' - 'Connectedness' and older people living in long-stay care settings 5th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference: Building and Promoting Excellence in Practice. Galway: Ireland Galway, Ireland, , 30-MAR-15 - 31-MAR-15 [Details]
(2013) 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Dublin: Ireland
Gannon M., Cooney A., Casey D. Murphy, K., & Kelly M. (2013) Factors that facilitate or hinder connectedness for older people living in long stay care settings 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Dublin: Ireland Dublin, Ireland, , 05-NOV-14 - 07-NOV-14 [Details]
(2014) Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference. Glasgow: Scotland
Cooney, A., Murphy, K., Casey, D., Gannon, M., Kelly, M., & D’Eath, M. (2014) “Connectedness” and its meaning for older people living in long-stay care settings Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference. Glasgow: Scotland Glasgow, Scotland, [Details]
(2013) The 4th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, NUI Galway
Houghton C, Smyth S, Cooney A, Dowling M, Kelly M, Kelly J, Cantillon P (2013) Students' perceptions of videoconferencing as an education strategy The 4th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, NUI Galway [Details]
(2013) The 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Dublin: Ireland
Cooney, A., Murphy, K., Casey, D., Gannon, M., Kelly, M., & O'Shea E. (2013) 'Connected or not? : Factors that facilitate or hinder connectedness for older people living in long stay care settings The 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Dublin: Ireland Dublin, Ireland, , 05-NOV-13 - 07-NOV-13 [Details]
(2012) 12th Annual All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE), Dublin City University, Dublin
Smyth, S., Houghton, C., Cooney, A., Dowling, M., Kelly, M., Kelly, J., & Cantillon, P (2012) Using Video Conferencing in Postgraduate Education: Benefits and Challenges 12th Annual All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE), Dublin City University, Dublin [Details]
(2008) Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit HSE West Conference. Making the Paradigm Shift. Galway
Hahessy, S.,Ui Chiardha, T.,Byrne, E.,Brennan, M.,Burke, E.,Kelly, M.,Mee, L.,Meaney, T., Counihan, S. (2008) (2008) Students' experiences of preceptorship during their rostered year in clinical practice: A phenomenological study Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit HSE West Conference. Making the Paradigm Shift. Galway [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2016) An Evidence Review on Current Models of Registered Nursing and Midwifery Practice in the Community to Inform Policy Development. Final Report.
Leahy-Warren, P., Mulcahy, H., Kelly, M., Phelan, A., Savage, E., Benefield, L., Bradley, C., Coffey, A., Donohoe,, A., Fitzgerald, S., Frawley, T., Healy, M., Meagher, C., McCarthy, B., O’Connell, R., Paul G., Stokes, D., McLoughlin, K., O’Mahony, A., Walsh, J. and Healy, L (2016) An Evidence Review on Current Models of Registered Nursing and Midwifery Practice in the Community to Inform Policy Development. Final Report. Department of Health, Dublin. [Details]
(2015) An Evidence Review on Current Models of Registered Nursing and Midwifery Practice in the Community to Inform Policy Development. Progress Report.
Leahy-Warren, P., Mulcahy, H., Kelly, M., Phelan, A., Savage, E., Benefield, L., Bradley, C., Coffey, A., Donohoe,, A., Fitzgerald, S., Frawley, T., Healy, M., Meagher, C., McCarthy, B., O’Connell, R., Paul G., Stokes, D., McLoughlin, K., O’Mahony, A., Walsh, J. and Healy, L. (2015) An Evidence Review on Current Models of Registered Nursing and Midwifery Practice in the Community to Inform Policy Development. Progress Report. Department of Health, Department of Health. [Details]
(2010) The Validity and Reliability of the Competency Assessment Booklet used to Assess Clinical Competence of Undergraduate Nursing Students.
Ui Chiardha T.; McNicholas M.; Byrne E.; Burke E.; Montgomery A. ; Kelly M.; (2010) The Validity and Reliability of the Competency Assessment Booklet used to Assess Clinical Competence of Undergraduate Nursing Students. NUIG School of Nursing and Midwifery, Galway. [Details]
(2009) Multi-Disciplinary Students’ Knowledge of Child Protection Issues.
Kelly M.; Hahessy S. (2009) Multi-Disciplinary Students’ Knowledge of Child Protection Issues. Research Office Report, NUIGalway. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2018) 27th Edition of World Congress on Nursing Education and Researct,
Kelly, M; Millar, M (2018) Teenage parents as Healthcare Service Users: messages from Research. [Oral Presentation], 27th Edition of World Congress on Nursing Education and Researct, Rome, Italy , 23-APR-18 - 25-APR-18. [Details]
(2018) Participation and Empowerment for Health Service Users, Strengthening the Circle 22nd Annual Conference,
Kelly, M; Millar, M (2018) Exploration of Teenage Parents experiences as Service Users of Universal Child and Family Healthcare Services. [Oral Presentation], Participation and Empowerment for Health Service Users, Strengthening the Circle 22nd Annual Conference, NUIG , 07-JUN-18. [Details]
(2016) Joint Training Programme with NUI Galway and TUSLA child and Family Agency Training Session 2016 Number 6,
Kelly M. Davies A. (2016) Understanding the Unique needs of Teen Parents: Learning from Research and Practice to improve Parenting Support and Child Welfare Interventions. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Joint Training Programme with NUI Galway and TUSLA child and Family Agency Training Session 2016 Number 6, NUIG , 02-DEC-16 - 02-DEC-16. [Details]

Conference Paper

  Year Publication
(2014) “Connectedness” and its meaning for older people living in long-stay care settings. Paper. Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference. Glasgow, 2nd – 4th April.
Cooney, A., Murphy, K., Casey, D., Gannon, M., Kelly, M. & D’Eath, M. (2014) “Connectedness” and its meaning for older people living in long-stay care settings. Paper. Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference. Glasgow, 2nd – 4th April. Conference Paper [Details]
(2013) Connected or not? : Factors that facilitate or hinder connectedness for older people living in long stay care settings. 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 5th – 7th November.
Gannon M., Cooney A., Casey D. Murphy, K. & Kelly M. (2013) Connected or not? : Factors that facilitate or hinder connectedness for older people living in long stay care settings. 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 5th – 7th November. Conference Paper [Details]
(2013) Students’ perceptions of videoconferencing as an education strategy. Paper. Building and Promoting Excellence in Practice, 4th International Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, National University of Ireland, Galway, 15th-16th April.
Houghton, C., Smyth, S., Cooney, A., Dowling, M., Kelly, M., Kelly, J. & Cantillon, P. (2013) Students’ perceptions of videoconferencing as an education strategy. Paper. Building and Promoting Excellence in Practice, 4th International Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, National University of Ireland, Galway, 15th-16th April. Conference Paper [Details]
(2012) Using videoconferencing in postgraduate education: benefits and challenges. Paper. All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) Annual Conference, Dublin, 30th-31st August.
Smyth, S., Houghton, C., Cooney, A., Dowling M., Kelly, M., Kelly, J. & Cantillon, P. (2012) Using videoconferencing in postgraduate education: benefits and challenges. Paper. All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) Annual Conference, Dublin, 30th-31st August. Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) Exploring the Experience of Older People Living with a Chronic Leg Ulcer in the Community Setting . All Ireland Gerontological Nurses Association Conference (AIGNA), Oral Presentation.
Byrne, O.,Kelly, M. (2011) Exploring the Experience of Older People Living with a Chronic Leg Ulcer in the Community Setting . All Ireland Gerontological Nurses Association Conference (AIGNA), Oral Presentation. Dublin: Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) BASPCAN 7th National Congress- Changing Landscapes, Emerging Challenges- Contemporary Issues in Safeguarding Children and Young People, . paper on Postgraduate Multidisciplinary knowledge of Child Protection and Welfare, Messages from Phase One of a Child Protection Study. Oral Presentation University of Wales, Swansea.
HORRIGAN-KELLY, M. (2009) BASPCAN 7th National Congress- Changing Landscapes, Emerging Challenges- Contemporary Issues in Safeguarding Children and Young People, . paper on Postgraduate Multidisciplinary knowledge of Child Protection and Welfare, Messages from Phase One of a Child Protection Study. Oral Presentation University of Wales, Swansea. Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) 13th Annual Health Promotion Conference, Closing the Gap in Child and Adolescent Health, the Settings Approach paper on Exploring Multidisciplinary Knowledge of Child Protection Phase one of a Research Project Oral Presentation . Health Promotion Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway.
HORRIGAN-KELLY, M. (2009) 13th Annual Health Promotion Conference, Closing the Gap in Child and Adolescent Health, the Settings Approach paper on Exploring Multidisciplinary Knowledge of Child Protection Phase one of a Research Project Oral Presentation . Health Promotion Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) 9th International Family Nursing Conference, “From Insights to Intervention:The Cutting Edge of Family Nursing,”, paper on ‘Child Protection is Everybody’s Business’ . Oral Presentation Reykjavik, Iceland.
HORRIGAN-KELLY, M. (2009) 9th International Family Nursing Conference, “From Insights to Intervention:The Cutting Edge of Family Nursing,”, paper on ‘Child Protection is Everybody’s Business’ . Oral Presentation Reykjavik, Iceland. Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) 1st International Conference, Children and Young People in a Changing World, paper on ‘Enhancing Multidisciplinary Knowledge of Child Protection and Welfare through Collaborative Educational Methods’ . Oral Presentation. Queens University, Belfast.
HORRIGAN-KELLY, M. (2009) 1st International Conference, Children and Young People in a Changing World, paper on ‘Enhancing Multidisciplinary Knowledge of Child Protection and Welfare through Collaborative Educational Methods’ . Oral Presentation. Queens University, Belfast. Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) Nurse Education Today and Nurse Education Practice, 2nd International Nurse Education (NETNEP) Research and Innovation in International Nurse Education Conference paper on ‘ The Importance of Postgraduate Interprofessional Education: Messages from a Child Protection Study’Oral Presentation Dublin, Ireland.
HORRIGAN-KELLY, M. (2008) Nurse Education Today and Nurse Education Practice, 2nd International Nurse Education (NETNEP) Research and Innovation in International Nurse Education Conference paper on ‘ The Importance of Postgraduate Interprofessional Education: Messages from a Child Protection Study’Oral Presentation Dublin, Ireland. Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom, International Nursing Research Conference on ‘Preceptorship, The Irish Public Health Nurse Experience’ Oral Presentation Belfast.
HORRIGAN-KELLY, M. (2005) Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom, International Nursing Research Conference on ‘Preceptorship, The Irish Public Health Nurse Experience’ Oral Presentation Belfast. Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) ‘The Experience of Being a Preceptor Public Health Nurse, the Irish Perspective’ Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 7th International Family Nursing Conference.
HORRIGAN-KELLY, M. (2005) ‘The Experience of Being a Preceptor Public Health Nurse, the Irish Perspective’ Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 7th International Family Nursing Conference. Conference Paper [Details]
(2002) Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 22nd Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference on ‘ The Experience of Being a Preceptor Public Health Nurse, a phenomenological study’ Oral Presentation Dublin, Ireland.
HORRIGAN-KELLY, M. (2002) Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 22nd Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference on ‘ The Experience of Being a Preceptor Public Health Nurse, a phenomenological study’ Oral Presentation Dublin, Ireland. Conference Paper [Details]

Conference Poster

  Year Publication
(2011) Exploring the Experience of Older People Living with a Chronic Leg Ulcer in the Community Setting All Ireland Gerontological Nurses Association Conference (AIGNA), Poster and Oral Presentation June 2011, Dublin.
Byrne, O.,Kelly, M (2011) Exploring the Experience of Older People Living with a Chronic Leg Ulcer in the Community Setting All Ireland Gerontological Nurses Association Conference (AIGNA), Poster and Oral Presentation June 2011, Dublin. Conference Poster [Details]
(2011) Living with a Chronic Leg Ulcer . 3rd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Poster Presentation National University of Ireland, Galway.
Byrne, O.,Kelly, M (2011) Living with a Chronic Leg Ulcer . 3rd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Poster Presentation National University of Ireland, Galway. Conference Poster [Details]
(2005) Trinity College Dublin, 6TH Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference poster on ‘The development and application of an electronic module evaluation tool Poster Presentation Dublin, Ireland.
HORRIGAN-KELLY, M. (2005) Trinity College Dublin, 6TH Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference poster on ‘The development and application of an electronic module evaluation tool Poster Presentation Dublin, Ireland. Conference Poster [Details]


  Year Publication
(2009) Call for Child Protection Education Irish Times Health Plus .
Hahessy, S.,Kelly, M.,Eaton, P.,Sherlock, C. (2009) Call for Child Protection Education Irish Times Health Plus . Media [Details]

Other Item

  Year Publication
(2010) Working with Children/Young People, Module developed for BA (Social Care) Department of Health Promotion, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Kelly, M. (2010) Working with Children/Young People, Module developed for BA (Social Care) Department of Health Promotion, National University of Ireland, Galway. Other Item [Details]
(2009) Continence Care Module developed for Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing and Stand Alone pathway, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Kelly, M.,Moore, T (2009) Continence Care Module developed for Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing and Stand Alone pathway, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway. Other Item [Details]

Non Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2010) The Validity and Reliability of the Competency Assessment Booklet used to Assess Clinical Competence of Undergraduate Nursing Students Report, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Ui Chiardha,T.,McNicholas, M.,Byrne, E.,Burke, E.,Montgomery, A.,Kelly, M. (2010) The Validity and Reliability of the Competency Assessment Booklet used to Assess Clinical Competence of Undergraduate Nursing Students Report, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway. Non Published Reports [Details]
(2009) Multi-Disciplinary Students’ Knowledge of Child Protection Issues Research Office Report Millennium Fund Code RM 6050, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Kelly, M.,Hahessy, S.,Eaton, P.,Dolan, P. (2009) Multi-Disciplinary Students’ Knowledge of Child Protection Issues Research Office Report Millennium Fund Code RM 6050, National University of Ireland, Galway. Non Published Reports [Details]


  Year Publication

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2015 PhD (Child and Youth Research) NUI, Galway
1991 Registered Midwife School of Midwifery, BHB Trust, UK
2001 Registered Nurse Tutor (RNT) University College Dublin
2001 MSc (Education) University College Dublin
1997 Registered Public Health Nurse (RPHN) NMBI
1996 BSc (Community Health Studies) South Bank University
1996 Health Visitor (HV) United Kingdom South Bank University
1988 Registered General Nurse (RGN) School of Nursing and Midwifery

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Institute of Community Nursing Professional Forum Member /
Nursing and Midwifery Practice and Development Unit Nursing and Midwifery practice, policy, education and development /

Teaching Interests

Older persons health and well being
Interactionist theory
Research- Qualitative- Interpretive phenomenology, Critical realism
Public Health Nursing
Adolescent Health and Well Being
Child Health, Well Being and Welfare

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2017 Promoting Population Health Across the Lifespan NU6751 Public Health Nurisng
2017 Principles and practice of Clinical Nursing 1 NU185
2017 Leading and Developing Practice NU405 Undergraduate Programme
2017 Service Improvement NU7439B Public Health Nurisng
2017 Nursing Mangagement of the Physically Ill Adult 2 NU250 Undergraduate Programme
2017 Service Improvement NU7439a Public Health Nurisng
2017 Nursing Management of the Specialist Client Group 2 NU335 Undergraduate Programme
2017 Child Health Surveillance Welfare and Protection NU6885 Public Health Nurisng
2017 NU502 Advanced Research Methods Public Health Nurisng
2017 Child and Maternal Health NU6585 Public Health Nurisng
2017 NU247 Research Methods 1 Undergraduate Programme
2017 NU610 Critical Issues in Chronic Disease Management Post Graduate Programmes
2017 Clinical Practice 5 and 6 NU350 Undergraduate Programme
2016 Health Across the Lifespan NU885 Public Health Nurisng
2016 Service Improvement NU439 Post Graduate Programmes
2016 Collaboration and Interagency Wroking NU431 Post Graduate Programmes
2016 Promoting Population Health NU751 Public Health Nurisng