Dr Cynthia Coleman


Contact Details

Lecturer Above the Bar in Cellular Manufacturing & Therapy
Regenerative Medicine Insitute
Biosciences 1FS, Dangan Campus
NUI Galway
H91 W2TY
T: (0)91 49 5852
E: cynthia.coleman@nuigalway.ie


Cynthia Coleman currently leads a research program 1) investigating the aetiology of diabetes-induced osteopathy; 2) applying adult human marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells to repair diabetic long bone fractures; 3) identifying the impact of gender on mesenchymal stem cell capacity and 4) investigating the efficacy of coral as a biocompatible bone graph substitute.  These investigations are conducted in collaboration with 10+ domestic and international academic and industrial partners, a clinical team at Galway University Hospital and the patient advocacy group Diabetes Ireland. This program has resulted in establishing a new in vivo model of fracture repair at NUIG and the creation of a highly sensitive high-throughput, regulatory body approved methodology to detect the biodistribution of therapeutic progenitor cells.  This assay was employed in regulatory submissions in support of clinical trials in wound repair (Endura CT#2015-005580-16) and critical limb ischemia (Endura CT#2013-003447-37).
Cynthia Coleman currently leads a research program 1) investigating the aetiology of diabetes-induced osteopathy; 2) applying adult human marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells to repair diabetic long bone fractures; 3) identifying the impact of gender on mesenchymal stem cell capacity and 4) investigating the efficacy of coral as a biocompatible bone graph substitute.  These investigations are conducted in collaboration with 10+ domestic and international academic and industrial partners, a clinical team at Galway University Hospital and the patient advocacy group Diabetes Ireland. This program has resulted in establishing a new in vivo model of fracture repair at NUIG and the creation of a highly sensitive high-throughput, regulatory body approved methodology to detect the biodistribution of therapeutic progenitor cells.  This assay was employed in regulatory submissions in support of clinical trials in wound repair (Endura CT#2015-005580-16) and critical limb ischemia (Endura CT#2013-003447-37).

Research Interests

Diabetes Induced Osteopathy
Bone Fracture Repair
Cartilage Repair
Skeletal Development
Joint Development
Patient Perceptions of Diabetes-Induced Osteopathy
Impact of Diabetes on the Outcome of Fragility Fracture Procedures in Irish Patients
Coral as a Bone Substitute

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Identifying the Aetiology of Diabetic Progenitor Cell Dysfunction in Osteoporosis 01-NOV-16 31-OCT-18
Investigating Cell Ingrowth into a Natural Bone Replacement Scaffold 01-NOV-16 31-OCT-17
PURESTEM: Utilization of the Mesenchymal Stem Cell Receptome for Rational Development of Uniform, Serum-free Conditions and Tools for Cell Characterization 01-NOV-08 01-NOV-10
REDDSTAR: Repair of Diabetic Damage by Stromal Cell Administration 01-NOV-12 01-NOV-15

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2022) 'Regenerative and Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Regularly Fed, Starved Cells and Extracellular Vesicles In Vivo'
Ferro, F.; Spelat, R.; Shaw, G.; Coleman, C.M.; Chen, X.Z.; Connolly, D.; Palamá, E.; Gentili, C.; Contessotto, P.; Murphy, M. (2022) 'Regenerative and Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Regularly Fed, Starved Cells and Extracellular Vesicles In Vivo'. Cells, 11 (17) [DOI] [Details]
(2024) 'Sustainably Cultured Coral Scaffold Supports Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Osteogenesis'
Gentili, C.; Palamà, M. E. F.; Sexton, G.; Maybury, S.; Shanahan, M.; Omowunmi-Kayode, Y.Y.; Martin, J.; Johnson, M.; Thompson, K.; Clarkin, O.; Coleman, C.M. (2024) 'Sustainably Cultured Coral Scaffold Supports Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Osteogenesis'. Regenerative Medicine, 26 :366-381 [DOI] [Details]
(2024) 'Mesenchymal stromal cells from people with osteoporosis are fewer, and defective in both osteogenic and adipogenic capacity'
Cassidy, F.C.; Shortiss, C.; Thompson, K.; Soriano Arroquia, A.; Murphy, C.G.; Kearns, S.R.; Curtin, W.; Goljanek-Whysal, K.; O'Brien, T.; Coleman, C.M. (2024) 'Mesenchymal stromal cells from people with osteoporosis are fewer, and defective in both osteogenic and adipogenic capacity'. Exploration of Musculoskeletal Diseases, 2 :164-180 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'The Influence of Lactation and its Duration on Bone Mineral Density in Pregnancy and Postpartum: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis'
Oboh, I; Coleman, CM; Cremona, A (2021) 'The Influence of Lactation and its Duration on Bone Mineral Density in Pregnancy and Postpartum: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis'. Clinical Nutrition, 46 :121-132 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Administration of Human Non-Diabetic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells to a Murine Model of Diabetic Fracture Repair: A Pilot Study'
Watson, L.; Chen, X.Z.; Ryan, A.E.; Fleming, Á.; Carbin, A.; O'Flynn, L.; Loftus, P.G.; Horan, E.; Connolly, D.; McDonnell, P.; McNamara, L.M.; O'Brien, T.; Coleman, C.M. (2020) 'Administration of Human Non-Diabetic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells to a Murine Model of Diabetic Fracture Repair: A Pilot Study'. Cells, 9 (6):1-20 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Impact of type 2 diabetes mellitus on human bone marrow stromal cell number and phenotypic characteristics'
Cassidy, F.; Shortiss, C.; Murphy, C.; Kearnes, S.; Curtin, W.; DeBuitleir, C.; O'Brien, T.; Coleman, C.M. (2020) 'Impact of type 2 diabetes mellitus on human bone marrow stromal cell number and phenotypic characteristics'. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences, 21 (7):2476-2496 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Knowledge and Perceptions and Concerns of Diabetes-Associated Complications Among Individuals Living with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus'
Sanz-Nogues, C.; Mustafa, M.; Burke, H.; O'Brien, T.; Coleman, C.M. (2020) 'Knowledge and Perceptions and Concerns of Diabetes-Associated Complications Among Individuals Living with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus'. Healthcare, 9 (1):25-37 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Mineral Heterogeneity is Altered in the Femoral Heads of Osteoporotic and Diabetic Human Patients'
Parle, E.; Tio, S.; Behre, A.; Carey, J.; Murphy, C.; O'Brien, T.; Curtin, W.; Kearns, S.; McCabe, J.; Coleman, C.M.; Vaughan, T.; McNamara, L. (2019) 'Mineral Heterogeneity is Altered in the Femoral Heads of Osteoporotic and Diabetic Human Patients'. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Plus, 4 (2):e10253-e10263 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Hypoxia Stimulates PTHrP and Zfp521 to Attenuate Hypertrophy in Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Cartilage'
Browe, D.C.; Coleman, C.M.; Barry, F.P.; Elliman, S.J. (2019) 'Hypoxia Stimulates PTHrP and Zfp521 to Attenuate Hypertrophy in Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Cartilage'. Scientific Reports, 9 (1):13274-13286 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Diabetes mellitus and gender have a negative impact on the outcome of hip fracture surgery - a pilot study'
Galbraith, A.S.; Sanz-Nogués, C.; Glynn, S.; Coleman, C.M.; Murphy, C. (2020) 'Diabetes mellitus and gender have a negative impact on the outcome of hip fracture surgery - a pilot study'. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research, 38 (4):834-842 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) 'Biodistribution and retention of locally administered human mesenchymal stromal cells: Quantitative polymerase chain reaction based detection of human DNA in murine organs'
Creane, M.; Howard, L.; O'Brien, T.; Coleman, C.M. (2017) 'Biodistribution and retention of locally administered human mesenchymal stromal cells: Quantitative polymerase chain reaction based detection of human DNA in murine organs'. Cytotherapy, 19 :384-394 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'Evaluation of Cartilage Repair by Mesenchymal Stem Cells Seeded on a PEOT/PBT Scaffold in an Osteochondral Defect'
Barron, V.; Merghani, K.; Shaw, G.; Coleman, C.M.; Hayes, J.S.; Ansboro, S.; Manian, A.; O'Malley, G.; Connelly, E.; Nandakumar, A.; van Blitterswijk, C.A.; Habibovic, P.; Moroni, L.; Shannon, F.; Murphy, J.M.; Barry, F. (2015) 'Evaluation of Cartilage Repair by Mesenchymal Stem Cells Seeded on a PEOT/PBT Scaffold in an Osteochondral Defect'. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering, 43 :2069-2082 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2015) 'Pullulan: a new cytoadhesive for cell-mediated cartilage repair'
Bulman, S.E.; Coleman, C.M.; Murphy, J.M.; Medcalf, N.; Ryan, A.E.; Barry, F. (2015) 'Pullulan: a new cytoadhesive for cell-mediated cartilage repair'. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 6 (34):1-12 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Chondrogenic Differentiation Increases Host Immune Response to Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Transplantation'
Ryan, A.; Lohan, P.; O'Flynn, L.; Treacy, O.; Chen, X.; Coleman, C.M.; Shaw, G.; Murphy, M.; Barry, F.; Griffin, M.; Ritter, T. (2014) 'Chondrogenic Differentiation Increases Host Immune Response to Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Transplantation'. Molecular Therapy, 22 (3):655-667 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Growth Differentiation Factor-5 Enhances In Vitro Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Chondrogenesis and Hypertrophy'
Coleman, C.M.; Vaughan, E.E.; Browe, D.C.; Mooney, E.; Howard, L.; Barry, F. (2013) 'Growth Differentiation Factor-5 Enhances In Vitro Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Chondrogenesis and Hypertrophy'. Stem Cells And Development, 22 :1968-1976 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'A role for MRP8 in in stent restenosis in diabetes'
Stocca, A.; O'Toole, D.; Hynes, N.; Hynes, S.; Mashayekhi, K.; McGinley, L.; Coleman, C.M.; Sultan, S.; Duffy, A.; Tuney, T.; O'Brien, T. (2012) 'A role for MRP8 in in stent restenosis in diabetes'. Atherosclerosis, 221 (2):325-332 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Pre-treatment of Endothelial Progenitor Cells with Osteopontin Enhances Cell Therapy for Peripheral Vascular Disease'
Vaughan, E.; Liew, A.; Mashayekhi, K.; Dockery, P.; McDermott, J.; Kealy, B.; Flynn, A.; Duffy, A.; Coleman, C.M.; O'Regan A.; Barry, F.; O'Brien, T. (2012) 'Pre-treatment of Endothelial Progenitor Cells with Osteopontin Enhances Cell Therapy for Peripheral Vascular Disease'. Cell Transplantation, 21 (6):1095-1107 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Delayed Fracture Healing in Growth Differentiation Factor 5-deficient Mice: A Pilot Study'
Coleman, C.M.; Scheremeta, B.H.; Boyce, A.T.; Mauck, R.L.; Tuan, R.S. (2011) 'Delayed Fracture Healing in Growth Differentiation Factor 5-deficient Mice: A Pilot Study'. Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research, 469 :2915-2924 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Growth/Differentiation Factor 5 Enhances Chondrocyte Maturation'
Coleman, C.M.; Tuan, R.S. (2003) 'Growth/Differentiation Factor 5 Enhances Chondrocyte Maturation'. Developmental Dynamics, 228 (2):208-216 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Regulation of the Mouse Connexin-43 Promoter in Osteoblastic Cells and Embryos'
Chatterjee, B.; Meyer, R.; Loredo, G.; Coleman, C.M.; Tuan, R.; Lo, C. (2003) 'Regulation of the Mouse Connexin-43 Promoter in Osteoblastic Cells and Embryos'. Cell Adhesion and Communication, 10 (1):37-50 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Correlation of GDF5 and Connexin 43 mRNA Expression During Embryonic Development'
Coleman, C.M.; Loredo, G.A.; Lo, C.W.; Tuan, R. (2003) 'Correlation of GDF5 and Connexin 43 mRNA Expression During Embryonic Development'. Anatomical Record, 275 (A):1117-1121 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Functional Role of Growth/Differentiation Factor 5 in Chondrogenesis of Limb Mesenchymal Cells'
Coleman, C.M.; Tuan, R. (2003) 'Functional Role of Growth/Differentiation Factor 5 in Chondrogenesis of Limb Mesenchymal Cells'. Mechanisms Of Development, 120 (7):823-836 [DOI] [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2020) 'The Role of Gender in the Onset, Development and Impact of Type 2 Diabetes and its Comorbidities'
Cassidy, F.C.; Laffey, S.; Coleman, C.M. (2020) 'The Role of Gender in the Onset, Development and Impact of Type 2 Diabetes and its Comorbidities' In: Type 2 Diabetes. London: InTech Open. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2008) Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting Abstracts
Barrett, H.; Liu, Z.; Furenlid, L.; Woolfenden, J.; Murphy, M.; Coleman, C.; Barry, F. (2008) Tracking of mesenchymal stem cells via three transplantation routes in rats with myocardial infarction Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting Abstracts [Details]
Ryan, C.; Coleman, C.; Murphy, M.; Barry, F. (2010) Expansion on a hyaluronan coated surface enhances the chondrogenic potential of human mesenchymal stem cells INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY [Details]
(2010) Human Gene Therapy
Duffy, G.; Kavanagh, C.; Coleman, C.M.; Murphy, M.; O'Brien, T.; Barrett, H.H; Barry, F.; Liu, Z. (2010) Tracking Mesenchymal Stem Cell Homing to the Infarcted Heart after Intracoronary, Intravenous and Intramyocadial Delivery Human Gene Therapy [Details]
(2010) Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society EU Meeting
Coleman, C.M.; Curtin, C.; Barry, F. (2010) GDF-5 Supplementation Enhances hMSC Chondrogenesis Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society EU Meeting [Details]
(2015) 17th European Congress of Endocrinology
Watson, L.; Chen, X.; Ryan, A.; Loftus, P.; McDonnell, P.; O'Brien, T.; Coleman, C.M. (2015) Local administration of non-diabetic MSCs to diabetic femoral fractures enhances callus remodelling and deposition of reparative bone 17th European Congress of Endocrinology [DOI] [Details]
(2016) ARVO Annual Meeting Abstract
Wong, V.; Allen, L.; Elliman, S.J.; O'Flynn, L.; Loftus, P.; Coleman, C.M.; Stitt, A.W. (2016) A unique population of stromal stem cells (SSCs) protect against neurovascular dysfunction during diabetic retinopathy ARVO Annual Meeting Abstract [Details]
(2018) The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 2018 Meeting
Sanz-Nogués C, Mustafa, M.; Burke, H.; O'Brien, T.; Coleman, C.M. (2018) A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON THE PERCEPTION OF DIABETES MELLITUS-RELATED OSTEOPATHY IN INDIVIDUALS LIVING WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 2018 Meeting Galway, Ireland, [DOI] [Details]
(2018) The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 2018 Meeting
Galbraith A, Glynn S, Coleman C, Murphy C (2018) INVESTIGATING THE IMPACT OF DIABETES MELLITUS ON THE OUTCOMES OF HIP FRACTURE SURGERY The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 2018 Meeting Galway, Ireland, , pp.135-135 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 2018 Meeting
Fitzgerald, J.; Shaw, G.; Coleman, C.; Barry, F. (2018) DEVELOPMENT OF A NOVEL QUALITY ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 2018 Meeting , pp.76-76 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 2018 Meeting
Coleman, C.M. (2018) MESENCHYMAL STROMAL CELL THERAPY SUPPORTS DIABETIC FEMORAL FRACTURE HEALING The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 2018 Meeting Galway, Ireland, , pp.30-30 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 31st Annual Meeting
Doyle, S.; Winrow, D.; Aregbesola, T.; Martin, J.; Pernevik, E.; Kuzmenko, V.; Howard, L.; Thompson, K.; Johnson, M.; Coleman, C. (2023) FABRICATION OF A HIGH-THROUGHPUT 3D-PRINTED OSTEOGENIC CORAL-CONTAINING SCAFFOLD The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 31st Annual Meeting Porto, Portugal, , 27-SEP-23 - 29-SEP-23 , pp.129-129 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 8th World Congress of Biomechanics
Parle, E.; Tio, S.W.; Behre, A.; Carey, J.; Murphy, C.G.; O'Brien, T.; Curtin, W.; Kearns, S.; McCabe, J.; Coleman, C.M.; Vaughan, T.J.; McNamara, L.M. (2018) Osteoporosis and diabetes increase mineral heterogeneity in human femoral heads 8th World Congress of Biomechanics Dublin, Ireland, [Details]
(2018) The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 2018 Meeting
Parle, E.; Tio, S.W.; Behre, A.; Carey, J.; Murphy, C.G.; O'Brien, T.; Curtin, W.; Kearns, S.; McCabe, J.; Coleman, C.M. (2018) MINERAL HETEROGENEITY IS ALTERED IN THE FEMORAL HEADS OF OSTEOPOROTIC AND DIABETIC HUMAN PATIENTS The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 2018 Meeting , pp.122-122 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) Proceedings of the 24th Bioengineering in Ireland Conference (BINI)
Parle, E.; Tio, S.W.; Behre, A.; Carey, J.; Murphy, C.G.; O'Brien, T.; Curtin, W.; Kearns, S.; McCabe, J.; Coleman, C.M.; Vaughan, T.J.; McNamara, L.M. (2018) Osteoporosis and diabetes increase mineral heterogeneity in human femoral heads Proceedings of the 24th Bioengineering in Ireland Conference (BINI) Meath, Ireland, [Details]


  Year Publication
(2019) University of Galway Success at National Postgraduate Course of the Year Awards.
Coleman, C.M. (2019) University of Galway Success at National Postgraduate Course of the Year Awards. University of Galway, News and Events Article [Details]
(2015) Human stem cells may improve bone healing in diabetes.
Coleman, C.M. (2015) Human stem cells may improve bone healing in diabetes. Science Daily Article [Details]
(2015) Bone healing in diabetics could be enhanced through human stem cells.
Coleman, C.M. (2015) Bone healing in diabetics could be enhanced through human stem cells. Diabetes Ireland Article [Details]
(2015) New study examines use of stem cells for diabetic fractures.
Coleman, C.M. (2015) New study examines use of stem cells for diabetic fractures. Orthopedics this week Article [Details]
(2015) Stem cells may help bone breaks heal in diabetics.
Coleman, C.M. (2015) Stem cells may help bone breaks heal in diabetics. Medpage Today Article [Details]
(2018) Solving the Bone Health Conundrum.
Coleman, C.M. (2018) Solving the Bone Health Conundrum. Professional Diabetes & Cardiology Article [Details]
(2017) Diabetes and Osteoporosis.
Coleman, C.M. (2017) Diabetes and Osteoporosis. Medical Independent Article [Details]
(2019) Taking a Chance on Success: Hatching a plan for bone grafts.
Coleman, C.M. (2019) Taking a Chance on Success: Hatching a plan for bone grafts. Medtech Entrepreneur Article [Details]
(2020) New Insights into Bone-Forming Cells in Diabetes.
Coleman, C.M. (2020) New Insights into Bone-Forming Cells in Diabetes. Health Research in Action Article [Details]
(2022) Creating a Novel Method to Measure Bone Formation.
Coleman, C.M. (2022) Creating a Novel Method to Measure Bone Formation. Silicon Republic Article [Details]
(2023) Bone research particularly important `as our society ages¿.
Coleman, C.M (2023) Bone research particularly important `as our society ages¿. Silicon Republic Article [Details]

Magazine Article

  Year Publication
(2008) Helping the Body Heal Itself.
Coleman, C.M. (2008) Helping the Body Heal Itself. Science Spin Magazine Article [Details]
(2019) Cover Story: Unlocking the Mysteries of Diabetes.
Coleman, C.M. (2019) Cover Story: Unlocking the Mysteries of Diabetes. Diabetes Ireland Magazine Magazine Article [Details]

Newspaper Articles

  Year Publication
(2022) University of Galway and Connemara Company Collaborate on Design for Measuring Bone Formation.
Coleman, C.M. (2022) University of Galway and Connemara Company Collaborate on Design for Measuring Bone Formation. Connacht Tribune Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2024) Five University of Galway Research Projects to Receive Nearly 6 Million in Funding for Healthcare, Climate, and Tech Research.
Coleman, C.M. (2024) Five University of Galway Research Projects to Receive Nearly 6 Million in Funding for Healthcare, Climate, and Tech Research. Connacht Tribune Newspaper Articles [Details]

Radio Presentation

  Year Publication
(2022) University of Galway and Connemara Company Collaborate on Design for Measuring Bone Formation.
Coleman, C.M. (2022) University of Galway and Connemara Company Collaborate on Design for Measuring Bone Formation. Galway Bay FM Radio Presentation [Details]
(2022) Connemara-based Company Designing New Way to Measure Bone Formation.
Coleman, C.M. (2022) Connemara-based Company Designing New Way to Measure Bone Formation. MidWest Radio Radio Presentation [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2020 Best New Postgraduate Programme Grad Ireland
2018 Invited speaker European Orthopaedic Research Society
2017 Invited speaker at Diabetes Ireland Conference & Exhibition Diabetes Ireland
2016 Invited speaker at Molecular Medicine Ireland Molecular Medicine Ireland
2013 Invited speaker at Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin
2011 NCBES Post-Doctoral Research Award NCBES Faculty
2010 Cover Photograph Human Gene Therapy
2010 Best Abstract International Cartilage Repair Society (Barcelona)

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Orthopaedic Research Society Member 01-JAN-05 / 27-JUN-17
Irish Endocrine Society member 01-JUN-17 / 27-JUN-17


  Committee Function From / To
CMNHS Graduate Research Committee member 01-AUG-18 /
SNS Postgraduate Research Committee member 01-JAN-18 / 31-DEC-19
REMEDI Executive Management Committee member 01-NOV-16 /
SoM Taught Post-Graduate Strategy Committee member 01-SEP-17 /


  Employer Position From / To
National Institutes of Health Post Doctoral Fellow 01-NOV-02 / 01-JAN-04
National University of Ireland Galway Lecturer in Cellular Manufacturing and Therapy 01-SEP-17 /
National University of Ireland Galway Senior Scientist in Orthobiologics 10-JAN-07 / 30-SEP-13
Johnson & Johnson Regenerative Therapeutics Senior Scientist in Cell Biology and Preclinical Evaluation 01-JAN-04 / 01-DEC-06
National University of Ireland Galway Research Fellow in Orthobiologics 01-OCT-13 / 31-AUG-17


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2002 Thomas Jefferson University PhD Developmental Biology and Teratology
2018 National University of Ireland Galway Postgraduate Certificate Teaching and Learning in Higher Educaiton
1997 Saint Michael's College BSc Biology, Minor in Chemistry




  Client Description
Zoan Biomed
Scientific Advisory Board

Community Engagement

  Title Type From / To
Outreach Invited speaker at "Diabetes Ireland Conference & Exhibition" 24-MAR-17 /
Outreach Clinical Research Facility Galway open day guide and educator /
Outreach Reel Life Science adjudicator 01-NOV-16 /
Teaching (e.g. Service learning / comunity based learning) Transition year student mentoring /
Outreach Invited speaker at "Diabetes: It's Complicated" 01-JAN-14 /


  Journal Role
Tissue Engineering Reviewer
Cells Tissues Organs Reviewer
Scientific Reports Reviewer
Journal Of Tissue Engineering And Regenerative Medicine Reviewer
Experimental Biology And Medicine Reviewer
Journal Of Orthopaedic Research Reviewer
Life Sciences Reviewer
Cell Transplantation Reviewer
Connective Tissue Research Reviewer
Irish Journal Of Medical Science Reviewer
Biomed Research International Reviewer
Regenerative Medicine Reviewer
Arthritis Research & Therapy Reviewer
Pnas Reviewer
Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica Reviewer
Stem Cell Research & Therapy Reviewer

Other Activities


Review of grant proposals for: Biotechnology & Bioresearch Sciences Research Council, Medical Research Council UK, Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development

Teaching Interests

Cellular manufacturing
MSC therapy
Supervising dissertations
Anatomy of bone or cartilage
Orthopaedic tissue regeneration

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2013 Sarah Flood Msc
2018 Ti Zhang Msc
2018 Anthony Sannicandro Msc
2019 Cliodhna Murray Msc
2019 Fiona O'Kelly Msc
2017 Sophie Maybury Msc
2014 Barry Murphy Msc
2018 Clara Sanz Nogues Msc
2013 Sarah Bulman PhD
2013 Janice O'Sullivan PhD
2011 Rosanne Raftery Msc
2015 Gillian Sexton Msc
2015 Aine Fleming Msc
2012 Sinead D'Arcy PhD
2013 Paul Loftus Msc
2012 Dave McCarthy Msc

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2019/20 Cellular Manufacturing 1 MD1524
2020/21 Independent Study MD1527
2019/20 Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapy MD1526
2019/20 Cellular Manufacturing & Therapy Dissertation MD1523

Internal Collaborators

  Name Description of Collaboration
Linda Howard
Co-investigation on HRB-Diabetes Ireland grant investigating the aetiology of diabetes-induced osteoporosis.
Sharon Glynn
Pilot study: Investigating the Impact of Diabetes on the Outcome of Fragility Fracture Procedures in Irish Patients
Timothy O'Brien
Co-investigation on HRB-Diabetes Ireland grant investigating the aetiology of diabetes-induced osteoporosis.

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country Description of Collaboration
Helen Burke Galway University Hospitals IRELAND
Investigating Patient Perceptions of Diabetes-Induced Osteopathy
Colin Murphy Galway University Hospitals IRELAND
Pilot study: Investigating the Impact of Diabetes on the Outcome of Fragility Fracture Procedures in Irish Patients
Declan Clarke Zoan Biomed IRELAND
Investigating the efficacy of coral as a bone void filler