Community Living for Europe: Building on the Promise of European Structural and Investment Funds into the Future


The European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) regulations represent a significant step towards realising the rights of millions of Europe’s most marginalised and disadvantaged citizens by ensuring access to community based living for all and ending the practice of institutionalisation. Experiences from the national and local level however evidence a relatively low impact of the ESIF regulations to support community living for all. 

A roundtable in the European Parliament on 1st December, hosted by Mairead McGuinness, Vice President of the European Parliament and organised in partnership with the Community Living for Europe initiative, will share good practices from across the European Union and highlight areas for future improvement especially with a view to informing discussions about the content of the Regulations for the next programming period.

 Senior officials from the European Commission and the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, Members of the European Parliament and of the Community Living for Europe Steering Committee as well as representatives of other European and national civil society organisations are expected to participate in the round table.

Community Living for Europe is an independent initiative tracking how the commitment of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) regulations to support community living for children, persons with disabilities and older people is being achieved. 

Please visit our website for details on the event: Community Living for Europe