Schola Cantorum

Up to ten choral scholarships annually are offered jointly by the university and St Nicholas Schola Cantorum. The Schola Cantorum was established in 2012 by St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church – Ireland’s largest medieval parish church still in use, and boasting a musical tradition stretching back over 500 years. These scholarships offer students the opportunity to be part of this tradition, and avail of unique opportunities for musical education and vocal development. Successful applicants take part in up to four liturgical performances in each semester. They will receive specially tailored vocal training and musicianship tuition under the direction of Mark Duley, organist of St Nicholas, director of St Nicholas Schola Cantorum, and one of Ireland’s most respected choral directors. Mark will be assisted by Schola Cantorum assistant director Dottie Knauer.


Who is eligible?
If you’re enthusiastic about singing, would like to improve your skills, and would love to be part of a high-achieving small choral ensemble, then this could be the opportunity you’ve been looking for! Commitment and enthusiasm are the most important qualities sought in potential scholars. Although potential scholars ideally will have had some previous choral experience and have some sight-singing skills, these are not essential, and tuition will be provided to develop these skills for less experienced singers.

What is the scholarship’s value?
The funding for the Choral Scholarships has been pledged by the Galway University Foundation. The value of the scholarships will be €200 per student per annum, similar to the Scholars’ Prizes which are awarded annually to students who distinguish themselves academically in examinations of the previous year. Scholarships will be awarded at a special ceremony in February 2026 for participants who have fulfilled the requirements of the Choral Scholarship scheme in the 2024/2025 academic year.

What is the time commitment?
The University Choral Scholars’ programme is based around two six-week modules, during which rehearsals and training take place every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7-9pm. The Tuesday attendances will be focused mostly on musicianship, with an emphasis on aural and sightreading training, and learning the repertoire for the semester. On Thursdays the Collegiate Choral Scholars will also attend, and the final three Thursdays of each module will include an earlier start (6.30pm) and the singing of the ancient and beautiful medieval service of Compline at 8pm. At the conclusion of the first semester, the choral scholars also sing at the church’s famous carol service, the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. All rehearsals and services take place in St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church. The schedule for the first semester is set out below.  

How do I apply?
Places in the choir will be awarded upon audition.  Auditions will take place in Siobhán McKenna Theatre, First Floor, Arts Millennium Building, University of Galway on Wednesday 2nd and Friday 4th October 2024. You must email by Thurday 26th  September if you are interested in taking part.

 Times will be allocated prior to your audition.   

What will happen in the audition, and what do I need to prepare?
The audition will last for a maximum of fifteen minutes. You will be asked to sing a song that you have prepared and know well – it can be anything from a folk song to an operatic aria. Accompaniment can be provided if you wish – bring a copy of your music with you for the accompanist. You will be asked to sing for no more than 3 minutes, so choose an extract from your chosen song if it’s longer than that. In addition, you’ll be given some simple and short aural and musicianship tests. The only other important preparation is look at the schedule and decide whether or not you can make the time commitment. Scholars are expected to attend all rehearsals and services. and if you are offered a scholarship you’ll be expected to sign an agreement in which you commit to the programme.

Further opportunities
For more experienced singers, the church itself offers a small number of Collegiate Choral Scholarships, involving membership of the prestigious Collegiate Church Choir and a generous remuneration package. Details of these scholarships can be found here: T&C Collegiate 24.25



  • Tuesdays 19.00-21.00rehearsals 8th, 15th, 22nd 29th October (NB three of these), 5th, 12th, 19th November
  • Thursdays 19.00-21.00 rehearsals 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st October (NB three of these)
  • Thursdays 18.30-20.30 (including Compline) 7th, 14th, 21st November
  • Saturday 21st December 10.00-17.00 workshop day for Carol Service
  • Sunday 22nd December 13.30 for 16.00 Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
  • Second semester dates to be confirmed by October mid-term